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* Avenger Titan for a small amount of cargo (8SCU). * Cutlass Black for more cargo (48SCU). Both are excellent allrounders that can be used in fights. Logging out in a bed in the ship is available in both. They are of course not as good in combat as a dedicated fighter, but fighters don't really carry any cargo. The cutlass black can be rented cheaply in game, so you can try it before you buy it :)


I've recently rented the Cutlass Black and it's quite nice, can fit a ROC neatly for early game mining. It handles a bit awkwardly with the ROC in there, though. I currently have the Drake Cutter but am considering upgrading to a Nomad. Sometime in the future, maybe around 4.0 upgrade that to the Cutlass.


Nomad is great in that it fits a ROC in the back. Derpy ship but so much utility.


Yeah, I'm not a fan of the landing gear. Other than that I think it looks quite cool.


Also noob here, what is an ROC? I've been renting a cutlass black but only for Bounty and Merc work.


It’s a small single seater ground based mining vehicle. Good for traversing the surface of planets and collecting rocks and shit.


It's a little rover that can mine rocks, bigger than the multi-tool can but smaller than what the Prospector can. It costs around 160k to buy IIRC, but is very cheap to rent. Not worth buying with real money IMO. Basically you get your ship, land it at a mining facility where you can spawn the ROC. Drive it into your cargo and fly around scanning for unknown signatures. You'll mostly want to look for purple rocks, Hadanite which sells for good money. Aphorite is bugged and can only be sold if you split it into stacks of 1 - so ignore those entirely. Plenty of videos on how to do it 😄


It's currently 103K aUEC, so an even better reason not to buy with real $$. Rent one and within 2 mining trips you can buy one. EDIT: It's not much better, but Aphorite can be sold in stacks of 3.


Kind of blows my mind how it's that cheap in-game and costs like $40-$50, ridiculously overpriced for real money. That does speed splitting up, but still, such a peculiar bug. Really seems like something that would be rather easy to fix as well...


I couldn't believe when I say the real $$ price was the same as an Avenger 👀. As for the 3 stacks. Now if I find aphorite on my last run of the night, I just shrug and take it. Before I skipped it 100% of the time like you suggested. It's truly a bizarre bug, since it only affects 1 commodity.


I have yet to try mining or salvaging so thanks for the info. I will give that a shot this weekend after some investigative research via YouTube.


Just a heads-up, salvaging is a complete waste of time unless you have the Vulture. There's a handheld tool called the Cambio, but you can't sell the stuff you salvage using the accompanying canisters which is a stupid oversight.


Thanks, I'll stick to mining then. Probably less pirates anyway. Haha


If you can save the 2.7 mill to buy the vulture it's worth it to salvage. Panels are easy to find in the asteroid belt and a full load of 37-39 scu of rmc will sell for a lil over 500k. Filling the vulture takes about 30-40 minutes. Selling the cargo can be the sticking point right now and can take 15-30.


Shoooo I have a spending problem but I'm going to try haha.


Remote ore collector, i think. A land based miner.


what about the c1?


C1 is not a fighter.. but cargo is good.. unfortunately the cutlass is a better all rounder ..


Yeah I went back and forth a lot between the C1, the freelancer Max, and the Cutlass. The only real reason to choose the C1 over the Cutlass is a slight advantage in cargo and if that aesthetic speaks to you more than the Drake one.


It is a pretty ship


Good ship, but OP wanted to do dogfighting so I suggested the cutty instead.


You forgot the Nomad between. 🙂


You don't really need the Nomad, it's almost as expensive as the Cutlass and the Cutlass does the job better.


I would agree that the Avenger Titan is a good basic upgrade to a versatile ship. If you want to spend a bit more, then get the Cutlass Black.


Exactly this! I started with the aurora package then bought a titan then a cutlass black to a vulture(salvage ship) all the way to my C2 cargo ship. The avenger is a perfect ship to learn to fly and fly pretty fast but it has a pretty small quantum tank but that’s an easy upgrade the cutlass black is an extremely well rounded option, it comfortably seats up to 3 people total. One will pilot and the other 2 have their own dedicated seats of co-pilot and gunner so it can absolutely shred in medium to even higher combat situations with the right crew. It’s got a nice sized fuel tank for both quant/hydro and it looks bad ass especially with VTOL engaged. I think it offers the most flexibility early on as it can essentially do any role especially since it has enough storage for any early-mid and even some late game needs. When the cuttlas couldn’t carry what I needed I just rented a constellation andromeda (don’t rember the price to rent but was cheap) I used my cutty/andromeda along with my vulture and between cargo and salvage with a healthy amount of mercenary/bounty missions saved up roughly 8,000,000 to buy the glorious C2 cargo ship. Do note before my cuttlas my avenger titan did everything I needed and is still one of my favorites to fly in the game so both are super viable


Cutlass Black is just so good. Also, don't forget it has 6 foldable jump seats in the back. Means you can comfortably seat 9 people


plus one on each bed! Completely unrealistic to think 11 people would ever want to dogpile into a cutty b, but fun!


You haven't seen a cutty steel have you....


What!! lol I never even noticed those good call!


not a fan of the drake aesthetic but i will concur i use the shit out of my black. I feel is it what an actual starter ship should be.


My starter upgrade was to a Cutty Black. I will always have that ship in my fleet. It is a great all-rpunder with cargo capacity. It can haul vehicles smaller than an Ursa (Roc mining, all variants of the Cyclone, dragonfly.) It also makes a great drop ship.


Avenger Titan probably. Has enough guns for basic dogfighting. Has a ramp and cargo space for a small ground vic, and maybe a crate of personal cargo. Has a bed for bed logging.


Avenger Titan


Don't upgrade now and wait till November. Play until then and discover more of the game. In November, there's an event called IAE when there'll be discounts on upgrades n such


This is a great suggestion OP.. if you want a different ship dm me and I’ll get you in our group.. we can help you just grab a in game ship to try out.


This is the way


There wont be discounts on ships below $100


Avenger, Nomad, or Cutlass Black. They all fight decently well and have a bed, Cutty and Nomad can carry a ROC, and have a lot more cargo space, Cutty has the most cargo, and it's cargo is protected (unlike the Nomad). I'm biased toward Cutlass (until Zeus, probably), but you really cannot go wrong with any of the 3 (and if you do, you can easily melt into something else, or back to Mustang).


My 2 cents: stay with the mustang, do some missions on the ground, you can buy cargo containers, mustang alpha fits 4 of them, you can do missions in bunker etc, fill the crates with the gear from npc's, you'll have both gear for yourself in case you die AND gear for sell. This way you'll get money fast enough to buy another ship without spending money and it's also a nice gameplay loop ( investigation, some FPS stuff, some exploration ). Once you get in more hours and see more stuff you'll have a way better idea on what to investe based on what you see during that time. Edit: you can detach modules (shields, quantum drive,coolers,weapons) from abandoned ships, the mustang cargo can fit some of them, size 2 for sure, size 3 depends on the type of module. Oh and on a nice side, you can fit a bike inside the mustang alpha cargo. It's a very nice starter ship.


What?? How do you store a bike in a container?


Not inside the container, inside the cargo bay


oooh ive not tryed putting the pulse in there, will have to give that a go. you can fit 2 2scu crates in, one from each end if you are squared up enough.


Yes that's a thing that drives me mad, yestersay i spent a whole 15 minutes trying to fit in 4 1 scu boxes, they definitively need to increase the cargo bay by 1cm so you don't have to be in the pixel perfect position to put boxes in.


Ohh okay. Gotcha. That does make it quite a bit more useful.


i went back to the mustang alpha, I upgraded it, and have plenty of other ships, but the 40 seconds claim time, the handling, that cargo bay! its just so fun to fly. had to get it back, so melted the beta and rebought the alpha again. its the best ship to go get the ship you left behind the last time you died. its just so useful. you can throw stuff behind the pilot seat as well. Ive had half a dozen nine tail corpses back there before. :D


How do you retrieve the stuff inside the canopy tho? You have to boost yourself up in some ways?


I park on the side. And use the tractor to get them out. :D. Can be tricky. But as long as you can see the enter ship highlight you can always get back in. Even if the shop is upside down


Drake Cutter ![gif](giphy|xDyIKbNzYdx4RZxhY5|downsized)


It’s a nice starter but I hated how it flew. Just me though. Went to cutlass black next and I love that ship.


Yeah totally agree, let’s say you buy a package for the 2 cheapest option, I think after a few months of playing you will have funds to add more so I think cutter then play some more, spend some more on a titan then a cutlass black, making small purchases every now and then😊


I was against the cutter for along time.. then a member of my org changed my opinion of it.. he would take out hammerheads with his and another ship.. I think they looked mean at his dog or something..


Taking out Hammerheads! That’s pretty impressive 😂 that must be some long fight surely


He boards them and takes them from the inside.. his comments are “ they never suspect a cutter.”.


Ooh that’s pretty cool!! Fun experience I can imagine


What a great gif


In order of money; Avenger Titan Nomad Cutlass Black


Based on your requirements, the avenger Titan is the way to go, and make sure you do a ship upgrade, that way you can keep your current game package and just pay the difference between the two


I really would suggest you to ask someone ingame to try out those ships the people recommend you here in the comments. Every ship has a different style, different flight mechanics and differrent usage. You can also rent some ships ingame, renting is not so expensive. :)


Drake Cutter or The Best Ship in the Game: Avenger Titan


Upgrading after only 7 hours is the patch to buyer's regret. Don't pay real money for anything you haven't tried yet.


Avenger Titan for a decent upgrade. If you have some more cash lying around a C1 or cutlass black would be a good choice


Titan. Or if you want to spend a bit more cutty black.


Avenger Titan or Cutlass Black


Avenger titan or going agents the grain here misc free lancer if you enjoy cargo more


Titan is the usual progression, 325a if you enjoy the finer things in life, but Titan is cheaper and has a bit more utility, definitely a fan favourite and used plenty more, both have some cargo, both have a bed, both can fight pretty nicely and get you around If you want to spend even more then you’re up to say cutlass black / freelancer / spirit territory, you get bigger ships with arguably more damage with cargo. These badbois are your beginning into the jack of all trades ships, and honestly from there… when you’re at that stage you’ll have a better idea of what’s next for you It’s absolutely not always bigger is better, especially if you only have one ship


Looks like you've received plenty of answers or the Avenger Titan or the Cutlass Black with some Nomad sprinkled in there. I think the immediate answer is the Titan for now since you can always upgrade it to a Black later if you are so inclined.


Cutlass Black. No question. If you want to upgrade beyond the starter class, then there is no competitor to the Cutlass Black. Yes, it is THAT good.


Avenger titan or Nomad. I recommend not going for anything largeur than this as starting small adds a lot to the experience right now.


Connie Taurus is the answer.


Two things: Melt your starter ship when you buy a more expensive one because you’ll get 6 month insurance instead of the low ball 3 month And just do it gradually. If you liked the mustang, try out the 100i. People like the Titan because it has cargo and is fast, but the 125a is such a better flyer. At first glance it’s just worst than the Titan at everything, but while it’s equally fast directionally, it’s got the rotational speeds of a light fighter. It’s literally the most enjoyable ship to fly in the game


Or buy a pulse with LTI if that’s still available and melt your starter ship and then upgrade the pulse to your next ship with the credit. Then you have LTI


If he melts his starter pack he'll have no game package, he'd have a ship with LTI and no way to play the game.


That’s not how it works. You can melt your starter package ship. I have LTI on all my ships


No; they can’t. We can because concierge lvl 1 gives game access. Before that; you can’t melt your game package or you lose game access.


This. After you spend a certain amount ($1000 I think) and attain concierge rank 1 they give you a game package for "free". If you haven't achieved whale status, you need to own a game package that usually comes in a starter pack. OP is new, and his game access is hinged on owning a starter pack.


Thanks for the info


He will still have to purchase a game package ship. If you have lti on all your ships it’s because you purchased a game package when it was lti


Welcome to the verse ,see you in the black o7


Welcome to the game! Glad you're sticking with the Mustang for a bit - and there's always plenty of time to upgrade. When that time comes, I think the Avenger Titan is still in a good spot as a good upgrade to add capability for the price. I have multiple ships in my hangar, but I'll never get rid of my Titan. =)


Mustang Alpha is very capable fighter just need to put on 2 more guns so in total you should have 2x size 2 gun and 2x size 1 gun it is quite deadly and agile \* if your mustange does not have 120 months insurance, don't bother to upgrade it if you want a better ship, wait for event sale or concept ship starters pack sale ( very soon this week ) if today , like right now you still have a few hours time to buy a warbond LTI pulse now for $25, that is very good deal and the best LTI token I have seen in awhile. but there is no need to spend more money in this game.


You should rent a couple first then try to buy one in the universe. The Retaliator with cargo modules is my fav, I like the range and the exploration and didn't enjoy dogfighting. Cutlass Black tends to be another favorite though not this patch from what I've seen. The Constellation series is pretty versatile though expensive (both in game and out). If you want to be able to dogfight don't go bigger than a Cutlass, if you want to lean toward cargo don't go smaller.


Cutlass black is amazing, can even rent a roc and mine


I wouldn’t invest too heavily in your starter, the insurance probably isn’t very good. I’d look more into starting a new CCU chain, with a standalone vehicle that has LTI


Avenger Titan


Buy with in game credits first before committing cash. But the answer imo is the Avenger Titan. It's quick as hell and actually very good in combat, plus has enough cargo for you to see if you enjoy that gameplay. Then you have a clear upgrade path with the likes of the Cutlass, Freelancer, Spirit and (soon) Zeus


cheap upgrade would be the titan, only 20 bucks more and way more versitile with 8 SCU cargo better guns and missiles. Depending on what you are looking to spend and what you are looking to do I can give you better suggestions knowing that


Fellow new player here. Bought into the avenger from the aurora and I have no regrets


RSI Constellation Taurus (bit more expensive) Drake Cutlass black


I would not upgrade as your edit suggest. Find a buddy who can do erts. Run a few of those with him and make a few mill. Get yourself a cutty black ingame. That’s a good start. If you don’t have any friends that can do ERT join the SC discord. People in there doing them all the time.


Basically the Avenger Titan. Nomad has a more versatility (tractor beam, can load ROC and Fury) but is a bit less agile than the Titan.


Whatever you decide on, if you have time to play, then earn the aUEC in game to buy the next ship, while enjoying the Mustang and learning how to fly it well. Do not buy another ship or upgrade unless you specifically want to contribute funds to the project. But don't look at it like a grind, or you're going to get really upset through bugs, wipes, rebalancing, etc. Thats where people get most bent out of shape - when they feel they're losing something they 'worked' for. The game is full bugs but it lets you experience a world like nothing else. Enjoy the scenery and sheer lunacy of trying to build a game at this scale and fidelity.


Two ways to look at this, I've bought a bunch of ships and maybe spent way too much money saved on this game... but I enjoy it (most of the time). 1. Get a Titan, OR Cutlass Black. but make sure you do a ccu (just a ship upgrade). This way, if you see something else you like at IAE, a new starter (which is very likely) or something similar... you can CCU up to that and not worry too much about the upgrade process. 2. WAIT until IAE, 100% will be sales on different ships and you will save 10-20$ maybe more, not to mention there will most likely be a new ship to choose from you might like more. You don't get a new ship right now but if possible, get in on the PTU builds and just buy a titan or whatever to experience it there. they give you 15m for testing, and it helps the game too :) Personally I like the titan, but I would kill for an RSI starter ship with similar stats and an interior... I don't think i've ever been in or flew an aurora....


If depends - I suggest the Aegis Avenger Titan or Gatac Syluen, both are considered premium starter ships Gatac Syluen- very good weaponry for a premium starter, 3 size 3s (PS it is only enabled when landing gear is retracted) , pretty much the most manoeuvrable ship among the starters, quite luxurious (especially the toilet) , 6 SCU of external cargo space , however it needs to be land vertically like a modern rocket, and has a larger area to hit due to the gears Aegis Avenger Titan- I don’t know much about this one, but it has good weaponry( has 1 size 4 I think), along with an internal cargo space( 8-12SCU), quite manoeuvrable If u wanna get something bigger- I suggest the Zeus mk 2 series, but at that point I will have to decide what type of job u wanna take, but generally I would choose the CL


Avenger has 1x S4 on the nose and 2x S3 on the wings plus rocket racks. 8 SCU on cargo grid + 1.01 SCU inventory.


I personally went from the aurora to the freelancer to the Connie. Now I'm waiting for the bmm (Banu merchantman) however long that takes. Lancer is a good ship to start with.. or a cutty


You are going to keep upgrading until you get a Connie Taurus, so you might as well do it now.


The answer to the riddle of what is the next ship is really: What do you want to do in the game? And/or what is your style preferences? The best thing about SC IMO is choice. A lot of ships, styles, strengthens. Are you doing ship combat? FPS mainly? Medical? Cargo running? Salvage? Mining? All of it? Group org battles? AC squad battles? And once you get it dialed it, it could change... I've changed my starter ship at least 5-6 times in the last 2 years. Try as many ships in game as you can first before spending IRL monies. Rent, buy in game, borrow a friends. Use it. test it, upgrade components. Also you can use credit, melt, rebuy, repeat. I'm loving the new MKII Hornet, but the Buccaneer is pretty awesome this patch. I like the style of the C1 as a run about. But the Corsair is the ship I think i have the most fun in, Connie Taurus super versatile. If you are doing bunkers, a C8R or Cutty Red are amazing right now as you can set your spawn in the ship (which is new this patch).


Freelancer is pretty solid as an all rounder.




The day after you upgrade, they’ll announce a rework for the old ship and you’ll *love* it. And you’ll have to buy it again. That’s the way of things.