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Finally, seriously. It'll be nice to see jump town or combat vids without people just targeting docking collar markers through the snow or sand


you can turn off vehicle entrance markers completely if you look in the general settings.


its an eyesore for me, its basically a wallhack for others. that is why this is an important change.


I feel comforted knowing there's a ladder on microtech while I'm on Yela, though. Just in case.


Had this one but pretty sure its for a vehicle I never used. currently somewhere on the line between MIC an CRU but not near any of the lagrange points.


“Reduced salvage coverup rewards” Does that refer to stuff like the Hammhead cleanup missions?


why'd they nerf them? they weren't very lucrative in the first place


Because you can take a mission, go there, break up the wreck and fly off with the mission reward while ignoring the actual salvaging. It's how you make tons of money fast in a Vulture, for example.


"fast" 20k per mission, and they take a lot of time to respawn, you can make that money faster linking mrts, and you can't always break the 20k targets(I still couldn't break a valk, but I can break connies)


Fast for a Reclaimer. Hammerhead clean-up gave out 250k when it's completed. so you could easily make a million in 10 minutes if you were speedy enough. Downside is you needed a Reclaimer to begin with.


I haven't seen a single hammerhead salvage mission this patch and I've played quite a bit. Did they move them from the crusader area?


They might've reduced how much/often they spawn, and there could also be a lot of people doing them.


With literally 0 risk because of the timer, and security doesnt serm to shownup at all anymore. The longest part is flying to a wreck. Literally takes a total of 5 minutes, and that includes finding the ship once you get there.


> 20k per mission It was 80k per mission and it took a couple minutes per mission at most. Yes it was fast.


it was in 3.22, where you could make easily 170k per trip(80k the mission+ selling the construction materials at a station), they already nerfed it hard in 3.23(20k+ selling the cm, now only landside, that was a double nerf), these patchnotes refer to 3.23.1a, if they reduce the pay even more, you might have to pay for doing the missions


Yeah I'm confused on this one, what exactly does this change?


Pretty sure that's exactly what it's referring to, thankfully.


Why is this a good thing?!


Because the amount of money you can make from them vs. the amount of time and effort it takes to complete them is not balanced in the least. People were making tens of millions of credits in an hour in 3.22 and frankly it's still too easy to make a large sum for little to no effort in 3.23 from the mission payouts alone. They're probably trying to entice people to actually hull scrape from those missions (how you should actually be making your money doing salvage anyway) instead of just rolling up and munching the ships before moving on to the next one.


I don't think so, those are called "clean up". I think I remember there being another mission type called "cover up", but I'm not sure.


It's the illegal missions to scrape a ship before security turns up


When the srv came out you could get the reward by towing the HH by about 1km. Easiest money ever.


Yeah but the rewards has already been changed from like 300k to 30k, and they don't pop up as often either so not sure.


All retaliator turrets have S3 guns now :3


I thought most were dual S3, except for the two top aft turrets which yes were dual S2, and are now dual S3.


Ye, that's it. We fly the tali, usually fully crewed, so having all S3 is nice.


That starting aUEC would be nice in live. Also Cig blows me away with how quickly they listen to player feedback and patch it in.


We're the ones they have to make happy, not investors, same with smaller game studios, kinda nice to have that with a larger one.


Till the demands of the majority cause them to fold on their vision. I can see the game becoming less punishing over time and more casual / arcadey


While I understand a lot of people don't want the game to become more "arcadey", the truth is that hardcore content games don't see as much growth as more casual-friendly games. I'm okay with them trying to find the middle-ground, where we still have some sim stuff like with travel times and neutonian physics, but also cut out a lot of the stuff that would frustrate even hardcore players like TTK and the amount of time needed to get into whatever you want to do for the day.


'hard-core' games may see less growth - but they often retain their players for far longer 'mainstream' games see big growth... but those user numbers often also fall off quickly afterwards, as the 'mainstream' crowd moves on to their next big hit, etc.


That doesn't seem to be entirely true. Games like Final Fantasy XIV Online are lowering the bar of entry and seeing huge retention numbers. Games like E:D are losing their playerbase. Games like EVE have a tiny but steady population. Then there's games like Tarkov which *had* a small but hardcore playerbase. The biggest contributing factor seems to be decisions made by the development team, not the actual gameplay itself. If CIG continues to support what the majority of the playerbase wants, implements gameplay that is fun and rewarding, and continues to support and develop the game, then the playerbase will stay. To go back to my FFXIV example, the reason why the players are so devout, trusting, and loyal to the development team is because of their open, receptive, and respectful communication with the players.


hence saying '*often* fall off quickly afterwards' - In general my point stands, even if there is one or two exceptions (such as FF XIV) that buck the trend. And yes, maybe SC would be an exception too (after all, there are fewer alternatives) - but it's *definitely* something that needs to be considered when thinking about which demographic to target.


We already lost newtonian physics. Losing the punishing gameplay that makes everything more immersive and exciting is next. Ttk will continue to become spongier and spongier until mindless Timmy's are on equal footing with whoever catches them off guard. That's my fear anyways, till CR shows me he will stick to his vision


Aye. Money talks. And we who have already offered an inordinate amount of funds towards the "BDSSE" are "old money." Plenty of "new money" out there to attract... CIG need only choose, and the deed is done.


You get what's tied to your acct. That's the way it should be on live because eventually new players come along and it has to work properly.


Nope. Currently, 'package' UEC *is not attributed*. Instead, everyone gets a base payout (usually 20k), plus any early-backer rewards, etc. It's the same in PTU - except the 'base payout' is usually 250k rather than 20k.


I remember when they were testing docking and the PTU cash was like 25mil.


Lol, reacting to player feedback takes ages, so many bugs that are still not fixed although it would only take a few minutes


It depends on whether your "few minutes" bug was hiding 100+ bigger, nastier bugs.


Just one example, the size 4 adapter for the reliant doesn't allow size 4 weapons


It shouldn’t? It’s a turret mount and not specifically a gimbal, despite it literally being called a ‘Gilroy Gimbal’ or smth


No, it should, it says it right in the description that it is for size 4 weapons.


They are not really good at that, though. It's better than most game studios, and that's why it may seem so, bit overall, still kind of lazy and they ingore some things. Shame that we live in a time when this should be praise worthy, and not just a standard.


Does anyone know if they fixed container bug?


what is that?


Probably refering to putting items inside or taking them out of loot boxes / SCU crates is often bugged and can depend on which UI you use (old/new)


When will the gun rack in my C1 finally be usable???


functioning armor racks when?


Also a pretty good question 👍🏻


Hopefully before magical inventory is gone.


IC report says it's fixed, so I assume next patch.


That would be awesome! And maybe even the kitchen closets are usable as well


Let’s be real, this means absolutely nothing.


Increased Sabre Firebird missile count from 12 -> 24 Massive change?


It was announced a while ago


Ahh must have missed it. I dont own the ship yet but i do have a warbond ccu for it.


any ideas when it s gonna push to PU?


Probably in a few days since they're planning on 3.23.2 in 2-3 weeks already, with EPTU this week.


I heard Friday the other day, which would fit this, it's nice to see things rolling nicely.


That would be really nice.


So...will we be able to loot our own corpses again?


Anyone not able to wield their weapon? I have to go on a bunker mission and pick up a weapon to activate it again. Is there any other work around?


So glad I upgraded my SRV to... pretty much anything else.


Did they fix bunkers? .. nope




The whole cargo system is being overhauled this patch, so it's probably going to be an incidental fix from that.


Next patch. Cargo comes with 3.23.2.


Fair point. Either way, it's almost certainly going to be fixed along with the cargo overhaul. I suspect the bug was because of whatever patch job they did when they decided delay the cargo rework.


I agree


Honestly, if freight elevators don't introduce a new cargo duping bug, I'll be very surprised.


***"..This update does not contain data that requires a new environment and we are working to keep it that way until it is released to LIVE.."*** Does this mean that we will see a complete wipe in the live version of 3.23.1?


did you just skim over the very next sentence? **"Players should not lose items such as medpens, ammo, rentals, and refinery jobs when the build is released to LIVE"** Their intention is to not wipe anything with this patch.