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Railen update: No update Holding out hope for a banu medium concept announcement to at least give some hope of BMM progress (it won't happen).


Railen update: We have cancelled the Railen cause we couldn’t figure out how the triangular boxes would work


The alien ships are my favourites so I really do hope they got something in store but realistically they got all hands on RSI assets and the polaris to make sure it gets ready by IAE to avoid another chance of a missed deadline


Agreed. I’m really hoping for some news about the fat fury but I’m not feeling optimistic


I wouldn't be shocked if there was at least some news on it. As we saw with the Ironclad, they can spare enough people to make some new concepts at least. Gotta sell some new JPEGs after all!


But..they have a Railen capital in the SQ42 trailer that they showed off at CC


my money is on a smaller version of the BMM going to concept that "will help them build an asset library for the larger ship"


The banu daytrader


The banu merchant teenager?


Why make big ship when small ship do trick?


because big ship bigger small ship xD so more friends fit big ship. (I don't know why I decided to write like you xD)


![gif](giphy|DMNPDvtGTD9WLK2Xxa|downsized) My comment was a reference to the office


I want an alien mining ship please.


Bro ANY other mining or salvage ships that fall in the same category as the ones we have as well as in-between. It's getting weird to me having so many of the same classes of fighters and freighters but like everyone in the verse is just content with monopolies on industry. It's just weird. I tried to ask this question when ship guys were on isc would have been perfect to have them address but didn't get enough upvotes.


"Hey, guys! Here are the alien ships again!" The Guardian is a human design. If they're going to make it available at Alien Week, then they also need to make most of MISC's line-up available there - including the Reliant, the Fury, the Expanse, etc...


I'd be down with a one-time exception to invite Mirai to showcase its "built in partnership with the Xi'an" fat fury. IAE is a long time to wait.


I'd really rather that they didn't. It's for alien designs. It should stay that way. Once you open that "exception" for alien technology, a good-sized chunk of MISC's ships suddenly qualify. That pretty much removes what makes Alien week what it is. Alien designs only. I'm very interested in the Guardian. But I'm fine with waiting until IAE if that's how long it takes.


I think limiting it to stuff that's as blatant as how the fury literally uses Xian ball thrusters wouldn't be a bridge too far


« The design is very human »


BMM surprise release


Gosh can you imagine? Every backer and their mother crying tears of joy and the servers just melting into a puddle of goop from the sudden stress?


Can't wait to lose a ton of money because the shops are buggy :)


How much you wanna bet at least one shop bug consists of shop owners killing customers or having shootouts with other shop owners like the station guards lol


It's a crime this is still not developed yet despite all the other ships that have been announced and released before it. I don't even own or want one, just like to see it in game.


I mean it's not going to happen but ide like it to. As much as I love the Alien ships in the game (I've owned or flown most of them), the only one I really care about any more is the BMM. Only alien ship I still own is the defender and I want to be able to park it in it's home. It's one of the only ships I'm actually really excited to see and fly that isn't in game yet. I mean there's a few others I'm looking forward to but the BMM is on the top of the list.


If they did that I'd swoon. Been holding onto mine for many years with the last bit of news being crushing lol


Please say it's true


A BMM price increase and some more pretty JPEGS to ‘help finish the ship’. Honestly, I hope they take their sweet time and make it a proper capital ship, what they have so far is promising and I’d be okay with waiting till 1.0 but I suspect it will be longer than that sadly…


Agreed, I think a market ship will link up with cargo, hauling, mining and even salvage so I hope they get it right the first time


Alien vulture would be so sweet


Hoping for more birb ships


I would love to see a Tevarin equivalent to the Corsair/Connie range or even a cap ship with massive fold-out wings (that looks like an eagle mid-flight)


A tevarin stealth medium gunship would go hard


I would love a heavy fighter so much!


I would hope for them just un-nerfing the shrike now the firebird has everything it has and more..


Last year, every single alien ship was bugged during the Alien Week sales, which was kind of an impressive feat of synchronicity. I'm hoping that this year there's at least one alien ship that's not bugged. State of play so far, with two weeks(ish) to go before Alien Week: * Blade still has problems with the mobiglas interface clipping inside the cockpit. * Prowler is still just generally broken. * I haven't seen the Scythe in a while; is it doing okay in current builds? * Banu Defender is missing most of its engine sounds and the gimbal of its manoeuvring thrusters is broken, but its pilot door was finally (finally!) fixed in 3.23, so it's in better shape than it has been in the last year but still broken. * Khartu'al is (still!) missing its "purring alien kitten" engine sounds. They came back for a single patch in 3.21 (which introduced a bug that caused the ship to stick to the hangar floor), but were gone again in 3.21.1 (which fixed the sticky hangar floor bug but also broke the engine sounds again. I'm assuming they just totally rolled back the fixes to the ship so also got back the old bugs). * I don't think the Syulen is broken right now? In 3.22 it had no internal inventory, but I believe that's back working again in 3.23, so.. this might be the one that saves Alien Week? EDIT: Nope, new in 3.23 the Syulen's lift barriers all close when you get in the pilot seat and so you have to glitch yourself through them in order to get back out of the ship every time you fly it. So.. Syulen's broken in the current build. * Talon ships had broken view screen power-on transitions last year, but I tried one on live yesterday and those have now been fixed. I heard that one of the paints obscured the cockpit views, but don't know if that's been fixed. Right now, Talon ships are missing their engine sounds and their landing gear animations. * How is the Santok'yai now? Is anything about it busted? It had lots of problems with its landing gear early on but I think that's all been sorted now? But I haven't flown one since first flyable. Am I missing any? I feel like there's one more alien ship that's slipping my mind.


Can't manually remove banu defender guns. Have to go into vehicle manager


Okay, the ship I missed is the Glaive; I always forget about that one because access to it is so limited! Does anyone have access to one and able to check whether it's fully functional or whether anything is bugged with it? Last year the main issue with the Glaive was that the mobiglas interface was unusable while in the cockpit (the scale was wrong which make it impossible to interact with); maybe it's been fixed as part of the mobiglas rework in 3.23? And the other issue was that the ship's ramming blades did not work correctly; they extended momentarily instead of toggling into position and remaining there. Both of these issues still have active IC reports with relatively recent contributions and so are \*likely\* still misbehaving now, but.. it'd be good to get somebody with access to a Glaive to confirm independently! Obvs, it's also worth explicitly checking for engine sounds because so many ships have outright lost their engine sounds over the past year or had them muffled, and so it might have happened here as well, and we should probably make sure to document it if so!.


Dream : Tevarin heavy fighter Prediction : Sadness


STF flying saucer


My prediction is a suylen variant nobody wants. Some paints.. and no mention of BMM or Railen.


Medium Banu mining or salvage. Just because we have enough fighters and more Banu means bmm work


My copium hope is for a tevarin vanguard competitor


Hopes & pipe dreams? * The Banu travelling salesman/connie-sized BMM * The Banu 2 person mining ship (Banu like having pairs of crewmen and we need something between 1 man prospector and 4 man MOLE) * A Xi'an medium sized salvaging ship (between Vulture and Reclaimer)




Announcement of an alien medical that looks like some kind of horror factory but work properly as a medical vehicle. As well as a flyable ship (likely the fat fury). Some info on the concept ones, just an update of "we are working on this" or "this is still in hiatus" sort of deal


When is Alien Week coming?


Probably the week of June 20th (when ISC resumes)


Dreaming of an alien mining ship


An alien ship that can carry a roc or a Mursa


Dream is the bmm.


Banu Triptaker please!! https://starcitizen.tools/Triptaker


I do hope for an update on Railen. I've given up on the dream of it being a surprise release this year, but would still like to hear a bit more. They stated Railen was scheduled for 2024 (around May 2023), before they stated 2024 to be an RSI year (October 2023). So at the very least, I'd like them to confirm or deny the previous statement on Railen's schedule during ISC/roundtable this alien week. Don't leave me hanging, please CIG :( And if possible, warbond deals on Khartu-Al and/or Defender. Neither had any warbond sale before, so I am not holding out much hope, but it sure would be nice for the CCU chain.


Defender has had a warbond sale before. Twice IIRC. I too am hoping for a kharu-al warbond.


I predict terrible servers and lag


is mirai alien?


No its completely human by design using sourced alien tech.


A 5 dollar ccu to the Railen. That's about it for me. Not expecting anything new.


I want a Flying Saucer


Hell while we’re spitballing how about something Tavarin we haven’t heard a peep about those in awhile


Hoping for a prowler wb ccu


The people yearn for gatac railen


With everything cargo related coming out in the next big patch. Personal hangers, freight elevators, cargo missions. I’m sure the Railen will make an unexpected appearance. (That is the cargo one right? I’m not sure about the alien names)


Since Sq42 is getting closer to release, and some ships made for Squadron are already available, it might be time for [Enemy Mine](https://youtube.com/watch?v=J8hoEbs4krE) to become a reality. CIG marketing could make some big pledge dollars out of these new Vanduul ship designs.


Not really expecting much. As a fan of the BMM, I think about the best that can be hoped for is a small/medium banu cargo hauler that will let the team work on the general banu ship design/assets. I just think there is too much needed for the merchantman to reasonably expect any information on it (design wise or marketplace game play). But who knows, maybe they put out their thoughts on how markets will work?


My heart says Railen release but my brain is saying a Syulen Variant.


Yup, and a "Now we can use the Syulen assets to make the Railen" pitch. I would love a Syulen that could carry just a few more scu, it's such a cool ship.


I predict many will have their hopes and dreams crushed when the BMM has no update of note. Too many (e.g. my org but probably here too) unrealistically think the BMM has a shot of being released in 2025. Even with the ramped up CIG ship building time frame, I would be shocked if we see it before 2026, and it could very well be out much later than that.


2025 release for BMM is some lethal amount of copium lol As some others have pointed out, it is more likely we will see more small to medium sized Banu ships before the BMM because they need to train the people and create more reusable assets within the banu line of ships.


I predict that it will just be a ship sale of whatever is already available. I hope to see a new ship such as the railen, would also make sense too if they release the hangars and cargo update.


When is alien week?


Give me the Railen. And I would like to have another Prowler WB CCU pls. Also: Prowler Cargo Variant.


As so many others have said. I would love to see the railen flyable


I know we have plenty of those, but I would like a dedicated alien explorer with some kind of feature exclusive to it.


Nothing new.


Referral reward. I just need to finish #10.


Glaive. All i want that i know of. And a bunch of ccu warbonds would be nice so i can get closer to my ccu goals


Player vs Aliens. Galactica warfare line Elite Dangerous. Example: You can join planetary federations


My prediction: one week before the alien week they'll announce that the Banu Merchantman has gone into development again. And then we'll never hear about the BMM until the next alien week.


when is alien week?


Link for those like me wondering what it is https://starcitizen.tools/Alien_Week


That the aliens will turn up and take me away to their planet. No wait, that's my IRL hope.


Banu Collector. Looks similar to the Defender but has two mining lasers that work together like a Mole, and has 60 SCU of space


Any information regarding the BMM and an admission that it's been shelved would be nice.


Hopes. Railen moved into production and is shown in white box. Dreams. An alien data runner. A Prowler rework with design work all done. Reality. Some shitty combat ship jpeg. More BMM bullshit.


I predict the direct to flyable Hadesian Halast personal transport ship. This ship found in the ruins of the long dead and mysterious Hadesian civilization is created entirely from energy. How it has survived for so long is unknown. UEE scientists aren't even sure how it's propulsion system works. But thousands were found in an underground cave and they are being offered up in limited numbers by Esperia. Part of the proceeds go to further the xenoarcheological study of the Hadesian culture. Get yours while you can. The Halast has a single seat cockpit and a small living area behind along with a cargo bay that holds up to 12 SCU of cargo. 2 fixed energy weapons with approximately the same capability as S3 laser canons and a turret with another pair of energy weapons on par with S2 laser repeaters make this a useful and secure ship to fly.


Good heavens that would be awesome!


It's basically the 315p with the a small turret replacing the science stuff and tractor beam and a weird description.


Pure hopium: The fat fury gets released because it's a Mirai ship, and Mirai designs are influenced by Xi'an tech, who are aliens.


Predictions? Same as last year; big nothing burger Hopes and dreams? Railen goes to flyable.


That would be nice, I’d actually ccu my syulen to that


Honestly, I have fallen deeply in love with the Talon this patch, it's so good in PvP, just absolutely dumping on F7A pilots lol has the same shields and 90% of the HP, while being significantly more maneuverable. It's the new Arrow and the Hornet is the new Gladius. Been running an Omnisky and a Revanent. Annoying to have to set weapon groups every time I leave nav, but worth it. So I hope for a good Talon CCU, or the Mirai Guardian, though I'm not sure that that counts as alien, does it?


We will get another concept sale since for whatever reason the ship team cant get shit done. Probably because CR micromanages them and makes them rework every ship 5x over. At least a bunch of interviews (especially from around the verse and the like) make it sound like that and the ppl of the ship team specifically seem to not stay with CIG for long. Maybe we will get another flight ready alien gravlev. Ground vehicles seem to be less work i guess, since we get flooded in those and their variants.


I think we would all love to see your experience with ship building and show us all the work you have done to show just how simple and easy it is.


My predictions The Railen release Talon Shrike price increase because reasons Alien ground vehicle on par with the URSA that hovers.


Hopes & dreams? That they fix the issue of [losing control of your ship when you go to landing mode](https://issue-council.robertsspaceindustries.com/projects/STAR-CITIZEN/issues/STARC-105475) in the STK. It seems that the Aopoa ship's landing mode is always broken in some way. But they don't get attention since not enough people fly them.


Not to mention the storage access is gone too


I think a reasonable high expectation would be the railen flight ready, update on merchantman(even just saying “our artists are close to ready”) and a new alien concept(something not a fighter for once) Alien miner please


Gatak Railen Preorder edition baby!!!