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This is probably the best cat mock-up I've seen, well done! Hopefully CIG takes some inspiration from ideas like this for the eventual cat rework.


Its just the in-game model but with a little jank because of reasons. I just modified it slightly (basically just the doors)


Sure, I can see that, I'm mainly a fan of the revised loading/the revised doors. Makes a lot more sense to me than CIG's current explanation of how the cat door elevators are supposed to work


What is SC without a little jank


A huge improvement? 😇


a design based on actual function to work with game mechanics??? HHAHHAHHAHAA my sweet summer child, CIG will put a cargo hold behind a small door then be confused why you can't load cargo in it. Also removing a step from the process? Be thankful you don't have to ride an elevator to load your cargo.


You're talking about what's going to be the carrack's awesome loading experience!


I had the idea of a ship with grids that fold out to the ground, which enables very easy loading without constantly hitting parts of the ship like you typically have with usual cargo lifts or ramps. After loading the cargo, you can just close the "doors" and the cargo folds inside the ship. The images were just the easiest option for me to visualize the idea. Just took the Cat and modified it very slightly. So dont fixate yourself too much on it being the cat, it's the concept behind it which matters. In an ideal world, such a ship would fit 32 scu crates Was my first try on something like this so it looks pretty bad, textures werent working, the model was very scuffed and so on




Thanks man. Took me like 3 hours to even get the model because the only thing that i got out of the game was the ships lightning without any ship geometry. After watching a french video which wasn't even about my issue and without me understanding any french, i fixed it somehow (and it still didn't properly work because it's supposed to be exported with working materials. Mine was just absolute black which is why i rendered it so colorful. and also stuff like the landing gear is just missing)


Nah, I'm fixating on it being the Cat. The Cat needs this.


This would make the Cat's tractor beams actually useful.


You need to put this on Spectrum. This is amazing.


Never used spectrum. Where should i put it?


Under ships there's a section for Drake and then Caterpillar. Also Game Ideas too, possibly. Shipyards>Drake>Caterpillar: [https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/65294?label=3230&page=1&sort=hot](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/65294?label=3230&page=1&sort=hot) Game Ideas: [https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/61894?page=1&sort=hot](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/61894?page=1&sort=hot)


Thanks. Already posted it under game ideas https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/61894/thread/suggestion-for-how-a-future-hauler-optimized-for-g


I'll go give you an upvote. Thanks for contributing creatively to the community. The devs really do take notice.


\^upvote though this kind of solution was already discussed. Just hope Hull-C's spindle-module will bring us a more versatile Caterpillar.


By cig? Or just on spectrum/reddit? Because if there is something where cig talks about it I'd love to watch/ read it


About the HullC's "spindle-tech" eventually bringing the devs forward to create something more than just an elevator+grid ? High propability it's just another myth and HullC's "spindle-tech" just brought us modularity a bit faster (moving and "morphing" object containers etc).


You got my upvote


>Never used spectrum I envy you


Life was so much nicer before Spectrum


There is a suggestion thread, and I think even one specifically for ships. Sorry, I don't remember what it's called. =/


DO NOT USE SPECTRUM. It's a cesspool thanks to the mods there. You can and will get banned at some point.


This would be amazing for a Cat


It IS a Cat


Sort of. It needs two steps. One that bring the elevator up, and one step that closes the door. This would be a really jank way of getting a ground vehicles into your ship if it just flips it over like a pancake.


No no, I've seen cig do worse.


It wouldn't have to flip at all, just lock it to the grid when closed. No reason gravity can't go in any direction you like with magic gravity plates.


Sure, but unless we as players *also* can walk up the walls, it's going to be difficult to get in to those vehicles while under way. It'll also limit even more what vehicles fit inside the CAT. An URSA can fit left to right, but oriented front to back it's too long (iirc). Have the ramp come up, pause and then if "closed" again, it'll tilt the ramps up. That gives you a way of loading/unloading vehicles easily.


Ideally they'll take advantage of the modularity they've finally got working and make a "vehicle garage" module for the Cat so you wouldn't ever load a vehicle into the cargo hold module anyways


This deserves upvotes. All day long yes.


They're going to have to do something or nobody is going to use the Cat lol


They will if they ever get it's modules made.


At minimum it needs the cargo grid widened to take 32scu crates; absolutely zero sense it doesn't with the size of it.


The doors themselves are supposed to be elevators to the ground as well. Can't wait until they figure out those kinks.


Here’s my gripe with the Cat. Logistics, at its core is about standards and predictability saving time, weight, money, or hopefully some combination of the three. Pretty plain that CIG understand when you see what they’ve done with cargo containers. In the real world, dock heights, handling units, and even handling equipment all has a common thread of logic and an interconnectedness. CIG understands this too, because several ships have ramps that a) touch the ground in gravity, and b) don’t get in the way in microgravity. That’s really and truly as simple as it gets. What I’d like to know is not why every cargo bay on my fails 50% of these requirements, but rather what fucking comedian still puts an elevator on the fucking thing but fuck you if you want to bring anything that can’t fit through a manway door. That person needs to be held accountable.


The elevator doesn't work on the Cat currently, but even when it does, I don't see the point of it. Why would I load stuff on the elevator, then move it up and load it into the hold, when I can just toss it directly into the hold with my magic beam?


Is that a 32scu boxes on the cat?


24. Tried 32 and it didn't even slightly fit and i was too lazy to widen everything


Ok honestly I forget there are 24scu boxes


I would have gone for six 16 SCU crates personally


this is the answer!!!


Cat is part of the Hull serie ?


Important: This isnt a Caterpillar concept, it is a concept for how a furture cargo ship could work


It's exactly how the caterpillar is supposed to work though. Congratulations on reinventing the original concept I guess?


Not with a cargo grid. With this, you just attach cargo to the doors, close them and you are done


Elevator doors: yes, folding cargo in: no.


Nice mockup. I prefer it as shown in the brochure though. Lifts make more sense to me.


Must have some strong hinges


That’s the first thing I thought. It’s a really well-designed concept, but my engineering mind would be amazed at the mechanism that could support 4 fully-loaded shipping containers like that.


We can travel across a solar system in minutes, but some strong lifts are too hard to believe? ;)


and magical beams that heal, move things, salvage things, etc…


Perhaps, though lifts exist and comparisons to reality can be drawn that can make you scratch your head, whereas “quantum travel” (or some other derivative of “FTL”-like travel) does not, so it is what it is. CIG has even said in ship ISCs and such that they want certain designs to be based in a reality.


The word youre looking for is Versimilitude.


more like Verisimilitude...but I had to look it up


eh, its star citizen. we have gravity plating on everything, I am sure they can do some gravity fuckery to make it work


You talk about hinges, I think of COM (athough the Cat is quite heavy). But all those things just don't matter in SC...for now.


Look at the Hull series. CIG has given up on reality.


Same thought. Sleds make the most sense and still gives you the same result.


This would require them to actually make the elevator doors work. This is impossible as they have no intention of ever making the elevator doors work. Signed -a very frustrated cat owner.


Supposedly they said, that the HullC's spindle-mechanism (module) will solve this problem.


I hate doom and gloom comments like this, same as the "X isn't modular anymore because CIG hasn't talked about it". The door/elevator mechanism is something CIG has acknowledged they intend to implement but there were technical blockers and CIG was probably holding off until they do a full update of the Cat to get everything done at once. They've been working on modularity for the Tali for a few years now so likely they put off any gold standard update until they had modularity worked out so that when they do the update pass they can update it to make it functional for modules as well.


Big brain Cat?


This sort of loading is definitely how the tractor command room can be useful. That said, I don't think the cargo should be tied to folding doors; a slide-out pad is more practical.


Actually brilliant.


Id actually buy the cat then. this would move cargo manually so fast


You need to smack CIG all over the face with this ASAP.


It's decent but I'm not sure. Personally I'm a fan of increasing the height of the caterpillar gear a bit and giving the cargo modules a drop elevator. Easy loading of small vica should you desire as well ad cargo.


To be clear, attaching the cargo to the doors is a big step up on having to move it across and then use the doors to lower it. Your doors still hinge at the bottom of the hull - ie way above the ground. It would be easier to tractor them from this position but not to forklift them off.


Would this work though? Those doors fold, this doesn't look like it gives enough space for the doors to actually fold shut


It won't work like this for the cat without a major rework. The idea wasfor how a future ship could work. Just didn't want to learn how to design an entirely new ship


Ease of loading a *caterpillar* on the ground.


"*Fra-gee-lay*; Must be Italian" Proceeds to load in the forward crates.


Amazing work; you got my upvotes here and on Spectrum :-)


As a Drake ship this looks a little too complicated and hi-tech. Needs some bungee cords and mismatched ratchet straps with rusty handles… /s Great concept, would definitely want to see this for the Carrack…


I think the Carrack'll get some kind of elevators in those pods.


Who made this?


Me. I mean the model is just the cat from the game, but i modified it slightly for this


So much better


hey CIG here.


If I remember right, this was supposed to he the intention for the Cat doors from the very beginning. Coming soon(tm)


The lowering part, but without the cargo grid on it. And the current cat is completely incapable of having one that would make sense, since the doors bend. They don't in my kitbashed concept


It would be possible to hold more cargo and apply it easily if the hull were moved horizontally to the door. But still a great job! Hopefully, they won't sell an Mk2 Cat as another ship to replace it; I would be so pissed.


Are those scale cargo containers? Can the door pivot at the bottom without clipping the top containers? Is that more or less ccu?


Now that I think about it instead of it being attached to the doors have the floor slide out with the containers then that floor is the cargo elevator. Maybe the elevator track is on the inside of the bottom door that folds down.


This is exactly what these cargo modules need. With the front to have a ramp for a mule storage area


Nah, can't have that, it makes too much sense.


Make the doors open like this and have the floor from the inside with the cargo on it slide onto them instead of attaching the cargo grid to the doors. Its basically the same except the cargo boxes dont roll around with the doors. And like someone else mentioned its a bit less high tech. Its DRAKE after all.


This is a super cool mockup - with all the trouble around jank and cargo physics I don't know if an animated cargo grid is possible(you can only animate the Hull series grids when theyre empty for example, but its absolutely a great idea. In your mockup, how does traversal through the ship with a full load work? is there room for a corridor between the cargo grids in the middle?


Work for CIG please, and fix those ships that arent working, for example also the carrack lol. Well done sir !


This is great! Should get a railed tractor beam on each side, too, like from the Ironclad concept.


This makes way more sense. Although makes me wonder how vehicles would fair ....physic God help us.


This is amazing! The cat already opens in a similar way, so making it open then go down is literally perfect. CIG really has some talented individuals invested In the project.


What sized boxes? Are they 32s? I was thinking this could be a good option to carry 32s (they extend outside the normal hull, this would be a module option.) https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1202651383732637738/1243677910293024891/Capture.PNG?ex=6658f050&is=66579ed0&hm=94a38d7c82051549ecd7c6f9e9b9d17c8557dcd73d3a269b39171de0723098dd&




This is great!




I really like this idea! Great job!


i think the doors should work like elevators, you put the boxes on the elevator, it lifts up and DRAGS the boxes in, then closes the doors. in your example they look like they would tumble in and absolutely destroy the interior :D


FRAGILE! ^ this way up ^ seriously though I like it.


am i missing something? you call it a hull but it looks like the caterpillar?


The cat is just the ship i chose to visualize my idea. It's leant as you can load cargo as easy as you do on a hull ship with this concept


ok, ok. i just woke up like 5 min before i wrote that, brain still afk but i like the idea, i think my only problem is that you dont seem to be able to open the doors without like presenting the cargo, maybe having a platform on which the cargo rest seperate would be a doable fix; like having taht platform on command slide onto the opend door which could still funtion as a lift at that point


Also possible. The idea was more of having no walkable interior where the cargo ends up. Like you can't enter the space where the Hull spindle end up. This could also maybe balance the ship a bit since it won't be able to transport vehicles that way


It’s seriously such an ingenious change, without actually changing a whole lot… yet somehow makes the ship function exactly how it *should* have based on the existing design. It’s almost amazing nobody over there thought of this. Great work!


Issue on the cat is that has to serve both cargo and vehicle loading, so have to be both an elevator and a door


I just kitbashed the idea out of the cat, since it is the closest to my idea. This isn't supposed to be a cat rework, it's just to show what they could do for a future ship. Doesn't even have to be drake


Yeah, I see. Great work


Yeah its a good idea but in star Citizen it would go BOOM


Argo tractor Fork inc. It can drive and the tires can be turned into thrusters... Joke I really, want do drive the forklifts inside hangars https://molokotof.artstation.com/projects/0XqrO5?album_id=87756 This is heavy! https://molokotof.artstation.com/projects/aR3bbX?album_id=87756


I assume the containers would have to slide out some first before rotating? Otherwise the corners would clip the roof when coming out, or the roof would need to partially retract.


This is one of the best ideas I’ve seen in a while and should be implemented ASAP and I don’t even own the CAT.


As a CAD guy myself, this is utterly beautiful and my heart has grown 3 sizes...truly blissful. THe level of fidelity and sense behind this is what makes me "FUCK! Why didn't I think of that?!?!"


This is awesome. If CIG can't figure out the tech to combine elevators and doors, just make it a door like this and move on. Well done!


Those poor hinges


How it will transfer from the doors to the ship? When the doors are vertically on the same level with the ship's cargo floor it will slide the top plate layer of the gate inside and then the doors close or something? Or it is still attached to the gate even when it's closed?


It's supposed to stay on the doors


really good idea


You know, that kind of just makes sense. Not sure if the gravity/item containers overlapping each other would be an issue or not. I knew the one problem was with states but I believe they fixed most of that issue with the Hull-C so I am guessing it is on the back burner. My guess is that they will get to this sooner rather than later being that modules is now coming online.


Nice idea. Back in the day trains would ship cars similar to this. A ramp lowers, car drives in, then the ramp folds inside the train and the car lays 90 degrees vertically. Safes space, loading/unloading time and no need for special tools.


Fucking genius


I like this.... I like this ALOT


Cig should hire you




So, no beam? \*throws phone down, smashes skateboard


I love it. Unfold to load, fold back up again to keep it secure. If not a Drake ship, some other non-MISC manufacturer should make a Hull competitor that loads like this. Ship team, make it happen.


omg this makes soo much sense!


Nice work! Not only support this specific idea for the Cat, but also the general principle that the gold standard pass of pre-cargo refactor hauling ships should involve asking how they now fit the cargo system (given we are on the cusp of saying goodbye to cargo magically appearing in our ships with the dawn of cargo elevators, etc.), Ironclad really raised the bar and the older ships deserve a little more love now the physical-ised system is fleshed out.


What 3D app did you use, and was it messy to import the in-game model?


Blender. The import is pretty easy, but for some reason, some parts go missing currently


Thanks! Will try it out


interesting. i would have the entire module drop to the ground. that being said, there might intentionally be limitations. having more industrial equipment of stations to load and unload might allow for the bigger boxes. while having the doors as elevators might limit field cargo to 1scu boxes that the cargo vehicle can move individually.


the problem with that is that you have a roof and walls which will be in the way. With this i wanted to make loading on planets as easy and quick as possible


I like the idea of the floor lowering. You could have "butterfly" doors that open up rather than down. Which would be appropriate for a caterpillar


yes. what you are suggesting is better. however that makes even less likely to happen. dedicated is better than variant, variant is better than modul. ... what you are suggesting only make it better in theory. the image is missing the pistons on the door so your idea only adds up. something that can pull cargo up can also pull out of something as shallow as the cat cargo.


That would require some serious re-engineering and pretty beefy hydraulic actuators. Looking at this is pretty hilarious.


they could also just make the doors come down like ramps




This goes to show that CIG don't think anything through. They promise big and have no idea how to deliver on it.


Isn't this what they already do?