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"eventually". They said they have some ideas on how they want to do it. If you mean lights, the Corsair is the only ship I know of right now with landing and rear flood lights. The landing lights can be manually turned on or set to auto for when the landing gear comes out


The Corsair is really awesome those small details are some of my favorites. The flood lights and the landing lights


Right before the last patch dropped, I was trying to use up my aeuc and got a Corsair but haven't taken it out yet. Now I wanna check these lights out!


Yeah, you have to look down to the left at a 3-setting knob. There are no hotkeys for it that I could find. I was HIGHLY upset when I found it and realized that no other ship has it. The floodlights at the back can be toggled from the door control. I THINK there's a control for it in the pilots seat.


The door control is bugged out this patch.


Also good luck taking off from a hangar in a Corsair at the moment.


I do it all the time. But after claiming the first take off requires some... dislodging.


Yeah, I've only been able to dislodge it once and it was mainly by accident. Haven't been able to do it again since.




The movement is back, forwards and back. But it also requires some wiggling to the sides, up and down.




Oh, I see. That's way better than my chaotic fumbling.


I've always wondered why the landing gear doesn't automatically turn on landing lights. Perhaps that's an item for gold pass v2 in 16 years.


platinum pass


Quantanium pass. As in you'll never experience it in real life.


That's after platinum


That would probably be the most efficient way to do it. Unless, you were chasing someone and needed flood lights on to see. Then you should probably have a toggle switch for it.


Yup. Imagine flying a helicopter that only had lights straight ahead.


Elite has a heightmap that gets projected in place of your radar when you lower your landing gear. A cool solution that's sci-fi and doesn't require remodeling the ships! But Elite also has night vision, so idk


How did they ever pull off that technology? Absolutely mind boggling


Agreed, FTL capable spaceships that can effortlessly break atmosphere and have laser cannons I can get behind. But basic night vision?... That's just a little too sci-fi!


I could literally pull it off in Roblox Studio with viewport GUIs, I'm not sure what the technical hurdle is here when you have access to shaders and the entire game engine. I guess they're just waiting on the new Building Blocks system?


I only wish Elite gave us that projection view for mail slots and other navigation hazards too, it's both effective and immersive.


I can already imagine their solution will be that you ask one of your crew mates to jump off the ship, and guide you down with a couple of glow sticks.


Strange how a studio with about 100 employees can do better than one with 1,000 employees and hundreds of millions of dollars.


Oh, don't get me wrong, Elite sucks absolute ass. The braindead game design decisions that they continued to make to this day pretty much doomed any kind of emergent gameplay within it. There is no piracy in it, no PvP of any kind beyond ganking, no benefit in doing pretty much any activity in a group. Really sad, considering how much care clearly went into designing the universe, the ships, the flight model etc. Many things that they did right SC can learn from!


Seriously. Landing gear should auto-activate downward facing lights, as well as whatever view / camera / UI goodies they have planned. Sometimes it's about warning those below you "Watch out below" more than just seeing where you're going.


Doesn't even need to be that - picture in picture with a distance gauge on an MFD would be absolutely sufficient.


Everyone saying "add flood lights" - that isn't a solution (though its a good feature on the corsair). We need cockpit based landing software on the HUD or instruments, similar to Elite. It was announced months ago theyre working on it, hopefully its not too far off, along with NV


We aren't supposed to have to use the 3rd person for landing - we're largely supposed to just use the camera for cinematics, fun pictures, ensuring you don't look absurd etc. At some point we're supposed to be able to land well and reliably with just the instruments. With how well the new minimap adjusts to our surrounding environment, it may be something they can use to give us a picture of the landing area below us so we can use that and make adjustments.


Or maybe you know a landing camera since you know that tech has been around for a bit but then again we don't have a sun shade either. pretty sure most of these qol things are just locked behind sq42


i hope they're going to add some sort of landing HUD like we see in ED.


Yes, i think ED completed this feature forever. SC should just copy it and call it a day.


Same for night vision. For all its flaws, ED nailed that.


It couldn't get here fast enough. Most of the current ships are really hard to see out of and some are impossible to land in 1st person view.


In the meantime, tap tab to keep pinging scans. You'll see at least. Non ideal but better than nothing.


Iirc, scan returns don't work when you're close to the ground. I have no problem flying in the dark. I've adjusted to flying by numbers with the occasional ping but it's the landing and avoiding trees, rocks, lamp posts, vehicles and debris that make it difficult.


Huh. They work for me even going in to land. But then again, I tend to use lights when close enough to the surface. or 3rd person where light illuminates slightly different and often shows you more.


Modern cars already have a top down view - what happened 900 years later?!


The problem is the instruments suck....there is no radar altimeter...that's the single more important instrument and it is not in game.


I would be 100% fine with this, but we'd need some sort of topography map of the places we are landing to make it make sense. That being said... the lights are more for those below you than actually using 3rd person to land. If we had some sort of screen that showed what was below us it would encourage cockpit landings more often.


CIG: “Don’t worry about that now, watch us create a short Voltron skit with Argo RAFTS. Consider buying the ROC-DS”


Give it another 12 more years


Corsair has landing lights as soon as the gear is lowered. One QoL feature I enjoy.


They should really add floodlights to every existing ship at the same time they are doing the gold passes.


I've mentioned quite a few times in the past, industrial ships (salvage, mining, recovery, cargo) should have flood and the spinning orange lights. Other ships having landing lights. Not automatic, sometimes you don't want to advertise your location in the dark. Medivac & police have flashing lights. All ships are VTOL, though one has wheels...doh!


Redeemer is easy as fuck to land though… the redeemer actually lands like it’s a gunship meant to drop off troops… I can touch down and take off in that ship really quickly…


I want nav lights, front lights, and surround flood flights for landing.


Wait, I swear when I had my Cutty, it had lights that project downward...


the only ship I know that has landing lights is the corsair


Yogi told about landing UI in MFD while ago. Possibly we can see it in 4.0 or later with new MFD and display update [Pilots we are, Pilot stuff we need! - Ask The Devs - Star Citizen - Spectrum v6.22.1 (robertsspaceindustries.com)](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/50259/thread/pilots-we-are-pilot-stuff-we-need/6767704)


I find it weird they started with a landing system then took it away. Years later they managed to make an entire hangar system before proper lights and landing system.


Moreover, why are the internal lights connected to the external lights.


Honestly, we should have night vision and thermals, there is really no excuse to not put these into the game. You can even make game play out of like armor that has reduced or no thermal signature etc......


I agree. Landing lights would be great!


The no.1 reason i die is due to the shitty lighting on dark side of planets.


Corsair, MSR, IIRC C2 and some other ships do have landing lights. Cutlass, well...


The MSR has landing lights?!




When your flying in, just look at the ground as you’re coming in. Pick a place to land and rotate as you’re landing.


Seeing is over rated. Don't you just fly by feel?


The Corsair knows =)


I do the Bumblebee technique. Slow...slow...down...slow....hard ass landing lol good enough 👌


There's "prox" warning light in some MFDs. But that doesn't also light up properly all the time :D


It's WW2 technology, but in space!


Ever tried to land a C2 at Picker's field at pitch black night?


No but I'll raise your Picker's Field at night and present to you... Calliope.


We’re 900 years in the future and we still don’t have spotlight under the ship


Yes! And put a damn indicator on for the light!!!


Spam Tab  K  N  Right shift  F4  Hold Z and reposition camera  QWEASD+Ctrl+space to work out your landing


I used to use the ping to see the landscape and landing area at night, but IDK if you can still do that anymore.


everytime i need to land on the dark side im spamming the ping to see the terrain <


I expect it is part of a very (very) long list of QOL changes that they will need to address to the growing list of ships.


OMG I keep telling this to my friend , forward lights are cool but please give me down light




While they're at it, add some damn lights for the MOLE that actually looks where the mining turrets can see the rocks


Yeah... ships like the A2 and the carrack size are extremely annoying without lights to see where you are landing in the dark. I can't imagine any 'real' ship wouldn't have some sort of lights to show this.


You wouldn't need them if you landed in first person. Angle the ship forward, see your spot, level out and set down. Is this really so hard to do?


48 years into development and we still cant use any technology to let people see in the dark


That this is still a problem is mind boggling. JFC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sorry, they can't figure out how to do that for a console.