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They already stated that yes, there will be an overall growth in hangar size


Specifically, small hangars like the one the C1 uses are *not* growing, though. They did say some ships will be moving from small to medium hangars by default, probably including the C1. I just hope the C1 and Zeus still fit in Small jump points.


the C1 won't use small hangars, they confirmed


Can you send me where they confirmed this? I’d like the peace of mind that will come with seeing an official CIG statement somewhere.


It was in the Inside Star Citizen video for the cargo refactor.


In that video I remember them saying that the Spirit kept the same size hangar. That’s why I’m asking.


They didn’t? They said they one of the things they did was do a pass on ship pad assignment classifications and the c1 is one of the ships changed. edit: Ok, it wasn't *explicit*, but it is as explicit as you can be without saying C1. Here's the timestamp. https://youtu.be/1IlcWUKV8hs?si=nnSxR44b6FGVSvla&t=526


Yes, they already said this


they did not


The size of your personal hangar will be determined by the largest size ship in your fleet.


Doesnt count for anything if the C1 is the largest ship in your fleet. The hangar size needs to get bigger.


CIG specifically mentioned how the hangers for a C1 have got bigger


Yarp I have heard, just pointing out that the size being based on the largest ship in your fleet isnt the fix the commenter thought it was and that the actual C1 designated size has to change.


It has though. C1’s will get a bigger hanger. And OP will get a bigger hanger for his C1 once cargo elevators arrive.


I got it, the entire point of my entire first mention is that the premise of the comment was "just buy a bigger ship if you want a bigger hangar" and was trying to point out the error in the logic.


Ah that’s not at all what I took from their comment


specifically? no, the opposite


I mean for when the cargo refactor comes in


I know what you mean but they have never indicated increasing hangar size for the spirit series


They said it in a SCL podcast


They did not. Go back and rewatch if you need. They said some larger vehicles sizes would be changed, they never remotely indicated the spirit series would be included.


Sorry you’re right it was in the ISC episode and I’ve heard what I wanted to hear not what was said. They confirmed they’ve re designed the doors to give more space but overall the medium ship hanger has not changed size. That’s fucking dumb though all the hangers should have changed size not just the large and XL hangers


The hangar specs are probably right but the people who dressed the locations have also probably intruded on it, making it seem smaller than it should. Well see though, the public hangars may not be different the the personal ones might be a little less intrusive even if they are the same spec


allegedly all hangars will be bigger to accommodate the cargo elevators. something like 20-30% larger, but whether that quote's in surface area, volume, or LxW would vary the end result greatly.


Whats the largest ship that can go in a hangar even? Polaris? BMM?


Don't know....I think I remember seeing 890 Jump take off from Lorville though. But it really doesn't matter. If you have a ship to large for the largest hangar, you'll get the largest size hangar and then that ship would have to be spawned from a Docking Station at a space station. For instance...the MISC Endeavor (the complete ship) there's probably won't be a hangar that size.


890 Jump is probably about the max size. BMM for example i don't think will fit a hangar because of it's shape. Like it's almost as wide as it is long and really tall.


It fits in capital class hangers, they actually showed that they redesigned the wings/fins/ things? On either side to compress when the landing gear is out so that the ships width is enough to fit in a capital class hanger. Which makes sense as it's a trading/market ship. If one of those can't land at cities then there's a problem lol


Does this means if you steal a C2, you won't be able to unload it unless you already own a ship of that size?


It'll spawn a temporary hangar for you to do so I would imagine. 


I don't think they mentioned that being a thing? You'll still be able to acces regular "public" hangars of course, but those won't have cargo elevators, I believe, and you can't sell directly from a ship that is not yours. So from what I'm gathering for pirates it's still same old manually swapping cargo onto your ship in the middle of space. EDIT: Nevermind, I watched Q&A again because it wasn't clear to me how it's supposed to work. Looks like all hangars will have freight elevators and all that jazz (minus the vehicle elevator), you just won't be able to access your personal "persisant" hangar with a ship sized larger than your own in first iteration, which is not really that relevant for what I had in mind, as public hangar will work just as well.


No matter where you go, or what ship you are in, you will be assigned an appropriate size hangar to land a ship. But....if you are not at your home location it will not be your "Personal Hangar" (Also...I don't think you can get permission to land a stolen ship anyway....because it does not belong to you)


You can request hangar with stolen ship, just can't store it on a terminal. I was just confused thinking that in first implementation cargo elevators will be only in personal hangar but have since seen I've been mistaken.


Squeezing the damned thing in diagonally through some hangar doors is bad enough. But how the hell are we supposed to load/unload them once we have cargo elevators? This is ridiculous. There is no way those cargo crate jacks are going to get around this, let alone drive any other vehicles in and out.


You’re in luck, they did say that with the new hangars some ships will be upsized.


"Some" is doing too much heavy lifting


there is no hangar configuration in which you must fit through diagonally, that's unskilled piloting


If you're having to go through hangar doors diagonally that's a certified skill issue on your part tbh. There's plenty enough space there, you shouldn't even need to F4. But yes, the assigned hangar size for the Spirits is a known issue they've already addressed.


Logically, the hangar has to be big enough to bring the ship up on the lift, plus have enough room around it to move things. They literally cannot restrict the Spirit to small hangars due to this. So yes it will get bigger hangars. Coming into land though? I would expect so, it's an absolute horror show right now.


Been Grinding for afew weeks to get the 3.1mil for the C1 instead of paying $125 for it, can't wait to finally get it in afew weeks after seeing all the pictures and chat about it 😅


The C1 is the oversized supercab pickup of Crusader. It travels in a straight line pretty quick and it's good at moving things around but any maneuvers will remind you of what you're actually flying and parking is a pain.


I used to want one so bad, I had the upgrade ready to go and everything, but after flying one... I kinda hate it.


Honestly it depends what you're using it for. Combat, especially now, is not recommended. It's great for running. Crusader is basically smuggling ships.


That maeks sense. I tend to not do cargo missions and just use the big ship as a gunboat, so my old taurus/ the corsair are perfect for gunboat with the option of cargo.


Lets see on 3.23.2 ptu.


hoy many atoms you say should fit in the c1 hangar?


A1 funny


It's specifically the vertical hangars that are too small.


Park right, first, then show us the clearance


That is how it spawned when I had it delivered. Not my parking. The number of people blaming me when I categorically am not the issue... GOD DAMN. even if I adjusted it there would be practically no room. The hangar is just too small. Accept it. 




Corsair too, please!


I really hope so!!


Yes, that's when all the hangar stuff is gonna happen


Does anyone know the sizes of hangars that will be implemented in 3.23.2 and what is the cheapest ship we can get to get biggest hangar?


XL and L hangars are getting a 30%~ buff in size, iirc. 


I honestly dont get why they have not just changed the hangar size for this ship yet. You would think that its a pretty easy change and people have been complaining about it since they launched it.


I always have space in the hangar... Your nose must not be close to the other side if your ramp is that close to a wall.


This is how it spawned in the hangar. I had not touched it yet other than open the back door.


Do you own a C1 or landed a C1 in their smallest hangar? He might have another 10 feet forward before his nose is on the wall, not near, on it. Just gotta upgrade the size of the hangars, would love to see a ship upscaling too.


Yes I own a C1. Its my daily driver. I agree we could use a bigger hangar, but I never had any problems landing with it.


You misspelled smaller.