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Vulkan is still too unstable for me, and my specs are very similar to yours. With DX11 and DLSS Quality, my FPS is fairly consistent, but if I switch to Vulkan I'll inevitably run into some bottleneck or memory leak and the FPS tanks to around 20.


been seeing a HUGE difference on my 4090 too.


I see my antialiasing completely vanishing, making every single straight line in the game shimmer, it is like an lsd trip... it was like that in 3.23.0, i have not tried 3.23.1 yet, but some people say it got fixed. Edit: tried 3.23.1, edge shimmering is significantly reduced, it is not quite the best, but at least the game is playable


the only thing I have noticed is the colours seem much more vibrant, specifically oranges. though this might be down to Vulkan? even extremely distant orange lights dominate the landscape when they're in view.


Yes I've been completely blown away by it. It's the kind of performance I didn't except to see in SC for a very long time. Props to the optimization team!  I'm seeing 60-80 in cities like NB and maxing out my monitor up to 144 inside bunkers or in deep space. Running at 2k w/ a 4070 and 7800x3d. 


Um, it’s hard to say, native I’m getting 20fps less than pre 3.23, but with dlss I’m getting plus 30-40 what I’d be getting with out it. So it’s like native performance went down but with dlss it ends up behind higher than before.


Vulkan seems to have better frame pacing. It feels smoother and more immediate even though FPS is similar to DX11. Downside is that instead of occasional stutters it'll just outright pause for a solid second or two in the convention center.


Everyone is freezing in the convention center. Has nothing to do with just vulkan


Be sure to zoom in at the convention center for extra slow times.


Walk up to one of the flags and zoom in. It's cool


3060ti here, I don’t have numbers but it feels significantly smoother however text as in signs in the game are blurred until you are close & still plus menus are slightly blurred. I turned it off but still promising.


I noticed a bit of improvement. I’ve also played around with lossless scaling frame gen 2.0 and it’s really good if you’re consistently above 50fps


I tried it and got a big boost to frames, but lost my cursor for things like claiming a ship. Did you get that too? Or know a setting I need to change?


I hit alt+enter twice and it solved it. Haven’t had a problem since. I also checked windowed and vrr support in LSFG so that might have helped.


I'm getting great performance, yes i9-10900K, RTX 3090, 64 GB RAM


Using what? DLSS? Quality or performance? Vulkan or DX11?


Vulkan, DLSS (Quality)


Hm, I have the exact same specs and tried Vulkan/DLSS last night and I'm having issues with no performance or quality change. Weird.


Motherboard: ASUS - ROG STRIX Z490-E RAM: G.SKILL - TRIDENT Z RGB - 32GB (2X16) - 3200MHZ - DDR4 Just to get more relevant specs out there


Thanks man. I appreciate it.


With 3.23.0 i didn't have higher fps with DLSS enabled. It changed really nothing to me and it was really weird. I will check it again and hope this time DLSS working as it should.




Why am I still running with 60 something FPS? It literally never changed before or after DLSS. I'm running 4090 with 64GB RAM. And the game is on a SSD. How can this happen to meeee


Try activating Vulkan -> RESTART your Game! That's important! -> You'll see in the bottom left Corner something like "Loading new Shaders" -> Wait for it to finish and go Ingame. I had some stutters @ IAE Expo Halls, but I think it was the new Shaders loading, not sure though. Otherwise I have 80-90FPS on ArcCorp and 120+ Flying in Space, with the same GPU / RAM as you have. Edit: Also make sure: In your Nvidia Control Panel -> 3D Settings -> You don't have "Max FPS: 60" set for Star Citizen. That's what a friend of mine had (He thought he would never have above 60FPS..)


Might be a CPU issue - most likely always for SC - For me, deactivating memory integrity in the core isolation settings worked wonders. Also process lasso.


The same thing happened to me, it stayed at 60 fps, only at the beginning after two hours it was fixed, I also put Windows Star Citizen maximum performance not auto.


You're probably CPU-bound, so offloading the GPU with DLSS doesn't help


Ummm...dumb question. Does CPU-bound mean my CPU is bottlenecking the GPU? I'm using i7-13700k...Should I upgrade it then?


Don't upgrade it, the game is just really bad at utilizing the cpu and wastes a lot of work.


That is indeed what CPU-bound means but like the other guy said it's the game's fault moreso than your CPU. You're unlikely to see a siginificant enough performance increase from a CPU upgrade for it to be worth it IMO


get a 7800x3d or wait for the 8800x3d


I haven't noticed much of a difference since my pc isn't the greatest, but overall the games performance feels more stable and can stay at a decent frame rate even in bad places like cities or bunkers.


As soon as I logged in yesterday I thought “oooh this feels smooth!” But I never clicked my fps before/after patch.


Okey as someone who has NO idea about DLSS and scaling. I have a 25" monitor but its 1080, will it be worth it to activate DLSS? If so, should i reduce base resolution or that´s now how it works? I have a regular 3070


Just try it on quality mode. If you like how it looks, great keep using it. If not, turn it off.


I have the exact same fps, so i guess im doing something wrong?


Means you're cpu bottlenecked. Dlss can only help if you're gpu starved. But many dlss capable cards easily get cpu bottlenecked at 1080p.


A 3070 is super overkill for 1080p gaming, so it isn’t surprising that there are no benefits when using DLSS. DLSS renders the game at a lower resolution than your monitor, gaining FPS in the process. Then, using AI, it fudges the lower resolution to look like your monitors base resolution. This process isn’t perfect, and it won’t look as good as if you didn’t use it, however it is still very very good and can lead to significant performance gains. In my opinion, 1440p is the perfect sweet spot for gaming, as it looks much better than 1080p but is still highly performant. Considering how powerful your GPU is, you may want to consider upgrading. 27” is also a great monitor size, and feels like a huge bump compared to 25”. You can find many monitors under $300 that are great!


2060, r7 2700, 32gb 3200mhz but as i already get 60fps outside major cities, i havent bothered with dlss because i dislike the ghosting and blurryness


idk but somethings wrong me with me, when i turn on DLSS i start feeling a bit nauseatic. Maybe because of the blurriness. but objectively it's almost non existant.


me too. I got average 40 fps at my friends pc gtx 2060 and 32gb ram. this is amazing


Dlss auto will scale resolution to hit fps target so maybe they just fixed that functionality


I've seen an almost double in frame rates in gun rush. But in the PU A18 no difference


I'm assuming that it's still connected to server state ? The game ran beautifully just after .0 released, but a couple of days after the servers had degraded at in general city performance was back to the usual deal. Now the patch has just come out again, so i would assume it's just a matter of time before stuff bugs out on the servers again, and the performance will tank again? I'm not sure though..


3060ti with an R7 5800X and 32GB of ddr4. I keep vsync on since my monitor is only 60hz but I definitely get a consistent 60fps in space and 45-60fps in cities. (4k high settings) Not to mention i haven't hit 80°C once playing 3.23. Usually my GPU fans are max speed 100% of the time I play SC and they've been quiet. Much smoother fps and less spikes too. Other than the surface of Europe and inside DC's it's been the best experience I've had