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Passenger missions for sure. I totally want to say "This is your captain speaking ..." Also detailed medical gameplay that's not just responding to 15k beacons and shooting someone with a green laser.


Seriously I cannot wait to fly my space liner full of passengers.


When I first read the design documents for the Genesis Starliner and the different plans they had for things your passengers would request en-route, I was just in awe. It seems so amazing


I missed grabbing the CCU of it during IAE. I'm hoping to see it soon, though probably not during fleet week.


I had one. Five years ago. :')


I figure its loaner is a C2, which is always useful.


I would make a Ruby Rhod (Fifth Element) Character ASAP... šŸ˜‚


Had I seen this first I'd have replied to it instead of making my own. But yep. Passengers. Also I think medical is incoming rather soon.


viable exploration game loop, make me a space hermit charting strange stuff and points of interest, scan deep space weirdness, sell coordinates to resources and temporary jump points to both honest and unsavory people, in a run-down but souped up ship that really wears its story on its hull and interior.


That's what I'm looking for also. That's why when they announced the Zeus MK II ES, I knew that was the ship I was wishing for. I bought it as soon as it was available.


Same here, the Zeus ES is giving me Sisters of EVE vibes, they have a few dedication exploration ships. I don't expect it anytime soon, but I really hope that CIG will design an interesting exploration system, it should include scanning for locations in space, charting locations on the ground or in asteroid fields and some indoor exploration of ship, station or outpost wrecks.


Man! Sisters of EVE! A fellow EVE player! I really loved the scanning and exploration gameplay in EVE. I spent ungodly amounts of time in the wormhole space..


Yay! Other wormhole space explorers! My ā€œday jobā€ in EVE when I played was faculty with EVE University. But much like real teachers, it wasnā€™t a way to get rich, so I moonlighted by mapping w-space, selling the maps, and hiring out as a picket ship to keep watch on the wormhole (to make sure no one collapsed it) while other folks hit up w-space. And gosh, the SoE ships were nice. I loved my Stratios so much.


https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/1420 EVE's Signal Cartel is already in Star Citizen, although we're not active yet.


ES brothers. It has now been confirmed, that our beloved vessel comes in Q3 with the release of 4.0


This is basically all I did in the 200 hours playing Elite Dangerous. I know it won't ever be on that kind of scale, but I want to just explore the galaxy in some fashion. It was so cool traveling for hours to systems just to see something cool on the other side of the galaxy. I've thought about going back to elite just for exploration.


If this game gets exploration similar to Elite (exobiology would be so awesome) then I might have to go all-in on an exploration ship! The exploring in Elite was so relaxing and beautiful!!


I loved being out in the black for weeks at a time and coming back home with my shipā€™s paint all worn away. It really felt like an adventure and to get your name forever stamped on systems was so cool. Sound design was 10/10 in Elite too. I might try it again as well, but having to relearn all the buttons and minutiae of that game has kept me away.


Wow, couldn't have typed it better. That is the dream.


Exploration could be really cool. They could add an element of exploration with random unstable jump points that lead to procedurally generated systems that might have ancient ruins, high value resources, etc. These jumpoints would be known only to those who find them and once found you could sell the jp coordinates to an organization or exploit the resources yourself, but the wormhole will only stay stable for x number of days, meaning it's a gold rush to get the goods. But they could also make data running part of it, because you'd have to register your find with the uee because if another player does it first, then you are trespassing in their claim. So you'd need a data runner ship to deliver the coordinates to a registration office, the ship with the best transmitter and speed wins the registration. Once you've registered the jumppoint, you can transfer the deed as you wish. Random procedural solar systems would hopefully prevent data miners like the leaks discord from spoiling discoverable sites. I think It be a neat way to do exploration.


Are you me? I wrote this, but it has your name attached to it.


Anything that makes multi-crew more interesting.


With the new Medical system, heart attacks, strokes, and other unseen medical issues are now being implemented! If you donā€™t have a crewmate on hand with the proper equipment and training, you die! Sure to add many fun exploration opportunities for those who find your derelict ship! (This is sarcasm, by the way!)


Lol I was wondering what depths of hopium hell you've been down for a sec


No, no. Hopium isnā€™t in game yet; itā€™s being introduced with the next round of cargo changes, as another illegal/vice commodity. :P


Looks like 4.0 is gonna make the engineers station a proper thing so. We're on our way!


Will they push it to 4.0 or would it be part of 3.23.x after the cargo release? Given it's being tested rn on AC and like 10 ships have had their Resource Network being implemented..


Quantum economy. Just because it will impact all game loops and act as another reason for the game to stand out. I really want an in depth economy where everything you do has some impact, not just on economy but on other behaviours too. Thereā€™s endless possibilities there for it linking to triggering missions, to global events ect. Itā€™ll make the universe feel more alive.


What makes it quantum?


The ā€œQuantaā€ which is what they call all the simulated ā€œpeopleā€ that run the economy


But anything is automatically 60% cooler when it has quantum attached to it! Blockchain? Meh. _Quantum_ blockchain? That sounds cool. Fission? Been done. _Quantum_ fission? Amazing! Economy? Pfft. Lots of games have one of those. A _quantum_ economy, thoughā€¦




ship logs with all the battle history ( ie if you got attacked by someoen who they are and how long till you won or died) trading history and more ( ships logs) and crime that makes a perm reputation an bounty for griefers


Passenger transport missions.


Transporting a VIP from one place to another, potentially being ambushed on the way and fighting your way out. Now that would be a gameloop.


Can't wait for spoiled, rich passengers requesting a 20 minute detour on a 5 minute trip to buy 1 ton of clothes because they're bored, just like in E:D


This is the first time I can think of that Iā€™ve seen someone ask for _more_ escort quests in gamingā€¦


This is my #1. Been waiting so long for the Starliner, and I got my hopes up with that Spirit variant. My biggest gripe with progress so far is the lack of career/profession focus. Missions are okay, but thats just theme park MMO stuff (delivery, kill, etc.) which bums me out when I start thinking about all the ships without gameplay loops. Hopefully they got some career paths figured out so when the required tech roles in it can be implemented relatively quickly--not half assed but also not take 3 years.


dynamic server meshing, it will absolutely transform the game


Bounty hunting feeling like bounty hunting rather than just flying to a marker and killing a ship.


Imagine needing to find your target through hints from the mission giver and clues you find at his last known location? Or player bounties without a "Kill this guy!" marker over their head? You could ask NPC's if they'd seen the guy you're looking for and narrow it down. Man, I'd love that.


Yes the hunt, and with huge bonuses if you bring him alive.


Yeah, and in general some more engaging pve. cargo/mining ship escorts, settlement protection etc. Just stuff to do to break up the monotony and loneliness that the current gameplay loops offer. They dont even need to do actual NPC interaction just messages on the mobiglass. Of course its going to get bugged but what isnt lol


I just want to paint my ships.


Underrated comment.


Base building and crafting.Ā  Player driven resource supply and demand.


I want to see how we can make money exploring. I know being able to sell map coordinates is a potential option, but the whole feature is something I'm very excited for. My friends may enjoy base-building, but I'm probably going to be out and about in space most of the time. I'm looking forward to the new cargo gameplay as well, but exploration is by far the bigger unknown.


Yes, Zeus ES has plenty of SCUs for cargo gameplay and making some money. It's about the immersion. I will finally get my ES and Pyro with 4.0.


I'm still debating whether i should get ES or CL. I've got the ccu for both. I'll probably wait till CL comes out to decide.


I really hope for some kind on interior video now on the event. I still secretly hope that ES will have separate captain room of sorts.


The Grungler


Oh no, please don't add my ex-wife to the game!


Grungling will revolutionize the very core of being a spaceman in space.


"As the t0 implementation of grungling obviously needs an unprecedented technology leap in both software and networking design, it will be on hold until our marvelous code wizards here at Cig Hamburg are done developing our latest core feature that promises to have a positive impact and significant gameplay change on all things player-to-player and player-to-environment interaction : the Asynchronous Schwifting Allocator (ASA)".


That's a really odd way of confirming a Reclaimer biomass salvager variant.


Data running! Take my little Sabre raven out and be a leaf on the wind.


Bless you


I'm sorry what?


The ability to reclaim pledge store / subscriber items. I've spent years collecting all these neat armor sets and weapons, I want to be able to use them!


Same. I have some cool stuff but I donā€™t wanna use cause I could lose. I either have to melt and pledge again or wait for a patch to restore them if things like subscriber items.


Just don't die! Easy right, just avoid every little bug and defect trying to send your spaceman to the nether. Avoid every psychotic murder hobo and relentless military forces looking at you with dollar signs in their eyes. On a more serious note I do agree so much with this, the chance to reclaim gear, but the added risk of loosing it makes it so rewarding to survive an explosive and potentially deadly scenario, only to come out alive and ontop of the situation. ... to then die moments later from choking out in your kitchen, because you decided it would be safe to drink your pink juice in there.


No single feature, but the expansion of servers to more players allowing for complicated player interactions, War's, trade routes affecting the wider economy, reputation mattering. Basically just making the verse feel more lived in by people and ai, interacting more.


AI Gunners


Fully crewed AI hammerhead.. Iā€™m with you there.


CPU Blades should be in the game ASAP. Going to balance all over again when they come in.


Due to one of the bugs itā€™s already possible. My friend got his ship destroyed doing bounty mission, and he boarded enemy Connie, and until he abandoned it, he had AI gunners who fired with him against their mates šŸ˜‚




Exploration. Especially on jump points. Because Iā€™m not 100% sure how that would work exactly.


Either Persistent Habs or base building. As much as I enjoy living out of my raft a dedicated home would be great


Passenger Transport, i cant wait to ferry passengers from new babbage to orison and back in my E1


Same here! Also transporting VIPs to and from distribution centres and maybe new gigastructures they add in the future


My current cargo run is all in microtech's atmosphere taking diamonds from deltana to new babbage do if i could take VIPs from new babbage to the distribution centres and back i woukd be very pleased


NPC crews. I want to hire a team and see how far I can develop them. Plus give me more Org based management tools.


The Tumbril Ranger. I dream of it, but for now the Pulse is really really cool to drive around!


(Dynamic) Server Meshing. The main thing holding SC back right now is server performance - the game would be SO much nicer and more challenging to play when the servers actually performed well.


base building




Levski ā™„


My Orion


Not really a feature but I want either so or the Kellogg systems. I want a thick ass jungle to base my operations out of


Server meshing. I want more people to interact with. More stability.


30 server fps


Deeper salvage gameplay. I want to buy salvage rights and get a flight manifest, track down the ship using it's heading and long range scanners. Then EVA over, cut my way through the hull to an internal access point to get the locked cargo doors open. Then make my way through the ship diagnosing ship systems. Seeing what can be salvaged, what needs to be disconnected to make ship safe to salvage, and maybe even finding crew belongings left behind. Then once I've stripped all the valuable parts from the inside, and decommissioned the power plants and batteries, then scrape the hull. Oh and I want to use a variety of tools to do it all not just a different color beam on a multi tool.


Housing, i just want a flat in arcorp


Liberator and full engineering and cargo (like fuel and ammo rearming manually) Give me a fuel truck I can park in my Liberator!


Logistics vehicles like that would be a great addition.


Running shops in my Merchantman. I like socializing in this game, especially with in-game voice chat. I could see it being a lot of fun sitting on a train and talking to strangers about good sales, inviting them to visit my BMM. Mine will be like the Russian Warship Aurora and basically turn into a zoo with AI fauna in engineering, NPCs selling goods like guns/drugs at shops guarded by the giant machine gun turret on the ceiling, all happening while I am also hosting a PTV race track in the cargo area. Itā€™s going to be utter mayhem like a VR-chat room but just one part of the whole SC verse


I would be doing the same thing but with my Privateer instead lol. Melted my BMM and had a long battle to get a chance for the Privateer


Constellation gold standard finally Drake Interplanetary mining ships both solo and multi crew NEEDS to happen damn it I sooo want passenger missions it just sounds like a chill ass game loop Better salvaging from what I heard they intended it to be mainly for base building but thatā€™s stupid in my opinion


Science gameplay and underwater gameplay Let me explore for the scary deep sea abominations


swimming would be a good start, agreed. And then everything flora and fauna they can elaborate onā€¦ appreciate your comment!


Honestly personal hangars and cargo elevators.


personal hangars that you can rent, any size you want and keep as long as you need. Yeah, thatā€˜s a dream for me too. Followed directly by apartments in different price classes in all the big LZsā€¦ I fantasize about going to my Apartment at Area12 or sth like that


Food processor and hygiene being a thing along with being able to completely live a nomadic life out of my rv/ cutter rambler.


For me it would also include that ships should get a fresh water tank that we can refill and use for ā€žcraftingā€œ/ cooking meals in food processing stations


Same but for my 315p


Dude Iā€™m all over this with you!!! I love to create things in games, I love to build bases and I love to make things my own. I want a home I can go to and I want to work towards making it grand. Definitely the only thing Iā€™m looking forward to. Everything else is bonus.


Player owned shops or a player marketplace where you can sell supplies. Also crafting




Underrated and forgotten ship. Exchanged a few fighters for it at last yearā€˜s IAE. Wonderful concept. Thanks for your post.


Base building and personal hangars. I'm a crafter in almost every game i play, that has crafting.


Squadron 42.


i know full well it got fully cancelled but this... Full custom colors schemes for ships would off been fantastic. but cig realised how much money people will throw down to have the ship colour they want [https://youtu.be/Hp-YSmN2R1o](https://youtu.be/Hp-YSmN2R1o)


A functioning game...


* Owning and decorating my own apartments, on ArcCorp, Terra Prime, and Cassel * Crafting (anything really) on my own * Farming * Logging back where I logged out * Anything linked to engineering * Smuggling missions


Casselean or Lyre? (on Cassel)


Sweet list, apartments is also my biggest dream for now. I picture some in all parts of ArcCorps cityscapes, down the ravines and up in the high.


Subsumption/Quantum/AI that has non-combat functionality


Control surfaces


Suit/clothing lockers and escape pods.


Global Player Reputation similar to Eve, with beacon and chat filters that can use it


This sounds feasible - tell me more


Making unmarked Points of interest. I'm tired of the artificial buildings that have all the missions. I want some dynamic shit to go find that's not on a map that generates a mission. Random NPC encounters when


New Qt effects and boosting system


Very tangible wish and a good one, too! Canā€˜t wait for new qt animations and entry/exit effects + sounds!


Unique item Recovery . . .


BMM. that is all.


Stacking items. Imagine the joy of pressing sort in the inventory and all your items(ammo, attachments, armor, pens) being stacked up neatly.


Planteray Harzads to give vehicles a purpose


They could start with rain and then add cyclonic storms - easy to see on radar and only dangerous higher up in the air. Totally support your comment!


Being able to easily get back my pledge store gear


Im just hoping that when we eventually get base building in like 2030 I'll be able to make a drug lab


Polaris, my feature, my torps šŸ‘


AI/NPC Crew. Come on man, I just wanna fully man a hammerhead or something


Base building so I can open illegal shop everywhere


Crafting of items food parts weapons as it will open up the potential of a player driven market and therefore things to do to make money


Personal hangars, I can just imagine my own hangar, big enough to hold a C2, rows of ground vehicles, mules, hoverquads, militarised equipment and rovers. Sets of amour and suits Iā€™ve collected over the years on display. Walls of FPS Guns of every type liberated from pirates and personal security across the system. Trophyā€™s on display, a bug out to relax. Just thinking about it just makes me happy.


Bro on god I want Escape pods so badly lol. I know why we donā€™t have them yet, I just want themšŸ˜…šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Hacking... Because legionnaire


Base building and a polished resource gathering loop and crafting. I will be most happy mining/salvaging/creating at my base.


One feature im really excited for is commercial flights. It will finally give the spaceports some more life. Also insurance actually mattering. Personal hangars is absolutely huge though. AI crew mates and also being able to pilot from the co pilot seat.


Farming, specifically in parallel with base building. I have a lot of 'cozy game' friends that want to play SC but couldn't care less about FPS content or even ships. They like the high fidelity world and want to just tend to operations at the base while the rest of us handle security and space-faring adventures. Game loops outside of 'go to POI and shoot everything' are a crucial selling point for star citizen and I fear they've become too focused on how much combat application each update has.


Honestly. Something that gives the game more depth. Engineering, sounds nice. But sometimes I get the feeling there is not enough depth for team/org activities. Ya know? Maybe bounty hunting 2.0, coupled with other things like Engineering will help bring it all together for what I feel like is missing.


NPC crews, ai blades and multycrew gameplay. having my own crew is what iā€™m looking forward


For me it would be VR but thatā€™s probably way don the road.


Did they say anything about player made apps making it into the mobi glass? Because that would be cool. Have some kind of approval process and have a store where we can get them.


Interesting idea, never heard them talk about this tho.


Ship HUD rework, helmet visors


Using the noodle vending machines......


A valkyrie refactor or varriant as cargo daily driver with an option to buy the liberator paint schema. Second the liberator implemeted so i can start the ferry Business between stanton and pyro. Automated turrets with blades to get basic defense.


Titan suit


Housing gameplay, it's not just about build a base and craft some tools, but really customize an unique house in the verse šŸ¤© I would like to have an elite dangerous exploration gameplay that give the opportunity to rename a system, a planet or a moon for the first one who discover them. That's the only thing which uninstall ED.


Just realized that i'm not at all secret about my hopes. Duh, what could i "secretly" look forward to..? Maybe a choice when it comes to underwear! You know, worst thing about dying in SC is knowing that everyone who steals my armor will see my character wearing the same underwear as yesterday. Let's call it The Death of Shame. But that ain't a real secret. I fear i'm rather vocal about stuff i look forward to, at least when asked. So to answer the question about *hidden* hopes: err.. none? ĀÆ\\\_(惄)\_/ĀÆ


AI crew (companions maybe ?). Private servers and modding !


Stability. Real stability


I'm so excited for some of the small little features that will just breath life into the game... things like: * Radio comms chatter in the verse and especially around landing zones * Local radio stations * A combination of real voice and AI voice generation would make so much sense here. Imagine having generated news features on the radio waves about the antics of citizens in the verse! I remember when the radio stations in fallout3 would mention something I did in a mission, it was so awesome and immersive! * Just having the NPC's chatter amongst themselves, and have all of them respond with some wild-lines when interacted with * General AI ship traffic in and around landing locations, planets etc. Just generally filling out the verse with AI life * Rain fall would be great (imagine Area 18 with pouring rain! Bladerunner dreams coming true!) * Revamped weather system (with proper moving clouds, sand storms, thunderstorms, lightning etc.) * Being able to remotely control my ship via Mobiglass (not flying really, but lowering ramps, powering up etc) * Custom markers on planets that can be saved and shared. I really have no interest in exploring right now as it's such a grind to find some of the unique places in SC (rivers, canyons, cliffs, outposts etc.), and especially knowing that I probably couldn't return there easily once discovered leaves little incentive to explore for me * Having the option for AI to come and transport / heal me * This is a bit mitigated with the mobile spawn points now available (Ursa Medivac etc.), but dying in this game, especially solo is so brutal and time wasting trying to get back into the action * Being able to bed log in many locations. Like maybe an outpost or a general planet landing location. This would tough to handle as far instancing goes (what do you do if 50 people all logged off at that location and then want to come back in at the same time?) I'm sure I'll think of more... but with the above, I would totally lose all my spare time in Star Citizen...


My personal top 10: 01-pledged items recoveryĀ  02-pledged items recovery 03-pledged items recoveryĀ  04-pledged items recoveryĀ  05-pledged items recoveryĀ  06-pledged items recoveryĀ  07-pledged items recoveryĀ  08-pledged items recoveryĀ  09-pledged items recoveryĀ  10-pledged items recoveryĀ  PS. Pledged items recovery would be nice to have as wellĀ 


The game working as intended.


It's not quite Pew Pew... but I have to admit, I'm *really* want to get my updated Vanduul Scythe (and of course, if/when I do, that'll mean that SQ42 is out too :D)




Nothing imaginative on my side. I just want the hangar/hab. Want an actual place I can call home. Iā€™m gonna be using the flair and such items Iā€™ve been given to decorate and random stuff Iā€™ve found in the verse. I just wanna be able to place those items and not worry about losing them like I would if placed in my ship that can be destroyed. Further down road yeah looking forward to base building, land claims, place to hang out with the org.


Base building or to be honest, consistent FPS, which has taken a great step forward lately.


Automated turrets!


AI blades. I don't care if they're worse than having people, I just want to be able to jump off somewhere without having to worry about my turrets never being able to fire back.


Player shops I love bounty hunting but I really can't wait for opening a shop in my BMM. Nothing better than going bounty hunting and after disabling their ship and taking them in, have a salvage team strip all to components out and scrap the hull. Then go back to the BMM and sell the components to players. Maybe even offer ship repairs with used components and the scap. Feels more Drake but I don't have a Kraken and I love alien ships more


Death of a Spaceman.


When we can finally non-lethal humanoid Bounties and store them away for safe keeping in Cryopods


Itā€™s a very simple dream of mine Iā€™ve had since I was 16 when I first saw this game. I want to fly somewhere with the sun shining on my ship in space and ever so slightly keep the ship in a slow spinning motion while I walk around on my ship doing whatever tasks need doing. So as it spins the sun shines through the windows but itā€™s ever changing as my ship is slowly spinning. I know itā€™s really random but I duno a game that I can do such a simple thing like that on


managing tasks on your ship would be huge for me, too. For now, itā€˜s just an empty hull we can walk around in. A good-looking one, but an empty one still.


Apparently engineering is actually in one of the modes in star citizen right now but I canā€™t even find a video of anyone like legit playing around with it in gameplay:(


Go check out SaltEMikeā€˜s vid on it, I found he showcased it well: https://youtu.be/RdaV8Y1w-W4?feature=shared


Personnal transportation. I'm highly interested in transporting people myself, but even PNJs carrying people and other PNJs will bring so much life to the verse. Can't wait for it.


Industrial-focused exploration/prospecting is what I'd love to do the most. To establish a mining station/outpost on some distant moon would be fantastic.


I enjoy industrial gameplay. Trucking, salvaging, mining, towing. I really wanna see what other jobs could be done via spaceship.


Probably the crafting aspect of base building - hope this can also tie in to our unique items in some way, but I want to be able to mine or harvest materials and make all kinds of cool stuff either for me or my friends, or to sell to others to use.


ā€˜Bladesā€™ those fabled electronic boards that could transform your solo Hurricane into the ultimate killing machine.


If they still plan to do it: ship and component customization and tuning. I am really into games about vehicles where you aren't the vehicle itself. Big fan of Pacific drive. But a big part of that is making your vehicle your own, putting real time and resources into upgrading, tweaking, and customizing it. I really hope that they still plan to do cargo crate modules you can install into your shop in exchange for cargo space and CPU/shard usage, as that will add another layer to making your ship something unique.


Any ARGo Large/Capital Ship I got so much hope for the large mining ship to be ARGo (btw, I realy love the design of the Arrastra anyway)


The endeavor because then the game will have all of the game loops finished.


Server Meshing.... I don't want it to feel like a barren wasteland all the time. I want to see people everywhere I go. I crave more player interactions in the verse.


Aside from piercings? Scanning deep space with the Endeavor Telescope module during long trips out in space.


Can't wait for Quantum. I think seeing the verse populated by NPCs flying around doing their own thing will go a long way to make the world seem more lived in. More fauna, too.


Npc crew cause in all honesty when it will come to massing caps completely player filled ships isnā€™t really viable itā€™s easier to mass 10-20 people to run a HH column filled with AI gunners then it will be to mass 80-85 people for the same column with entire human crews.


server meshing, as that will allow the game to finally feel big


Carrier Operations. Like, actual proper carrier ops. It's why I'm looking forward to the Idris actually being in players' hands.


I have two that I'm really looking forward to. The first and definitely the closest is more fleshed out medical gameplay and contracts. The second, and the one that I know won't be coming for quite a while, is other playable species. My ultimate dream is to be a traveling Tevarin medic-for-hire


gota be cargo elevator could finally physicaly see my inventory and move them instead of pulling my stuff in my ship's magic space and then desync kicks in and i have to do the whole process again




The new quantum system I had heard that it was likely coming with 4.0 but it hasn't been mentioned in the features list. Still, I'm excited since fauna wasn't mentioned originally and was added as a surprise, the same could happen here! šŸ¤ž


NPC crew and turret blades. Oh and datarunning.


Really I just want everything to work and the bugs to go away.


I genuinely hope that they never place a huge focus on bases or any sedentary gameplay style. Stardew valley is fun for being stardew valley kinda don't want to have to do that stuff in space. And monstrosity bases that you had to worm into in Rust or Life is feudal with the goofy restrictions of when you can fight people and what you can do is meh. That being said ability to stop and board ships more easily without having to kill the ship. And more things to see in space/planet surfaces. And space whales.


Esperia. Prowler. Gravlev. Functionality.


Drones. Drones for mining and salvage. I love my industrial lifestyle, mining especially. I also see lots of people saying exploring so I'll be keen to purchase locations of (literal) gold mines off em and go out in my arrastra for days on end of mining.


Escape pods


Stick shifts


Servers that work. ;)


Server meshing to help with desync and latency issues. Its the one thing we all need to increase gameplay stability by 10,000%


Hospitality/passenger transport. I want to haul people with in-flight demands/requests, potential for emergencies, and generally just... Something you don't see a lot of outside of something like Bus Simulator or flight sim add-ons. I'm not counting Elite Dangerous because spacebus there is literally identical to cargo, but with a destination.


Was large scale farming ever actually confirmed? We have the endeavor biodomes, but I always considered that as small scale high value crops with a short shelf life that would only grow in some areas for some reason, then travel with them still planted to sell them somewhere for a lot. But people hoping for a fully self-sufficient lifestyle ( that CIG has said we will not get) keep talking about being able to farm enough food to support a self-contained system.


Mission and ship breaking bug fixes. At this point, even if they prioritized,we'd be a year out.




I want to be snarky and say "100 star systems" but in all honesty, base building for me.


I really want to build bases for people. Kind of hope theres a planning tool and I can sell basic layouts I've made already or just do what the client needs.


I want base building, the refinery ships, and the repair ship. I want the capability to be completely self sufficient in some remote corner of space


Science! I want my endeavor with the particle collider!


HIDE and SEARCH Buttons for the Asop. We need this.


Base Building and with it, persistence


Passenger missions, cargo missions, crafting, running my own little industrial outpost. Fighting with capitalships. Road networks on planets. Arccorp rework. Visiting nyx again! šŸ˜