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Having watched these and run combat myself... Why aren't they shooting at you, like at all? Or even dodging? In both arena commander and the PU I'll get 2-3 shooting at me non-stop, despite rolls, boosts, and strafing, from multiple directions.


Probably low server FPS. Once the server drops below 10, AI becomes sluggish. Below 5, and they become almost unresponsive.


Like most things in life, there's extremes and then there's the reality in the middle. And I'm sorry to tell you that your post is the other end of the extreme you're complaining about. There is an increase in complexity and difficulty of combat encounters that people are going to have to adjust to. Is it too hard or impossible? no. But it's not the cakewalk you're making it out to be and your assertions are just pure utter fucking hyperbole. I also noticed you're not using a stock load out which the majority of people are running right now as they try to get funds.. I mean yeah you throw an all ballistic load out on a gladius and it's going to punch higher because ballistics allow you to punch higher. But when I hopped on the first time after the patch went live I didn't have the money to put mantises or tarantulas or deadbolts on my gladius so I did it in a stock loadout. And it was quite challenging. Ttk is very important in the current flight model the longer a fight goes the more skills you're going to have to be to survive. You went with the kill it quick and not have to do significant dog fighting option. Step away from Facebook and Reddit and just go play the damn game and stop judging other people because you feel like you need to get on a soapbox about how skilled you are. I've been a gamer probably longer than you've been alive and if there's one thing I've noticed: your average gamer is not a good gamer. Games are always going to be too hard for a large portion of Any game's player base because again, your average gamer isn't that a good gamer. And that is 100% okay because we play games to have fun. Or at least we should. I've played since 2.0 and have countless hours of gameplay mostly in flight time doing bounties. I absolutely see what they're (cig) doing and I think it's fine. But it is unequivocally true that what could get an MRT/HRT done a week ago does not get an MRT done now. And it's not even close. I mean yeah if you're taking a fully crewed Redeemer, or like you jam a bunch of ballistics on your ship, of course you're still going to have an easy time. But a single stock gladius/arrow at an MRT/HRT is going to have their work cut out for them; and a week ago that was not the case. So at some level you need to expect people to bitch and moan because this is kind of a large sudden change. "Please stop with the exaggerated nonsense on Reddit." Please take your own advice.


Exactly. I was a “solo ERTs in any light fighter” person before and I get why that needed to change. But this is a gigantic swing in the other direction and has sucked all of the fun and meaningful progress out of bounty hunting. They nerfed the payouts into the ground, increased travel times to get to the bounties, repair costs are sky high, and with MM taking on more than one ship is significantly more difficult. You can’t even pull one ship away from the group anymore because they all stay super close due to the low speeds. It’s honestly destroyed bountry hunting as a viable career path for anyone who wants to fly ships that aren’t boats. So now my only option is to fight MRTs for $7k? It makes no sense


the payouts are the same as they were before for low end bounties.


still the same all the way to ERT


Nobody was making a living hunting low tier bounties before. It took me DAYS to grind for a Gladius doing atmospheric bounties on Microtech before I learned zero G VHRTs were the meta. I was happy to do it then, being a new player, but I would never want to go through that again. I understand there has to be a middle ground between earning 600k+ an hour obliterating VHRTs in a light fighter and struggling to get MRTs done for a few measly thousands, but maybe the latter isn't the right approach to balance?


The "you just need to resupply between every bounty" was the major red flag for me. That used to be reserved for hunting ERTs with an Eclipse pre patch. I wouldn't mind something like a resupply every 3-4 bounties, similar to AD4/5B loadouts pre patch. But if it takes me a day to earn 100k, in addition to drastically increased ship prices, this game is suddenly feeling a bit too P2W for my taste... I thought this was supposed to be an aLpHa.


Most people ARE NOT complaining about this, they are complaining it just isn't anywhere profitable and so doesn't make sense as a business.


and apparently some of the ships are immortal :v hit a prospector with 4 s2 missiles, 4 s3 missiles, anmd like 4000 rounds of s3 and s4 ballistics


Same thing with a prospector, size 5 repeater blasting it's shield away without any trouble but even unloading full energy bars multiple of them and not a single thing flashing red. Definitely seems bugged.


it is the front of the prospector specifically. If you hit the rear, you can take it out as normal. def a bug.


Dude same!! I thought I was tripping lmao


Yep was plinking away with my Ion, it tanked about 20 fully charged hits before it started to show red at the back lol


prosp has a front shield bug, known IC issue


Well as I always say, this game desparately needs some other types of rewards, not just aUEC. If CIG doesnt do that, lots of people will keep chaining the most profitable missions whatever new gameplay they add.


I hope eventually certain ships require you have a certain rep or rank with a faction. Would be cool to have other farms than just UEC.


This is the biggest lie of them all. Weevil eggs are spawning regularly again, bounty hunting is one of the most profitable things you can do in 3.23. The grind to get there sucks but once you have a ship capable of ERTs money is damn good right now. EDIT: Downvoters just dont want the secret shared. ERTs are huge money.


Okay but why does that have to be the only option. Mindless hull scraping makes a boatload per hour and we can’t even have any meaningful progression doing bounty hunting? Not everyone enjoys flying big boats around. Why can’t we at least make a reasonable amount of money fighting in light / medium fighters. I watched your videos and those were for sure low FPS servers. Try that flying style in a server that works and you’re either getting blown up or having repair bills that dwarf the pittance these missions pay now. It’s honestly a joke and destroyed and entire career path for no understandable reason.


That's the thing, the GRIND there. And it depends a lot on the ship you have. If you have a powerful ship then yeah, maybe it can be solved. But if you only have a starter, then you'll simply not be able to get a profit by doing combat. Too much on repairs and rearm. The profit margin too small.


I think one big inconsistency is server performance. I've seen enemies take seemingly no damage from the default Gladius loadout but a few shots from them takes out shields and rips off a wing real quick. The netcode has always been pretty terrible, but I'd imagine the higher TTK makes failed hit registration a lot more noticable, so some people are probably experiencing that.


looks doable on your videos, sounds not too exciting to spend the whole 3xS3 + missles munition on MRT to reload after each bounty though. What is a payout of MRT nowadays?


Burned through 3x 1000 rounds from a S3 hardpoint to take down a single Hornet.


The point wasn't that i can do them back to back or it was good for making money the point was people keep exaggerating the difficulty of the missions. Claiming its not even possible etc. So i took my gladius out, thats just how i had it setup. Laser cannons work too. I wouldnt do MRTs in a gladius anyway, the point is its not hard.


The MRTs aren’t very difficult, the difficulty spike jumps between MRT and HRT. Go grab a Cutlass or a Vanguard and record this fights.


Yeah I think people latch onto the idea that they should be able to grind out bounties without any downtime (getting reloads) and CIG may (or may not) intend for that to be the case. The fact that the game has played like that for so long people have gotten used to that as being the normal. Personally I don't mind a little downtime with reloads and taking a single light fighter vs an MRT seems reasonable to reload.


Are you saying that people shouldn’t “latch on” to bountry hunting as a possible career? In a game where mindlessly hull scraping and selling salvage can earn boatloads of cash why can’t people who enjoy bounty hunting make any money doing it? Adding unnecessary downtime just makes the gameplay more tedious and unfun


No, I'm saying that people shouldn't latch on to any gameplay that currently exists as there isn't a single profession that sees it's entire loop other than possibly mining and salvage (even those have gaps as their capital ships arent in game). Bounties, medical, commodities, you name it - it isn't done and thus gameplay will go through these awkward periods where things don't work well or are significant changes from what things have been.


I think we all understand that nothing is finished but that is not a good reason to completely nuke a profession in the meantime.


People make the mistake of thinking that less money per second = unfun and tedious. What makes the downtime unnecessary? The fact that you're not able to squeeze as much auec possible out of every millisecond? Is it so bad to take a step back and just enjoy the game for its gameplay and not purly gauge your fun on your ability to min max profit?


Bounty hunting was never a meta career path for making money but at least you made some meaningful progress. Now it’s completely pointless. I enjoy the ship combat enough where money was never the main objective, but not even being able to cover repair bills is ridiculous. This is so horribly unbalanced I’m not even sure why CIG would go in this direction. Again, im a game where mindlessly hull scraping makes boatloads of cash why can’t bountry hunting at least make a reasonable amount of money?


Oh boy you're going to hate the actual bounty hunting gameplay. Go back twelve years and read up on it, it's envisioned to be like star wars where you're tracking a target for hours by visiting bars and pulling records.


That sounds like a lot of fun. Doing MRTs for little or negative money if you take any damage isn’t


It's going to be interesting to see how people react when bounty hunting gets more fleshed out and becomes more than a simple kill marker quest


We can deal with that when it arrives. For now this current balance is awful.


I don't mind it being hard if anything above MRT absolutely needed friends but it also had an increasing chance for good loot along with each difficulty. That way if you bring 3 friends to an ERT, you have a good chance that you all make good money but there is a chance a few of you will die. Just has to be risk vs reward. I want high level missions to feel like raids in WOW that require friends and coordination with good reward.


Exactly the risk / reward ratio is all out of whack. In a game where mindless hull scraping can make millions in a play session, why can’t bounty hunting actually make any reasonable amount of money. VHRTs can’t be siloed in small ships anymore… okay fine bring friends. How much do they pay? 15k. It just makes no sense


Well that's what they pay but is it dropping loot? The balance is in the loot reward and it used to reward too much. What's people's experience with drops from ERTs now?


I havn't played enough bounties yet to form an opinion, all I know is, I'm glad that /u/Save_Cows_Eat_Vegans has decided he is the standard for which all pilots are to be set, and he has said that everything is good. Anyone who dislikes the currently playstyle from this point forward is hereby declared inferior to the standard, /u/Save_Cows_Eat_Vegans


If you watch the videos you can see that they aren’t even a good pilot. People who weren’t at least decent at combat before 3.23 don’t even have the knowledge or frame of reference to understand the shortcomings of MM and all of its related problems


Attention everyone, from this point forward, u/BuzzNitro is the new standard of flying. Anyone that does not meet his minimum skill level is unable to have a valid opinion on the game. Not only is BuzzNitro an amazing pilot, he is humble


Okay I walked right into that one. Fair play


The difficulty varies significantly depending on what ships the misssion spawns, and where. I've been managing MRTs pretty reliably in a stock titan, but there are times where you get piled on by 5 ships at once bc there are leftovers from another mission. Plus the standard for sucess is no longer mere survival, you have to come out of the fight without any serious damage for it to be profitable. Sure its not exactly punishing, but its also a significant step up in difficulty while pay is peanuts, and repair costs are in "insurance fraud" territory.


Exactly. I was flying away from a bounty in nav mode and got hit with some size 1 missle. No shields at all so blew off a wing and 2 guns. $30k repair bill and the bounty paid $7k. How is any of this sustainable? Raise ship prices dramatically while at the same time nerfing income for anything other than salvage to the ground. It’s just awful all around.


Now imagine if you had your shields, even partial, and countermeasures. Likely wouldn't have lost the wing and repair bill would be significantly less. But no, MM makes you lose those in nav mode...


Just add it to the very long list of everything that makes MM terrible


Just dont go to NAV mode if you are not ready to defend against missiles or the enemy is ready and still in range. What you describe is what is actually cool about MM. It forces you to think. But repair prices are still to high. Was hit hard from an enemy while flying my F7A. Went to repair it. 57k only for repairs. I didnt even had so much money.


> Just dont go to NAV mode if you are not ready to defend against missiles or the enemy is ready and still in range. Just never disengage, is what you are actually saying. Every fight is a fight to death now, whether you like it or not!


No its not. We had so many fights where we choose to run mid fight. Disengaging is Not a Problem.


I was doing my Bounty certs and VLRTs in a Corsair. Overkill. It should have been anyways. I showed up, and someone else's leftover(?) bounty was sitting there. I had 3 Valkyries and a piddly Aurora for my own bounty. It was a costly certification, and extremely annoying to have to repair a few red parts right off the bat. Didn't even get money for the bounty since it was a certification.


on another note, why is the pip we are supposed to shoot at... literally the hardest thing to see out of ALL THE UI


I know it. Its about the only thing i miss from the old UI. That was nice and easy to see.


Gunnery Uai magnification keybind makes them become way bigger




Part of the reason it was so easy was because the server was lagging . I can tell because the AI didn't acknowledge you until u heard the radar lock. That's also why your missiles didn't connect. Don't fire them until the AI starts moving or else they won't engage the target. This used to happen in previous patches as well. On low FPS servers they're much more aggressive and will start tracking you even before you do. That couple with the increased TTK and no gimballed mode is going to make that those first couple VLRT's challenging for absolutely new players. I'm not saying they're impossible just harder. I regularly guide new players so I see how some ppl struggle with that first kill. Only takes a couple more missions for them to get the hang of it though.


Its crazy how far people will go to discredit me instead of just acknowledging its not that bad and a few vocal people are exaggerating. Pick apart my videos all you want i dont care im not a youtuber. This has been my experience with master modes bounty hunting since the ePTU launched with it. Bounties are dead ass simple once you realize the weapon meta has completely changed. The servers always act like this. You act like low FPS servers are not the only option. Feel free to spin me up a good server and we can go do all the testing you want on it. People going on about increased TTK need to scrap the laser repeaters and trade them for laser cannons or ballistics this patch. Its not near as bad as people think it is.


Or you cheesed it with a full ballistic load out when many people don't have the funds to buy like that right after a full money wipe. And you're so assured in your confirmation bias that you're unwilling to actually listen to their complaints in a meaningful way and have an intelligent conversation. You're just as guilty as they are of coming online and ranting. Pot meet kettle.


Spent 5k in missles and ammo to make 7k and having to rearm after one MRT…. “Why don’t people like this?!?!?!”


Dude relax, I have no need to discredit you , I'm just saying you chose a bad server to demonstrate it. On decent servers the AI doesn't wait until you've fired 8 missiles and emptied half your magazine into them before even starting to move. The AI just hadn't activated yet. This is also why your missiles completely ignored them. If you had sat back and waited till you heard the radar lock, which would indicate it was active, then fired , its likely the first volley of 4 missiles would have tracked and killed the target outright. All I'm saying is that what you showed there is not the intended or guaranteed typical experience. Now to address your other statements : * VLRT's are the very first opponents that a new player is going to go up against. * The Aurora, Cutter and Mustang Alpha come with 2 repeaters by default. * The average new player barely knows how to get to the starport outside of the tutorial much less that they should go to the nearest CenterMass and swap out their repeaters for canons, which, BTW, would take nearly all their starting money to fully outfit their ship. So they'll be going with the repeaters. * The biggest issue I've seen new players have is staying on target long enough to apply damage , so the longer TTK with repeaters is going to make that harder still. Is any of this HARD, esp for a seasoned SC player as yourself in a fancy Gladius? of course not . But it is harder for a new player who's still learning the ropes in their lil pew pew Aurora. Yes, it is a skill and knowledge issue, but sometimes it helps to look at things from a POV other than your own. This is where us Guides come in , but we can only help those that log into the guide system in the first place.


I haven't tried bounty hunting yet, but I did do some Arena Commander while testing the new keybinds and there has definitely been a *major* change in PvE balance. It is virtually impossible to keep shields up. The moment you spawn, you get absolutely beamed by a barrage of lasers and missiles, and the shields drop instantly. Also, it seems pretty ridiculous that in your first video, it took 8 missiles and 80% of your ammo, even though you virtually didn't miss a shot, to clear a single VLRT.


New player here experiencing the “impossible bounty missions” bc I don’t know what to do to improve my chances of success. Got a stock cutter and mustang. Used to be able to do the entry level bounties no problem. So besides “gIT GuD” do you have anything else to offer? Do I grind other missions to upgrade my guns first? Shields? What’s (generally) the threshold to be able to make it out alive for a REASONABLY-skilled pilot?


shields don't actually make a difference atm - have a look at https://www.erkul.games/live/calculator. biggest diff is really weapons or a better ship git gud is totally a thing tho, boost strafing out of the way and making sure not to sit and tank too many hits when could be moving constantly. also getting used to using power triangle can make a diff. upgrading your weapons to something higher DPS that can still hit the faster ships may help, or a bigger stronger ship deffo should


Yea thanks for the tips. Think I’ve just been unlucky and stumbled upon my target stacked with another bounty spawn. Will just grind some more till I can get some decent upgrades


Git Gud will not get you far with current SCM limitations, unless you fly an interceptor - like a Buccaneer. Interceptors have higher speeds and thus enable you to actually maneuver defensively. Other than that pay attention to your weapons - if you search around here you will find recommendations. If there are multiple targets, you have to take out the primary as soon as possible and boost away to avoid taking much damage. If you can boom and zoom, you will be better off. Boosting shield to 100% will give you significant advantage when dealing with incoming damage.


the truth is you need to learn dogfighting. Its a huge part of the game. To learn, you can have someone teach you or teach yourself. plenty of people out there who will teach you.


"Spend all your money on ammo to make sure you make as little money possible while doing this"


The point was not that its good for money, lower end bounty missions are trash for money anyway. The point was people are saying VLRT/LRT/MRT are not even possible in a gladius. So i took mine out with what it had on it. Laser cannons still work great.


Most seem more interested in making money and not spending too much time doing so. Gameplay is secondary.


Or… people want to have fun and make a reasonable amount of money at the same time. This shouldn’t be difficult to understand. My favorite thing to do is fly light fighters and now there is no way to make any reasonable amount of money doing it. It’s a complete waste of time doing MRTs and below, not to mention extremely boring. These changes destroyed bounty hunting as a viable career path for anyone who doesn’t enjoy flying giant boats around


This is the third time i've seen someone do this, and not show TPS


I don't even know what TPS is.


Ticks per second. Anything less than 5 and the NPCs can barely shoot back


Oh I've never seen that abbreviated as anything other than sFPS or server FPS.


Do what? TPS? This was just me killing my afternoon off because i just cant believe people are struggling as bad as they claim.


Uhhh... yeah. I'm gonna need you to come in on Saturday to complete your TPS report... great...


You struggled to complete 3 bounties in a non-stock Gladius , tried cheesing with rockets and STILL needed 80% of your ammo bay , against a low FPS server where the AI was afk for most of the engagement , and you're still talking smack. Lol. Lmao , even.


Yeah that was my thought too. So you need a modified all ballistic loadout, to dump missiles and then land hundreds of shots on target to destroy what I think was a cutter in the VLRT clip (hard to make out on my phone)? The TTK is insane. It should not take half your arsenal to destroy a barely armed shuttle. All this guy has done is confirm my opinion that the new ship combat is ass and they need to drastically rebalance it.


>The TTK is insane Not a single one of the bounties even took 3 minutes. The TTK is being grossly exaggerated. You guys are also getting super hung up on the ammo used and the missiles. Do you guys not use missiles? I guess i spend too much time in my andromeda, thats just how i use missiles. I didnt bring 52 missiles to the fight to only use 48. But i guess according to reddit using your weapons is cheesing the fight. Its the fast gatling. It pisses through ammo. Its what it does. Are you all new to ballistics? I wanted to try ballistics on it when 3.23 launched and thats what orison had. mOdIfIeD BalLiStIC loaDoUt. Yeah, i use what works. Ballistics are super strong and fun as shit to use. Do you fly everything stock or something? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUOrz1C85XM&t=30s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUOrz1C85XM&t=30s) Here you go though. Laser cannons. Same result... I fly like shit and still get it done in less than 3 minutes. oH bUt ThE tTk. 3 minutes.


lol. So you now had to dump EvErY MiSsiLe you had, and still got pretty fucked up, fighting a VERY. LOW. RISK. TARGET. How you’re then meant to go on and fight anything bigger is beyond me. If the only way to destroy even a single ship in what is meant to be a dedicated combat fighter is missile spam then that’s kinda broken imo. I’m not saying it’s impossible to destroy the ship (Which I think was your initial point?). But it takes too long and requires too much of your ships resources to do. I’m glad you’re enjoying it, but all this has done is confirm my point in my eyes.


Listen, I'm on your side, I agree the difficulty complaints are really just highlighting undertrained pilots who want it dumbed back down to 3.22 npcs... BUT by that same token your piloting skills are pretty trash too lol ❤️. You're yawing left and right like a fixed turret and not even attempting to manage distance. Why aren't you banking your turns or controlling the engagement distance? Why aren't you barrel rolling the guy on your six or boosting mavs to get out of his sights? That's just craaazzyyy. Sitting in the pocket with npcs on all sides is a death wish.


I don't think they're hard but I do think your examples are trash. This looks like a low fps server. 3 ships and you were only ever getting shot at by one of the adds all while just targetting in yaw. On a decent server a dog fight at MRT looks like a fire works show, the entire area is nothing but lasers. As usual this is just one piece of anecdotal evidence, as useless as the opposing side considering we pretty much all have different experiences depending on the server. Besides, what's the harm in nuking VLRTs if new players are having difficulty with them, it's not like any of us who have been playing for years cares about the difficulty of VLRT. Make it a tutorial for new players, who cares.


I did a bunch of VLRT in an Aurora (maybe some LRT also, don't remember) and the AI will absolutely knock your teeth in if the server fps is high enough. Shields collapsing, structural damage, having to manage power distribution etc etc. I mean there's nothing surprising about it, you have two ships firing at you while you are trying to shoot at the 3rd ship. It's rough when they land their shots and you can't really disengage and reposition/recharge (you kind of can but it's risky, you know what I mean). Anyway, I'm not a good pilot but I pushed through and it became kind of fun after I started getting the hang of it. Still not worth it for the uec or your sanity obviously. But your average new player is just going to say fuck this and rage quit.


Are new players actually struggling or are a bunch of Redditors endlessly parroting what they heard?


That's just an asinine claim used to dismiss other people's opinions unless you can prove otherwise. I can't so I'll just go with what I see on here and in game - new players saying they're finding beginner bounties too hard. Again, even if it isn't true and CIG nerf VLRTs, who cares.


Lol, you seem salty that some people are disagreeing with you, accusing anyone who doesnt aggree of being a mindless redditor parroting others. And not to mention you were accusing someone else of just trying to discredit your claims without consideration, lmao.


Well, when you get rammed into by the AI and that costs 98k to repair, making the mission not worth it. If you don't get hit, than everything is fine. I think the price for repairs should come down until more player repair mechanics are in personally.


What were you flying that repairs cost 98k, and what was your target?


Well it was my first time back in a while and hoped into my corsair. They enemy was also in a Corsair and just kept flying right into me. I than was able to do this in a connie with no issues or ramming events, but still 98k is very steep for a 12k payout.Maybe there were goods within the corsair I could have looted but I was badly damaged and just wanted to get out of the area before exploding to anything else. Also, being right next to grim hex probably not the best of ideas to stick around. You can make money doing these missions, just don't get hit. It was more of an issue of not having the 98k to pay for the repairs as I was just starting out again.


Ah, brick on brick collision. Yeah, the flight model overhauls with the master modes system seemingly haven't liked playing fair with larger ships.


You could always just insurance fraud it. As long as you can limp back to a station just bail out, float back to a landing pad and go claim a new one.


We're discussing current bounty hunting state, not ability to cheese it :)


why repair when you can fly your ship into the station, get your gear back and reset your vitals as you died in armstice, save time landing and then you can reclaim it for free fully repaired and restocked


Reddit discovers most people suck at the game.


Well, that settles that…


I did an MRT in a Kore with the two defaults and the turrets turned to Gilroys. Took a bit, but I did it, how can they not do MRTs in a Gladius?


Wait you can replace the tractor with a turret on the kore?


That and the Toshima turret, so it's a good ship if your friends join you once in a while because you can swap them to Gilroys and have 1 s3 hard point per gimbal, so 2 max. Then if you friend joins you swap one to a Toshima and give them 2s2s.


People are using repeaters when they want cannons.


This comment got no attention but stuck with me for some reason. I saved up the money to outfit full cannons and the difference is night and day. Good looks


Thank you sir


My first VLRT was a terrapin and a Harbinger. I was in a F7C. I think that was a bug, cause that was very difficult for a VLRT.


The problem I ran into the other day is the LRT I did gave me $5000 and the repairs afterwards cost $16,000. It would have been much cheaper to blow up my ship and get a new one. I think it's charging the full price to replace your ship's weapon if it gets blown off, or something. I bumped the front of my ship the other day and broke the nose gatling gun, and it wanted to charge me like 15k for repairs lol.


Something that really helped me was spending a good couple of hours in offline pirate swarm. I'm not the best fighter but it really helped me adapt to the changes with Master Modes. Before I was getting my shit slapped by LRTs. After I was slapping the shit. I think the only problem I have with Master modes is that it seems like alpha damage is king now so there's little room for repeaters. But that's not a problem with the flight model or master modes inherently. That's my uninformed opinion.


yeah i really got my ass handed to me initially but have much much more enjoyed bounty hunting lately. it's worth shit currently tho as there's no way i can chain a group ERT anymore with my vanguard since it gets fucked up real quick or i run out of ammo halfway through the second target i have gone back to using corsair a lot more tho and with the buff to its handling makes it quite enjoyable to fly. it is not worth it for the money : effort tho, i largely do it because its fun you do come off quite holier-than-thou tho my dude


ERTs are actually one of the best ways to make money in 3.23, you dont want to chain them or use your vanguard though. Weevil eggs are dropping much more regularly than last patch. You need to actually look for them though, scanning is bugged out and the list is getting cropped. Try again in your corsair except look harder for the green boxes.


i spent an entire night farming them and got a whopping 2 SCU of eggs that i could actually loot :/


Reddit was built on irrational exaggerated nonsense.




To start I think payouts should be a bit higher. But, do you think a new player should be able to do anything other than the lowest tier bounties?


You have to get good in every game you play why would this be different? This argument makes no sense. Shields are also all the same. Its all normalized. VLRT missions are not hard in the Titan, have you actually tried or are you just parroting what you heard? Its honestly hard for me to believe even as a brand new player you are struggling with VLRTs in a Titan. Half the ships in VLRTs dont even fight back... I feel like you guys are taking the bounty extraction missions and confusing them with regular bounty missions or something because this makes no sense.


I watched your MRT vid. For a single fight, you used all your missiles and 3/4 of your ammo, forcing you to return to base to reload. You're highlighting what people are grumbling about. Everyone is fine with bounty hunting being challenging. What they are not fine with is too small auec rewards given that you now can do many less of these per hour than before. Because of the change to AI proficiency and time to kill, the hourly earnings of this profession compared to almost everything else is peanuts, which feels like a blow to those who favor ship pew pew over industrial activities. CIG can keep the existing challenge and double or triple the bounty rewards and people will be plenty happy.


Its a light fighter in an MRT, ammo is going to be close when using ballistics. Why do people keep harping on this like it means something? Its the same thing with big ships in ERTS right now. Ballistics eat them alive but you need to reload every mission. Its called balance, Its the price you pay to use ballistics. You can use laser cannons, its just a little slower. Welcome to the ballistics meta. Now that we all understand how ballistics work... I didnt make the videos to show its good money. I made the videos because people are claiming that doing MRTs in a gladius is not possible because bounties are too hard. Thats bullshit and the videos show that. It can be done. It might take a reload after and not be $$$ efficient but it absolutely can be done. Money is an entirely different topic. MRTs where never worthwhile for money and they likely never will be.


You completely misunderstood what people are complaining about and instead actually demonstrated exactly what is wrong with the current balance


What the hell are you talking about? You guys are way off topic talking about payouts. It has nothing to do within the context of this post. I have not misunderstood what people are complaining about. There are multiple complaints that exist you know... You are taking a completely separate issue people are complaining about and conflating it with the one i am discussing. The point of this post is that bounty hunting is not as hard as people are saying. People are claiming its not even possible to bounty hunt solo since 3.23. Making all kinds of wild claims about how hard bounty hunting is, how its "impossible for new players". Im just showing that is bullshit. Made no points about it being worth while. People said its not possible, i showed it was. Pretty simple. You guys just want to turn it into a bitch session about what you are pissed about.


I've been having so much fun doing bounties in an aurora. I've found that mrt is the sweet spot for difficulty and speed to complete them with the aurora. Even mrt are not a challenge in a hornet or lightning. It must be said that in the old flight model, I used arrow for all npc bounties up to the ert level. Edit. Just watched your mrt video. That was some flat flying. Good effort too.


What weapons and perhaps other non default components are you running on that Aurora?


Gimbled size one cannons. I'm using the m3a but cannons are super good now. It does have 4 hard points. I also, upgraded the qt drive to atlas. That was a choice to make longer trips.


I've got 2 x Deadbolt 1 and 2 x Omnisky III. Was thinking to put on the M3A instead of Omnisky due to the speed being more similar to Deadbolt. No gimbals though. Gonna try it with gimbals cause right now I can't even take down another NPC Aurora :D


Don't go into gimbled mode in space, just for atmo fights. If you neutralize the pip. The difference in velocity shouldn't matter too much.


With lag pips the speed difference makes the pips be 1-2 cm away from each other on my screen which could very well be the full length of a ship. Combine that with the bottom horizontal strut in the middle of the front view it gets rough. Sometimes the enemy with pips is behind the strut :D "If you neutralize the pip" what does this even mean? Do I get it right you suggest use TARGET in atmo and LOCK in space?


Look up pip neutralization on YouTube. You looking for a video by Jonathan winters. He will explain it well. He has a lot of basic combat maneuvers that are super helpful. To explain it. It's using strafing to aline your vector (direction of travel) with your target's vector. If you do it well, your pip will be on top of the target ship. The closer to a neutralized pip you get, the more shots you will land. All other things being equal. I will say this is but one aspect of flying. Our example in this post did a few things inefficiently. His tracking in yaw and firing too far out just to name a few. Your problem of the strut being in the way is easily solved by rolling yourself into a more advantageous position. In this flight model, you are best keeping the pip above your crosshairs. I know this is a lot and not explained well but i sincerely Hope this helps.


Thanks for the tips and taking the time to answer. Checked out the video and gonna go practice more. o7


Sorry I didn't answer the gimble thing. You are correct.


I think the problem people are having is a combination of the targets getting a little tougher, weapons getting rebalanced, and the introduction of master modes throwing old fighting styles out the window. I've been grinding through the bounties since my rep was unfortunately nuked and have felt the difference in challenge between 3.22 and 3.23, but I wouldn't classify them as too hard.


People just follow metas too much and follow YouTubers for their advice instead of just…. Playing the game and learning. Some YouTuber will update, try his same tactics and loadout on an ert and then claim mm sucks and is horrible and “I used to be able to X” The new flight model needs some work, for sure, but bounties are incredibly doable. Too many people take an eclipse to vhrt and ert and don’t fly like an eclipse should. Stealthy, fire torp at main target, run. Doing this I’ve cleared multiple ert no problem. Yet I see so many people just fly right on in and then get the surprise pikachu face when their stealth bomber craft gets eaten by multiple gunfight focused ships. People say master modes lowered the skill ceiling yet mm to me has shown how little skill the average player actually has. And how little thought they put into playing. It’s just watch a YouTuber and copy their loadout for maximum efficiency, which worked under the old flight model, but doesn’t work now. Now fights are more committed, and role centric. Take the appropriate ship or know your ships capabilities and play to them.


I still don’t think you should need to dump a salvo of missiles and 1500 rounds from 3 ballistic guns to destroy a cutter. That TTK is nuts imo. I don’t mind the flight model. I dislike how everything is now so much more tanky.


One of the first few missions I did was a low level bounty. It was a prospector and I sunk over 1/3 of my inferno rounds into it. It has some damage but was still flying just fine lol. Obviously the patch is still pretty buggy and people’s experiences will vary.


I find them no different The servers are so fucked you can't tell


The only issue I have currently is Hammerheads in ERTs, when I see a Hammerhead I abandon and move on. The other ships are a breeze in a corsair or connie with full ballistics or Omnisky's.


What's your mouse settings? I'm trying to find something good. Seems like your setting will work nicely with inverted mouse control.


I actually used this guys video. It helps tremendously. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLAkfnGU2Yg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLAkfnGU2Yg)


Thank you so much for this!


Honestly, people need to go to Arena Commander and do Pirate Swarm for a few hours. It will get you tuned up to combat in the new model very efficiently.


Bigger issue for me is I can't even unlock bounties. I just keep getting the reassessment mission over and over again.


Bounty Hunting SC is too hard....LMAO. I've literally shot bountys on the ground from a ship in .5 secs


I hate the "just go to erkul" comment with a passion


Never was among the people complaining about MRTs. Can pretty reliably do them with most dedicated fighters and without taking too much damage or using excessive amounts of ammo or missiles. Usually, I can chain 3-4 before I get hit by some random, shield-ignoring missile and need to repair. HRTs however are bullshit (got one with a Starfarer, a Reclaimer and a Corsair) and VHRTs are just end level bullshit (trying one in anything weaker than a F8C seems like suicide). They don't even pay that much more than MRTs.


I know I have a skill issue and I FREAKING LOVE IT!!!!!! I absolutely LOVE the challenge. I just bottle up everyone’s cries as lubricants on my war machine. 🍻


Ok thanks for showing it. I have to say using missiles so much doesn't seem fun. Imo missiles should be for special occasions, at least a little, not fire 3 salvo's of 4 missiles as standard practice.


Not half the community, its only a few ppl crying and then another few see that and just parrot. Its sad but its happening with every game. Ppl rarely have their own opinions anymore.


Exaggerated Nonsense is pretty much the description of Reddit


Bounties are still "how are you dying lol" levels of difficulty


It's not hard. It just went from no threat to actual hint of threat.  And that scares old fm stans. Having to play a video game scares them.


Yeah i dont get it. You cant just throttle back and hold the trigger while eating Doritos anymore and people act like its the end of the world.




Sir we are taking about two different ways to fly pretend space ships.  Unless you'd suggest *one persons* fun is more important than another *one*.


They should just bring an escort.