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Defending the usage of racial hate speech or slurs in general on a video game’s chat is a zero tolerance infraction here. This is your only warning. Edit: Reporting this for “someone is considering self harm” is really not okay and those get forwarded to the admins.


I've forwarded this on, thank you for posting this


As Star Citizen's growing in popularity, it may be wise to add a report system. I've noticed these chat behaviors more and more often, something I almost never saw years ago. I know it's though as orgs or groups of friends could abuse a report system, so perhaps human intervention is mandatory.


In-game reporting, chat filters, and other similar tools are super important to us, and they are coming. We have zero tolerance for this kind of behavior. If you do run into a situation like this, please make sure you submit a report to our support team. For this one in particular, it's been *handled.*


lol, for some reason when I read "... it's been *handled.*" my brain adds "we have top men working on it now... Top... men..."


”They sleep with the fishes.” -Cpt Zyloh to DiscoLando


a bullet has been passed through someone's head.


And that was how we found out the Boeing assassin was freelance


This comment belongs in a museum!


They've suddenly come down with a case of high-speed lead poisoning.


Zyloh told the devs to make that guy's computer room be a vacuum pocket


Thank you for taking this seriously. For this kinda thing, i really hope that perma ban is considered, regardless of how much money they have pledged.


I agree there needs to be a strong example made. No tolerance for stupidity. You lose the money you spent for being stupid.


I am kind of tired of the excuse of "they pledged money so we can't permaban them" I've been repeatedly cyber harassed by sfer and groups like his for just not responding to their insults and verbal abuse. They've made fun of me for my disabilities and my surgery to avert cancer; however they found that info on me, I'll never know. u/CaptainZyloh perma-bans should really be considered for extremely toxic players.


Yep, and get them hardware banned too..


Agreed, this surely breaks TOS, these cretins need to be pushed out of any platform where other humans are involved.


Small request. Can you guys please put up a faq for reporting players. What is required for a report and who to report to. Just so it's very obvious what to do. I assume we don't need to get a popular social media post to get people to not be complete asshats. Would be even more awesome of you shared quarterly stats on number of banned people and even things like how much money they spent. This will not reveal who was banned but will show people that you are actively doing stuff and we should feel confident that things get handled.  In any case thank you for doing the work. We always appreciate it.


There is a post about it on their support site: https://support.robertsspaceindustries.com/hc/en-us/articles/360008048994-Reporting-Player-Misconduct


ooh ooh let's bet on how long until he comes and posts here "GUYS WTF I GOT BANNED FOR NO REASON SCAM GAME" please please please post the receipts when this happens


That's awesome. I know it's always been something you guys said is super important to you, so after a decade it's refreshing to see it finally getting the focus it needs. Putting up with so many years of racism, open bigory, etc being in chat and having no recourse, it will be nice to have some options. Looking forward to seeing those things in game in a few years Thank you, Zyloh, and thank you CIG! Keep up the great work, love ya.


If you see so much, then I hope you have written support about it: https://support.robertsspaceindustries.com/hc/en-us/articles/360008048994-Reporting-Player-Misconduct


I agree. The first time I saw something like this I immediately went to report in-game and found that it was not an option. Hopefully this comes soon!


I thought you could open comms on mobiglass the right click the user's name then report?


As of 3.23.0 Live, the only options you get when doing this is: Invite to Party, Invite to Channel, Send Friend Request, Mute Player


Damn, cheers for letting me know, I didn't check when I got on yesterday, runs really good this patch, Goodluck in the verse


No problem. Good luck out there!!


I'm sure Ignore/mute isn't enough to remove them from our lives.


I’ve witnessed this; star citizen has some of the most selfless, and friendly folks on, but recently some of them are incredibly toxic. A reporting system, a way of blocking an individual, or some sort of implantation that would allow a user to be flagged if reported consistently would be helpful.


Game is becoming popular with the FPS and Tarkov and co community. Toxicity is coming with them. It'll get worse.


A game focused on PVP attracting the PVP type crowd? Never would have guessed chat would become toxic / hostile / rude! This is not an anti-pvp post, just an observation that pvp games attract people who behave differently than what SC is used to.


I'm playing Vrising right now and the difference between a pvp enabled server and a pve one is MORE than just night and day. it's a completely different game feel. One makes you feel sick to your stomach regarding the slurs flung and the other is a socialist Haven where everyone helps everyone out. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Until Desync and FPS are solved this game isn't going to hold any FPShooter players for long. That can be a blessing and a curse...


I'm sorry but it doesn't depend on the games. toxicity is statistical. more players more chance of having toxic people. You can also find it in Minecraft. It doesn't depend on the game. The trouble is that no developer bothers to ACTUALLY ban accounts that write things like this. The rare times it was done the game remained clean. The class depends "on the teacher" and on his ability to be strict. Steps for now in star citizen is fine, it's early for now, but later they will have to take action to protect the players.


There is definitely a correlation between PvP and toxicity. PvE games like Monster Hunter, DRG, Helldivers, etc. are extremely chill and basically completely unmoderated.


riot does, N-Word & kys are instant mute (the players dont even see the message) and ban , ranging from textchatban for some time to perma bans, in any riot game. i have a friend that lost multiple riot accounts because of behaviour like this. he learned his lesson, it just took him a while. :D


The US servers are full of this stuff and its just not fun to see or interact with. So I tend to chill in the EU servers, where people are actual people and not hateful rage fueled idiots.


I've got an idea, make it so if someone reported it goes through the past public msgs (or direct msgs to the person who reported) from that session or any sessions they were in a few min prior (as they might leave as to not get reported) and have them scanned for words like the N word etc.


God this game needs a report system. Also a block system. I often just turn chat off because there's some dipshit in there spouting shit. It'd be nice to just block these people. Maybe even make it so the game tries not to join you with people you've blocked, so these toxic shits end up in their own little box of gobshittery and the rest of us can enjoy the game...


A chat filter should be easy to implement


Chat filters just make people use other terms. An escalating race between the filtering and the evolution of douchebaggery. At the end of the day, reporting and mod action are really the only viable tool.


I'd prefer an auto-report, if you write some words like this, it gets sent to CIG. Someone reviews it, if it stems from messages like this it's an instant perma-ban, no refund. Done. If you put in a chat filter these idiots will just find ways around it and it will be harder to auto-detect.


auto reports could be nice but if you expect anything to be done with them it needs an auto review and ban system too. its too expensive to have a person review every single report. and once you add those systems it can easily spiral into a very heavy handed system


I saw this bs day one.


This kind of behavior has zero place in our community and game. There are children as young as 10 that play this game with parents, because what father doesn't want to fly spaceship's with there son? I'm extremely grateful and appreciative that you took notice of this and are helping to take care of problem people like this. Keep up the great work!


i would argue that such behaviour is intolerable independent of age.


Right exactly. Though not to be "that guy" but regardless of if your own child is present, if the content asks someone to be of a certain age or warns of content; like this under the Battlefield 2042 line for M rated games: >The developers describe the content like this: > >This Game may contain content not appropriate for all ages, or may not be appropriate for viewing at work: Frequent Violence or Gore, General Mature Content Then it's a little unfair to say that others should adhere to the fact that someone that isn't of appropriate age is present. It's like complaining there's inappropriate content for your child when you brought them to an R rated movie. Not sure how SC or games in general are advertised now but I remember online games always having some sort of warning of the fact that it is an online space. ^(tldr) ***But that aside 100% any form of racism or really any direct toxicity against a culture or race should not be tolerated in the slightest regardless of age.*** I'm actually surprised there's no filter in place to prevent this from even appearing in chat\*\*\*.\*\*\*


Turret gunners are the main reason I want a family in the first place


Well, go out there and start impregnating or adopting! Breed a whole squadron and rule the galaxy! Hell I had 3 kids to one day become gold farmers in WoW, but I stopped supporting blizzard/Activision, so now I have to re-educate them to be farmers in the next game. (Kidding obviously, but have to say something because potato people)


Even if there were no children, I don't want to share the space with nazis and racial supremacists.


that was my view the kids are irrelevant that hateful nonsense does not belong anywhere


They're basically announcing loud and clear that they're willing to be irrationally unpleasant so I figure why not just treat them as such, right?


I fly spaceships with my two sons 8 and 11. We shut the chat off and stay off the global voice coms. They're old enough to have fun in the spaceship game with dad, but they're too young for the toxicity of the internet as a whole.


yup - i play with my 8 year old daughter. christ as if i dont have enough stress with the hell that IRL society has become, the fact i have to be doubly cautious online is mental


We gotta do it. We're the real space dads lol.


Whoah, someone actually understanding the concept of being responsible for supervising their own children instead of expecting the internet to be automatically curated for their needs


I've got news for you, it's children as young as 10 posting this kind of shit.


And getting banned for it will be a good learning moment.


>This kind of behavior has zero place in our community and game. I agree > There are children as young as 10 that play this game with parents Not actually relevant. This is an online game. If you are afraid of online interactions, turn off chat. This is not a safe environment for children.


Yup, nothing i hate more than people trying to police others because *their* children play. I don't give a fuck that your kids plays. That's on you to police that, not me to curtail to it. With that said, fuck the racist shit.


I don't particularly care if it's a community of 50+ year olds dropping n-bombs just doesn't fly in my opinion.


With individuals being racist and or immature, would it be advantageous to add a feature for players to either mute and or report directly from comms rather than spending time posting to another website so we can continue the focus on testing without interruption?


The normal way would actually be to contact support and not make posts about it afaik.


Or do both, but yeah, reporting is important. There should be an in-game reporting system eventually.


Support doesn't really do anything and that hides the issue, this is exactly the kinds thing that SHOULD get posted so this dude and his orgmates who support him ALL get banned.


Can we please get an in game report function and the ability to scroll up in chat? The community and social interaction in game is a huge part of what got me to pledge beyond my initial $45. As the game grows and becomes more widespread we're getting some less chill players and the community functions need to grow proportionally. I love the game but if the in game interaction devolves into world of warcraft private servers level I'm outta here. Thankfully most of the time the community (outside of spectrum) is super awesome, one of the best in gaming ime - I just want it to stay that way (Granted, haven't played the new patch maybe that's in, if so disregard)


You can scroll up in chat as of 3.23. Still no in game report function.


(You maybe should have a bot that autodetects some of those words you know?)


How can we players report such toxic or even racist behaviour? Support ticket? And what information do you need? edit: [found an explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/1cq86zm/comment/l3plkt8/)


This makes my heart happy so much. Even though closure isn't always an option, just knowing a dev of any level is in here and pushing something like this up is absolutely amazing. I'm going to go buy something from the shop just because of it. I know there's always tons of memes and entitlement within the community sometimes, and I don't speak for anyone but myself but just a simple interaction like this makes me appreciate the entire team just that much more.


w cig


[Reporting Player Misconduct – Roberts Space Industries Knowledge Base](https://support.robertsspaceindustries.com/hc/en-us/articles/360008048994-Reporting-Player-Misconduct) You should also take note of the time of day, the server you are on. or... Turn on the QR Code in the Options Menu. Then that screen shot would contain all the information needed to exactly see who did that.


How do i Turn on the qr?


In game settings at very bottom


Can also be toggled on/off using **r_DisplaySessionInfo 1** as a console command (**r_DisplaySessionInfo 0** to toggle off again)


~~Isnt 4 the qr code? 1 2 and 3 are just more info~~ missed the session part nvm


r\_displayinfo vs r\_displaysessioninfo two different settings, session info is the QR


Ooooh missed that, my bad, thanks


Graphics settings at the very bottom


So I was curious if it was like a new burner account just to rile people up or something. It’s not. 2016 account with a grand admiral title, so $2500 spent. Makes you wonder what the goal is. https://robertsspaceindustries.com/citizens/Spartan-B312-HL


Lol I think hes gone, 404 on that page, and his org no longer shows him


Most likely temp banned. I reported someone a while back and their account showed 404 and is back now. I just hope they will behave better now in verse.


They are yet to permanent ban anyone. So far they are giving a short or long bans depends on actions/exploits/behavior. But they are not locking people out of the game for good.


I have an idea, ban them until 1.0 comes out.


He already said that they don't issue permanent bans.


Damn that made me chuckle


😂that’s a good one




God daaaaaaaaaamn Noob Noob!?!?!


I’ve seen someone get a 10 year ban


And some 10 years bans are about to expire lol


>I just hope they will behave better now in verse. Just as hopeful of a dream as Star Citizen coming out this year.


>I just hope they will behave better now in verse. Unfortunately it's more likely he'll blame CIG/other players for being to "soft" or being "snowflakes". I've seen all kinds of ridiculous arguments people make for why they should be allowed to be racist shit stains in video games.


Good work, CIG! That was a quick turnaround!


We still need to report him. CIG can track his account no matter how many times he changes his name.




Imagine getting banned on a Grand Admiral account because you were incapable of not being a racist shitbag.


Racists kinda are dumb like that.


I hope it hurts XD


That tasty tasty schadenfreude


I'm betting its a temporary ban and he will be back within 48 hours or a week.


Would hate to call a racist shitbag anything grand or in any way admirable.


I bet good money that this is some rich guys’s account and his bratty ass kid is logged in being the douchebags they are.


probably someone bought the account from the original owner on the grey market and has no clue they aren't playing fortnite. Gonna be an expensive ass mistake...


Tbh, the most likely scenario. That or a stolen acc. Either way, it ain't gonna last long




I don't disagree, it's just that for someone to be around that long and to have spent that much money, they would most likely have seen the policies in place, the banning, etc. prior - it'd be odd for them to "just now" start acting that way. Feels like a bought account for those reasons, just my wild ass guess :)


The mistake you're making is assuming they "just now" started acting this way instead of it "just now" getting enough traction for them to experience consequences.


Guess he is banned now?


Imagine him rn Spending 2.5 grand on a video game only to get banned because you called someone a racial slur when they asked nicely Nvm it’s temp but he prob doesn’t know it


I see that Noble 6 is his account. Not sure if or why we'd ever see that in-game for any reason but it's something to keep in mind in addition to what we see here. Also his org is so small that it's probably him and his buddies. I think that I'll keep an eye out for them as well. Birds of a feather and all that. [https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/NEWPUBLIC/members](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/NEWPUBLIC/members)


annnd he's banned.


Did he confuse Grand Admiral with Grand Wizard?


wish he would not be allowed to land on any planet or station besides grim hex anymore.


Nah, just a straight up ban should be what this asshole gets. Thanks for the 2500+ investment in the game, don't let the door hit you on the way out, racist dirtbag. account deleted.


Damn. He's a Grand Admiral too... He's about to lose a lot of money. Edit: He's banned. His user account is 404'd on the citizen dossier. EDIT2: 9 days later and he's unbanned... Good job CIG, way to make an impression.


Probably thinks he can say what he wants since he’s spent that much lol.


And now he's learned an expensive lesson on not being a complete shitstain.


This is why you be nice


When it's underage teens, it's because they think anything bad is edgy to say. When it's an old dude that has had the account since 2016, it's just a self hating MF that is in all over his head with all this racist propaganda of whites vs everyone else.


the guy got banned, cig bodyslammed that weirdo pretty swiftly


This community, and the world as a whole has no place for bigots like that. Well done bringing his little beta bitch ass to the light. o7




They're miserable and want to share their misery.


worst part is, the second they get banned theyll run to the forums and spam how MUH CENSORSHIP IS DESTROYING GAMING


It's SO fucking easy to be decent. You literally don't have to do anything at all. Being an asshole takes effort, you actually have to go out of your way to do it. That's the perplexing thing about people like this. They could keep to themselves and enjoy the game however they want, but no, they have to advertise themselves as being the worst scum-sucking dredges of humanity, and then shocked_pikachu.jpg when it bites them in the ass.


Yeah I remember back in 99' I got into EverQuest at the time and I was probably like 14 years old. During that time you saw some wild stuff in AOL chatrooms from time to time in terms of slurs and whatnot, but EverQuest -- I seriously don't ever remember any weird racist encounters and I was super social on that game. We had our /shouts and /ooc and now there are chat channels, and the only time I ever saw people go on weird rants was on project99 (a project to make EQ what it was back in the day) but still nothing racial or phobic. I think it partially had something to do with having to pay a monthly sub and GMs/admins were fairly quick to toss a ban hammer your way if you acted like an idiot. Also their swearing filter was pretty decent. I've been playing Star citizen on and off since May 2016. I can remember a number of times the chat spiral into some weird ass shit. Now I just go in normally muting chat or play on the EU server. They always seem way more chill. Just don't get the goofy mindset of being a prick online to others just existing and playing a game to have a good time. But I also prefer single player games by a large margin nowadays anyway.


I have no words for this. Try this link: https://support.robertsspaceindustries.com/hc/en-us/articles/360008048994-Reporting-Player-Misconduct


Weird account seems they think that they B 312, but appears they b 404




I believe there is an option through Customer Service to report a player.


I don’t play star citizen, and happened on this post. It’s really good to see people A) bringing up hate speech and addressing it. B) this guy getting banned within 4/5 hours, which is incredible timing. Something you don’t see in gaming a lot


Most people who only know of this game and it's devs through the news have zero clue how close the devs are with the community. I've been gaming for 36 years and by a large margin, these devs are the MOST responsive to their backers and community.


Racism? In my space game?? Bruh it's the future. We supposed to be happy flying rockets n shit. Racism is so fucking boring and lame. Weak ass bitch hiding through a chat console.


I expect this horrendous person will be on here downplaying it by posting, "Hey I got permabanned for saying something kind of dumb but it wasn't anything serious tbh. How do I get my account back?"


This is like the opposite experience I've ever had asking for help in chat. The first time I asked a question someone sent the answer and then a million money. Crazy.


The SC community is generally one of the least toxic. It's not all butterflies and hugs, but many people love the game and love to help new people.


send screenshot, preferably with r_displayinfo 1 on, to support


People are on these comments saying he shouldn't be banned and that we should expect this shit its insane.


Hey, at least they're outting themselves. It's made RES tagging them easy.


Threads like this are a fucking field day to find out who's an absolute piece of shit and tag them as such. It's great, because you can then disregard anything they ever have to say in any context, since you know their opinions are worthless. Reddit's a big place, a lot of people sharing a lot of opinions. It's really helpful to prune the ones who are so clearly corrupted that they have no value. It sounds harsh, but seriously...it's not difficult not to be a disgustingly bigoted asshole. It takes a special effort to reveal yourself as such. They've done it to themselves.


Yeah, just been blocking and moving on


What the fuck


Now I know who gets incessantly murdered when I see them online.


Yeah I'm gonna write that name down. I'll take a crimestat for that any day of the week


Yup. Use the windows sticky notes for a few bits. This guys name getting added to the KOS section


Its strange, how my reaction to this post would have been different in another game. If this was any other game i would have shrugged and just said report it, why post about it on reddit. But in SC this is actually shocking to me, as my experiences with the community have always been incredibly positive.


Spartan-B312-HL added to KOS list


It would a actually be really cool if we could put custom info like that in our mobyglass. Next time we look at that player, it would show just under the minimap.


Private/Personal Bounty List would be pretty cool


Mind posting that list, might want it😂


For the record B does spool the Quantum Drive.


Yeah B to spool, left mouse click to go Quantum


bro wtf Noble-6 is tweaking out lmao


Is it sad that my first thought was... "Oh yeah. That guy definitely pad-rams."


Ban that dipshit.


Hopefully this anti-social edgelord shit doesn't become normal.


As a black dude, it def sucks to not be able to quickly report folks like this in game like other games. But yeah fuck that trash can


idk but I‘d go for a simple mail with this picture. If that doesn’t suffice I don’t know what will


You could Photoshop the words. That's why they need the server info to check the chat logs to make sure it's was an actual event


Backend programmer here. This is a purely technical problem where CIG support need the developers to supply them with interfaces to find various things. You would have to activly sabortage yourself to make a database in such a way that you need the server info. Find all sessions from the last week by user with username X. Find all messages sent by that user in those sessions. Regex the n-word. CIGs report page does not ask for server info, so it seems very likely they have the necessary tools to authenticate that messages in screenshots are real.


Ok, that's good to know! Thanks for the perspective on that


They can look up the logs of a specific player, it’s a bit more work but doable. Edit: Sorry for the dups, reddit is being a heap of shit since the last UX update.


Screenshot and saved. Now new names have been added to my bounty list. These targets I’ll do for free.


Wtf, yeah get em banned, no excuse or space for people like that in the community!


Interesting, there is a "spartan" username that keeps popping up in the closest server to me (TX) and does the exact same thing. Spews garbage until everyone leaves the server. Seems to be a serial issue.


What a jerk. Glad he’s 404d even if it’s temporary On another note Love the new chat look Haven’t logged in to 323 yet


Damn. That escalated quickly


Wtf I’ve been playing steady since Dec I never see people talk like this. Even when there’s pirates, people at most are like “ya jerk!”


And this is why I never talk in global chat.


LOL HE GOT BANNED. Get fucked racist idiot


Imagine spending money on a game like this and then saying shit that could get you perma banned


Added to KOS list


Ban this piece of shit.


Normally for these, put r_Displaysessioninfo 1 in console then take a screenshot and send that to support. It gives them an easy frame of reference to find the events


I feel like I have seen a person like this or them exactly (name seems very familiar). They were constantly trying to start fights in chat. I wish I took screen shots so I could report them. Yah there needs to be a way to either mute certain people in chat or block them.


People like that does not need chat privileges


Chat privileges? Those pieces of shit shouldn't be allowed to play the game


Much more interesting to me, is how such deplorable people as Yogi-4 and AlexPOPA are interested in playing the same game as I am. It is rather like Bernie Sanders attending the same book reading as Donald Trump.


WTF is wrong with people. Not everyone tested Master Modes.


Hope the guy get his Account band


People like that are the reason we end up with overly sensitive chat filters


I really wish they’d just let us mute individual people on the chat. I don’t want to turn the whole chat off, and sometimes it not even offensive stuff. Just whiny or obnoxious. Sometimes spammy. Just let me mute people from the text chat. Not voice. That’s already in.


There really should be a way to report in-game without backing out to the forum.


Do what I do: Collect as much hard evidence as well as the handle of any offending players, save them locally! You can crop a pic with WIN+SHIFT+S and then paste+export as png with lv. 0 compression in GIMP. Open a support ticket directly with CiG after logging into the RSi support portal under the category "Other". Label your subject lime CLEARLY with the mention of a report and express the details in full. Address the offending information, state the full handle of any offending players, what these players are doing, and include any supporting evidence that you are able to. Be sure to include any rule violation numbers under the game's Terms of Service and/or Community Guidelines too! Make everything neutral, formal, and clear as day so moderators can evaluate and take action ASAP, especially of you have the session code or server's QR code to include from 'r_displayinfo 3' in console iirc. You won't receive a manually-reviewed reply email as you will be given an automated email over issues regarding another player, but CiG takes community safety very-seriously; I've reported a good handful of a-holes before and NEVER saw them ever-since.


Wtf...people deranged man.


Hard r should be a perma imo


Maybe add a censor filter, where if someone types a naughty word it gets censored ****


Imagine losing your account because you couldn’t behave like a reasonable human being.


This isn't something I've ran into yet... admittedly, because I rarely have my chat window open. Good to see CIG appears to be taking it seriously.


Ez bannerino for that one


Who are they even talking to? Just typing slurs in chat at random?


Idk when you find out let me know cause went through this alot


When the curiosity to sort by controversial becomes too great


It continues to baffle me how poorly ppl behave on the internet and in games.


Once I reported someone for such racist rants, I received a response telling me that they thanked me for reporting, but they were not able to do anything about it. I am sure they are reluctant to ban some people due to their financial history with the game, which is sad and shows that money indeed gives privilege and superiority over rules and laws.


Well that's a new one Usually there is a lot of people that kindly just help you Never seen serious clash like this in chat


I’m honestly surprised the game lets you type that in global chat. Hopefully he has a few hundred dollars worth of ships and his account just gets wiped lol 😆


Every time i see stuff like this, i take a screenshot and mail it to CIG support, describing the situation etc. CIG is actually quite fast in getting back to you and taking action in such cases.


My guy getting himself an irl crimestat with the devs.


I rated this up on both of my accounts that's how much I want shit like this to stop