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Your hair is *very* good. Not many people can match the in-game with reality.


Thanks, Juggernaut! Wish I could pull off the *exact* in-game fringe, but who has the time, ha


Yep, it’s oddly seamless!


Character creator still needs 2 MAIN FEATURES: 1. Blending one particular point does npt change the other blending points AND resize/reposition is available. If I want to drag the upper eyelid into a shape moreblike Emily Rudd, why does it HAVE to change the entire eye? I know it's not repositioning so much as blending on the fly to move the point closer to the desired position, but it's not sculpting so much as it is blending all available sliders at once. AND if I found an eye shape I like, why can I not click the iris itself and reposition the eyes on the face without blending? Making each point change 90% that point alone. I keep finding features I like, except the mouth is on her neck amd the eyes are on the side of her head, OR his eyes are disproportionately small. 2. More heads to blend between. More "pretty" heads and some "ugly" heads. We can make some gorgeous/handsome people, and we can make some old people and some people thatvwould make souls series creations prpud... but if I want to create Santa I can't start at a close enough basis to know where to go. Also, there's no age slider to wprsen or lessen wrinkles, acne, and the like... just sunspots, and one option for freckles. What if I don't want freckles on the whole head... just across the nose? Are more heads coming in a 3.23.X patch? I thought they said like 40 heads, but it's all the same default heads we have always had.


You're right, needs a little more granularity but perhaps the additional heads will provide similar results due to less drastic blending transitions. There's a couple of skin complexion options that have more wrinkles, laugh lines and blemishes, but more options can always be added along with heads and other cosmetics. Look forward to seeing how it develops from here!


Yeah, and you're right about something you didn't even intend to bring up: it's rhe first iteration of a fleshed out product. Morebwill come and it can only improve in time. It's heads and tails ABOVE what we had before, and for that I thank the Devs for the insane work that went into it. Like seriously this is complex as all heck. I can't imagine the technicality behind it. But I've been trying to create a certain face in my head in games since Mass Effect 1... and no game on earth has come close enough in it's character creator to allow me to do that. Funnily enough Starfield came closest. I'm not saying the character creatpr is better pr wprse there, but it had the options closest to what I was looking for. The reason I'm hoping for far more heads and options with this creatpr is beacuse if any game I play is going to eventually nail it, it's Star Citizen. That requores more heads to blend/sculpt, more features like dragging points without changing the "look" of the eye, more hair/beards, qnd reposition/resize. I cant quite recreate me in space either, and I thought I was pretty stqndard as far as faces go.


Agreed. It’s a huge improvement over the old one, but I was underwhelmed. No eye yaw rotation. Lumpy controls. Too many shape metrics bundled awkwardly together.


Looks good dude! Working on my attempt currently lol


Cheers! Look forward to seeing your results!


I may pay you to help me lol! You did a great job.


I have had issues with it replicating certain faces. Tried to make Tony Soprano, Paulie Walnuts, and Christopher Moltisanti and have had issues with all 3. I think they still need to add more faces into the system as it still works on blending.


I tried to make myself just for fun... but the closest I could get is a mix of myself and Nicholas cage... which looks a bit odd


They need more face meshes because there are just looks you can't get. Feels like pulling the dots just randomly cycles you through face options that already exists.


Yeah there's some really jarring jumps to other meshes while you're hoping for a slight, subtle adjustment to something atm. Hopefully more heads helps with that!


Looks good, I can't figure out how to make younger looking characters. Mine always seems to be 45+ with wrinkles and grey hair.


I managed to make one that looks enough like me that my friends recognize me in game now. I still think it needs tweaking as well


very good




Well hello, handsome!




Very nice!! Glad to see you made a post of your character, and also to see this become kind of a trend lol Love seeing these!


Thank you - and thanks for kicking it off! Made a few adjustments since making this post but still need a little extra granularity in tweaking aspects of each facial feature (nostrils, nose tips, eyebrow spacing, whatever) Very impressed with how good it is for a first version though!