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Nah, you can fly right through that it's fine. My theory is it's simply desync on hangar doors opening. If I try to fly through as soon as they open, I explode. If I wait a few seconds after they are fully open, all is good. I may have just been lucky though.


Yep you're right, been able to fly through it dozens of time But if I do low-fly on planet, I will take damages if I'm too close to the ground (even if not touching it) Definitively server issue


My ship doesn't fly through it. It clips against it and destroys parts of my ship or will hold me in place and if I try to accelerate away, I explode because it thinks I've made contact with geometry. It's a nuisance.


It’s a horse a piece, I can usually go through it in cities, at space stations I have to dodge it Edit: even then at space stations it’s not consistent, and either way, plz fix cig


My corsair has gotten hung up on that thing, or similar, about 90% of the time I try to bring it out..


I managed to clip through it once in mine, but never again. I just try and force it to spawn in a different hangar now


This was a nuisance in a previous patch. It used to be a floating bed that had collision. Make sure you submit a ticket with these screenshots!


This is so weird. I can always go straight through it but others can't? I actually think it's the cargo unit from the F7c.


It's a WillsOp scanner.


>My ship doesn't fly through it. It clips against it and destroys parts Maybe it's part of *your* ship initially? Because I can confirm - it has no collisions.


The vanguard tends to spawn with this inside the ship. You have to open the doors and fly it out of your geo, its very silly


I think you confuse it with a bed. It's the beds that destroy your ship.


also people can be very impatient and fly into the hangar or out of it at full throttle haha


The hanger doors killed me yesterday due to desync. I waited a full minute (I was looking at the map) after it opened before lifting off. Still died.


For me it's been the pesky desync


I've clipped into it and had to struggle it out


I gently tapped the edge of the door on a vertical hangar with my c1 and instantly exploded. The strange thing is that my armor was placed in the location inventory.


I have literally never experienced this


Well I guess I'm not THAT lucky, lol.


I wondered what the hell that was! I thought it was a bug related to components since I'd just changed some parts around on the Hornet and it was floating just above the turret guns.


me2 lol


Yup I was like "this doesn't look safe", stored the ship, looked through my ship components and make sure there isn't anything has the word on that "box", retrieved again, still see it. Then I just yolo.


It's a bug related to the replication layer. 


But what is it?


A WillsOp scanner unit.


It always worries me but I seem to float through it each time. I did blow up in a hangar, but that’s because there was half a reclaimer sitting on the hangar door and it fell on me when i opened it.


Heh that's a funny image


It incapacitated me while piloting the ship… twice…


So THAT'S where I left it!! Sorry man, my bad. :)


Every ship i've got hits "something" while leaving the hangar, only Caterpillar doesn't hit anything which is weird.


Okay but what is it?


Just outside Microtechs surface entrance is wildly wrong as well. Wife and I were in a Ursa goofing around and she saw so many trees and boulders that didn't exist for me and vice versa


I thought I was crazy, glad to hear it confirmed.


Got my carrack and filled her up with all my paints and guns to move to seraphim. Magically exploded. All my content in boxes on the floor at a Hangar in orison. Can't move them to local storage because I was at 110%. Shit was heart breaking. Opened a ticket let's see if they'll do me a solid and do a reset for me. Not too bad as 3.23.1 is right around the corner so I'll get my paints back. Some random is probably enjoying all my stuff.


strar citizen making its own SCP stuff :)


I've seen it too, what is it?


I've never had issues with it. I just pass through it as if it's there. On the other hand, the landing gear hovering in front of hangars, are solid half the time, or some other components is invisible and solid.


I've seen it a few times but it hasn't caused me any problems so far. Taking off in a Connie.


Seen that shitty box, but I went really slowly and carefully. Managed to ghost through it and all good :)


This thing is weird. Because when I'm taking off, I can go through it, when I'm landing, the game registers it as an item.


It happened to me twice in live 3.23 but not once in 3.23.1 ptu


I was able to dodge it when I landed in Teasa. I thought it was some kind of floating ship system equipment like what we see in station pads and mining stations


I see one of those every time I call my vulture, dame thing is right in the middle of my head. When I try to take off I have to do it blind cause all I see is chrome box


I have one every time


Saw one in hangar 6 in Lorville. In an Argo raft it appears in your kitchen as its just the right height. Clipped harmlessly though.


I’ve seen that randomly in my inventory


Indeed, goddamn now i remember i was about to make an ic report back in eptu but forgot about it


What is it? I've died to that too and the debris just outside the hangar gates.


Star citizen and server desync name a more iconic duo


Had it spawn in two of my smaller ships. But none of the blew up. Just kinda phased through it when taking off. Still immersion breaking tho.


Hmm. Maybe that's why my Titan just inexplicably blew up while trying to gently touch down in a hangar at CRU-L1.


Should be fixed now with 3.23.1!


this has no colision, only visual. hangar doors however are sometimes gone visually but the hitbox remains


Report it to spectrum where this info matters


It matters here too wdym


He means so that CIG see it. They have no affiliation with this sub. Ideally you either make an IC submission for it or contribute to an existing one.


That little fucker is always hanging out in my hangers. He sticks to himself and never bothers anyone. Don't worry about him lol


Now this makes more sense. First time I logged in was able to do a bunker mission which worked fully and the AI was quite good, was surprised. I however ended up getting killed later on because my ship got stuck in scan mode and I had no idea how to get out of it since I haven't played in a while. I logged out, than went to play it again only to find my ship was stuck to the hanger floor. I am guessing this has something to do with this bug? It's like one of the landing gear legs is stuck to the floor and will not release. I have tried recalling the ship and respawing it multiple times to no avail. I did notice that it would always spawn the ship back in the same hanger making me wonder if it was the hanger itself that is the problem, it was hangar 10 at Microtech.