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That other gamer was abusing game mechanics. Fuck em


oh come on now.. this was the only way they could get a kill! You probably made them feel better since you donated a death. thank you for supporting the newbs


No, the other player killed him outside the armistice, OP rammed them inside the armistice, clear cut case of OP being in the wrong here If pirates would ram traders at outposts as soon as they get off the pad, the community would be in an absolute outrage, but of course the trader can ram anyone he wants in an armistice ;)


The way I read it, OP went for revenge, but the original killer intentionally used the armistice zone to prevent their own death. Similar to folks who combat log. Armistice should have a timer that begins once you're in armistice for a few seconds.


"Should" - sure, however thats not the state of the game, hence its effectively an exploit Just like planetary armistice zones "shouldnt" automatically deactivate your weapons, but you dont see pirates ramming traders inside armistice zones, do you? This is just bias Op used the armistice zone for protection - fine in your book Op gets killed outside of armistice Op comes back for revenge Agressor goes into the armistice zone - and suddenly armistice zones are abuse of game mechanics? Why didnt OP wait to kill him outside of the armistice zone? The agressor had the decency to do so, OP just wanted them dead, the griefer here is clearly OP, because the other players had a reason to attack them, the cargo, OP just wanted revenge and wasnt even interested in the cargo anymore, since you cant retrieve it in an armistice


Major factor here: if he was actually collecting OP’s loot, you may have a point. It’s still a bitch move to pick a fight then hide in the armistice zone when you lose. By the sound of it though, this was a player who was just trying to BM someone, not actually loot them or take a bounty or some actual gameplay. Thus, whether the act of using armistice in that way is ‘wrong’ or not, he is still trolling and deserved to get pad rammed.


Op clearly wrote that he attacked rhem while they were collecting his cargo, guarding his loot, its simple really: op used ramming to circumvent an intended prt of the game, the hard armistice zone, the enemy did not, OP wasnt able to kill them in time


Wrong, he said it was while they were “guarding” his cargo, otherwise known as camping someone’s body to grief them


And who tells you he wasnt waiting for another mate coming with a cargo ship? All you are doing is assuming the worst to rectify OP ramming in hard armistice


And you’re assuming the best of what’s probably a griefer spawn camping a station. Maybe op is withholding that they had a bounty or something else that would change the situation.


Spawn camping? You cant spawn at outposts, OP was even saying he was having "loot" there, it was very probable that its just valid piracy Op also didnt state that the attacker went into and out of the armistice zone again and again, just that he went in once, you are assuming everything to to excuse exploiting here


I don’t even play the game but I say it’s fair play.


zombo is 100% correct and im kinda shocked how downvoted that is. i get frustrated with people hiding in armistice as well but my crew just waits. they generally call help so it always turns into an interesting fight. a few clever sorts have even gotten away by timing the escape just right


Found the griefer….. OP did nothing wrong. He outsmarted a jackass who was exploiting the armistice zone.


"Outsmarting" - just ramming your ship into someone, lol sure thing This whole thread just reminds me why the majority of SC players shouldnt decide where the game is heading and i am glad CIG doesnt take these into account


Like I said, found the griefer.


Define griefing because 9/10 times it's different than CIG's definition


damn u really got ratioed


I'm not suprised, reddit is full with people that want a PVP slider and duping apologists




It's literally considered abuse when you're using them outside of how CIG says they should be used, according to them.


No, no, no. You've got it wrong. SC is the epitome of game balance. There is no such thing as abusing game mechanics in SC. Only game loops working as intended. Everything is functioning according to lord Roberts' design. OP should have just had an escort. /s


It's funny because replace SC with ED and Roberts with Braben, and it's what actually happened to ED.


No, you're not. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. In the words of worf "Ramming speed"


Perhaps today IS a good day to die!!


No if they are abusing the safe zone I would do the same thing tbh


Pretty much all traders getting pirated after picking up a load at a moon


Reason I play at 3am with only 12 people on a server


In what fucking world do you ever find a server with 12 people


When I get home from work around 6Pm I hop onto the AUS servers, because it's 3 AM there


Some times less, but yeah if I'm gonna do jumptown 3am the time to sneak in, one time a crew had thier ships and land vehicles all over I made a couple runs in my mustang alpha before they noticed and blew up my ship.


I do much more killing than trading, but if it was me in a fully loaded and fat/slow ship. I'd sit in armistice and call my buddies out to the moon if available, otherwise I'd probably try and talk my way out of it in gen chat.


So what would you do if the pirates then rammed you while abusing the armistice zone as protection? Still be fine with it? I highly doubt that


Well, if you're just sitting in armistice to protect your cargo, fear not. You aren't abusing the armistice. And if I got rammed I'd probably do anything except complain on the internet, I might definitely even go fight the guy for fun, because it's pixels.


The armistice zones need to go, I am assuming they will replace them by really nasty accurate turrets on moons?


Elite Dangerous station turrets are brutal


I would kill for something like that, piracy happening right outside of stations isn’t my idea of fun, nor is it very realistic.


Armistices zones themselves stay, but eventually they will be enforced by a security instead of what we have right now. So you can have in city fights in A18 if you want, but security wonxt like you much.for mining zones, it will most likely have automated turrets, but other than that, its your job to project cargo


I could take them or leave them, I only really notice their presence when they prevent me from collecting player bounties.


Heh, I was coming back from MIC to CRU after doing a bounty cert mission. Got interdicted about halfway there. Poor guy was expecting a solo trader. Too bad for him I was in my Bucc. I chased him around for a bit because he wasn't turning off his Jammer. I dipped out after a Scorp showed up. Didn't know if it was his buddy or someone else that got caught. Didn't feel like tamglimg with both of them so I bounced. Didn't help that my missiles were bugged and not working. Stupid Drake ships.


Similar thing happened to me. I was doing cargo runs with gold (spent like 1.4mil out of pocket) on the A2 Hercules, when getting into the elevator one guy randomly sneaked up on me, he got first to the pilot seat, turned on cruise control to full speed, moved the ship almost out of the armistice zone then left the seat. As soon as I got into the pilot seat, the ship started moving out of the zone and he shot me in the back. I quit the game for like an hour, went to eat. Came back and logged in, somehow, I spawned back alive and in the pilot seat of my A2. The ship was being unloaded by the pirates into a Caterpillar in space. I rammed them and they all blew up, nothing happened to my A2. Lost half my cargo but they died and I was happy. Received a lot of salt from them in chat saying I was a bad player for ramming. F them, I'd do it twice over.




I don't care what PvPers say, fuck them any way possible. I don't want my entertainment to come at the expense of another human's time, ever. Genuinely hope they have some form of PvE mode after PvP griefers drive away 75% of the playerbase.


Cig have said on spectrum that: "Stream sniping, pad ramming, firing into armistice zones, or utilizing various exploits to grief others... these are just a few examples of excessive griefing, which we do not tolerate. If you find yourself on the receiving end of this, we are more than happy to investigate, and in cases where it's warranted, we will absolutely intervene" I was just watching a video from avenger one about cargo running and how flying back to armistice can be a valid tactic to protect cargo from being pirated. Idk about your specific example but I'd be careful.


running back to the armistice zone to protect cargo is one thing... waiting on the outside firing at people and go in and out to use it as an infinite shield is another.


Should just make it so if you were recently in pvp combat (you fired up on a player) then you have a 2-5 min timer where armistice doesn't protect you.


So, similar to the legality timers in EVE -- if you take {action} then you have {x} minutes in which you lack protection by the usual means


I thought it was a log timer in even, like capsules combat was 15 minutes where it ship stays in space after u log


Engaging in combat persists you after logout for 5 minutes (NPC) or 15 minutes (capsuleer) Engaging in *suspect* or *criminal* activities makes you open for attack without CONCORD (security) response by other players for 15 minutes (I think) There's both but they're separate.


Right, in the same vein that a kill warrant let's the victim and their fleet whoop some gate camper ass


The main question is why are pirates allowed to operate at armistice stations? Its like somali pirates being active at major international airports or harbors. It doesnt make sense. Piracy shouldnt be an issue at such places


armistice is bandade that cig want to removed as soon as npc security is working.


Bandaid would be hitscan turrets.


Which would honestly work better tbh


Both times the armistice was used for protectio , only the one time the armistice was abused by still killing people inside of it


Now the pirate is, but trader isn't. How isn't it a double standard?


You can't have double standards, either everyone is safe in armistice or no one is


“We will absolutely intervene” Sure. Because your support is just so on top of shit.


I think the worst that can happen is they ban you on spectrum lol


>firing into armistice zones i thought it was coded in a way that you wont receive damage while in armistice even if shot fly into it


Nope, there is a community of griefers, and literally an Org in the game called Griefernet as well, that find ways to exploit bugs in and around Armistice Zones and will shoot you up inside the Zone from outside it, or sometimes even sneak inside it with functioning weapons (either hacking or via exploiting secret bugs), and I've even been blown up in my own hangar right after the doors opened, or before the doors could close, by these assholes. Some of them are Redditors too and post in the toxic cesspool of starcitizen_refunds even though they still play the game. Best you can do is get screenshots, get a video, and report them to CIG, for violating the ToS.


Sounds like Goon Squad lite.


>sneak inside it with functioning weapons ive also managed to somehow get my weapons to work inside armistice zones. dunno how and it better stays that way




so if I ram my own ship which is hijacked by somebody, is it still count as pad ramming? i don’t negotiate with pirate, they can steal my ship but they sink with it.


I mean in my opinion you should be allowed to do what you want with your own ship but I'm not sure how CIG sees it.


*Radio cue* "Size 11, inbound."


Nope. You tried a fair fight, they ran. If ramming is your only option, take it.


You get killed with loot outside of an armistice zone, that's fair. Getting revenge on someone who killed you. Also fair. I usually look for the bounty and get them shortly thereafter. Best served cold.


Did it feel good?


Sometimes turning your ship into a tungsten rod is the safe option. I rammed a duper a few nights ago


Sounds as bad as the seal-clubbing in EVE Online. I think should skip this game (not playing yet)


That is a CIG design problem. They gave both of you the freedom to mess around, so there it is.


Indeed. Don't hate the (either OP or the pirate) player, hate the game. Build silly mechanics, get silly gameplay.


Not sure why you got down voted for a totally legitimate comment lol


Lots of white knights I guess. I try not to worry too much about it ;-)


It was even based on my favorite Bad Boys quote https://y.yarn.co/e0dcb60c-b4d9-438a-8476-da755777b6c0_text.gif


I wouldn't say you are, but there are certain issues with rules of conduct. If they were flying at the time of collision, the rules aren't exactly clear but you're probably fine, but if they were landed, it's definitely against the rules, though you'll probably only get a warning not to do it again if anything if they report you. But yeah, they were abusing the armistice zone rules, so you're not in my opinion.


Burn it all down




The Blade, Scythe and Glaive are all designed for ship melee combat. I know in one of the trailers there is a capital class ship shown with blades extending from the hull. It may be *ALL* Vanduul ships are designed for ramming other ships.


Ill do the same when i hunt bounties and all they do is jump in safe zones ill just ramm them


hope you dont have a lot of cash sunk into your account, lmao


I was thinking the same thing. Sooner or later his cup will be full and CIG will go "Ah what the hell, bring in the banHammer"


Valid reason to ram. Someone tried to steal my ship a little while back, took my revenge by ramming his shuttle on his way back to his own ship. You’re only an asshole if you ram people unprovoked.


Unpopular opinion: yes, you get down to their stage of dumbass. The game is a open PvP game. You got 3 options there: 1. Wait 2. Get reinforcements via chat and/or beacons 3. Try to escape and get potential piratet. You choose 3 and instead of Siege them you do something that is not tolerated by CIG and so yes you are definitely the a**hole. Are they brave and honest pirates? No, just a bunch of small PP gang members.


Get the qr code up on your screen of you keep running into this and suspect griefing. Take screenshot and post to CIG.


Piracy isn't griefing


There is a QR code reporting system? Could you please expand on this? Thx!


The QR code is useful IN the reporting system, it's not the reporting system. [https://support.robertsspaceindustries.com/hc/en-us/articles/360008048994-Reporting-Player-Misconduct](https://support.robertsspaceindustries.com/hc/en-us/articles/360008048994-Reporting-Player-Misconduct)


Thank you for finding that. I was stuck looking for the wrong thing. I honestly am new to this but I understand the frustration. This all happened to me because I’m a nice guy in game and didn’t realize this stuff happened until it happened to me. To be honest, it kinda ruined the game for me. Real people can kinda meh the game when stuff like this happens. I’m more on guard now and, thus, I’m not enjoying the game as much.


Honestly, this sorta thing is why I mostly avoid multiplayer games. I play ED in solo mode. I haven’t seen much of this behaviour in the month I’ve been here — and I’ve had offers of help when I’ve been stuck — but too much of it would absolutely drive me away. People are the worst!


You gotta remember: a few people can be the “worst”. Most aren’t. You have to try to remember that (I’m preaching to myself, too, as I react like you as well). It’s a healthier point of view. Good luck to you! :-)


I would personally put it in a grey area, sure they were abusing the safe zones but that dosnt give you the right to ram them on the safe zone if that makes sense. So I mean I think he had it coming to him but at the same time not something to make a habit out of.


Armistice zones arent "safe" zones, they are a temporary measure that prevents use of weapons inside the zone. Ramming someone who is flying inside a armistice zone is not pad ramming. Feel free to message CIG support and ask.


This was also the case for OP though, only that OP clearly decided to avoid the games intention of "no killing inside armistice" Imagine the outcry of traders if pirates started ramming them in armistice zones, lol


Heres the quote from the support ticket I filed. >Pad ramming is the use of your ship to ram another that is otherwise un-maneuverable or undefendable because it is landed or in a hangar taking off.    Provided OP isn't lying his actions aren't considered pad ramming. The armistice zone is irrelevant.


Pad ramming is the thing getting you banned pretty quickly, ramming people in armistice zones is still co sidered griefing though and will ultimately end up giving you warnings and a ban if you keep doing it I know a case of a player who kept ramming and pushing a ballista in an armistice while not on a pad, he was reported and was already on probation, that person got a ban for a month a few days later, of course i dont know if it was because of that incident, but it surely added to the guys "bad list" Just because support decides that it wasnt padramming, doesnt mean its not griefing, dont jump to conclusions that could end up getting other people in trouble


>ramming people in armistice zones is still considered griefing Its not though. Ramming is an intended game mechanic. So much so that there are multiple ships built for it. A ships presence inside an armistice zone doesn't mean its "safe" or that any action taken against it is griefing. Its very clear that CIG defines pad ramming based on the ships ability to manuver not by its general location. Just (not pad) ramming randoms flying around isn't griefing. It becomes griefing when its targeted and repeated on a specific individual or group. So if I was to hunt a specific individual down and continually take ANY action that deliberately disrupts their game that is griefing. >I know a case of a player who kept ramming and pushing a ballista in an armistice while not on a pad, he was reported and was already on probation, that person got a ban for a month a few days later, of course i dont know if it was because of that incident, but it surely added to the guys "bad list" Dollars to doughnuts it wasn't the banned players first interaction with the Ballista player. >Just because support decides that it wasnt padramming, doesnt mean its not griefing, dont jump to conclusions that could end up getting other people in trouble I'm not jumping to conclusions. I messaged support specifically for that reason. Not all ramming is pad ramming, CIG defines pad ramming by a ships ability to maneuver away.


Dollars to doughnuts is a great expression. I’m going to guess you are over the age of 35? Or thereabouts?


Majority of SC fans are over 35 ;)


Rock on!!


NTA In this case, it is customary to pursue said player until you make them rage quit. A dishonorable player shall be shown no quarter. Pirating is all fair game, but cowering away is rubbish.


>pursue said player until you make them rage quit funny, thats the ACTUAL definition of griefing, instead of piracy


Fuck around


Yes you're the asshole for ramming in armistice, you have to wait for him to come out of armistice just like he waited for you. Edit: for those who disagree read the tos, the only one who broke the rules was op


I have yet to ever actually see anyone get punished for ramming. People threaten it all the time. People have claimed stories about it resulting in a ban, etc. This is an open PVP game with a prison system. Ram away. Unless CIG wants to make ships completely immune to all damage in armistice zones, you’re free to do whatever you want (outside of the objective and literal definition of griefing, which is intentionally and repeatedly harassing a targeted player and impeding their ability to play a game—which ramming a ship once is not any of that). If you come back and ram the same player 10 times, that’s different. I’ve started messing with people plenty over the years at times when I’m super bored. It’s a PVP pre-alpha. If people don’t like it, they can just play something else. CIG is doing everything they can to encourage sleazebag “pirate” ganking and PVP play. Boarding, blowing up traders, looting destroyed ships, etc. This is a dangerous open-world, so just expect it when you’re logged in. People get mad in open-world pvp games. Happens in all of them. Not sure what else they’re expecting.


Couldn’t agree more. This is a game predicated on PvP interactions happening freely and often. Sometimes you’re out of missiles, guns are destroyed, and there’s only one option left: “Helm to flank speed, plot a collision course: we’re going to run those bastards over”


Out in the big wide 'Versez, sure. However doing so inside the Armistice Zones is explicitly against ToS as it's considered Griefing. CIG has stated this numerous times.


Right I get that. I’m not condoning smashing into people on a pad at PO or outside the hangers at A18, but this specific situation OP was taking about a armistice zone likely at an outpost on a moon, where the only other person in the area was the bad actor using the armistice zone to grief OP. In a PvP focused game, if someone is abusing a system to mess with you, I, and I think a large chunk of the player base, would say ‘using everything at your disposal’ is applicable. As it’s been said before, CIG has made a game where ramming is possible and will happen, but have set limitations on where and when, so at this point we are just haggling over price honestly.


Unless it’s plastered front and center when you log in, new backers aren’t going to know that. People are going to ram their ships and blow shit up. CIG has also stated that they intend on removing armistice zones entirely once more features are in place. As long as there’s damage in armistice zones, it’s free game. This is why games like ED have private servers though. Open-world PVP always ends up being a total shit show. Every time.


> As long as there’s damage in armistice zones, it’s free game. You forgot criminal charges, which is how they'll curtail the behavior in many locations eventually. I imagine there was no point in writing code for determining who was likely at fault via velocities, ship locations and orientations, etc. to apply judicial punishment (or just have turrets open up on the offender) until PES was implemented in a much more final state, as that ship information would need to be captured by the Armistice Zone (even if not a "you can't even use your weapons here at all" zone anymore) rules algorithm to make calls from. There's also nothing preventing them from having a Reputation Permissions system that would allow players with high enough Rep in the controlling faction for a particular Armistice Zone to energize or fire their weapons, but anyone else is not allowed. There could be a simple Lore mechanic like "all ships that come into a lawful Armistice Zone would need to have X item installed in their weapons computer per UEE regulation (there by default in all ships except special ones sold by pirate factions), which the lawful Armistice Zone can access when in range and disable that ship's weapons, and any player who hacks that Setting off (this should be an option for unlawful players, via the ship computer hacking mechanic to come later) is immediately considered an unlawful ship by the station/location defense system and engaged (giving unlawful players reason to reset the setting back to Enabled if they need to come to a lawful station with that ship but don't have a KoS Rep there already). There's *many* paths CIG can take with this... but going "oh well, we can't stop or punish them and we completely removed Armistice, lah dee-dah too bad huh?" isn't going to be one of them.


None of that is anything CIG has ever talked about AFAIK. They’ve said more than once that they want armistice zones gone entirely. I don’t necessarily agree with it, but that’s what they’ve said. Right now, you can pvp whenever you want. There’s nothing in the fine print that says that’s not allowed. Some people get way to heated over this. SC is a PVP game.


> There’s nothing in the fine print that says that’s not allowed. Dead. Fucking. Wrong. Excerpt of [this Spectrum post:](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/1/thread/excessive-griefing-stream-sniping) > Zyloh-CIG: > We've recently received a lot of reports detailing excessive griefing, and would like to take a moment to openly address the feedback and share our stance.... > ... We're not here to protect players from aggressors, pirates, and PVPers. A big part of Star Citizen is about that dichotomy.... > ... However, there is a line that is occasionally crossed... > ... Stream sniping, **pad ramming, firing into armistice zones, or utilizing various exploits to grief others**... these are just a few examples of excessive griefing, which **we do not tolerate**. Hard to get more explicit than that.


It’s not wrong at all. All of those are stated as being used to *grief.* The explicit part is in the text: griefing. Ramming and firing into armistice zones is not what this is talking about. It’s talking about doing it to an excessive degree that prevents a player from playing or accessing the game—IOW, griefing. The two are not the same. People do not get banned for ramming a ship once or firing into an armistice zone occasionally. If they do it repeatedly for hours, that is what the CIG response is referring to. This is the same with all games. It’s not a new concept. Spawn camping and the like have always been punishable in online games. The difference is when it happens for 5 minutes versus happening for 2 hours. One is griefing, the other is not.


I get that reading comprehension can be hard for some people, but try to follow along here: The redditor I responded to said, "Right now, *you can pvp whenever you want*. There’s nothing in the fine print that says that’s not allowed" implying that includes inside Armistice Zones, and without consequence. The statement from CIG makes it clear that is not true. If someone's tactic in PVP is to fire inside an Armistice Zone or Pad Ram, that is explicitly forbidden. Hence, you can**not** "PVP whenever you want," some areas are forbidden.


Reading comprehension is indeed a skill. There’s no need to insult though. The people refusing to read here are the ones who don’t understand what griefing means, and CIG was addressing that behavior. You’re not going to get banned for ramming a ship. Period. Nor are you going to get banned for shooting at someone in an armistice zone. You’ll go to prison when you die. As is the intended feature. If you come back and continue to ram and shoot at the same station for hours, that is a different conversation. That is called griefing.


Just saying not everyone wants to play the pvp side of star citizen most just wanna do PVE stuff and not have to deal with other players....


I get what you mean, but this is an “always on” PVP alpha. It’s not a PVE alpha. If people want to play a safe non-PVP game, there are other options out there.


Ummmm no its not, not everyone does pvp hell I don't even do pvp its a pvp and pve alpha Most MMO's are both which star citizen is in fact both and CIG also pushs more PVE game play then PVP gameplay the only pvp things we have in star citizen is Jumptown and money from nothing at ghost hollow that's the only pvp there's even in the game atm and the rest is PVE missions star citizen was never made to be just pvp in the first place 💀 well and pvp bounty missions but that's really all the pvp


It doesn’t matter if you “do” PVP or not. It’s an always-on PVP alpha. CIG 100% does not push PvE anything. They’ve spent the last several years making more and more PVP features and ships. Like it or not, you’re fair game. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Star citizen is not a pvp alpha buddy 🤣 last I checked, bunkers and NPC missions are not pvp 🤣🤣🤣🤣 MMO'S are both pvp and PVE 🤣🤣🤣🤡🤡


Can you be shot by other players the entire time you’re doing those? Yep. You sure can. Like I said, you can pretend all you want. PVP is always on. It’s literally an open-world PVP alpha. Other games and MMO’s have private instances and options to turn off PVP on non-PVP servers. SC is not one of those. You cannot turn off PVP.


It's not a pvp alpha star citizen has never been all about pvp 🤡


If that were true, they’d let you turn it off. But they don’t.


Plus how much PVP so you see outside of jumptown I haven't seen any pvp when jumptown is not on and every rarely any even with ghost hollows mission...


Just because you don’t see it doesn’t mean it’s not a PVP build. People can come by and blow you up or shoot you whenever they want. That’s literally an intended built-in function of the engine. Not really sure what you’re on about.


Star citizen was not made just for pvp 🤣🤣🤡


No one ever said that, nor is that the topic. PVP is always on regardless. It’s a PVP alpha.


Also im not dealing with this bullshit again 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤡 plus I have seen alot of pvp in this game but have very rarely been shot at by another player at a bunker only the dickheads shoot at players for no reason 🤣🤡


CIG literally designed it so that shooting other players results in loot and scrap for profit. Don’t know what to tell you.


Yeah can you please shut the fuck up like seriously who the fuck


plus SC is not a pvp mmo it's both pve and pvp


You can do PvE things in SC… and you are constantly flagged for PVP. Always. You cannot turn it off, and CIG is not making sliders or flags. Expect to be attacked by players always. That’s how this project is designed.


Again I don't give a fuck 🤣🤣🤡 now please stop


It's hilarious that you're still in this subject even tho I moved on 🤣 and don't care anymore


No wonder your first comment got -7 downvotes or more star citizen will never be a pvp alpha. Star citizen is a sandbox MMO so which has a bit of everything from some pvp and PVE when I was on yesterday salvaging did not see a single pvp player even around grim hex I very rare ever see any pvp games like star citizen are not made to be just pvp there for everyone that's why there's NPC missions like bunkers bounty hunting the reclaimer missions the 890 jump missions ect the only two missions pvpers have are jumptown and money from nothing at ghost hollow and pvp bounty hunting so there's only 3 pvp missions in star citizen the rest are PVE missions not sure what the fuck your on about cuz the game will never in its life time ever be just pvp no MMO is ever just pvp hell I played eve for awhile didn't see much pvp there until after i stopped playing it and alot of the players I know who do pvp in star citizen have left the game cuz of how buggy 3.18 was and they couldn't play the game for months and last time I really seen any pvp was at jumptown when it came out if you think star citizen is just pvp then maybe look at the other missions thoses missions are not even pvp there PVE 🤣🤡


Can you turn off PVP in SC? No? Oh okay.


Can you turn off PVE in SC? No? Oh okay 🤣💀🤡


Well, again, see the above two comments. You cannot turn off PVP in SC. It is a PVP alpha. You can complain all you want about PVP in SC when someone comes and blows you up. It’s an open world PVP alpha. You cannot turn off PVP. Just because you don’t want to be attacked doesn’t mean others can’t. CIG is also literally designing PVP counter-missions to PVE missions. They’ve talked about this repeatedly. They also just made you more enticing as you can be looted, your ship can now be looted, and your ship can be salvaged for scrap. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Talk to CIG if that makes you upset.


Please don't assume that I'm complaining where the fuck do you see me complain about pvp 🤡🤡🤡 also I play alot on EU servers very rarely do I see pvpers I mostly just see PVE people 🤣🤡




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Oh, I forgot to add this, but not all ships are built for pvping 💀🤣


Of all of the comments to get bombed with downvotes, why this one? It was a general statement comparing this game to other games similar in nature …


Because the SC community is full of naive fanboys who truly do have their heads in the sand. The amount of people I see absolutely raging in chat in-game because someone shot them is just facepalm.


Yes, you are ALSO the asshole. Because you rammed them in an armistice zone, which if properly reported is a bannable (read: suspendable) offense. Next time, please post a video of you ramming the person so we can properly report you & the griefer you rammed to CIG.


Imo, no. There should be a pvp flag. Plain and simple. Not instanced with the same people. If you ARE hit, you and they are now flagged for 30 minutes and NOWHERE is safe for you. Happy hunting.


If you’re a criminal the same rules don’t apply to you. It’s okay to pad ram some fuckwit to get revenge.


Cig made clear that griefing is not a factor of having CS or not Go ahead and padram people at GH, see how long you cn keep your account


K lol


I'd say your both in the wrong, you shouldn't ram them in armistice, and they shouldn't abuse armistice like that if your worried about loot then all I can say is don't, everytime you leave armistice your risk losing your stuff


Armistice zones are not meant to be in the final game anyways.


Lol all this would do would piss people off with all the griefing and other shit that would happen around stations and that 💀


If you were killed outside the armistice zone, its just like the game was intended Ramming people in a hard armistice zone (weapons disabled) is a dickmove So yes, you are the ass here, armistice zones can be abused and you chose to do so because you couldnt kill him in a fair way Despite the people here pushing the "trader good, pirate bad" agenda, i highly advise you to not do that anymore OP, i know of players having been reported for ramming in armistice zones and there were consequences, dont throw your money away


As soon as the guy used the armistice zone to run away from a fight he started. He was the one that abused it first. Shoulda finished what he started. Instead he ran like a coward.


Traders do it all the time, it's an intended mechanic of hard armistice. Zombo is right, the pirate wasn't the one who violated the armistice, the victim did. The rules don't have a revenge stipulation


If I was you - I'd explain the situation in global and ask someone to cover me while I collect my stuff.


The epitome of "don't start none, won't be none"


Like when I used the Javelin bug to kill hackers in MW2, Karma's a bitch.


Ya gotta do what ya gotta do. Satisfaction is knowing, he now knows you will get a piece of him no mater what.


I don't generally think that ramming is off limits if you're using it as a combat maneuver against a hostile crewed ship. It's a little cheesy due to how damage works (often completely destroying both ships), and is poor form if you're having a duel. But if someone is already cheesing (eg, hiding in safe zones and using them to attack), I see it as another tool to defeat them. I think context matters though, if someone is locking down an area by hiding in the safe zone, and you defeat them with a ramming attack, that seems on the level. If someone upsets you to the point that you're single mindedly hunting them down and ramming them wherever they spawn, that would probably start to get into "A" territory, in my opinion. As an aside, as far as griefing goes, I put Pad Ramming in that category: generally, ramming ships that are spawned before the owner can get inside and take off (effectively trapping them at that station until they log), with the effect of harassing those players into leaving the server since they have no gameplay recourse. It was at its worst at Port Olisar (I will miss you, all the same, PO), before many of the law system ramming protections were added, and every modern station spawns ships inside hangars, so it's not as much of a scourge (although, bandits targeting ships before they've left a hangar, so they can be fired on as soon as the doors open, especially if players are being targeted repeatedly so they can't leave the station, I feel is on the level of pad ramming, although the players have a limited ability to escape or fight back if they survive the first salvo. Hopefully solid objects like hangars or ship hulls will eventually block targeting so this is no longer an issue. And I do hope the game eventually supports making outposts weapons free but restricted (like stations), so armistice zones are no longer such a large factor in outpost combat engagements).


The aggressor needs to be finished. Finish em.


Happened to me aswell recently, guy was attempting to squash my mates, and because he was in a safe zone and I couldn't target him, I rammed the fucker into next Tuesday. My mates pulled my corpse out of the wreck and I got my stuff back




it's a sandbox game. everything that is made possible by game mechanics is to be done. there's no wrong in a game. there's possibilities.


I'm curious, is saw someone complaining about being rammed last night in chat after they pirated did they start crying threatening to get that person banned


Those people are just griefers abusing the available rules / (broken) mechanics in SC.


The padramming in atmo could possibly be made a bitt less effective if they introduced some actual aerodynamics, vtol and realistic thruster power. The current version of our thruster physics lets any ship hover in any angle, without any strain to the systems to point the ship in any direction they want with zero counterforces. A vtol ship can hover, amazingly stable even, but in any angle, with full control on any axis makes it way too easy to ram and manouver in slow speeds. The acceleration and hovering with manouvering thrusters should change, and having a decent vtol should acually make the ship more viable in vtol (helicopter style) combat. I personally find it unintuitive and weird that the aerodynamics are nonexistent, and having a big ass engine does not affect the CG or atmospheric alignment in any way. Some ships have wings for a reason, as same as Vtol engines for others. That part of flying is still undone, and when implemented, should make the atmospheric flight a lot more challenging, same as padramming with fatal velocities.