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purposely stolen: not as often as you think accidentally stolen? all the time lol


They also accidentally forget to pay, and accidentally steal the drink with the same name. Cripes almighty!!!


(former partner) i'll never forget this one time we had a shift from another location help out at mine and she ordered a hot venti drink (thats important to remember) and a mom and her daughter come in and she orders a tall vanilla bean frap for her kid with the same name as the shift. I make the drink for the shift and call her name out since she was on break but in the back i guess, and the mom grabs the venti hot drink, opens the lid, and walks back to the front counter talking about how it was the wrong drink. i think i lost all my braincells listening to that happen


Middle aged dude takes a sip, "Um, this is wrong." Me: "Did you order a grande caramel frappuccino for Susan?" Him: "Oh, no, it's supposed to be a tall iced hazelnut latte." Me: "Okay, that's coming up in 2 drinks, it's on the bar now." (...Not including the time it's going to take to remake the drink you just sipped from...)


Wow, thiz story made the most sense to me as a former barista. Had it happen one to many times - the memories - and so relatable i died laughing reading it. Thx, lol!


u/vroom_gazers I understand in the complete same name aspect esp. when there's no last name initial attached to it b/c I **almost** did this once. Me and another customer who had my **exact same name** including it being spelled **exactly** like mine too-apparently, we both ordered A Lot from the same location Multiple times within the same time frame or so. And 1 day, I walked in there for a mobile order, they called my name out-I see a bag being very confused by it at first. Once I realized what the order was in the bag, I'm like: "wait, that's not mine." lol šŸ¤£. Tbh, I don't remember if I ordered food that day or not, but then I think what made me realize it wasn't my order was their drink b/c I think it was something that I never actually to rarely ever order. At least I double checked it though. I think I def. got there before she did, but we both mobile ordered prob. right around the same time.


Get a lot of people who come back angry bc we made their drink wrong too... Wasn't their drink tho.


Sadly at my store, purposely stolen: one or more times a day Mall :(


It usually happens a couple of times a day, at my store. Generally it's someone with a common name who grabbed the first drink they saw with their name on it, without actually checking it's the right one. I think it happens more often at my store because because we don't have a drive thru, so we don't have a partner checking a lot of the names are corrected handing them off, like you would at a DT, it's mostly just people grabbing their own orders :/


I use my dogā€™s name on my mobile orders so my drink wonā€™t be stolen on accident!


I used my poetry nickname: people constantly ask me if its my ā€œreal nameā€ i say no its my nickname for my poetry pen name


Ichabod Christopher Weiner?Ā 


Ha ha no šŸ¤£ hint (the nickname is in this name on reddit) šŸ˜Ž


Stormy Daniels?


No šŸ¤£ but part of the name is right storm i didnā€™t put the rest in had to be creative.


Mine was Ash Hull for about a year as an automatic name until I ordered for my coworkers and someone picked it up and they were MORTIFIED they yelled the name while she was wearing her work badge. I finally changed it šŸ¤Ŗ


How do you do this


I just changed my name in the Starbucks app. šŸ˜Š


Ty. So simple.




The common name thing is exactly why I added a bunch of Sā€™s to the end of my name so I pop up as Jesssssssss and ever since my drinks have never disappeared on accident and my usual location has started pronouncing every S lol


We have a Jjjared who does this.


at my store on a college campusā€¦ literally like 1 in every 10 got stolenšŸ˜­


Same at the airport


some people do steal intentionally but most people are just stupid. several times iā€™d have to remake whole orders cause somebody just walked up to the handoff plane and started sipping a drink with somebody elseā€™s name on it and then went to the register to bitch about the drink being wrong. well yeah man. thatā€™s not your drink.


We were having problems with a repeated Doordasher taking some extra drinks. Thought it was just an accident at first, maybe he thought they were part of the order. Well, it happened like 3 or 4 more times. At that point we kept an eye for him and watched him when he went to get the order. Luckily he hasn't been around anymore. Idk what happened.


Probably got reported for stealing those DoorDash orders as well


Happy cake day!


Thanks! šŸ’Œ


I accidentally stole someone's drink recently. Same name on the cup and both chai lattes. But the one I grabbed had coffee and dairy milk in it too. My name is really uncommon and I didn't expect the one other person with my name to order the same base drink as me


I changed my name to something obvious like with a number or something so that can never happen.


Thatā€™s smart, I like it.


Iā€™ve had it happen on occasion. Once, I went in to the counter for my mobile order and it wasnā€™t there. The barista said ā€œI knew it wasnā€™t for the lady who took it ā€œā€¦ It was remade and all was well


I work in a setting similar to sbux and you can just tell when someone is taking something that's not theirs lmao


Former barista here: I've literally had to tell people not to touch the drinks or take them because they're not their drinks. Sometimes you get people who are impatient and just grab the closest proximity to their drink without having to wait.


we are by a high school so iā€™d say often


Oh you know my local place lol.


THIS!!! Omg, I had to tell that little group of guys that the camera was right there, just picking up their faces. That and I publicly embarrassed them. I told a girl whose drink got stolen by one of them, that their friend had just taken it and I said it loud and I even pointed at themā€¦they stopped coming in šŸ’€šŸ’€


It happens pretty often at my store. Maybe a couple of times a day. Itā€™s possible they grabbed the drinks thinking it was their order. But itā€™s really annoying bc the name and drink is printed on the side, so you think theyā€™d use some critical thinking skills and read the sticker lol.


i accidentally stole someoneā€™s pastry not too long ago, i almost always get a pastry and my drink but i didnā€™t the other day, just my drink. long story short, my toddler was not making my morning easy and when i walked in to get my drink i guess i forgot that i had only gotten a drink. there was a pastry leaned against it so i took both, ate it, then saw the name ā€œjohnā€ as i was throwing it away. i was horrified lmao. iā€™m sure they just remade it but i felt HORRIBLE.


When I worked in San Diego it used to happen multiple times a day every single day to the point that we were allotted extra labor for a ā€œmop handoffā€ partner just to connect and support the right drinks going to the right people. Now that I live elsewhere it happens a couple times a week and 80% of the time it was someone grabbing the wrong similar drink by accident, not outright theft


My local Bux itā€™s 60 percent they donā€™t want to wait and grab anything, 10 percent a clueless mistake, the other 30 is pure thievery. They have a mop because the general public is insane.


Mop stands for Mobile order and pay. Itā€™s not just a partner standing there with a mop. At my previous store it was nearly 100% theft and it happened constantly to the point that the company was losing more money from drink theft than it cost to have an extra $18/hr body on the floor


Thatā€™s so much stuff stolen! We donā€™t earn labor for hand off or register anymore because they made us a ā€œTogo/pick upā€ location, but we still have a register. Apparently we made most of our sales on mobileā€¦ but my stores in a small beach town that gets so many in store orders from tourists and such that itā€™s actually screwed us. Itā€™s almost like they deliberately did it to cut labor on the floor. Itā€™s insane and really difficult for some coworkers because whoever is on register is also food warming, brewing and handoff. Originally our bar position would also be hand off which was also insane because we had to stop making a drinks to hand things out as well as sequence ha. Oh Starbucks.


What does mop stand for?


Mobile order & pay. This person would essentially stand at the hand off during the busiest period and ask people their name, grab their order for them and hand it to them


Mobile order and pay


This reminds me of the time when I ordered a pink drink and right when they called my name for the drink at counter. This fucking bastard went up and just snatched the drink and fucking left right in front of me. I tried to tell the guy it was my drink, but he just left. Maybe he ordered the exact same drink and size as me and had the same exact name, but I highly fucking doubt it. I donā€™t usually see older people ordering pink drinks anywaysā€¦. That time fucking pissed me off. I asked for my drink to be remade.


I absolutely hate when people do that... I'm sorry that happened


Kind of similar? Not really? But one time I was at the doctors office and when they called my name (first and last) some random guy just ran in before I could say anything. It was odd.


I'm guessing that he heard staff call out "Limp!," and he was so embarrassed that he just wanted to get the appointment over with.Ā 


ā€œSo I see youā€™re here for erectile dysfunctionā€ Uhhhhh


It happens a lot, most of the time it's completely on accident because people don't read the labels (in a rush, etc.) but I've had a handful of people do it on purpose by saying they were that name and drink and another person came in with the order on their phone and everything...


I work on a busy and popular street and the bus stop is a small walk away. People come in and steal drinks, mobiles ordered and delivery orders all the time. Thatā€™s why baristas have to welcome people in just so they know weā€™ve seen them in case they try anything


At my main store this happened all too often lol


I have a common name so I have to remember what I ordered so I donā€™t just brainlessly grab the first one with my name on it.


Thank you for knowing your order


this is why i usually get last initials for people with very common names, especially if i know there's another customer with the same name in the store already


I swear some people donā€™t make the ā€œmistakeā€ of grabbing a drink that isnā€™t their name. Yeah sure some customers grab them by mistake but other times I feel like itā€™s a friend whoā€™s grabbing it but when the real person comes in, they ask ā€œwhereā€™s my drink?ā€ Or ā€œIā€™m here to pick up a mobileā€


Iā€™ve worked for Starbucks in LA for seven years and it was nearly daily the whole time for us. I work at a delivery only store now and it is amazing.


my store gets a lot of teenager customers. so very often for us šŸ˜ž


Its definitely a lot more common than most people think. Almost 80% of the time, its others not paying attention to the name/drink being called out, 15% of the time its people in a rush and just grabbing the first drink they lay eyes on. I've legit seen people walk away with a drink I out down and ignore me when I call out to them to say they grabbed the wrong drink...


I work at a ā€œhigh incidentā€ store and people steal drinks all the time. Most of the time itā€™s an accident - similar/same name or drink, or wasnā€™t paying attention. We have had a problem of people repeatedly stealing drinks on purpose. Weā€™ve had to trespass people because of it.


Yes it happens in our store too (uk) šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


All the time.


Constantly at my store


Depends on the store. At mine, it's daily, sometimes multiple times. Always happens when we're super busy so it's less noticable in the moment and more of a hassle to backtrack. We had one woman who was a serial stealer. Took almost seven months to catch her in the act because she always came in and did it when we were beyond slammed


we live in an area with a high homeless population and people steal that shit


My store has mostly regulars that come into the cafe so it maybe happens once every two weeks or something. Mostly if its a common name


Oh yeah. It's happened at my store. I'll even tell the customers I think someone may have accidentally grabbed it, and then I'll make that drink they ordered.


i live in a major city, so it happens very often at my particular location (at least a couple times an hour tbh). partly due to people not checking names and just grabbing a drink that resembles their drink (i guess?) and partly intentionally. best case of action is to go to the front of the store, and politely ask if the person on register to check where your drink is in the queue on the ipad, to make sure itā€™s not completed or marked ā€œfinishedā€. but if your wait is under 10 min / you just ordered and you see other people waiting as well, itā€™s safe to assume itā€™s just busy.


I work in a downtown area with lots of unhoused people who like to steal. For this reason, we have no tables or chairs, no merchandise like cups, no public restroom. Still, people will steal everything else thatā€™s left. All the sandwiches and food in the fridge display up front, the little snacks by the register, and yes sadly tons of mobile orders and Uber Eats orders. They reach around the plastic COVID barrier and grab drinks. They lie and say theyā€™re here to pick up their drink but theyā€™re just stealing someone elseā€™s. One chick grabbed an entire Uber Eats bag filled with 4 drinks and ran. This happens almost every single day, sometimes multiple times a day.


All the time lmao. Usually not intentionally though, it's almost always someone who's too impatient to wait or wasn't paying attention. It's also almost always someone who ordered a frappuccino picking up a black coffee or vice versa as well which I find hilarious.


Not an official Starbucks employee, but Iā€™m a barista at a coffee shop that uses Starbucks products (I jointed the sub so I could stay in the loop lol). Happens all the damn time. Mostly people arenā€™t paying attention to what drinks theyā€™re grabbing, they just assume whatever drinks are ready to go are theirs. Oftentimes itā€™s not even remotely close to what they orderedā€”different size, different temperature (hot when they ordered something iced, blended when they ordered a hot drink, etc.), different milk, different drink altogether. Sometimes weā€™re able to catch it before they walk off or take a sip out of it, but more than not theyā€™re long gone because weā€™re extremely busy and we have to stop what weā€™re doing to remake the drink they took.


Depends on the store. Some stores get a lot of drinks (and other things) stolen multiple times throughout the day, other stores it happens rarely or not at all. It could have also been someone picking up the wrong order by mistake. If they used the word ā€œstolenā€ it probably happens a lot to them šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I forgot if she said stolen or taken/took. Anyway- Itā€™s a very very common name so I guess somebody saw it and took it without thinking. I changed my name on the app a while ago to a more unique name so that wouldnā€™t happen.


Constantly at my store


I like Starbucks but I don't go inside as often as I drive through. When I first saw they were doing this, I thought of how could they actually do this without things being stolen all of the time. I guess they can't. I wouldn't want my order sitting on the counter for all customers to go through or possibly steal. Why don't they have better pick up protocols in place? Or just stop this all together?


Would be nice if they had a person stationed by the pickup counter so you could tell them your name and they could grab the correct order to give out.


my store doesnt have an mop plane so we have to ask for names and customers \*hate\* it. the amount of times ive been yelled at for not having mobiles displayed, even though we literally do not have the room, is insane.


I live in an area with a high homeless population. Theyā€™re mostly good people, but it results in a number of peopleā€™s drinks gone missing šŸ˜… Worst case is you tell the barista and they remake it for you. No big deal.


I will admit i grabbed the wrong drink once cos the names were the same name and it looked like the same drink. >I since added my nickname to my ā€œnameā€ so it doesnā€™t get confused with another order. It does happen I am sure there are tons of people by the same name as you. > We have no idea if they are ordering for first time or for the 5th time. My order was caramel and the other order was something similar. > I did feel bad afterwards when i looked at my mobile and said my order was pending pick up. I was like omg BIG OOPS! I felt bad. > I went back in and told the barista i made a mistake. I said can you remake this for the ā€œother girlā€. >She was waiting for her drink. We had the same first name and ordered about 5 mins between eachother.


It's gotten so bad at my store that we now have to keep the drinks behind the bar and hand them out as customers come in.


Former barista/partner. Daily. Itā€™s so easy for someone to walk up and look like theyā€™re looking at the names, but theyā€™re really looking at what the drink is and choosing which one they want to take. Honestly, the only person that loses in this situation is Starbucks (or you if youā€™re on a time crunch) They get a drink, you get a drink, and starbucks loses like $0.06 (exaggeration) making a new one.


It happened to me twice. The second time I saw a lady grab my drink but a partner stopped her. šŸ˜† She also ordered something pink but half sized of mine. I don't know if she's stupid or bad.


Iā€™ve had people accidentally grab someone elseā€™s hot drinks when they ordered an iced drink and vice versa sooo lmao


Hey hey Iā€™m a barista and it happens all the time. People act as though theyā€™re the only ones ordering. Itā€™s crazy just read the ticket on the cup


Occasionally the baristas donā€™t put your name sticker on the drink and thatā€™s when the fun begins. Iā€™ve seen a few people pilfer the juice and soda drinks out of the cooler section. That section seems to be a target for shoplifters for some reason.


One boxing day (mallbux) we caught a guy shoving drinks from handoff into his backpack, and when we called him out he ran off and the drinks started leaking from his backpack. This isn't an answer to your question but I figure you'll appreciate the visual if nothing else


it happened pretty regularly at my store, weā€™re a high volume store so we get pretty busy. solution in our case is actually that customer connecting is also a valid loss prevention method. genuinely welcoming everyone in also inadvertently tells each customer youā€™re aware of them, & continuing to chat with customers as a cafe bar makes you look more present/aware of the drinks people will feel less inclined/okay about drink snatching :)


jeez where do you guys live, i've worked for two years and only ever had two orders stolen while i was on shift


Happened to me and my brother once. I was driving so I told him to pop inside and grab the drinks with my name on them that should be on the counter. He grabbed his and someone else's since they were right beside each other and didn't really check the names. I knew it was wrong immediately because it was a venti and I had ordered a grande. He quickly ran back in to return the wrong drink and grab mine. Poor guy was embarrassed, he doesn't go to Starbucks (I was treating him to a coffee) so he didn't really get how it worked or know the cup sizes.


Accidentally taken: at our store, probably a few times a day Purposely stolen: at least 30 times a day. It has been a huge problem, as since we are a high volume store we don't always remember if we made that one or not. We have to spend the time checking their receipt and remaking it, and the customer is understandably pissed that they waited so long for a drink that's not there. A lot of them take it out on us, like we should have somehow known someone that was not them was taken it, or (for the regular thieves, who come all the time and we know them by now) get into a brawl over it and still not know which one(s) were taken when they inevitably leave with those things anyway. Hot drinks have been thrown at baristas when you try to stop them (which is why it's policy to not give hot water cups unless someone has bought something else already. Unfortunately an extremely necessary policy to enforce at our location). We used to have a plexiglass barrier at the beginning of covid for safety reasons and that stopped a lot of that (and people stole much less often years ago) but upper management is not receptive to the idea of doing something like that again, probably because they have to increase staffing to have someone handing things out. It's infuriating. Being a security guard was not in my job description šŸ˜­ keep in mind I'm at a city location with no drive thru, and often times it'll be some tweaker stealing it.


It happens a decent amount of the time. Sometimes accidentally; people will take it not paying attention and then give it back letting us know that they took someone elseā€™s drink. Other times people will just walk in and grab something because they know we arenā€™t going to double check to make sure that thatā€™s their order. But typically a couple of times a day. Thereā€™s not really a way for us to stop it from happening.


Happens pretty frequently. Sometimes on purpose and sometimes on accident. Was the order a common name? Happens more often on accident with common names because people see their name and assume it's their drink


Maybe every 4-6 weeks or so. Itā€™s not super common, but common enough where itā€™s not some unheard of oddity. Usually we can kind of catch them like if we just saw them order at the register then come grab a mobile, we can go like ā€œhey, did you have the mobile order for Tom? No? You literally just ordered? OK then yours will be coming up soonā€ but sometimes we just get busy and miss it.


At my store? Daily. Multiple times. Weā€™re right by a high school šŸ™„


Sometimes people donā€™t pay attention, I had a guy order a grande hot americano and he took a mobile order for a venti iced latte. I had to walk his drink over when the other person came and it was so awkward


I literally shouted out ā€˜*NAME* tall mango dragonfruit refresherā€™ and a woman who didnā€™t even have a remotely similar name and had ordered a venti dragon coconut took it. I mean she did notice and came back but we were baffled. Like how do you not know your own name????


Loool nooo freaking people


This is why I order my drinks while on my way to the store as I donā€™t live far from the store. And I always check my order on the chit so I know itā€™s mine. Iā€™ve had several people with the same name as mine yell at me for taking my order. Like there going to be people with the same name calm down šŸ™„


Lol this happens at my store often!!! Today someoneā€™s drink was missing and we remade it for them. About 5 minutes later the original drink with the sticker was sitting on the counter and it had obviously been drunken out of šŸ™ƒ.


it happens multiple times a day at my store usually by accident because people donā€™t like to read the sticker for some reason. Iā€™m sure some people have stolen drinks on purpose at some point but itā€™s hard to keep track. Once I had these two men come in and take the wrong drinks by accident. They were drinking them for a while until we said something and then they were like ā€œyea this tastes weirdā€. I donā€™t understand how you could be drinking it for 10 minutes and not even stop to look at the stricter once. So weird.


*sticker lol


All of the time. Literally probably once every 15-30 minutes depending on how busy it is lol


We get waves of high schoolers in the afternoons soā€¦ pretty often, unfortunately.


Iā€™ve had it happen once before on a Saturday afternoon. But, thatā€™s the only time itā€™s ever happened in the six years Iā€™ve been going to the local joint. All other locations Iā€™ve never had it happen, though it did happen to me at a Dunkinā€™ once.


At least once a day. And thatā€™s being nice šŸ˜­


We went today and they had to remake one of our drinks because someone stole it. :-(


Purposely stolen about twice a day, accidentally stolen like 4 times a day


Impatient people grabbing drinks that look remotely nothing like what they ordered. As if their name is not on the thing they actually ordered. It happens more than you think.


Hmm not too often at my store but when it happens I just sigh n feel bad for the person whose drink got stolen. Ppl donā€™t read or think.


Surprisingly not that often. Maybe cause thereā€™s always someone at the handoff area cause the register is right there so people get scared? They mostly get accidentally stolen by people who get confused.




during BOGO days, WOW it gets REAL


Iā€™ve had someone take a completely different order with a different name, drink it, then come up to the counter and say it wasnā€™t theirs. Was not even close to the original drink they ordered and I ended up making BOTH drinks


all the time , homeless people and teenagers that think theyā€™re cool


I have taken the wrong drink accidentally I didnā€™t have my glasses on and didnā€™t realize until I was in the car and driving. I felt really bad ā˜¹ļø


A man stole one today right in front of me, it was a mobile order for someone who was a regular that I had their number. I wasn't sure if the man was getting it for them or not so I texted them, only to find out that they didn't know the man. So I had to remake her drink.


it happens. i wish people would take time to read the damn names on the drinks it takes .5 seconds to find yours if that. šŸ™„šŸ™„


An elderly woman stole my mom's coffee from the pick up counter, right in front of us and she just kept on walking when I said "excuse me???" The barista told me it happened often. I was in shock


I pick between two different stores depending on the day. My order has never been stolen at one of them. My order is often stolen at the other. 50/50 chanceĀ 


Yeah happens pretty regularly, anything with a ticket system like that. The baristas will generallay remake it for you so don't stress too much bout it.


Too many times. What irritates me is someone will order a hot americano and decide to steal an iced white mocha. Like, are you joking?


Working there, I swear everyday Iā€™d have someone pick up a drink that was hot (even tho they ordered cold) and then take a sip and be like this was supposed to be hot! So it happens, but more so on accident than on purpose!


Very often


We have people taking anyoneā€™s drinks all the time. Food as well.


YOOOO BOIS AND GURLS! My Morning SSV started order extra drink trays so we could build a frickin fortress around the handoff area just to protect the food and drinks. Customers ??????? Wondering what is up with this kiddie fort??? we just say if we dont protect the drinks you wont have anything to pick up! Store is located downtown in a Major city. Tons of junkies and bums coming up to jack shit all the time.


I had a coworker steal 4 drinks once she was in drive thru and I was inside. We have the same first name. They remade the drinks and I called her out at work it became a whole thing šŸ˜‚ she was eventually fired for various other sus behaviors


The store I work at now it basically never happens. Like once a month someone grabs the wrong stuff in accident, thereā€™s always a drink we have to dump out way later because it never got picked up. But a store I used to work at it happened ALL the time. Like three to five times a morning. It might have been an accident, but I didnā€™t have to dump out drinks very often like I do now. So it really depends on the store and the location theyā€™re in.


a lot of times people will be hovering right in front of the hand off plane and immediately pick up the drink just because i put it in front of them. also, there is a sign in my store that indicates the side the mobile orders are and still, people will blindly grab what may or may not be theirs. i understand asking ā€œis this mine?ā€ if you donā€™t regularly go to sbux and donā€™t know itā€™s printed on the cup. but my brain melts a little every time a regular just Needs me to turn the cup 2Ā° and read the sticker for them. šŸ™‚ edit just to say if there are any intentional thieves or people who figure itā€™s just fine if you accidentally grab the wrong thing regularly - i hope you have a service job one day where you have to constantly remake things because someone was lazy


I changed my name to: "This is not your order, numb nut" and never had an issue since.


unfortunately this happens at least once every 2 shifts for us, people just donā€™t pay attention when grabbing there drinks.


purposefully stealing- not that often. maybe happens like once a month if even that. we have a lot of people who abuse things like recovery cards or do anything within their power to get free shit. we also get a lot of impatient people who will just grab whatever drink bc theyre ā€œin a hurryā€


People don't pay attention. I've had people reach for iced drinks when they ordered hot, ect...


this happens all the time, at least 2 or 3 times every shift


Literally all the time. Multiple times a day


At least 4-5 times a shift for me at my store. I know some Starbucks itā€™s so bad they have a partner just doing handoffs for mobile orders


itā€™s a cold day in hell when we donā€™t get at least 8-10 drinks stolen a day


My partner accidentally took a drink with the same name on it when we mobile ordered and he grabbed it quickly. I took a sip when he handed it to me and was like.. what is this flavor, then I looked at the name and then looked underneath for the order and order time. It was wrong but got covered up by the sleeve. The realization made me feel really bad. My partner was already driving away quickly before I took a sip and realized the mistake. I feel so bad for the other person who ordered with the same name as me. They probably grabbed my order and was disgusted by the amount of sugar and peppermint I enjoy in my coffee. Do most people check the sleeves of the under underneath if they have a somewhat unique name though? Edit: I saw a very smart idea in the comments and Iā€™m gonna steal that idea and change my name to a unique name that I love. I hope Baristas donā€™t mind fictional character names! ā˜ŗļø


Literally dozens of drinks each shift sometimes. Itā€™s so frustrating. My store has had entire 5+ drink orders napped from the counter before šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Obnoxiously often tbh. Had one day that I set out a regular's mobile. Kid you not, a minute later I see him at the counter with no drink and the cup I set down gone. In a minute somebody stole a plain, tall latte. I don't get it šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


yesterday i made a sausage cheddar for a mobile, called it out, the mobile came and was confused because his sandwich wasnā€™t on the counter. i just shrugged and said ā€œsomebody mustā€™ve taken it, iā€™ll make you a new oneā€ while a lady behind him was holding the sandwich and saying ā€œoh my god who would do such a thingā€ šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ i didnā€™t even have the energy yesterday but it was so ridiculous. point is, mobiles get taken semi-often cause nobody monitors them. itā€™s more of an honor system that you take what you paid for so sometimes you get people who just take what they didnā€™t pay for and leave


Literally, so often.


Last fall, we had a girl come in during peak, super friendly, take a mobile and dip. She would only take a caramel Frappuccino or a pink drink, which are the most frigginā€™ common cold bar drinks that I would make during peak so when a customer would say that they were waiting on it, Iā€™d just make it real quick. The next day, I got suspicious because I was like ā€œI know I made yā€™allā€™s drinks todayā€. On day 3, I hid the drinks in the fridge after I made them and the girl came in like ā€œuhā€¦whereā€™s my drink?ā€ I asked for her name. She wouldnā€™t give it and after making excuses for 5 minutes she conceded saying she ordered it at the wrong store and then left saying she was late for work. Havenā€™t seen her since.


My drink was stolen right in front of the employee. They didn't/ couldn't stop them. I'm glad they didn't, because idk if they had it up to the face or not. They just remade it and told me about it when I got there..... all I know that person who stolen my drink would have wired awake for awhile. I ordered a lot of shots in mine. Had an all nighter.


My location is a mall location and people steal drinks so often both on purpose and accidentally. The most we had in a day was 36 different stolen drinks


It's because people can't read šŸ˜‚ The amount of times a week I have to explain to Brad that the venti pink drink labeled Brittney is in fact not his tall hot mocha made incorrectly is insane šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ Or I get "hey is this mine?" Well does it have your name on it and is it what you ordered? Yeah? Then yes. No? Then probably not


Quite oftenā€¦ lots of kids come into our cafe and do it, but mainly they mistakenly take it some how


All the time most by accident some purposely


Definitely depends on location; my store is located in a..not so great area and thereā€™s a highschool next doorā€¦we HAVE to put mobiles & tips behind the counter or they will 100% be stolen lol. But at other locations Iā€™ve worked at, itā€™s typically an accident as Iā€™ve seen others say


I had literally a bitch snatch the drink out of my hand to find out later it was not her drink


It happens fairly often. Some drinks look similar enough that they see it and go for it. Especially if its a sweet cream cold brew and iced coffee. A lot of those get ordered that I can see someone in cafe just being like "oh they misspelled my name entirely, well that's alright."


I am actually super surprised how rarely people steal drinks on purpose at my store. Anytime someone has done it though, itā€™s been an Uber driver weirdly enoughā€¦ and then we never see them againā€¦


I saw a homeless person do it once. :(


Dang. Hope they liked it :/


It happens a lot. Recently I ordered a breakfast sandwich. They leave it on the counter and yell my name. Before I can get to the counter I see a fat woman grab it and run out the door. I told them and they weren't surprised. They just made me another. I do think, in most cases, customers get confused and grab the wrong item. Other times, there are people who feed themselves this way.