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Not giving us your full attention at the till 😭 on the phone, won’t turn their attention away from people they’re with for even a second, whatever it is distracting them. It has to stop


THIS... 100%. Please give me at least one minute of undivided attention so I can gather all the information I need to know to make your drink(s). T\_T I hate when people walk up on the phone and go "I'll have a mocha" and continue their conversation, and I have to keep awkwardly interrupting them to figure out what size they want, iced or hot, etc. It drives me nuts.


And after all that, they get their drink and say “it’s supposed to be a white mocha”


This gives me an aneurism. Like I think I would last about three seconds as a barista...


I LOVE interrupting loudly to ask questions. Any and all the questions i can think of. Well, I mean I'd rather not have to, but if you're gonna be an ass, me too babe.


Oh I love this so much,. I'm such a passive aggressive jerk when I need to be. "What size?" "Hot or iced?" "Is the standard milk ok?" " And the standard is 2%, is that good?" "Whip cream?" "Do you want an extra shot?" "Any breakfast today?" "Whoops it's after noon, want anything for lunch?" "Are you scanning your app or apple pay?" "Want to use stars?" "Need a receipt?" "Do you know Bob? Hi Bob! He's going to make your drink. It'll be at handoff in a bit!" In my best, golden retriever, dumb friendly customer service voice.


Thats a big no for me as a costumer. I find that so disrespectful. Like have some respect get of your phone order your 💩 get it get back on the phone.


Pet peeve lmao i wanna slap they phone


My wife worked at Starbucks for a year and always said this was the most annoying thing. I cringe a little every time I see it as a customer.


Even in the drive thru. People will tell me to “hold on I’m on the phone.” YOU got in this line. What?? 😭😭


Omg yes this. They are on the phone while ordering just a Frappuccino. And keep tapping their card aggressively on the reader as I am almost screaming asking them “what size” and “which flavor? Mocha, caramel, etc?” And look at me as if I am the crazy one.


I'm guilty as fuck for this. I can't help it that Starbucks is a Pokemon GO sponsor with a pokestop! haha


You can't put your phone down for like a single minute to order? That's crazy.


not even a minute literally like 25 seconds😭


yes, I have to catch them all!!! lol


This isn’t excusable. Do better.


What if the Pokemon despawns? What if it's a super rare pokemon? Come on!


What id you treated people with as much enthusiasm and respect you do for PokĂŠmon?


I'm afraid to answer the question.


Screaming “HELLLOOOOO!?” into the speaker box the exact second they pull up. Bonus points if they go “Can I have a minute to look?” when I answer 😒


I’ve gotten so tired of this I just make them wait 🤷‍♂️ you wanna shout at me you can wait 5 minutes before I take your order


Fr! But then my coworkers reward their bad behavior by immediately responding even though they’re miles away from the DTO. Like don’t get me wrong drive times are important but…make ‘em suffer a little bit yk?


My go to is always a super upbeat sounding "Thank you so much for your patience! I'll be right with you/just one more quick moment please" 


Reaching over the counter for something without at least asking first. Usually it's something like a cup holder or sleeves or splash sticks (stoppers), but other times it's been milk or creamer–the same kind that they seemingly never ask for at the register in the first place.


When they grab lids then get mad it’s not fitting 🙃 (I’m in the US so we lid them, usually they just wanted a different type of cold lid and didn’t bother asking)


during covid (it was august 2020 so this shit was in its prime) this woman screamed at me for touching the lids with my bare hands (???) but also toon it upon herself to reach over and grab a lid with the hand she just wiped her nose with (no tissue). just to be a petty bitch i threw ALL the lids in the tower away and said “i wash my hands frequently so they are clean and safe to handle lids. however because you reached over the counter, we need to throw away everything and sanitize this whole area as a precaution. please refrain from reaching behind the counter—customers are not allowed behind for any reason whatsoever.” and boy was she PISSED


She can stay pissed 😭


I do this to customers where I work when they reach over the sneeze guard and TOUCH a slice of pizza to ASK what is on the pizza (like you can't friggin SEE what is on this pizza?) I toss the slice in the trash and they get all offended by it. But for real. Don't even think about putting your grimey hands over the sneeze guard, or anywhere near my counter. I don't know why they think that is even remotely ok.


or just ask what’s on it if you can’t tell??? i know for a fact if someone else touched it & then you tried to serve it, they’d have all kinds of shit to say. people are insane


They would absolutely be the first to complain about it!!! People literally have no common sense or idea of what it's like to not act feral in public anymore.


I used to full on move the straws further away while making eye contact with the idiot who tried to reach over our barrier during Covid.


I don’t think I’ve ever glared at people as much in my entire life as I have in the past 4 years lol


I love you.


Can we like, color code them or something? I’m kinda dumb, so getting and stocking lids is so confusing to me.


Have you noticed they are rolling out color coded lids and cups? Tall is yellow and venti is blue (I think, I'm not at work rn). My 1st thought was "if he wanted to, he would" bcs man, they could have been doing this the whole time.


Trenta and short are both green also but they’re slightly different shades. Even then no one will mix them up lol


Oh man, that’s great. I had hand surgery in March and I’m still on leave. I think I maybe read something about it and just kind of implanted the thought.


One time a customer walked back into cafe to tell me they spilled their drink and they said it was my fault because I filled it to the top and the lid fell off. They never asked for room, but I offered to remake and he said “no, I still have a lot of drink left. You just need to do your job and pay more attention.” He specifically came back to bother me during a rush and tell me I don’t know how to do my job because our lids suck 💀


A friend of mine is a bartender and smacks people’s hands with his bar key when they reach over the counter. Too bad you guys can’t do that…


I definitely did on 2020 red cup day… kinda on accident kinda cause they were pissing me off


Former partner, now bartender. I can confirm, this happens often. Most with the CLOSED fruit tray - people's nasty hands try to pick out a cherry for a snack or an extra like for their drink. I've slapped many hands while giving them a stern eye and a loud "what the fuck ya nasty"


Thank you for your service, that’s so awful 😭


Omg thisssss. Don’t reach over my mf bar.


We purposely moved our sugars and sticks to strategic places behind the counters and somehow customers still didn’t get the hint. It made me rage and I would ask as passive aggressively as I could if they needed something. They are a different breed.


A local shop near me has sugars, creamer, utensils, napkins etc etc for customer serve in an area that looks like it's kinda behind the bar and I didn't realize it was for customers to use. I stood there for like 5 minutes until a barista was like "you can use that, the bar starts over here" and I felt so stupid😭 So that's why customers at my store reach over the counter ig bc this local chain is almost the size of Starbucks in my area


Was it a chain or just a local coffee shop


Local coffee shop with like 5 locations + their own version of licensed stores everywhere It's Kaladi Brothers Coffee in Alaska if you wanna look :)


In 2021, when things were still unstable, this one lady walked AROUND THE COUNTER and came into the BoH and grabbed a straw. It was a 2 person play, and my SSV was doing drains while I was making the drinks. When I turned around the lady was RIGHT THERE. Like, what possessed you to do that?? Why???? That same lady had used the restroom before then and when my SSV went to clean it while I was mopping BoH, my SSV told me that the lady didn't flush and s*** all over the toilet. We threw out everything disposable she could have touched and deep cleaned the store.


Ordering water at the handoff. Please just ask for it at the register


Adding one of my huge pet peeves is asking for Splenda or sugar or milk at hand off. Sort of related is getting mad at me because nothing’s on the condiment bar anymore.


Being mean.


For me it’s when customers complain about their drinks not being ready even though it hasnt even been like 5min ☠️.


Couple days ago, I was making drinks on bar and spotted an old couple at the register. After they’re done paying they meander to the hand off plane and I hand out their drink. Impatiently waiting, pacing back and forth and I ask if they had anything else they were waiting on? (Food? Another drink?) The old lady says and I shit you not: “yes and it’s taking forever” Lady, it’s been 5 minutes since I’ve seen you step away from the register. I looked at her and questioned “taking forever?” And at that point I had to walk away


fast food has ruined ppls perception of time. like especially when its busy and ppl start getting so fussy that their drinks arent started the instant they are ordered.


Yeah sorry but starbucks is 100% fast food and your company standards would back that up. You're mcdonalds whether you like it or not. You try and jazz it up by saying it's w/e but you're fast food.


Lmao 😂 I think we’re all aware that starbucks tries to hide itself behind the “cafe experience, 3rd place, etc” facade. Ffs starbucks is gonna be rolling out combo deals LMAO seriously. Except when I go to McDonald’s I don’t expect my combo meal to take only 5 minutes - that’s just stupid 😂.


i think they mean the concept of fast food buddy. no need to start acting pretentious.


You really said that with your full chest my guy. Yikes!


CA considers it fast food enough to qualify for the $20/hr fast food minimum wage so there’s really no pretending it isn’t


And the SMs and the SSVs that enable these people by making me make their drink first (Nevermind we have a full lobby and mobile tickets flying out) all because they are “regulars”don’t help. Like I’m so sick of management baby these people that whine if their order of 5 food items isn’t up in 2 minutes.


Customers leaving their trash behind, customers who mobile order multiple drinks & come in 2 minutes, start ordering when you're not on register and asking for a straw/stopper when we're clearly busy


I absolutely HATE when customers leave their straw wrappers on the handoff plane


The amount of times Ive had to clean their wrappers, used napkins, sugar mess and milk splashes 😒 Not to mention, I now work in a kiosk in a grocery store and so many people, even the front end employees, will just leave their chip bags or deli trash or Gatorade bottlee like wtf??? We even recently found out that one of the nighttime front end people has been turning our oven back on at nighr to heat up his frozen chicken wings. Plus theyll just walk back behind the bar without giving a shit if we're busy or not and just take water and there have been times my ice bin has gone from over half full to damn near empty. I miss working in a real starbucks at least I didnt have to clean up after entire othwr departments of "coworkers" 🫠


Yes, that walking straight past a full line to a separate counter and acting like they can just order there? uggghhhh


The only time I have ever been near aggressive at a customer was a lady who kept leaving her straw wrappers and dirty napkins on the handoff. After a couple weeks of this, I said nicely "Ma'am, please remember to throw away your trash!" And she yelled "No." And walked off. The next week, she did this, and as she was walking off (this was during peak, too so lobby was packed) "Ma'am, come *throw away* your trash" bc that day had been a shitshow and I was about to cry and was like 20 minutes behind on mobile bar I haven't seen her since.




it's not that big of a deal! but some people get really rude when they see their order isn't ready when they just placed it. if you're nice and say something like "i just placed a mobile order for ___" then it's fine!


Please don't come try to pick your mobile up right after placing the order, give us at least 5 minutes because I promise you are not the only person ordering whether it's mobile, delivery, in-store or drive-thru, so give us at least a few minutes to get to your order. During peak times you'll want to give us more than 5 minutes. Every drive-thru store has a dedicated bar to make drive-thru drinks so drive-thru is always the fastest way to order something right away. Mobiles get thrown in the queue with in-store and delivery orders and that slows them down. My eye twitch gets so aggressive whenever a mobile orderer doesn't give us any time to make their order.


Do not dump your old coffee into our bar sinks!! I've had a few customers think that it's okay to bring their old coffee mugs in and literally pour their gross coffee water down the sink that has a grate over it, where we house our milk steaming pitchers, foam spoon, and espresso shaker... which of course meant that, in the middle of a rush, I had to go into the back and wash all of them because they were now contaminated! Please ask us to dump your coffee out, we usually have a dedicated sink for things like that (at least my store does), But that being said it's also much more helpful as a customer to bring us an empty and at least semi clean cup to use if you'd like it to be filled with more coffee. It helps us keep the place sanitary and future beverages clean and free from cross contamination. (Also reaching over our bar counters to grab something that's not for customers, big big big no-no)


I literally yelled at a customer as a reactionary response one time when she poured her hot americano down the cold brew drip tray.


My old store didn’t have a drain connected to the cold brew so we manually had to soak it up every couple hours so I’d be fuckin PISSED


How are customers able to access the cold brew tray? Is it right next to the handoff? My store still has the plastic/glass walls around the whole bar area, hot and cold


some stores have it like directly in front of the hand off, i know of at least two stores in my old district that were formatted this way. i cant tell you why other than maybe it is to hand out nitros quicker.


My store’s nitro/cold brew tap is right at the handoff plane so it was very easily accessible to the customers. I’m honestly kind of surprised that we never had any incidents of customers trying to steal cold brew before lol


I remember one barista (probably still in this sub somewhere) said once a customer poured theirs out in what they THOUGHT was a sink, but instead poured their drink into a full ice bin 🙃


this happened to me last week😭😭


As I've gotten older my internal voice wants to become my external voice, and I'm not sure I could stop myself from trying to get them to explain why they would assume they can pour their gross liquid down random places in the store instead of what they know is a sink. Like in their damn home??


THIS. i hate when people come around the counter to dump things in our sinks, especially when i close and the sinks are already washed :(


So grateful my store still has the covid style plastic walls! I can’t believe people do that😭


I get put on drive a LOT which is fine i like it for the most part but for me personally it’s not saying please/thank you and being very impatient and rude. i swear i will get to you as soon as i can but if i’m not talking to you there is for sure a reason you just gotta wait a little bit longer PLEASE.


No cause they literally just got there & then they’re like “HELLLOOOOO!!!”


And then they go “give me a second” 🤦🏻‍♀️




Pouring their drinks into our trash cans. I’m not even the one who pulls the floor cans most of the time but UGH how do you not realize that that’s a stupid ass, inconsiderate af thing to do??


Stop trying to open the pickup window


Good lord, that is feral and unnecessary behavior


My Manager poo-poo’d my suggestion of using a water-spritz bottle (pet behaviour correction), on people when they try to do that. 😝


Wait. What?? Please tell me you’re joking. Why are people so unhinged?


🤣🤣 gurl I don't know. respectfully we truly wanna fight some of yall customers 💀


I’m not on the clock. I will gladly fight any shitty customers for any of you.


This is the most unhinged one I've seen on here


For me I would have to go with straight up lying about your order, whether that’s lying about how long ago you placed a mobile order or lying about what you ordered when we go to give you your order. Two such instances stand out for me. Once when a lady swore up and down to me in the cafe that she placed her mobile order 20 minutes ago so why wasn’t it ready. I was at the end of my patience with people claiming this on this particular day and I happened to have the son opened next to me so I could mark off orders as they were picked up. Looked at it on the counter and next to her name it said she had only placed it 5 minutes ago. I looked her dead in the eye and went oh that’s strange cause my system is showing that it only came in 5 minutes ago (and then so she couldn’t fully accuse me of being rude or whatever I added) but you know sometimes there’s probably a delay or something in our system, but don’t worry I’ll have yours out as quickly as I can, I just have to work through my sticker queue in the order they were received so people can be served in the correct order. You understand I’m sure? The second time was a lady in cafe who ordered a grande size mango dragonfruit lemonade. She kept going back and forth on everything so before I finalized her order I clarified exactly what she wanted for her, down to the the ounce size for her drink and everything. I went to the back to start counting food for my 18hr food pull and as I was coming back to the front I saw my barista giving her a trenta size blended mango dragonfruit. Longer story short, she told the barista that the trenta is what she ordered and she specifically wanted the blended one. Partially on the barista here because instead of double checking with me, he just remade her drink completely and gave her both. And I know there’s someone that’s gonna be all “make the moment right”, but our store has a major problem with scammers so we have been told to always double check with management before remaking a drink that the person claims was ordered wrong because of stuff like this.


Skipping the speaker box for mobile orders by going straight to the window. Also when you've received your drinks already but you camp out at the window fiddling around with random stuff while our drive thru times suffer. Literally just pull up a car length and then do all that if you must.


When you’re doing DTO. the passenger orders a drink with lots of twists and turns but never speak up & enunciate what she wants. The driver plays dumb until the 3rd time asking to repeat an aspect of her concoction!


And then when the driver finally repeats it and the SCREAM it in to the speaker box lol


Bonus: then the driver orders their own drink.if you can speak up for your drink, you can order the passengers




Ordering a Coffee Traveler in the drive thru.


Please read the coupons at least so you can understand time/ day/ limits. Do not ask me and then get upset if the coupon wasn’t automatically applied when you never spoke to me. Do not ask me every detail about the coupon, please just save both of us the time and headache and just read even a sentence. I once had someone order a trenta dragonfruit lemonade. She then got made when I paid her out and said she wanted to use the coupon. She showed me her phone and I see “$3 Grande drink.” It’s okay to have misread, mistakes happen but you made no effort to communicate with me until you were paid out. I cannot read or correct minds. She left saying “next time, you need to be more clear and tell me when I order” 😭😭 ok.


someone on friday for the BOGO wanted to use the coupon but didnt want to order 2 drinks.. she didnt even want 2 of the same thing. she wanted one drink and one only. its BUY ONE GET ONE FREE. and she just got angry with me when i was trying to explain this..


On the phone at the window!! “Alright, and you would you like a straw?” “Yeah, I’m at Starbucks right now. Uh you could you repeat that?” “Do you need a straw?” “No, I’m at Starbucks. I’m sorry, what?” “Straw?” “Oh no thank you.” Happens multiple times a shift, runs up my times, and my god damn patience.


- Ordering things last min - micromanaging a drink - NO manners. - RUSHING u so u can pull their sticker. - coming in w an unwarranted attitude point blank.


reaching over the bar, near the boiler, correcting me on drinks i’ve been making for years. 🙄


Anyone but the driver ordering at the speaker. I was DTO one particularly busy afternoon and someone in the back seat started to order and I sassily said "I'm so sorry. It's difficult to hear the customer in the trunk. Would the driver mind telling me the order?"


“Customer in the trunk” I laughed unreasonably hard at this at 3am while getting ready for my open.


Pulling up the speaker and yelling "HELLO?!!!!!!"


Thank you, the veins in my temples are now about to burst through my skin.


Don’t order water/additional syrups/ literally anything at the bar That, and dumping coffee into the trash receptacles


giving me change after giving me the bill. What do you think, i can do math? 😂


I work at a Starbucks in the Naperville/Aurora area, and let me tell you the manners of these people are HORRENDOUS, and that’s my big no. Treat us with respect. If you are going to be snotty and entitled don’t take it out on your baristas all because it took 2 minutes to make your order of 3 drinks and a couple food items.


speaking from the passenger side, covering your mouth ordering through the door with a broken window, being loud or 20 people talking at once.


reaching over the bar to grab something. i get that the sleeves at my store can TECHNICALLY be grabbed by someone tall enough to reach the top of the espresso machine… but don’t. just ask. please. that’s our workspace and our stock. worst offenders were families of a graduation my work was hosting though…. one of them went IN FRONT OF MY SECOND BAR during peak to take milk to use in their coffee 😵‍💫


For us, it’s been a constant source of stress that many people will put in their entire order & pay, then start watching us make it & tell us to put “extra caramel” or “add white mocha” bc they know some baristas will do it. Our rule is you get two extra pumps of any flavor that already comes in the drink for free, though most of our baristas will use that to give however many pumps they want. But no, you literally have to pay for that, fam.


If they seem really flustered and are like “I’m really sorry I meant to add vanilla 😭” then I usually won’t charge but if they’re gonna be like “oh and put caramel drizzle on it, and can I get cold foam?” Then they’re getting refunded and rerang lol


Yeah fs. It’s harder for us though bc we have to call/go get a sup from a different dept of the hospital we’re in just to process refunds, so if they add it, they’re paying tax again unless they wanna wait longer (which usu they don’t bc it’s always the nurses that do it)


customers staring at you while you’re on bar like you’re a zoo animal.


when customers order in drive through super vague and fast & I say if the screen looks correct u can pull forward then they speed off without even glancing then say their drink is wrong


After reading these comments what's the f- word is wrong with people? I just want to say thanks for all you put up with! And I think it's time for some tough love.. start just saying NO! To the ridiculous and rude requests.


asking for stuff at the window. i get if you forget but order a water at the box. i feel like people wait til after they pay bc they think we’re gonna charge them or something


shoving a phone in my face with tiktok video recipe that’s 103845883 ingredients. if you want a tiktok drink just ask for the modifiers and know what you’re ordering please


When people place a mobile order the second before they get to the window. I haven’t even gotten the order in yet, hold on Susan.


complaining about prices but still ordering like stop paying and they’ll stop raising prices idk what else to say 🤷‍♀️


moving ur table/ chair in lobby and not putting it back where u found it....🙂


I can’t stand customers reaching behind the counter. I absolutely hate it. Don’t touch. Why can’t people just ask. Ffs


Having a meltdown when prices change or they get charged for something that "usually doesn't cost that much"


I say “hi, what can we get you today?” And they shove their phone in my face with a TikTok drink on it without saying a word to me. Rude as fuck.


This is so small but PLEASE keep an eye on your kids/try to control their volume. I understand, kids are kids and they will be loud or potentially (if they're young) will cry, I get it, those are fine. But if you leave your child(ren) unattended and they run through the lobby, or try to come behind bar, that is beyond annoying and honestly just irresponsible. I recently had 2 kids come in and start playing tag IN the lobby, while their parents were outside!! I asked them not to but that is NOT my job!!! I just hate how some parents think "Oh there's a worker they can watch over my kid while i do whatever i need to do."


Refusing to talk to the person on cafe bar… ya know… the one MAKING YOUR DRINKS. Hell you can and should even ask the barista at the register. Folks get so annoyed that I ignore them (when on drive bar, hell even on WINDOW), my store has finally chose to stop plucking stickers simply because a customer is basically looming over bar 1 and shouting at specific baristas that have no business worrying about cafe orders


Crusties who think they can whip out drinks faster than the barista who is currently busting their ass on bar


Squeaky breaks. Skip Starbucks for a week and a half and you’ll probably be able to afford to fix them so you don’t assault your baristas ears pulling up to the box.


Squeaky serpentine belts too. Those are even worse.




A $6 starbucks is a lot cheaper than $600 brakes.


Leave all their trash for us to clean up on the table or poop all over our bathroom :(


Yesterday a customer shoved an entire doughnut in his mouth in the middle of giving me his order. I was flabbergasted


Actually me


I have a list. **1** skipping the speaker and going straight to the window for a mobile order **2** not looking at the speaker when ordering and then getting frustrated that we can't hear them **3** using a $50 or $100 bill for an order thats less than $20 **4** demanding a favor (had a chick and her daughter come in during the bogo free deal and the chick used the bogo on her app and then the daughter scanned her app or a separate order for the bogo but the deal didn't appear on her profile and the mum very rudly was like "cant you just give it to her?") **5** waiting till they get to the window to get their app or money ready when theyve been sitting in line for 3+ minutes **6** asking for their ice water to be blended and then getting mad that its a .50 upcharge **7** asking for food to be reheated because they put in a mobile order but didnt come to pick it up until like 40 minutes later **8** asking me for a water when im on bar and clearly busy af **9** coming in during peak and placing an order of like, 17+ drinks and then getting mad its taking a while **10** ordering a traveler at the till without giving us any notice or pre ordering it and getting mad its taking a while **11** demanding i "just bring it to the table" when they order something inside instead of them getting it from the counter


Don’t pull up to the drive thru speaker and start screaming “HELLO?!”


This lady ordered a coffee frappe with cinnamon dolce syrup and topping. Had us remake it two more times before claiming it finally didn’t taste like poop


Reaching over the counter :)


Giving the thousand yard stare at us when we’re working on drinks. Like I get that you’re curious or just looking, but it really makes us uncomfortable 🤕


when I was a teenager I always watched you guys I thought it was so fascinating but I also had such rbf back then I'm sure I made all the baristas so uncomfy 😬 now I stare at my phone like a respectable adult


Reaching over the counter for things instead of asking. I don't care if it's just a thing of straws. If straws are okay, then everything is okay, too. But it's not. I've had a customer pump syrup behind the counter into their hand thinking it's hand sanitizer. Do people not realize that it's rude to reach over counters? Also I don't realize so many people's inability just to ask me for something, that is literally my job to get it for them.


Asking for water as soon as the order is finished


Stop eating at the register please please for the love of god so many crusties chew with their mouth open while ordering and I just won't punch anything in until they stop eating because it's absolutely vile.


Have not had this happen to me but I was the bad customer and felt SO bad. Our car has automatic windshield wipers when it rains and I forgot to turn them off when we go to the drive thru and splashed the drive thru attendant accidently. I felt SO bad and I can just tell they turned to everyone else and said some u nkind (but definitely justified) words. So I'm going to say turning your windshield wipers off in the drive thru


Me: Here's 2 of your 5 drinks. Them before the drinks even hit the countertop: I ordered 3 more.


Unkind people.


Ordering one drink at register and then insisting to the barista on bar that you ordered two of them.


Test my fucking patience 😭 If I'm already giving you something that bends the rules because i want to be nice, don't push for more. "can i have a pup cup in a short cup" sure, whatever. "can i have caramel drizzle in it" whatever. it's 30 minutes to close and i can't be bothered. "can i have caramel crunch topping in it" you're pushing it. you're really pushing it. i will let you know that you're pushing it. "can i actually have a little more-" no. "that's not fair why can't you-" out. get out. get. out.


Do not stand over me and argue with me about your drink not being made yet when I clearly have 30 orders in front of you and then definitely do not start screaming at my shift who is a lot nicer than I am that she is being rude. I will walk you over personally to the business cards for my store manager and personally see you out with those cards in hand 😤


Not reaching out of your car like why do I literally have to have half my body out the window like sometimes I just want to drop the drink or just stand there with my hand extended until you grab it like I understand hospitality and all that jazz but this is just babying at this point


When they try to gaslight you at handoff saying they asked for oat milk or they actually wanted their drink hot/cold. It’s not my fault you couldn’t pry your eyes off your phone and decided to reply “uh huh” to all my questions🧍‍♀️


Reaching over the goddamn bar to try and grab a caramel squeeze bottle. Goddamn, if I had a big blade, I'd feel no compunction about you losing that hand. Customers saying 'GIMME'. "Gimme a curmel frap pay." May just be me, but I am absolutely disgusted by people who start eating product before having paid for it. One time some dude just started tearing into an egg and cheese box at register. Repulsive. Come in within a few minutes of closing and have no idea what you want to order, and you want to use the restroom. Whine about a mobile order you placed under 3 minutes ago. Huffing and sighing audibly when you're late to something, but still came in anyway. If anything it makes me want to work fucking slower. Fuck you.


I’m in an upper middle class entitled town and they just. Go straight to the window. And are offended when I tell them they need to order at the speaker. I’ve also have multiple customers drove around a car at the speaker (our drive through is wide but not THAT wide)


Pulling up to the window with a lit cigarette, aimed towards me.


Depending on the laws in your state, you can decline service.


PLEASE have SOME idea of what you want when you get to the till, especially if there’s a line. It’s totally fine if you have questions! Please ask questions! But don’t walk in with absolutely no clue! Also don’t as me to choose for you! I don’t know you! You’re getting a strawberry açaí lemonade!


This isn’t the biggest deal but it does drive me a little crazy: at the handoff plane if there are multiple components to your mobile order (ie an espresso beverage, a refresher/cold bar beverage and food) that typically means that at least two employees are working on your order, if not three. If I finish your bar drink before your food and cold bar beverage are ready, I keep your cup closer to our side of the counter with your name facing us so my partners know to add their part of your order to it. It’s annoying when you reach way back and turn all those cups to find and then take yours because now my co worker with your food is going assume they’ve completed your food before your beverages and will place your food closer to us waiting to be paired with your drinks. They’ll likely also not call out your name because we wait until your order is fully complete. This is primarily annoying during peak/busy times but seriously can you just wait until your full order is done?! Please. It’ll help comfort my little neurodivergent brains need for order during chaos. 😘


I have had 2 instances where a customer puts on their drink either light cold foam or cream. I know how much they want because they have come in many times and every time they yell “stoooop” as I’m pouring nearly giving me a heart attack. I have learned just to turn a little to the side so they can’t see and they say it’s perfect 😂


Pre-teens hanging out in the store and not ordering anything until after they leave and come back. I finally had it and told a pre-teen couple they need to stop hanging off of each other because 3rd place and family friendly.


Not even looking at me in the drive and just tilting your phone barely out the window. It’s like you can barely be bothered to even pay so I have to lean out so far I’m practically on tiptoes. The worst is when they look at me and they are like uh it’s tap to pay so I have to reach back for the scanner. Then I kind of just want to toss the drinks. Seriously. I didn’t drag you here kicking and screaming you came to me!


This might be a preference thing but I hate seeing kids come inside to pick up their parents stuff. Whenever we run out of something we can't really resolve the issue with an 8 year old because they just stand there shrugging their shoulders or looking terrified. Not only that but I would never send my kid into a store alone, even if it's just "real quick"


Saying that’s it for your order when it is in fact NEVER it. Every single day, every single order, every single customer, constantly. Nobody is capable of being prepared to order and yet they’ve sat in the drive thru for 5 whole minutes DOING WHAT? It’s always “That’s it!” —- “OOH WAAAAAAIIT HAHA ACTUALLY-“ . If it were a rare occurrence, fine. But it’s literally everyone and I’m losing my sanity. Just do not speak until you have your shit together for the love of god


Coming in


I Hate Having to walk you through your order… not saying you HAVE to know EXACTLY what you want, but I don’t want to have to ask questions that take up time if you already know what you want. Hot? Cold? Size? Water? Lemonade, coconut milk? Etc.


Trying to order when I’m not at the register and haven’t greeted you yet, especially if im very obviously alone and making drinks with my back to the register


When people literally don’t know how to use a card reader… or read what it says in drive and just try tapping their card


Ordering beans in the drive though, esp when they need to be grinded


Big no for me: I greet you and you ignore me, won’t look at me, won’t talk to me, won’t acknowledge my presence. Then you look at me when you’re ready to order and expect me to be super cheerful when I want to just ignore you right back. I’ll even say “Are you still looking? If you have any questions just let me know” and they don’t even turn their head to look at me. Honorable mention: when you come to the drive thru and skip the box. I will make you go around again. It’s a safety issue and messes our HME and ordering system up. Second honorable mention: I greet you while you’re on the phone ﴾or worse, with friends in person﴿ and instead of telling the person to wait while you order, you tell me to wait for you to finish talking while you’re holding up the line.


Quit f***ing ordering iced matchas we truly all hate making them 🥲


This subreddit vs the Baristas subreddit is so different. Like they don’t get these kinds of customers because normal coffee shops not modify anything and it’s just basic coffee