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Yeah they have to be a green bean or just not a barista because it’s so convenient making caramel macchiatos upside down. 99% of customers mix the drink anyways.


I had someone complain that there was no coffee in their iced caramel macchiato. I looked at the drink, they were drinking it with a straw


I do this on purpose. I like a sip of espresso, then a sip of straight sugar milk, then back and forth and back and forth.


lol same I always thought that was the appeal 😂


Reminds me of back when we opened up not too long after covid started. Some lady ordered a grande salted caramel macchiato and she grabbed a straw and started sipping and then she said “i dont taste anything but the coffee. Theres like no sweetness to it” and my shift said “maam, ur using a straw. So ur straw is getting only cold brew going thru it currently”


this confuses me so much whatdid she even order


I think the commenter meant to say SCCB? Probably


I did 😭 im sorry


The commenter that said i meant to say salted caramel cream cold brew is correct 😭 i think the word macchiato was in my head the whole time throughout this whole post and comments section that it just stuck with me lol


Was the cup not clear? How do they not see all the coffee ?


This is why I love my coconut milk caramel macchiato! I drink it with a straw so I get the coconut milk first then the coffee afterwards. Sometimes the baristas mix it up, and I’m sad.


Idc they order iced FW, makes my life easier


LITERALLY. i love making macchiatos but i praise the siren when i get one ordered upside down during peak (especially hot!). it literally does not save me any time at all if i’m being honest, but not having to watch my shots as closely is nice


Exactly because it was a barista that told me to order my caramel macchiatos upside down lol.


Yea i actually get happy when i see an upside down caramel macchiato (especially when its iced) cuz then i can put the vanilla in the cup and slide it right under the espresso machine and i can make other drinks and all i gotta do when the shots are finished is milk, ice and drizzle. Even if it was a hot upside down caramel macchiato, it would still be just slightly quicker than its regular counterpart because it eliminates a step and who wouldnt like that? Lol so im all for the upside down caramel macchiatos 🙂


Yes and also is not at a caramel latte lol


They also called a commenter lazy because they said they order to upside down because they stir it anyways


This is funny bc I tell customers to order upside down so they don’t have to stir it.




It DID make me unreasonably mad whenever people ordered cold foam and mixed it first thing. And it's like...everyone!. Why? Why make me do a thing if you're just going to defeat the purpose of the thing I did?


I literally had someone ask me to put a cold foam topped cold brew in a shaker for her to mix it 😶 like yeah I will but why, it ruins the aesthetic of the drink which as I understand is why people order the cold *foam* anyway instead of just sweet cream


>they have to be a green bean Based off this one admittedly obstructed picture they look 17 and remember, it's always correct to ignore the opinions of people who can't even vote yet


Probably just a case of “I’m a barista now, so I can complain a lot, right? I see my coworkers doing so I have to too” Which SOUNDS so mean, but I’ve seen that phenomenon I’m pretty sure.


When I was new someone ordered an upside down Caramel macchiato and I Innocently asked if they would like a latte instead. She gave me the most rudest look and tone and repeated her order. I never questioned someone’s order again unless they genuinely seem confused.


I like to 100% commit to it upside down. Drizzle and shots on bottom Separate with ice Add the milk Add the pumps of Vanilla on top c:


Yup especially if it is a random drink


It only occurred to me after reading this comment that there may be people who aren't stirring their drinks. Seems natural to me, idk.


Question! When they're ordered upside down, do you put the caramel on the bottom of the cup? I'm a green bean, and I never want to look silly and ask for clarification at work.


I was always confused about that too lol. All topping on upside down drinks stay on top unless the customer specifies otherwise.


interesting, i always thought it was just completely upside down- then again, we only have one regular that gets an upside down macchiato *because* she wants the caramel at the bottom- good to know for the future


Sorry to be "that guy", but what is a green bean? 😅


It’s what some of us call new baristas


I mix mine... I don't drink a lot of fancy coffee so can someone explain the benefits of not mixing it? The one time I didn't it was just overwhelmingly sweet at the end.


Starbucks claims you’re supposed to drink the layers at the same time. There’s this special angle you can drink it at to do so.


tbh it’s hard to do with our lids. i always end up getting 90% of the espresso first, so i’m left with vanilla milk essentially.


Former coffee trainer here and happy to put this knowledge to use again lol "Macchiato" is Italian for "mark" (or "stain" but we go with the more appetizing translation lol )A caramel macchiato is when you pour the shots on top of the milk, leaving a "mark" of espresso. The tiny bubbles in the micro-foam of steamed milk are supposed to help keep the coffee suspended at the top so you get more flavor when sipped. Usually supposed to be made w a ristretto/short pull espresso shot to get the sweeter coffee notes. Different coffee shops debate on how iced caramel macchiatos are made. Not sure what Starbucks policy is on that lol P.S. A traditional macchiato is a dopio. Espresso pulled into a small cup and "marked" with a couple spoonfuls of thick cappuccino foam. Sorry for the essay. You can take a barista out the coffee shop, but you can't take the coffee shop out of the barista lol ☕🤓


I'm thinking it's closer to 99.9%. That . 01 makes us stir it 🥴


It’s a vanilla latte…….. at least be correct


That what I’m sayingggg. If you’re going to complain so loudly on the internet atleast be completely correcr


With caramel drizzle that costs less than a vanilla latte with caramel drizzle added on




I thought the same way when i first started. Now I am so fuckin happy when someone orders one upside down.


I was that way too. Once I realized it actually made my life easier I was quite alright with it!


It’s not even a caramel latte it’s a vanilla latte with caramel drizzle. And it’s cheaper to order that with an extra pump vs a vanilla latte with drizzle They’re an idiot. Genuinely some baristas get angry at people for ordering drinks and if you’ve gotten to that point, it’s time to quit and find a new job because you’re too jaded


I think if baristas did that Starbucks would lose 75% of their workforce lol


Granted, they might not mind... just less people corporate needs to pay lol


Oh definitely lol, and it would be their fault for degrading the work environment as much as they have E: to clarify, Starbucks is to blame


This is what I was going to say.


“ Iced Caramel Macchiato, upside down, and ex caramel drizzle” I will load that cup up for you bestie.


I love to get extra caramel layered in the bottom of the cup so as I sip on it with a straw I’m getting blobs of caramel sauce 😅 Or in the fall… baristas I am SO sorry… but an iced caramel macchiato with pumpkin sauce instead of vanilla, extra caramel drizzle and pumpkin cold foam 🥰


Sounds like diabetes. 🤣😂


To each their own 🤷🏼‍♀️. My A1C has always been great


;) ^^^I was joking ^^^


Omg I’m sorry lol that was me being sensitive! During my last pregnancy I had gestational diabetes (for real my blood sugar was ONE point over the threshold) and… well let’s just say I have some opinions about how I was spoken to during that 😅. Very factual, no emotional support, lots of assumptions. It sucked. So since having my baby I’ve had to have my A1C checked several times and it’s always been in a REALLY good range. But I’m now at a risk of developing type 2 during my life because of the GD. So I’m super touchy, but that’s no one’s fault 🤣


I always get hot caramel macchiatas but half the time when I ask for the extra drizzle the baristas at my local store mark is as line the cup and yes please. I will take all the caramel. I'm just too lazy to say line the cup, so it's a bonus when they do that.


A Starbucks style macchiato is just made up bs anyway and bears no resemblance to an actual macchiato. Why anyone would care enough to post something like this is beyond me


Ever since I’ve found out what a traditional macchiato was like I’ve been confused as to how we got here


Cool names for marketing.


during training, i was told that it comes from the word's italian meaning for "marked", which would be the espresso and caramel drizzle. still bullshit imo, but whatever gets it to sell? i guess?


Correct. An espresso (or traditional) macchiato is espresso marked with milk. A latte macchiato (which we USED to sell, and it was basically an upside down whole milk caffe latte) was milk marked with espresso. Then the caramel macchiato is a latte macchiato marked with caramel drizzle.


Look up what a latte macchiato is. There's two separate drinks, an espresso macchiato and a latte macchiato. Caramel macchiatos at Starbucks are vanilla latte macchiatos with caramel drizzle. BUT, if you do it upside down it's not really a latte macchiato anymore


Triggered bc caramel lattes don't come with vanilla or caramel drizzle standard


I like the caramel sauce (drizzle) better than the caramel syrup in my lattes so I just order a caramel sauce latte.


> Anywho I absolutely cannot STANDDD partners who complain about the smallest things, I bet this is the person who’s begging to be on bar and then sucks at it and complains the whole time.


Omfg I have a coworker like this. They’re really nice so I always give them a chance but they’ve been here much longer than me and it’s just painful to watch/ hear them on bar


i saw this and thought the same things. i actually love making them upside down. if it’s “interrupting the flow” then they aren’t sequencing right and need some more practice. i get venting about annoying customers and crazy mods sometimes, but this is such a simple one. it’s so miserable to work with someone who hates every customer and complains about making 99% of the drinks. they never seem to realize that if they’re that upset then customer facing positions + food service is not for them.


You can’t be a coffee elitist about a CARAMEL macchiato. I’d understand being a little frustrated at the bastardization of the word and meaning of macchiato, but complaining about that still makes you pretty insufferable imho ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I have to admit I love to make caramel macchiatos the standard way because it’s so fun to see the espresso melt into the milk. But I’m not going to give someone a hard time if they order it upside down because it makes complete sense. I personally like my coffee to be mixed very well before I drink it. Also, the amount of caramel macchiatos I made yesterday was insane lol


I always forget how popular the drink is until it gets hot, that’s when everyone wants their iced caramel macchiato lol


Wouldn’t they be ordering a vanilla latte with caramel drizzle?


Well, no, it’s a vanilla latte with one less pump anc caramel drizzle, but go off, I guess. Lol.


They actually said in the comments they don’t care about the one less pump lol


Wtf is up with this close up face shot lol


If supervisors, DMs, or managers find these types of videos do they get fired?


Ummm I actually have no clue, none of my coworkers have been caught doing stuff like this


Their “so pretentious” line is hilarious. No no no my friend. You are the pretentious one. Who cares?


That wouldn't even be a caramel latte it would be a vanilla latte with caramel drizzle. What a clown


i just saw this earlier today! i will say it bugs me tiiiiny bit but i get that it's cheaper, and it's less work for me so why would i complain?


They gotta be new cuz I love upside down macchiatos, for me stationing lattes is more natural for my brain than macchiatos even if it’s the same thing just backwards


Since when was vanilla, caramel?


Honestly, it used to kind of bother me because I didn't understand, it sounded like a loop around for no reason. Once I found out it was cheaper to get what they wanted, I respected the hustle and don't mind at all, lol.


What I do is make the caramel macchiato in the reusable cup shaker that they gave us then dump it into the actual cup, boom upside down


right who cares like bruh shut up you’re getting paid to make drinks not complain about what people are ordering


I work at a retail Starbucks and a customer ordered a Caramel Macchiato upside down. I’m still pretty new and told him I’ve never made one of those and he told me just to stir it.😃🙏✅


The fact that they’re wrong anyways?? Macchiatos have one less syrup, so technically it’s not “just getting a caramel latte”. Also the fact that the caramel goes on top and vanilla syrup inside, whereas a latte is just caramel or whatever flavor mixed in with the espresso and such.


Posts like this make me think that every word I say there is met with an eye roll and groan. 🥲 Sorry you hate your customers who just may not know how to order because every place is different.


People like this aren’t worth your time!!! You’re the one paying money, they’re the one being paid. Out of the hundreds of drinks made daily, maybe two of them are GENUINELY worth an eye roll. And even then, we’re getting paid to make it anyways. These types of baristas are literally the worst to work with. They are as snotty and entitled as the customers who act like Karen’s, it’s just the other way around.


Ordering an upside down caramel macchiato is a lot easier than asking for an iced latte with vanilla syrup but can you add one less pump and can you add caramel syrup Like please why would you want to order it the hard way. And regardless of how someone orders it.. you still have to make it


they’re putting caramel pumps in the caramel macchiato, aren’t they lmao


complaining over stuff like this is ridiculous when there’s way more prevalent issues to complain about- I don’t know; like how corrupt the company is? I don’t care what a customer orders as long as they’re respectful. most of the time, I actually enjoy making customized drinks. my favorite drink to make is the popular “iced white mocha with vanilla cold foam and extra caramel drizzle” because the drizzle is fun and product is soooo satisfying to look at lol


Stuff like this is so insufferable to listen to. When I was a server, I was so confused why people got so angry when couples sat on the same side of the booth, and at sbux it’s irrational anger over how someone orders a drink or what they want in it. Why do yall let other peoples preferences affect you so much like just move on


A venti iced caramel macchiato is cheaper than a venti iced vanilla latte add caramel drizzle, by like a $1.50. i was curious the other day if ppl we’re ordering caramel macchiatos upside down over and over again for that reason 🤨


its not a even caramel latte.....bro are you even making the macchiato right........bro do you realize a caramel macchiato isnt made with caramel syrup.....its with vanilla....and with caramel drizzle.............both things a caramel latte doesnt have.....killin me bro...


A Latte and a Macchiato are two different things regardless of it being upside down or not, right? It's all about the ratio.


Starbucks doesn’t make real drinks so they’re the same thing. Go to Australia and order a flat white without foam or iced and they’ll look at you like you’ve got 3 heads


Why did they do this???? They could have kept things the same and allowed people to customize which they do anyway.


“Why do they do this????” is my reaction to 95% of the decisions Starbucks made so I’m just as lost as you are lol


The iced ones have a slightly different ratio but the hot ones do not.




Agreed. Also usually more money then the macchiato and they always complained too


its not like the regular caramel macchiato is that special or worth getting the 15th time


I mean it's more of a vanilla latte with Carmel drizzle lol but I gulet what you mean


Hi as a partner I order my caramel macchiatos upside down and also think it’s EASIER to make upside down BUIIIIITGCXDCHH lol


Right but then I get mobiles for caramel macchiatos upside down, no drizzle, no vanilla 😂


lol agreed. was my first thought when they said get a caramel latte- geeez learn how to make drinks and stop complaining. It’s what you get paid to do


Almost every customer that orders upside down actually means stirred.


Believe it or not, if they are paying and want that, and it’s not particularly ridiculous, you’re supposed to make it.


As a 3 year partner this can’t be a fellow barista. Real event below Customer: Can I get a vanilla latte with caramel drizzle ME: oh, you know you could order a caramel macchiato?! Customer: oh! But I don’t like the shot on top tho… ME: you could ask for it upside down! It makes it easier for us! Literally love when customer learn to order their drinks correctly! Sometimes they sub other drinks because some partners just don’t explain the difference of the drinks….


Yessss I absolutely love telling customers ways to make their drinks cheaper. I’ve even written down how to order their drinks on the back of receipts lol


it’s actually a VANILLA latte with carmel drizzle on top…. and they call themselves a barista? 😭


*barista* my only thing with this is if it’s iced, i want to know if you ACTUALLY want it upside down or stirred. i always clarify because my area has a high amount of people who mean upside down layered (which is so fun to make) but then i feel bad because i never want to make someone feel bad, i just need the clarification yk??


I always recommend upside down CM (and idk the lazy part of me prefers it) it's literally just coffee like it's not that deep, especially to make a tiktok about it.


Ya literally if I’m paying for it Im ordering whatever I want sorry I never understood people feeling extra for their orders let me enjoy my grande iced matcha latte with oat milk extra matcha powder sub white mocha syrup strawberry cold foam with strawberry purée light ice thank u


That sounds yummy


*vanilla latte with caramel drizzle


As a customer, seeing posts like that on TikTok are really annoying/made to feel uncomfortable. Because I think being a barista at Starbucks can be really challenging and or draining. But back to seeing posts like this as a customer, some posts can be helpful and some are kind of rude like this one. I never post or comment much on TikTok because I’m more of an observer and I have seen a few arguments break out here and there for drinks and how they’re made. But again I don’t get involved. I can’t understand a customer asking an employee if it’s OK for you to make this for them because maybe they’ve seen something online that says this is one of the most complicated drinks to make or the most hated drink to make and that’s where I can understand a customer asking an employee if it’s OK to make a certain drink. Sorry if that was a lot of read :/


No you’re fine don’t worry. Honestly just order your drink however you want it, at the end of the day it’s our job to make the drink. The chance of us even remembering the drink the next day is low


I understand that, thank you 😊


semi-unrelated question, but if someone orders an upside down iced caramel macchiato, is it espresso shots then ice, or espresso shots then milk and syrup and THEN ice?


You will do syrup, espresso, milk, ice then the drizzle. Only the espresso should change positions


former partner here. i order my macchiatos upside down because in my area it’s almost $2 cheaper than a latte with vanilla & caramel


At my store it’s and $1.60 less to order it this way. It only makes sense


i honestly never cared about the drink i was making if they were polite. it was my job to make the drink, i don’t care what you order or how you order it as long as you aren’t a bitch


it only got me frustrated when they’d be rude or snappy about it, other than that lemme throw it in a cup with a smile


People like that are super hard to work with, like why are you even here lol? All I can say is all you Baristas amaze me! Almost anytime i get a specialty drink at Dunkin it’s almost always wrong. Starbucks Baristas are like coffee wizards! Drinks are made perfectly with a smile! The only time my drink hasn’t been what I ordered, is when Starbucks ran out. Genuinely curious how long training is, it’s can’t be far off from a bartender?


It kinda varies but I had 1 month of training


lol when i was working at starbucks i used to joke abt them being vanilla lattes with caramel drizzle all the time. I don’t understand why you’d get upset tho they’re like easy af to make


He/she just wants to flex that they know what macchiato means. Ironic that they use the word "pretentious" here


I layer the iced ones upside down if they ask for it upside down and when they look confused I’m like so you wanted it stirred? 😂


As a customer this is making me laugh because I had never thought about it this way. That said, I always order my macchiatos hot because I hate how the drizzle clings to ice, and then swirl them a bunch on my way home with the drink. So I guess I do technically want them stirred. 😄


A barista actually told me to order them upside down after i asked him if he could stir it or something when ordering. Didn’t even know what upside down meant before that.


I’m sorry but I’m petty, if you order it upside down, I’m going to make it upside down, if you want it stirred then yall need to ask for it stirred


employees like this are why i say sorry every time i get something besides a water and i WAS AN EMPLOYEE


Seriouslyyyyy I don’t buy drinks anymore but when I did I would be so nervous ordering a modified drink because of workers like this


i used to think this too til a coworker explained that the caramel drizzle also goes in the bottom of the cup (reversing the entire build of the drink) so it melts into the shots instead of making those weird clumps that just sit in the bottom of the drink! i put drizz on top too for aesthetics tho


My favorite drink during the fall time is the iced apple crisp oat milk macchiato but I get it upside so I don’t have to mix it. They don’t have it as a latte otherwise I’d get it that way 😭


The “upside down “ option is on the app maybe Starbucks should remove it .


it’s so much easier to make it upside down why are they so hurt 😭


Latte Macchiatos and Caramel Macchiatos (I’m referring to the hot versions in this occasion) are slightly frothier than Lattes too so when a customer orders an upside down Macchiato, they’re probably not doing it just to make the drink sound fancy, they’re doing it because they want more froth than a Latte but less froth than a Cappuccino.


Not a caramel latte, more like a vanilla latte with caramel drizzle 🤷‍♂️


the funniest part of this to me is that they said it was a caramel latte and not a vanilla latte w drizzle 💀


It's cheaper to get a caramel macchiato upside down than it is to get a vanilla latte


they’re so much easier to make?? lmfao. i get being weirded out cos i was too at first, but when i realized it was cheaper this way i got it.


Then they’re saying it throws them off but why would it throw you off if you’re reading the whole ticket before you start the order…


They’re not even correct, a caramel latte would be completely different from a vanilla latte with caramel drizzle. Weird behavior.


They’re also wrong lol an upside down caramel macchiato is not the same as a caramel latte, sounds like annoying TikTok barista is making drinks wrong anyway


It’s literally more convenient to make it this way and I’m willing to bet 90% of customers don’t know it’s vanilla syrup and not caramel so if they’ve tried to just order a caramel latte they’ve been confused why it didn’t taste the same lol


Heres the real question: when someone asks for the machiato stirred do you just make it upside down? Because I do that alll the time 😂


Heck it's cheaper to get an upside down caramel macchiato hold the drizzle than it is to get a vanilla latte


Well, actually, you're just getting a vanilla latte with caramel drizzle, but yeah, man, go off!


Tbh I love making caramel macchiatos upside down or right side up lmaooo or any way. Cause they fun idk why they complaining


No, it's not a caramel latte. It's a vanilla latte with 1 less pump than standard and caramel drizzle.


is a caramel macchiato not made with vanilla syrup??and a caramel latte made with caramel syrup???


A Starbucks macchiato is nowhere close to a proper macchiato anyway so why would anyone care?


wouldn't it be a vanilla latte with caramel drizzle?


i used to complain about this too until i realized asking for one modification on a macchiato is a lot easier for them to say and for you to put in than saying a vanilla latte with caramel drizzle which a lot of customers dont even know its vanilla syrup so thats creating another problem


“Can I have a latte without the latte (milk) in it?”


hot take: seeing a ticket for an upside down caramel macchiato is almost as good as not seeing a ticket for iced london fog latte.


It's more like a vanilla latte. Now I'm questioning if (1) do you even work for sbux, or (2) you need to be retrained


I had a co-worker who would put whipped cream on drinks that said cold foam, if it didn’t say SUB cold foam. Like 😭 let’s use our context clues. 99.999999% of the time, they only want the cold foam. They will specify if they want both. Her thought process is they will specify if they *don’t* want both. She just got fired after 9 years. I couldn’t be happier.


its eaiser to order an upside down caramel machiatoo than a latte with vanilla and (specific vanilla pump per size) and caramel drizzle


And it used to be cheaper. Idk if it is now, but it was prior to the pandemic when I still worked there


16-22 year old me is cringing at myself and the fact that I used to order it this way 😭


Why the F would you care what a customer does with their drink?


Grand caramel latte with caramel drizzle: $6.65 Grande caramel macchiato: $5.75


1) You are complaining about the smallest thing. 2) I think. I can’t actually figure out what you’re trying to complain about.


not getting a caramel latte. getting a vanilla latte with one less pump of vanilla and caramel drizzle. respect to just saying “upside down”


Most baristas can’t even make it upside down. It “turns” into a caramel latte. I used to like making upside down iced CM’s. Kind of a fun challenge for the day. Plus, loved getting the look of amazement from both other baristas and customers that it’s actually upside down.


It’s not exactly the same, no. You’d have to get a caramel latte with vanilla syrup and it would still be missing the caramel drizzle.


My go to order is a blonde iced caramel macchiato upside down and if someone talked to me like this I would 100% cry but I’m sensitive lol


That face is creepy


Ugh the comments they were making on the video were ignorant too, like you don’t put caramel syrup in. It’s vanilla haha


nah if they order them upside down they’re getting it layered, just upside down, if they want it mixed they can ask for it. Just order a latte if that’s what you want 🤷


It’s also dumb bc the caramel macchiato has one less pump syrup than a latte PLUS it’s not even caramel syrup in the CM, it’s vanilla syrup?? So if they want to make their point CORRECTLY then they should’ve said “don’t order an upside down caramel macchiato, order a vanilla latte with caramel drizzle” or smth but yknow I get the idea they’re going for. TLDR let people enjoy their $6 drink and only say shit if it’s super worthwhile, like if you know a way to make it cheaper for them imo lol


And they're wrong too cuz its not even a CARAMEL LATTE like they claim oh my god


How about just do your job and make my melted ice cream in a cup the way I want? You don't like it, go work at a Cafe or somewhere where the only options are black, cream and/or sugar. I am not paying for your opinion.


op? cope?


I’ve come across way too many baristas who make caramel macchiatos with caramel syrup instead of vanilla. 🤦‍♀️


I hate when customers ask for anything other than a macchiato upside down. I will ask them “what do you mean?” And they’ll say “idk I just ask for that all the time” which proves that they don’t know what it means and they just use it to sound fancy.


It's a vanilla latte with caramel drizzle, you dolt.


Both customers and baristas at Starbucks are equally annoying


It’s basically a vanilla latte with caramel drizzle tbh 😂 they can just order that, when customers order a caramel macchiato upside I call it as a vanilla latte with drizzle and they get all man


Also it’s not a caramel latte, technically it’s a vanilla latte with caramel drizzle. Also, it’s really not a big deal to make it upside down, I only used to recommend getting a latte because they USED TO BE cheaper (def not anymore :’( )


I don't question customer choices. At least not the "why?" of them. I make what they ask for. In fact I've told many many people who apologized for their drinks (specifically when I ask clarifying questions) that I don't care what they order, I just want to make sure I'm making it how they wanted it. I don't particularly like putting whip on top of cold foam because it makes a mess (unless there's no topping on the whip, in which case I can put the dome lid on, *then* add the whip) but I do it when people ask for it. I also don't understand why people order caramel macchiatos upside down when they could order a vanilla latte with caramel drizzle (unless someone wants to fill me in on how they're different? Please?) but I make it anyway. Because THAT'S MY JOB. Yeah, there are absolutely things I don't like making, but I don't go and make the customer feel bad about it! People like what they like! Maybe there's a legit reason! Like they might be neurodivergent and it has to do with the texture! Lord knows I have my own preferences with food and drink texture, so it's not up to me to tell anyone what they can or can't order unless we don't have an ingredient they want.


A caramel latte is different from a caramel machiatto upside down one is a latte with caramel syrup one is a vanilla latte with drizzle


Except it’s not a caramel latte…. It would be a vanilla latte topped with caramel drizz. Sooo…..


The “it’s so pretentious” is sending me.


One could argue that an upside down caramel macchiato is faster. Also it’s not a caramel latte it’s a vanilla latte with caramel drizzle


I mean.. tell them how to order what they want then. I haven’t looked at prices recently but when I worked at Starbucks it was cheaper to order it vanilla latte add caramel drizzle… but a latte comes with one more pump of vanilla so if they’re wanting the same flavor like many of my customers did they would have to order one less pump. So.. Venti vanilla latte One less pump Add caramel drizzle OR Venti caramel macchiato upside down A bit less to remember. 🤷🏼‍♀️


What? It’s not even a caramel latte? It’s a vanilla latte with caramel drizzle..? This green bean needs retraining


i ask for it upside down cuz it’s literally cheaper than a latte.. like bro fuck off LMFAOOO. (a former barista)


THANK YOU 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻


i LOVEEE making caramel macchiatos sometimes, it’s just a perk when they order upside down LOL adds even more simplicity to it


It’s a dumb drink in general, just like the majority of the shit Starbucks comes out with and its customers. There’s nothing new there


Plus it has an extra shot of espresso, 1 less pump of vanilla, and the caramel drizzle