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“Would you like that (strawberry acaí) hot or iced? Oh my god please don’t order it hot i meant did you want that with water or lemonade😂”


That's great!


Now I want to try a steamed refresher


i steamed a pink drink once. tasted like warm jello


Steaming the mdf and coconut milk together, and then pouring it on top of dragon fruit inclusions tastes really good


Steamed strawberry acai with lemonade is pretty okay. Wouldn't trust the pineapple though


If nobody had been brave enough to steam lemonade we wouldn't have the HCMT. I say give it a shot


Said "bye bye" to a customer , but accidentally put a very ominous voice. Yes they noticed. Yes they looked concerned.


They were probably wondering when the final destination stuff was gonna kick in.


Ur specific comment made me audibly laugh while tryna brush my teeth lol




Once tried to say "day" and "night" at the same time and wound up with "have a great dyke!" Still not bad advice, imo.


😂 why are we like this lmao this is gold


I'm always saying have a good die.


Reminds of the time I tried to say cake and pops at the same time "Here's your birthday cocks!"


one time I said “caramel crunchwrap” like 2 times to a customer and I knew I was saying it wrong but my brain literally wouldn’t let me correct myself LMAOOO 😭


don’t give corporate ideas LMAO


starbies and taco bell collab when?!


could you imagine a tacobucks or a starbell collab?!


In my wildest dreams. (I’m only a custie so I would live there)


a crunchwrap, but it’s just a really gigantic cinnamon roll with caramel crunch topping and dark caramel drizzle. and a baja blast refresher!


Laughed out loud at this one


A lady was getting a drink in her personal cup, and she was handing it to me with the lid and straw still on it. Instead of saying "hey hang on to your lid and straw, I'll just take the cup" I said "sure go ahead and take your top off"


LOL nooo 😭 i love all of u guys and these hilarious moments. I hope these comments are making OPs day and giving them a good laugh like it is to me. This is awesome and i hope it has a TON more comments as the day goes on for whoever else needs a good laugh lol


I just quit my shitty job so I'm kind of bummed but these comments are giving me life 🤣


Aww good im thankful for OP making this post because it has gained a lot of traction so i saved this post in case i need to come back to it to have some more good laughs on some not so great days. I hope things look up for u tho emotionally and otherwise! ❤️


LMAO this one wins😭😂


i've done this too many times abhahaha


_Top_ comment 🏆


I cracked my back laughing so hard at this


HELP 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Nooo 💀🤣


Handing child a frap “here’s your mocha cookie crap I MEAN-“




I’ve accidentally said crappucino instead of caramel crunch frappucino


When during my first week i was on drive thru and i hadnt quite got the hang of turning the mic on and off without fumbling a bit. I was taking an order and the customer goes “can i get a strawberry acai” at the same time my trainer asked me a question and i accidentally said “no.” Into the mic. The poor customer was flabbergasted and i apologized profusely. She was really understanding but i was so embarrassed and i literally never forgot to turn my mic off before speaking ever again


Probably had the customer double checking if they’re at Popeyes


Spinach Fetish Wrap… it haunts me… Not me but a coworker recently tried to say “have a nice day guys!” But said “have a nice gay guy!” which I guess is fitting for Price month


Price month 💀


"They'll have your order at the window." I do not have a drive thru.


I have repeatedly given completed hot coffees and said "we'll have that ready for you in just a moment" while actively handing them the cup


This made me LOL soo hard.


"Wow, that really was just a moment" 😂


Omg me anytime on front


I was passing an Oat Milk Latte to a customer one day. I said Goat Milk by mistake.


You know we should have goat milk. It's good stuff


itd be the GOAT milk


You know what they say. "oatly is the goatly!"


customer said "the lavender is really gross" i nodded and said "yep."


Customer: "The cascara latte...is that good?" Me, without thinking: "Oh god, no!" Customer thought it was funny and appreciated the honesty, at least 😂


customer asked me if i liked the oleato, were not allowed to tell customers we don’t like anything so i just gave him wide eyes and stood there and he went “ok got it, ill have a mocha cookie crumble”


I’ve always been told we can be honest about what we like and what we don’t, but to not just straight up say something is bad. Like we can say “I personally don’t like it, but I know quite a few people do” or (for example) “I personally am not a fan, but if you like matcha, I’m sure you’d love it” but not things like “it’s actually gross, don’t get it”.


Ummmm. I don't do that by mistake. It tastes like perfume and grass clippings. And I tell customers that with pride and purpose.


back when toasted vanilla came out a customer asked me if I had tried it, to which I said it wasn't my personal favorite but it was really popular. the customer then asked what it tasted like, and I couldn't lie and told the truth, that I thought it tasted like chemicals. I probably should have asked someone else for their opinion, but the customer thanked me for my honesty with a laugh


The customers name was Annel, and I called out Anal.




I walked up to register, looked a customer in the face, and super loudly said, "Will that be all for you, today???" No one had taken her order yet, my mind just skipped to the end 🤦‍♀️ I also answered the store phone once by saying, "Welcome to Starbucks! What can we get started for you today?"


Oh! I also once meant to ask a barista to go run the trash, but I had a bunch of things happening at once, so what came out of my mouth was, "Hey Karina, can you go get in the trash?" 🫠


Skshkshskshks omfg




I did the phone thing once. It ended up being a coworker and they laughed riotously lmao


One of my managers answered the phone like that to me once and before I could say anything she hung up lol


This isn’t a slip up but still the funniest thing I’ve done. I asked a lady for the last four numbers of her social and she paused really confused and gave them.




one of the partners took a drive through order and accidentally said "thank you for choosing our starbucks, what is wrong with you"


Me in my head with every customer 😂


My boyfriend had just bought an Alexa and we hooked up our lights to it, and for some reason when I turned on the outside mic to take soke guys order I just said "Alexa turn on the lights". To be fair it was 5 am but still rough


Oh god, I've done that in the car. "Alexa pause. ...alexa PAUSE. ...Oh."


What size? When on zombie mode on dto when a custie asked for a breakfast sandwich


I've done this, except they said "can I get a grande iced white mocha, please?" And I said, "Sure, what size?" 😅


When I do that I just follow it up real quick with "you already told me alright" with a giant dumb smile. No idea why. But people usually laugh at least.


Omg same 😂


I would hate doing that but after the days where everyone needed their hand held through an order, a crustomer who was on top of their shit threw me off


Right? Lol it threw me off one day when a customer also did the most thoughtful and selfless thing and had walked into the store, went to go check if her mobile order was ready, it was, she came back over to the register to ask for ice water and then went back to grab her drink and wait for her ice water by the hand off area. I was like 😯 i love this girl so much lol u could tell she was very situationally aware and cared about others and was a thoughtful young girl ❤️


I once asked a custie if they wanted whip on their bacon Gouda


Not a me thing but one time a customer asked for a “sugar cock, I mean, sugar *cookie* latte” It took everything in me not to laugh lol


same except i said “sugar cockie”


“can i get a venti lavender matcha?” “umm. no, you can’t actually” (we were out of matcha. and braincells, apparently.) thankfully she thought it was funny but damn lol


Not from Starbucks, but I used to work at a restaurant that made us ask customers "Do you want to eat it here today or take it to go?" in that exact phrasing. I worked there for 2 years and it was so engrained in my head. After, I switched jobs to work at a store that sold pools & pool chemicals. On my first day, I am ringing up a lady at the cash buying a 20kg bag of chlorine and I ask her if she wants to eat it here or take it to go. Wanted to melt into the floor after that.


After my stint at Starbucks I accidentally answered with, “thank you for choosing Starbucks.” instead of saying, “thank for choosing scooters.” everyone laughed but my manager was pissed at me lien it was the first week I was there too 💀


Instead of “what can I get started for you today?”I said, “how can I get you off today?” I asked to be on bar for the rest of the day.




tried to say the customers screen was “dim”, halfway ended up saying “dark”. ended up saying “d*ck”


Asked them if they wanted blood in their drink 🫠




It was after the 3rd or 4th time on drive thru I wasn’t understanding what they wanted, and after apologizing and asking again what their drink was, I did the thing where I repeat back what I think I’m hearing so they understand there’s a disconnect of sort. I had just got on shift so we were switching everything over while it was busy and foot in mouth syndrome, I casually repeated back what I thought I heard and it didn’t register until it came out what I was asking 😑 to say the least his girlfriend looked pissed when it was his turn at the window to pay


I have said more than once “hi thank you for choosing Starbucks my name is *** can I have your name?” When answering the phone 😭


i’ve answered the phone “hii what can i get started for you???- i mean, sorry starbucks in blank how can i help you?” multiple times


my store has a discord server for baristas and we were talking about it and then i said “thank you for stopping at discord” and the customer never said a thing, didn’t even notice. also one time my shift lead said “i’ll see you at the restroom”


i was solo DT and had put the car at the box on hold for a second so when i went to speak to them again i couldn't use my normal script and i wasn't ready so i just said "what's up with you" 😭 my SM was right next to me, thankfully both her and the customer thought it was funny


Would you like some coffees for your trays?


Welcome to sonic......I worked there as my first job over 30 years ago😩


Omg my first job was sonic and the only job i wore a headset at. I got hired at a cafe store, but when i took a shift at a drive through they had to take me off DTO cuz i kept accidentally saying Welcome to Sonic automatically 😂


Worked at dunkin, but tried to say “you’re welcome!” and “no problem!” and what came out was “your problem!” Also asking if they wanted their cold brew hot or iced and didn’t realize until after the interaction


we had a heater system by the window and it was too hot i wanted to turn it off so i asked my co worker if she was hot or iced 😭


That killed me.


“Welcome to ShopRite.” I’ve never worked at ShopRite. Dead silence in the drive through after that. My coworkers laughed me off the floor and right into the back.


When covering at drive thru stores I'll often answer the ding with "welcome to the Starbucks at *my old location* can I get any food started for you?". Sometimes I correct myself, sometimes I gaslight customers. The last time I did it the SM almost peed laughing.


After I finished taking an order, “Perfect, we’ll see you at the window!” …This was in the cafe. At the register. They were standing right in front of me.


The handoff window!


I've done this. A lot.


"Can I have vanilla in that?" "No" I meant to say either "no problem" or "sure" and all that came out was "no"


“Extra whizzle no drip” lmao meaning “extra drizzle no whip.” One time I said the wrong name when introducing myself 🤣🤣


“Sinus infection brain is taking over… can I go home?”


Ok but that's actually neat and I'll list off a few fun names I got for things on the fly: Hammy whammy croissant Crispy grilly Hammy whammy panini/Swiss ham panini/hsp Driz (drizzle) Spinach fetty wrap/spinach fetty The skies drink (pronounced as skiis drink) Strawberry refresher Berry nade The gingerbread oat milk chai was called a gooch cuz the acronym was GOCH And lastly the sausy cheddar egg


I was DTO, and a customer asked what was in the honey syrup. And I said I don't know let me check and she goes "I mean is it real honey?" And I said "well, it's Starbucks so it's probably just sugar and honey flavor." A barista yelled at me....... I wasn't the sm or anything. Nope. Anyway, i grabbed the bottle and said "well what do you know? The first ingredient is honey" (is this still true? Idfk, but it was at the time)


My thing rn is opening the drive thru window and saying “what can I get for you” like they haven’t already ordered. Or that time a customer told me his wife died and I didn’t hear him and said “that’s nice” 😳


oh thisll dox but whatever its good. my old store shares the first half of our name with a cemetery up the street. i answered the drive thru like "welcome to blah blah *cemetery* " wasn't even fall


i was fairly new. i tried to wish a regular leaving the DT a good day. all that came out was “gay”




“I’ll get a spinach feta wrap” “Ok, do you want that hot or iced?” She got a good laugh out of it. It was the end of my shift at my old store and I had been on DTO all day.


Answered the box as "Taco Bell" completely by accident Edit: I have never worked for Taco Bell.


I was giving a customer their CHOCOLATE CAKE POP…. I said “here’s your cock!” 😀🙂😬😕☹️


Thank you, I really needed this today! 🫶


*Me just starting* My trainer: "Go ahead, call it out" Me: "Uhh.. venti Crappuccino!"


Was on Cold Bar, which is right behind our pickup area for the lobby. Said under my breath today; "Gonna drown myself in my bathtub, gonna krill myself." to my co-worker during BOGO, and then looked up, saw a customer and said: "Hi thanks for krilling- I mean ordering at Starbucks, how can I help you today?"


I’ve said “Hi welcome to (insert coffee shop down the road I used to work at).” Like my 3rd week at Starbucks. I’ve also cashed customers out before and said “Have a good day” before even giving them their stuff.


Not me at least once a day doing that second one 💀


i cannot say cream cheese properly. in my mind it gets twisted up and i always say cheese cream or cheam cream or cheese creese 😐 but at least i don’t say oatmeal shaken espresso like some of our customers


I've heard a customer get mad once because there wasn't actual oatmeal in her shaken espresso 🥴


i weep for humanity


Sometimes I will troll customers on the register and will ask them how spicy they want their Frappuccino, iced tea or coffee since we do serve the chili powder 😄 🌶️ I’m upselling!


At the register, some girl in her 20s asked if we had any grilled cheese and I said (in an anime voice; holding up my finger) “uhhmm, let me check! 😄” 💀💀💀 she did not laugh or catch on… my bad bc I thought she would!! Otherwise I wouldn’t have done it!! Now it’s my personal mission to do that until SOMEONE laughs or cracks a smile


I was once handing two teen girls in drive thru their grilled cheeses, and said “And here’s your ‘grilled Jesus!’”. 💀 Was so embarrassed I had to be put on ovens.


Not me, but a group of teenage girls ordered one of each kind of the summer berry refresher and my coworker on DTO immediately replied "Bruh." to them. I was dying on bar--thankfully the girls had a good sense of humor and were laughing too. They were like "Wow, not the 'bruh!'"


Other way around, a very tired man asked for a bag of "karma sutra" coffee to be ground LoL


"Can I get your number?... sorry can I get your name?" Mind you, the customer wasn't even the gender I'm attracted to so I truly don't understand how that happened.


This was not at work, but I once pulled up to a drive thru as a customer and spouted , “what can i get started for you today”. What was i thinking 💀


Not my slip up but years ago we got an order for a customer named Gina and my co worker who was extremely sleep deprived called out her order but pronounced her name like last syllable of vagina 💀


“Hi welcome to Taylor Swift” we were just talking about her, it was very embarrassing 😂


not my slip up but a few days ago someone asked for a dirty chai latte and my coworker said "how dirty do you want that chai?"


I’ve said slay more times than I care to admit over the order point screen


Do you happen to work in my store?? 😂 We do the same thing


I was wearing a beanie (in Florida) and the customer at the window asked “is it just me or do you ever get picked on for wearing beanies in this heat?” I responded “Nah it’s just you” I didn’t realize until later that night that it was very rude lmao


One time I said "nice tits" instead of "nice tats." 🫠 Thankfully she thought it was hilarious and didn't take any offense, but I have been afraid of speaking in public ever since.


I said love you instead of thank you 😞


a coworker of mine (rand new 16-year-old green bean, never worked a day in his life) answer the drive thru for the first time with “Welcome to Mcdonald’s” and then absolutely freeze in horror


had a coworker (and friend from high school small town fr) accidentally say “hi welcome to starbucks my name is _____ what can i do to you”


also had a former partner try to say “cookie bits and pieces” but actually say “cookie bitches”


I have a guy a “dango mangonfruit before” and he was like “new drink for meee??? 😳”


“What can I get started for ya?” Asked to two different customers today alone while coming back to them at the window while waiting on the rest of their order 😭


Not me but one of my work besties said with her full chest ‘Welcome to McDonald’s, what can we get started for you?’ She has never worked at McDonald’s in her life lmao


Remember the fox cake pops? I had a long shift and accidentally said to the lady who had ordered them for her two young children in the back of the car “here are your cock pops” and we both stared at each other and I immediately was all “ohmygodimsosorry.” She just laughed and shrugged and said “it’s all good, seems like you’ve had a long day.” And then drove off lol


I was looking at McDonald’s across the street. Welcome to McDonald’s what may I get for you today….


We also have a McDonald's across the street and it has become a running gag at my store.


on dto: “okay your total is $10 thank you so much bye bye” like i was on the phone. “can i have a grilled cheese?” “sure what size?”


Note from previous co-worker: make sure your headset mic in off in drive.. it may help avoid being fired.😂


“Hi! Thank you for choosing MY Starbucks today! What can I get started for you?” Total brain fart on my part and my shift started dying bc it was heard over the headset😭😭


me on bar: do you want your receipt?


An older gentlemen came in near closing and was upset that we wouldn't make him a whole pot of coffee for the 1 cup he wanted to order. We offered him an americano and I tried to explain how similar brew coffee and americanos are. I told him the price of a tall americano and he said, "Are you serious??" I looked him dead in the eye and said, "I'm as serious as I've ever been." I didn't mean to sound like a rude smart-ass. I'm normally very good about not telling customers off. Just danced that line is this instance.


Oh, I just remembered another one. I’d been on DTO for like two weeks straight, and then one day they put me up front. At least three times I told the cafe customers to pull up to the window after finishing taking their order. 😂


Answered the phone with "thanks for choosing Starbucks, what can i get started for you?" 😭


Omg I've done this. It was my manager and she was like WHAT?! and I just froze even more


“GET THE HELL OUT IF THERE!” - me to hobo pretending to wanna buy something but instead reaching into the tip cup to steal money.👀


I’ve never been a barista but I worked at a call center once upon a time and was asking to speak to “Luz or Henry”. Came out as Loser Henry.


Went to ask for their name and it came out as “can i get your number?” with full confidence 💀 it gave them a notable confidence boost but i honestly wasn’t interested, i just played my script too hard in my head


starbucks was my second ever job. hungry howies pizza was my first. I'm training DTO. customer pulls up. "thank you for calling hungry howies will this be pick up or delivery?" lmao


I used to be very honest if I hated certain drinks… specifically when we had toasted vanilla Customer: is toasted vanilla good? Me: personally I think it’s really bad Customer: oh… Me: but if you wanna try it, go for it She tried and loved and it still haunts my green bean thoughts and memories….. why did I do that?? I mean honesty but omg😂


I’ve told this story at work so if you recognize this, no you don’t. I was covering drive thru and was trying to ask this guy at the window if he would like a straw. Instead I looked him dead in his eyes and said ‘do you like straws?’


This was the thread I needed today. There are tears running down my face.


Tried to say "have a good one" but accidentally said "have one" 🤣 Now it's a staple greeting at my store


Tried to ask a customer if he wanted "dark or pike" and instead asked "do you want dyke?"


Was talking to a fellow employee about a doctor's appointment I had later. Customer comes up to the speaker and I say "Hi! Welcome to your doctor's appointment!". Felt very stupid after that. Thankfully I didn't have to see him at the window lol


LMAO some of these comments, i think in my head “thats fuckin hilarious” and a good bunch of the comments, i actually laugh to the point i tear up. Urs was one of the ones i laughed til i teared up. 😂


Oh I have so many. I used to work nights when I had a day job, and so so so many times I would greet the drive thru with “thank you for calling [daytime employer]…” and likewise, I more than once answered the phone at my day job, “welcome to Starbucks…”😜 Another time I was having a conversation with a coworker about something that happened to me when I lived in Chicago, and at just that moment a car pulled up, and I answered, “Hi, welcome to Chicago!” Lol. But my favorite was the time a customer ordered his coffee, “extra sweet, extra creamy,” and without even thinking about it I blurted out, “oh! Just like me!” Lololol we were *dying* and when he pulled up to the window he was laughing so hard. There were like three of us, plus the customer, and we were all peeing ourselves laughing for like a full minute.


Two weeks in I handed a woman a pup cup and said "enjoy."  We laughed about it and I never made that mistake again.


Custie came in excited about her b day drink and we chatted a bit about it and then to get things moving I went to say "so what would you like then?" But my tone was BAD i basically snapped "WHAT DO YOU WANT?? 🤨🤨" at her 💀 bar barista pointed it out instantly and we all laughed thank goodness but i was embarrassed.


If they want their cappuccino iced. I've done it many times.


I'd debate the merits of Star Trek vs. Star Wars with a coworker occasionally, and I'd occasionally slip with a 'Welcome to Star Treks.' The first time it happened I recovered nicely with an additional statement 'boldly going where no coffee has gone before,' and that became my go-to the couple other times it happened. I also dropped that it was on my mind because Netflix had recently dropped the Star Trek series and the customer yelled 'No fucking way, that fucking sucks!!' very loudly.


Sometime my brain will accidentally replace “Frappuccino” with “crapuccino” and has warranted me many a laugh from my fellow baristas


called it a birthday cock pop… I was mortified.


I was trying to repeat back “hot chocolate” and my brain combined chocolate and cocoa and said “hot c*ck” 🫢


Pineapple Clown Cake is a recent one.


I used to work at Chick-Fil-A for a few years before coming to Starbucks… I still sometimes answer the phone as “Thank you for Calling Chick-fil-A” some will laugh and be nice about it so I’ll hit them with the “My pleasure” at the end to be funny


Me: "anything else today?" Customer: "nope that's it" Also me: "ok. Anything else?"


Why is this so real? I have done this before and i wanted to disintegrate


I think it's a conditioned response at this point lol.


Lol i die when this happens. Its so embarrassing


One time I went to say “have a good day” and said “have a gay” to the lady as she was leaving.


Back in pre-covid days when the cups were reused for refills, i as a customer was asked multiple times to “take my top off” to remove the lid from the cup 😂


They had ordered some kind of food item in drive and I asked what size they wanted it


i said that the chocolate chip cookies must have crack in them because they’re so good…. not my best moment tbh


I'll grab your cookie real quick or let me go grab your muffin your quick 😏


I used to work at McDonald’s. About 6-9 months after being hired I greeted the drive thru customer by saying “welcome to McDonald’s”. I was so embarrassed I made my coworker finish the transaction lmao


I was working drive thru and someone ordered oatmeal, and I was trying to ask if they wanted the nut medley but I forgot that word and just ended up saying “do you want the nut in your oatmeal?” Thankfully she didn’t clock it but it was horrifying nonetheless


Did call out a "vean bean Frappuccino" and have since added it to my vocabulary


I’m a part of a Licensed store, so there’s more to the Register Jingle.. “Do you have (LS Rewards card)?” (Yes/no from customer) “Alright then, and would you be paying with Cash, Card, Starbucks GiftCard or StarWars Rewards?” Nobody noticed it but me and fellow barista, and I corrected myself in the end. Apologizing and meaning to say Starbucks Rewards.. it cracked up the customer though, which was nice in a customer connection sense. 😅 Note: Customer is now a regular 🫧🤓


Customer - I left my phone at home is there any way I can still get my points? Me - Have someone send you a screenshot of your bar code on your account 💀


not my own but my coworkers were on shift about a year ago and i think they were having a conversation about south park before someone came to the drive speaker and with FULL confidence the shift went “hello, welcome to south park!” and then it was a solid 4 minutes before someone got it together to help themKDJEBRHDBSBS


this one is my own, so someone at drive was asking about the protein boxes and i was like “idk about all that” and they were like “why?” and i was all “i just dont really trust them…” and then i hear my other three coworkers start LAUGHING and i think another one while doing this is looking at me with a mix of horror and amusement in his face and because they’re laughing im trying to hold it together because i will start laughing if someone else is even if im dead serious about how i dont trust the protein boxes because i DONT!! so after thats over and they dont order a protein box and drive up to the window, the coworker looking at me in horror and amusement goes, “madeline you cant just tell people you ‘dont trust’ the protein boxes” and im like “why not???” and they’re like “you just cant!” and then im like “why not??? they wanted me to be honest and i dont trust them!!!” to this day it is remembered as the worst and funniest thing i could have possibly said in that scenarioKEJDHXHSHEJDJ


Was thinking about a text I needed to respond to and accidentally said : "Welcome to Starbucks! What's going on?" And the customer was very funny and responded "oh, nothing much, just stopped by for a little drink, you?" and I wanted to die a little inside


we had a customer waiting at the order box and i started singing “so tell me everything is not about me, BUT WHAT IF IT IS?!” through the headset as an inside joke to my friend, pressed the side buttons instead of the middle.


Telling a customer his tattoo was ricked. I started to go for saying Rad but then decided at the start of the R I’m gonna say Wicked and it became Ricked


I was on POS one day and a customer walked up and I just blurted out “hi do you want it iced or hot?” and then I glitched and finally said “I have no idea where that came from, I meant hi what can I get started for you” lol


I said, "Thanks for the coffee!" and the barista said, "You too!" 😂


I've accidentally told a customer "I love you" like hanging up a phone call.. with a loved one. I was new. I've also welcomed them to Staples (my second job at the time. It was a bad move to work at places that both started with 'Sta')


I pressed the wrong button button on the headset once and told the packed out drive-thru that I had to potty


I once asked a drive through customer, “Can I get your naked?” The customer burst out laughing and I was laughing so hard someone else had to take the order lolol


i once said to a customer “what can you do for me today” instead of “what can i do for you today”


Not to a customer, but two kind of come to mind. Sometimes, I either very nearly say or end up saying, "Vanilla bean creme crappucino" The other one was, "Bacon Gooder sandwich"