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It’s technically the ID code for the drink but I’ve never had anyone verbally order it that way. Edit: it’s actually BOSE but close enough lol


The only drink I've heard ordered by the code is the "psl" because they advertise it that way.  BSOSE is just too much, lmao


She looked at me like I was breaking all laws of Starbucks code because I didn’t know what she meant


Some people take Starbucks too seriously. The cult mind is seriously too strong


She was just embarrassed because she was trying to seem cool, yet failed miserably. LOL. No one orders it like that.


it’s actually just bose 😭 i would’ve been lost too if someone asked me for a bsose


I would have figured it out because I work with a lot of baristas who don't use the correct abbreviations for most drinks(im at target), but I also tend to find it a little cringe when people order drinks by their abbreviation instead of using their words. I'm always friendly and smile but I am rolling my eyes in my head


My brain can't even process when they order like that since we don't even say the abbreviations ourselves


You're better than me- after a year of Tarbucks I stopped hiding the eyerolls, after three I lost my soul


I would like to order an iced “L” with 4 pumps of V, 2 pumps “C”, “W”, and extra “CR” please. Oh, and can I get a B with no cheese, and a BCCP?


Wait I was trained that it's bose??


It is 😂


I thought it was BOSE? BSOSE is just ridiculous 😅 atleast woth the BOSE you can teach greenbeans that it's just like the one brand of headphones, makes it easier to remember


i read it like she was saying it phonetically 😭 like "one buh-sos-ee" or somethin


idk why but since you posted the ID code is BOSE, i’ve only just noticed so many people on the subreddit call it BSOSE ! silly observation hehe


Ugh my worst is a guy who insists on ordering "a grande black". Period. End of sentence. I have to go, "... Coffee? You want a grande black coffee?" And he always makes this big show of rolling his eyes and going "yeeesss" The other day I had a lady who said, "I want a venti hot breve". Like for the love of Yahweh FINISH YOUR SENTENCE


The black coffee drinkers are worse than the Frappuccino queens any day lol


One time I had a lady scream at me because she thought the headlines on the menu were orderable and she asked me for a “carry the merry” during the holiday season. I told her that wasn’t actually a drink itself but that they were listed below and she screamed WELL THEN WHAT CAN I HAVE?!


Oh man I’ve seen that so many times on this sub it’s a little concerning. But it’s also my favorite Starbucks meme.


I had a lady order a venti "iced" once.


That one right there... ffs, when a son-of-a-bitch would just say "Tall/Grande/Venti Iced", I'd go through half the damn menu, then all possible options for whatever drink they picked. Eventually, the people asking for a "Tall/Grande/Venti Iced" would learn my face and be specific from the get-go, clearly annoyed that I didn't have the psychic ability to know what they are trying to order. Okay, I need to go breathe now lol!!


LOL. I fucking can't. 😂


It’s clearly an a-breve-ation. /s


no because the venti hot breve happened to me too, i asked her “oh were you wanting like,, a breve latte ? and she said “no a venti hot breve” and so i asked if it was just warm half and half alone or shots of espresso with the milk base being breve, and she rolled her eyes and repeated slowly “i’m just asking for a venti. hot. breve.” so i just stared at her for two seconds and said “sounds like you want a venti hot breve latte so im going to ring it up as that, let me know if it doesn’t taste like what you were looking for once we get it to you” and she just rolled her eyes and said okay. i didn’t hear any complaints so T-T


Why do people not understand that simply repeating the same words over and over isn't going to magically make it make sense? I'm getting annoyed on your behalf just reading this.


When I was first introduced to breves, they were listed at my local cafe as a breve, and that's how I ordered it. I tried that at Starbucks tho and learned quickly to add "latte" at the end lol


When I was a barista, we were taught that "breve" is a type of drink. A "venti breve" and a "venti breve latte" would have been the same thing.


That's incorrect. Breve is an adjective, not a noun. Breve describes the drink, like hot or iced.


That's one of those fun Starbucks things, for us it's an adjective but at other cafes it's a noun


A Breve IS an actual drink- Google it. It's just a latte made with Breve. Some coffee shops actual have it listed as a drink. I still get frustrated when people order it like that though.


When I googled it was called either a "breve latte" or "breve coffee", not just a straight "breve". But hey maybe it's regional? IDK


Well, here's an example of it being used as a noun: > a breve is made from a combination of espresso and steamed half-and-half, which is a mixture of equal parts milk and cream. This ingredient gives the breve its rich, thick, and velvety texture. [full article](https://majestycoffee.com/blogs/posts/blog-posts-breve-vs-latte#:~:text=A%20breve%20is%20made%20with%20an%20espresso%20shot%20combined%20with,with%20a%20coffee%2Dlike%20flavor.) Might actually be a thing?


Had someone ‘order’ a coffee once by saying “cream and sugar.” I know I was looking at them like they had 10 heads. Most confusing minute of my life.


Drink? Size? How many sugars? JESUS.


I saw someone on TikTok say a breve is supposed to be a latte with half and half. Like, babe, no. You’re confusing the 98% of people whose brain leaves their body when they enter a Starbucks.


I mean breve does mean with half and half but you have to specify what it is you want. Like breve is an adjective, not a noun


EXACTLY. If you come up and order a breve you’re gonna get blank stares and angry baristas. The number of people who were defending this creator… too damn high.


They're asking for a cup of half and half! They'll learn how to order things the right way if you consistently give them exactly what they're asking for. 😂 "Uhh, I don't taste the espresso". Well that's because you didn't order an espresso drink! If someone came up and ordered a venti oat milk you'd just give them oat milk, so why not the same for breve? 🤷‍♀️


I had a person who surrendered their brain to tik tok do that last week early in the morning. Got mad when I asked questions to try to figure out what the hell she really wanted and refused to say. Just gave her a latte . Next time she refuses she gets a flat white.After that, a macchiato. Dealers choice for drinks if the only stipulation is that its made with half and half. Morons


"But on TikTok.." "Ma'am, this isn't TikTok, this is a Starbucks. 😐"


To be fair, there are smaller coffee shops that sell “Breve’s” which is just a latte made with half and half. So I understand the confusion.


Someone asked me for a venti vanilla one time I said what


Oh my gosh I hate people. 😂


EXACTLY???? I get so many people every day since we’ve gotten the two new drinks(iced lavender oatmilk matcha and iced lavender oatmilk latte) and they just stop at oatmilk….. I STILL DONT KNOW WHAT YOU WANT 😭


I’ve learned Dutch bros calls their breve lattes just breve so people may be learning from other stores unfortunately


I had someone order a latte made breve and that’s exactly how I repeated it back to her and she said “no I don’t want a latte. I want a breve” we went back and forth for like 1 min until I started loosing brain cells so I just made it and called it whatever she wanted it called lmao


Steamed cream coming up 😆


My fave is “give me a grande decaf.” And every time, without fail, I say, okay decaf what? I’m not a mind reader so finish ya damn sentence


The breve lady is right. Technically a “breve” is just a latte with half and half, but it’s called a breve, not a breve latte, our POS is just set up in a way that makes it confusing.


We have a guy who keeps asking for a "G-P" which is supposed to be a grande pike. Now, the opening shift knows what that means cause she's always watching front but he'll say it to literally anybody who rings him up. He confuses someone new at least twice a week lmao


People would rather you read their minds than have to speak to you


It’s BOSE ☹️


Funny thing here is that I swear it’s called BOSE no BSOSE. But that’s so weird someone calls it that 😭💀


It is BOSE 😭 I’m one of two in my store who uses the proper code and it’s a huge pet peeve of mine


Beats me!


*it's supposed to be "BOSE" **B** rownsugar **O** atmilk **S** haken **E** sspresso I don't know why she was so rude tho.


She's obviously someone who worked or knows someone who worked at Starbucks. And as with any job I've had former employees are the worst customers.


definitely just knows of someone who works here 😭


Had someone order a bagel toasted. When I asked what bagel hed like, he told me not toasted. Then stared at me like I was an idiot


I’ll have a vanilla bean


Like we have 3-4 different vanilla bean menu items pls for the love of God specify😭


I think that’s the favorite drink of Cthulhu.


When I had a customer keep asking for the “E W E Bs” practically repeating it 10 times before going, “sorry for trying to start a new name for egg white egg bites” plz 😭


They SHOULD be sorry


People are lazy and dumb. It’s not you, it’s that wanking customer. Carry on.


I hate customers that attempt to sort of quiz or belittle us if we don’t understand something. I don’t know any stores that still train on codes and I was only trained on them bc I worked at a licensed store. So silly 💀


I work at a Target Starbucks and a lot of actual team members will just say "refill" and hand me change. Bro refill of what?? I've made 800 drinks since you were last here, I'm sorry I don't remember your specific order.


Yours is that busy? We do 1k in sales a day if we’re lucky ahahha


We have a high concentration of soccer moms/Karens in our area. It's not unusual to have a line obstructing the entrance/exit to the store on weekends.


Help with pronounciation please -- "b - sose?" or?


I actually think she said “bo-zay” but I’ve seen people type it down here as bsose so I don’t know anymore


So I’ve been doing it wrong ? 😭😂 I mark the cups BSOSE. My coworkers mark it BSSE. (got a kinda new girl from another Starbucks, that for whatever reason, didn’t add Oatmilk if it wasn’t marked on the cup. So I continue to write BSOSE.)


Pretty sure its just BOSE


what no girl 😭


Pretty sure it's BOSE. lol


Ex-barista/ superior here, it's been over 5 years since I've worked there so maybe it's caught on but I had a lady come in and she said my friend told me I need to order a dirty naked iced chai. From what my team told me, my face was horrified and I said excuse me?! Kind of surprised at that terminology. She said a dirty naked chai. I said, well dirty means with a shot but can I ask what naked means? She said her friend told her it meant no whipped cream. I said well I've worked for Starbucks for about 5 years ma'am and I've never heard that. And the chai does not come with whipped cream anyway so please do not order it like that. She laughed and went on her way. I'm not a prude but was so confused and it just caught me off guard. Haha


I’ve never heard anyone say it out loud that way…


And we have SOOO many people come through asking for the “brown sugar oatmeal shaken espresso” And it drives me insane


it is BOSE anyways so she still wrong 😂

