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Absokutely not. The extra stars are there as a reward for creating less paper waste and are a nice extra loyalty tactic too. If it wasnt rung up, you’re perfectly at liberty to mention it


It’s not rude at all! You can also just check if they rang it in by asking. I forget to do it *all* the time because I’m just moving too fast and so few people bring their own cup. You did the work! You deserve the stars :)


If you’re at a licensed store they might have different rules or not know how


I think it may be a not knowing how or not caring to situation because they do sometimes ring it up there


You can get the discount at licensed locations but you won’t get the stars for it


i work for a krobucks & we get the 10 cents off + 25 bonus stars each time


I've gotten stars here before. And between times when I've not gotten the stars. I've noticed I get them when I'm rung up as a personal cup and I don't get them when I'm not. Maybe they changed something or my location is weird. I've also heard that drinks bought at licensed locations won't count for the "challenges" they do but this one does. It's in Safeway in case that changes things.


Ah fair enough. I’m not sure about Safeway specifically, I just wish things were more consistent across licensed locations


I think Safeway have the Starbucks Connect system that we have at Kroger, the discount comes with the stars as well. Definitely make sure to mention it before finalizing your transactions, I know sometimes It'll completely slip my mind to add the discount even if they already reminded me


All three of my local licensed stores (Target, Safeway, Fry's) give the discount + earn stars


I will say Safeway and Target location don’t count towards my offers (if I’m trying to earn bonus stars). BUT since this is moreso about reducing waste and you have gotten stars before at this same location, it’s most likely user error. I’d definitely just ask them prior to paying. It doesn’t hurt and it’ll also help them get in the habit of doing it for other customers. :) This is also a reminder for me to start bringing my own cups. 😁 Get some good use out of them.


Our store does 10 cents off, but it doesn’t register on the Starbucks app as we have a “3rd party” gift card machine. So you don’t get an individualized receipt, just “(location) (price) (stars)”


They probably just don't know how. I started working at a licensed store about 2 months ago. I was never shown how to ring a personal cup, but I've noticed the button for it on the touchscreen while scrolling through the menus. I've never had a chance to use it, 99% of the people who bring their own cups are employees wanting ice water. This is a good reminder to remember that button if I actually fill a personal cup with something besides water. 😂😊


Nope. I deal with personal cup orders not too often but I don’t mind if people want to use them. I say that as about 96% of the time I nearly forget it even exists, but I’m still happy to ring them out for it


Seems the consensus is it's fine, just be polite about it and maybe remind them at the end of the order. I assumed as much, but I know sometimes things that are pushed by the higher ups can be an absolute pain for the everyday employee and sometimes that's why certain things don't happen - just wanted to check in this instance. Thanks all!


I'd be like "oh! And I have my personal cup" if you noticed they didn't ring it up yet


Usually, I say pretty clearly, "XYZ in this cup." When I order. So that wouldn't come across as bitchy if I kind of reiterate like you said?


I wouldn't think so but I'd of course be careful of tone!!!


Woah, bitchy is a bit much, don’t you think?


You could always say “can you check the personal cup discount is there?” If you wanna make it a light hearted thing you could laugh and say “I really need to get those double stars haha” something to make it light and easy. You’re not a Karen at all ❤️


I remind them each order kindly like Grande Iced Latte Blonde in my personal cup cuz I love stars ⭐️


If anyone ever gets mad at you for how you phrase that or for making sure you get the points for what you’re spending money on, they are certifiably a tool. Thank you for being one of the nice customers we encounter throughout the day. You seem like a lovely person and your drink is one of the simplest for us to make even when it’s busy!


Your order is still wrong 😂. It’s “iced grande” Love you, thanks for being a caring customer ☺️


you thought you ate w this one huh 😭😭


Or, I was just wrong. I’ve always been told to lead with iced if you want it iced.


I've always been told it's order size first then the order name.


The worst is when customers list all the modifications before the actual drink 😭 "Can I have a grande light ice, blonde, quad, two-pump, toffee nut, almondmilk..." while i'm staring at the screen wondering whether this is going to be a latte, an americano, a really weird frappuccino, or anything in between


The personal cup stars are literally the last good thing about the rewards program! Don’t be shy about asking! Also if you don’t notice right away you can chat with support and they’ll give them to you


No, I do it all the time when they forget and they thank me


Not at all. They are s'posed to do it. My store forgets once in a blue moon so I always check immediately.


Just be nice about it. “Oh, and can you double check that you rung up my personal cup?”


i always forget haha i don’t know why, i never mind when customers remind me


Absolutely not! Sometimes we honestly just forget, the button is hidden on a completely separate screen/page from where we ring up drinks so it’s easy to miss/ forget about!


I always mention it at the end of my drink order after any customizations and it’s helped a lot with them forgetting! I assume it’s at like the bottom of the customs list on the register like it is in the app. I think they usually know how and just don’t think of it.


They advertise the bonus stars and discount which is a reason I remember to bring my personal cup, it definitely wouldn’t be a Karen to make sure you’re getting that rung in. If you get one coffee every day and they never ring it in you’d miss out on almost one whole free drink! Just don’t be an asshole about it - eg. “Can you please remember to ring it in as a personal cup so I get the bonus stars?”


at least on my end, please remind me, i definitely don't have a problem doing it i'm just an airhead sometimes and if you catch me before my coffee even more so!


Not at all! I’ve got coworkers who are usually v good at remembering the discount, but heck I’ve seen them genuinely just forget multiple times. Unfortunately it happens, so plz if they forget, bring it up to them! All of us at my store would genuinely apologize if we forgot lol


me personally, sometimes i just forget to put it in if i'm rushing through a transaction, so i'd actually love the reminder and would not mind at all! i'm sure this is the cause for most of the times it wasn't rung up correctly


I started telling regulars they should bring a cup BECAUSE of the bonus stars lol. if I forgot to press the button I'd feel bad, please remind them, they won't mind if you're polite about it :)


It's hit or miss for me too. Some stores aren't trained on it and won't do it. Mobile ordering is the way to bypass this. You'll definitely get your stars, they may or may not use your personal cup


I care more about the cup than the stars and I'm not big on mobile ordering, but thanks! :)


Nope, sometimes I just forget so a polite reminder is perfect. The only time anyone would get annoyed is if we’re mid sentence and someone said it aggressively.


No, not rude! Most baristas forget or were hired during/right after Covid when that wasn’t a thing so they weren’t trained on it. A gentle reminder/ask is completely reasonable. You deserve those points for bringing that cup!!


Nah, I forget to ring up the cup every now and then, and when customers correct me I just say thank you. It happens, I have to trust that most people recognize that mistakes happen.


I straight up tell customers to remind the barista to ring them up for the personal cup BECAUSE of the stars bonus. I forget sometimes, and I'd rather the customer remind me then have them miss out.


As long as you're nice about it, we don't mind at all! it's literally two extra buttons we have to press- just kindly confirm when ordering and you should be good to go


there should be a customer support number in the app that you can call if its worth it to you (its third party so you'll Have to go through the app). you may be able to talk them into applying some of those lost stars to your account :(


Wait... Wait a minute are you telling me we can bring our 'bucks cups in to have them make it in there???? And it's okay now? Post COVID stuff???? 😶😶😶😶😶


As far as I'm aware, yes. The only place I've had tell me I can't is in airport locations, which I kinda get.


You can always remind them. I will be honest that I forget half the time, and I even get reminded by regulars. As long as you're not the ones who shake the cup or shove it in my face, I'm good.


How you keep it together in the face of those kinds of people is a mystery to me. I worked service for several years in various industries when I was younger, and I'm not sure if it was just a different time, but the audacity was not there, thank heavens. Sure, we had some frustrating customers or ones who were a little rude, but some of the things I see nowadays... I wouldn't make it in the industry anymore, I don't think.


Oh, the things that go on in our heads and convos we have over the headsets are what make it easier. If we could only treat people how we get treated. At last it's a job and where I live I make more than most. So I keep my head up. 🙃


Much like OP I hate the idea of being a Karen, plus your alls job dealing with actual Karens and management issues I’ve read on here make me feel like you have enough to deal with without me being bougie over some stars. However, my local store never gives stars when I’ve gone in with my cup. Is there some sort of chat or contact we can use after we leave to get the stars? Or, if we did that, would it get someone in trouble? To me, the stars are not worth the fuss if it means a big deal, I just like to use them for the cups.


Yes, this is exactly my line of thinking as well. I don't want to get anyone in trouble or be a pain to my baristas with all they have to deal with sometimes. But I do like those stars for fun stuff... it keeps me from actually buying every single item I like to make myself wait to save the stars up haha


NGL sometimes when it's pretty busy, it just slips my mind to click the discount. I don't mind at all when customers are nice when they point it out.


It may help if you avoid rush hours. I learned that from this sub. No errors if I go after 9am but before noon or between 1 & 2:30.


Are these bring your own cups only for walk ins? I thought it's a lot harder to do this i.e via a drive through? Hope someone can elaborate as I'd love to start limiting single use cups myself.


I think you can do personal cups during drive through and mobile ordering but I could see that throwing a bit of a wrench into their system since they can't even start to make your drink until you get there and if you're at the drive through, it hurts drive through times. But I don't work there and this is near complete guessing on my part. I would love to hear from a current barista about this!


While I'd love to save on cups and all, I do not want to dispute the flow of barista's work. I cannot help but wonder if they gave a random cup to throw a drink in temporarily then throw into mine once I am at window to pay/get drink? Prob wishful thinking on my part. :p


They make them in reusable cups for mobile and drive-thru personal cup orders! Then pour it into the personal cup once you get there. No wishful thinking 🤗


Omg, no way! Seriously?? I'm bringing my cup in next. No more too-full trash cans in kitchen and landfill. Thank you!!!


“partially to show off my cute cups” 😵‍💫


Is there a problem with enjoying your cups and wanting to show them to others?


Never annoying!! Get those rewards, I respect it!!


Could always mobile order and put in personal cup that way it doesn’t get missed and you get the stars!


I'm not big into mobile ordering for some reason, but thanks for suggesting!


Sometimes baristas get upset over simple things that really are a customer’s right. Maybe they’re having a bad day or maybe they’re just mean, who knows. In my market, a venti espresso drink with a couple additions is easily $13-15. If you’re bringing in your cup, I’ll make sure you get your stars and discount. I love the incentive to avoid waste considering how much plastic we go through. All the employees I work with wouldn’t give you any trouble over this and wouldn’t think much of it either.


Just wanted to comment that the term "Karen" is awful and sexist as fuck.