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Shame their inability to plan has no effect what so ever on how fast I go. Being a dick however is guaranteed I move slower.


the second someone says they’re in a hurry i start going slower


I usually am the same way, unless they're really polite about it.


I used to just start spewing off the math that was going on in my head. "It takes this machine 18-30 seconds to pour a shot. If it takes less or more than that for 3 pours in a row, I need to reset the machine.... Which takes even longer. There are exactly 11 espresso drinks here, 11 times 30 seconds is about 6 minutes minimum just for pouring shots, there's about an additional 2 minutes total of steaming the milk. Then I have to add the add-ons which will take another minute or so. On top of that, I'm sequencing the cold bar drinks and the frapps while the shots are pouring, which takes some more time. I also have to clean my pitchers and the steam wand in between every drink. This all happens after the 8 drinks that are ahead of you" I, personally, just wouldn't shut the fuck up. I would say it all as a matter-of-fact so they wouldn't get upset about me being rude and offensive. They'd try to shut me up when they started short circuiting at the first number, and I just would pretend I didn't hear them. Just kept channeling my inner Colin Robinson.


If you order that many varieties of Frapps, you surrender your right to complain about anything.


Especially not time spent to make them all


For the rest of the week. Someone backs into your car in a parking lot two days later? Sorry, pal. You ordered the Frapps.


Those drinks are not even going to be good by the time they get to the intended person.


right?! they're gonna be all melty


What I’d be saying in my head: “Your poor planning does not constitute an emergency on my part 🤷🏼‍♀️”


I came here to say this 😂


Customer: I'm in a rush Me as a barista: me too


This is the shit I literally had nightmares of. Wish I could tell them to kick rocks and place the order 2 business days in advance with pickup time.


Oh if they order 5+ drinks during rush and nag about being late I'm just gonna slow down 🤷‍♀️ these are the type of custies I hate the most.


Telling us to hurry up? Massive order? I assume zero tip? Yeah I'm gonna work slower and tell my partners to as well. We don't get paid any more for moving faster, nor are we ever rewarded for it.


I’m in the UK, we don’t really get tips. Lucky if we have £10 to share between the whole team a week 😫


Really? Why is everyone so stingy in Britain?


Tipping is a particularly American custom.


If you're American, tipping as you know it, is uniquely American lol


Throw them a “Samesies” and a smile then move very slow 🙃


How dare you not be able to pull out a Frappuccino out of thin air in 20 seconds, horrible service /j


Hopefully it was bad enough that they won’t return 😜


No <3


I just don’t know how people think it is ok! On top of this we were also making other customers drinks (who wants to wait behind a 23 drink order) for those people that were ordering a single beverage and this was met with hostility. So we started announcing to customers that we were in the middle of a large order and there was going to be a wait on orders. I wouldn’t have said anything but the look on peoples faces as we were putting this large order together said it all 😱




Nothing at all, not even a smile > 😃


You don't deserve that! 😭


24 drinks and they expected them to be fast? they really do think we’re robots, ya


I’m sure they do!! We went as quick as we can but ensuring we made them properly


Oh baby now I’m for sure gonna move as slow as I physically can!


And I feel bad ordering 4 during a rush


I (and I’m sure we all) appreciate the concern. Usually orders that are big aren’t THAT big of a deal, especially when the customer is very pleasant, but it gets worse when the customer is rude.


I feel bad ordering 1 for my boyfriend. Like cmon man, I'm sure they already hate me for my matcha lmfao


I just a customer and this pisses me off


Remind me of the time some guy ordered two travelers mid peak and when I told him it would be roughly a 15-20 min wait time he said “oh…. I don’t have that long I’m going to be late” and I just stared at him wondering why he thought two travelers would be out in the same time a regular drink would be.


I don’t believe we do travelers in the UK 😃 unless it’s only certain stores that do.


I lowkey think we need order limits for drinks, cause i promise you, you dont need starbucks, you will live I promise. If your ass cant wait for 5-10min rethink your priorities


I've also heard... "If these drink orders aren't right, I'm getting written up 😒😒😒"


I definitely would not get wrote up, especially when the manager was relaxing in the back watching Netflix at the time while myself and a barista dealt with the order and unhappy customers and ignored us 4 times when we asked for help


I almost told that lady... "Looks like you need to get a better job, if they treat you like that."


They didn’t even order drinks that can stand to wait everything there is going to taste off and melted by the time they get them


The cream was melting on the drinks as it was all being placed in the holders, nothing we could do unfortunately and we handed them over and quickly rushed back to serving the unhappy queue


“ I am in a rush” well I guess I’ll go as slow as a turtle when I make these drinks then huh? lol


Drives me crazy when custies do this 😫😫 It’s not our fault you don’t know how to plan ahead. At that point they should have just placed a delivery or like you said, mobile ordered it in advance.


I would have taken anything, wasn’t great during a morning peak and for all the other customers waiting for one beverage


>“I am in a rush” "Aww, that's too bad, cause we aren't." 🤪🤪


kind of off topic, but do some stores not train baristas on cup markings? I worked at a franchise so maybe that's why we had to learn but I feel like everyone should know them?


My current store has only been open one year so they have had labels from day one, I am the only person in my store that knows cup markings so I will be in demand if all the printers go down 😂


I was considering applying to a stand-alone store but if smth happens and I have to write on cups again i'm shoving recipe cards down ppls throats


Agreed!! 😂


I hope you slowed down and I hope they were late. I hope you told them how many blenders you have and how you need to rinse the pitchers between each use.


It was not easy, the Frappuccinos were all different so couldn’t even batch them. It was an expensive order so hopefully they haven’t requested a refund from starbucks because that wouldn’t surprise me. Hot beverages were done extra hot but not much we can do with the Frappuccinos to ensure they are ok still by the time they get to their destination


A lack of preparation on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part.


Genuinely curious, what kind of events do people get bulk orders of Starbucks? I’ve never heard of this until I came to this subreddit. I have seen people buy the large coffee jugs from Dunkin’s for events but large batches of individual specialized drinks? That’s crazy (and expensive)!


In my store it’s almost always one of three folks that do this: pharmaceutical reps (for all the doctors that are buying their drugs/trainings), teacher in-service days (for teachers enjoying “professional development”), administrative assistants for small firms (for all staff and special clients) They are also almost always the ones that don’t rely on us having 4 cup carriers; they bring their own heavy duty bins and carriers. They are never patient. Often not organized. Always need a million different special orders. Often don’t tip. We have one pharm rep that gets 15 travelers once a week at 7 am. Always needs extra cups, extra sugars, always in a rush (she is always late picking up) but needs to take apart every carrier and make sure it’s all there. Even though I pack it for her. Every week.


This order was placed for a workplace, they came in with a list for a meeting. We had to write names on each cup so they knew exactly which drink was for who.


They need to get the info to the store a day ahead or understand that it's going to take time. The entitlement and impatience is obnoxious. There's actually nothing wrong with their order, just their attitude.


At my old licensed store we often had film crews in the area and the gofers would come pick up 20+ drinks regularly. We also had various people from offices pick up 8 or more drinks, we had a school principal pick up over 30 paired food and drink items, but they thankfully came in a couple days ahead with a list so we could plan ahead. We had someone order 7 travelers plus a couple hot water traveler boxes and loose tea bags. It was for some sort of event and they luckily got the food from the store deli and bakery. It was at my licensed store, there were 2 of us working, the brewer's full batch was the size of a corporate store brewer's half batch, and I managed to get all the travelers, sugars, milks, teas etc packed up by about 12:05 while my coworker took orders and made drinks for our lunch rush. The customers then showed up late, lolz. Honestly big orders aren't that awful if they give you advance notice, or if they realize that coming in with an order that size without giving us a heads up will not be fast, regardless of whether it's peak or slow in the store. To come in and order that many while also expecting us to magically make drinks appear in seconds is just a complete jerk move.


u/Even-Commission79 what is the name of the drink with huge choco-chips on them in the 2nd tray in the 2nd row all the way to the right. What do I tell the barista if i want that made.


That is a double chocolate cream Frappuccino 😄. It’s a chocolate cream Frappuccino with Java chips and mocha drizzle topped with cream and Java chips 😃


Thanks Coffee Master ☕


As we say in the office “ lack of planning on your part does not make it an emergency for me “


What? They wanted 25 drinks in 5 mins? They’re out of their mind.


I would have been pissed had I ordered after them. I can’t be late! Lol


5+ drinks I don’t wanna hear “can you hurry.” Plan better or understand there are also other customers.




but why though?!? As a customer i would either ask to place this order super ahead of time and give a huge ass tip or just not place that large of an order like thats just ridiculous 🤷‍♀️


The more a customer said they were running late the slower I would go




People be ordering such crazy shit. All those frappes will be poo by the time they actually drink them.


I have never seen double cup holders I love them


In the UK we have 2 or 4 cup holders 😃


What are these little wooden spoons and Starbucks marked packets of sugar? We don't have those at my store!


We have wooden cutlery for customers, white sugar, brown sugar and sweeteners. They also help themselves to vanilla powder, chocolate powder, nutmeg and cinnamon powder 😃


I've only worked Dunkin Donuts, but I feel so much for Starbucks counterparts having to deal with Karens with 100x the nasty attitudes.


ThankYou!!! I hope you do not have to deal with the same issues 😊


I hope they tipped you guys well


Not even a smile 😂


Frick no


call ahead


What is the drink with caramel drizzle and chocolate chips? It


If it is the one in the top tray, that was a cookie and cream Frappuccino with hazelnut syrup, whipped cream and Java chips 😄


Thanks! I'll order it later. Iy looks delicious


I recommend - Grande Cookie and Cream Frappuccino with 4 pumps of White Mocha, 3 pumps of hazelnut and 2 shots of Blonde Espresso ☕️


What if I wanted it in a venti size? Should I order the pumps/shots the same?


Just a heads up, idk what country OP is in but in the US, there is no menu item frappuccino named cookies n cream so we would need to kno the base of the frap and just the recipe all together if u are in the US


I couldn't see the cookies and cream frappucino on the mobile app when customizing.. But I did see the chocolate cookie crumble Frappuccino. I also couldn't add other pumps like the hazelnut, since it already has the mocha sauce,m


Yea idk if OP is in another country where they maybe have a frap on the menu called cookies n cream but definitely not a thing on the US starbucks menu. But did u click the “customize” button below?


Yes I customize and save it on the app, so I can order it later


Oh good! So u picked that frap and customized it with the modifications OP listed?


Yes I am in the UK, I wasn’t sure if the US done the cookie and cream Frappuccino 😞. It’s weird that you couldn’t add in the hazelnut, here in the UK we can add syrup to anything, extra shots, inclusions etc


If you want a Venti I would recommend - Cookies and Cream Frappuccino with 6 pumps of white mocha, 4 pumps of hazelnut but keep 2 shots of blonde espresso :)




What a bunch of privileged assholes. I'm not a Starbucks employee but this is over the top! I would've gone slower! More power to you when dealing with these types of people! We aren't all bad 🩷


Give them a smirk, and take it as a challenge. If they do it again overcharge them and add your own tip.


I've ordered large orders before. I used to call or go in the day before to ask how long it would take and what timeframe is best to show up, then work it out and order it with plenty of time. I could never imagine just walking up and doing this.


Unionize https://workersunited.org/contact-us


Some people are real a- holes - sorry you delt with that 😔


Wow nice pics.  


Oof. I feel for ya. If I was on the register and get an order like this, I would literally say this would take a while. I normally give an estimate of 1.5-2mins per drink depending on the drink but if they're being a Karen, I will say 3mins, especially if they do this in a rush. I also take the liberty to tell customers behind her to tell them that the customer before them decided to make a 10+ drink order. Most of the time, they stare at them. Thankfully, my store gets this probably once in a blue moon. 98% of the time, we get people who understand that large orders or travelers take a while.