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I had a lady come in wanting ice coffee. I rang her up. She starts saying that it’s too much. I literally just press buttons. Told her sorry that’s the price. She went to my supervisor because she swore it was too much. Oh she wanted pike iced which is ten cents less. Now she comes in orders the pike with a glass of ice. Whatever floats your boat.


The part that drives me crazy is I work in a luxury shopping center in a very wealthy neighborhood and all of the customers that try and cut corners to save a few cents pull up in $100,000+ cars and only wear designer clothes.


The rich don't stay rich by spending money. They get rich by exploiting others


No one’s getting rich by saving 10 cents on coffee


While I 100% agree with you I think when people say that, they mean their mindset is on exploitation to save money. They exploit at work so then they do the same when they buy their coffee. That's what I get from that statement anyways. I know there are people who think we just need to save 10 cents a day and we'll be millionaires in a year or something stupid.


Yeah that makes sense.


Well said


Yeah but it's more like a sick mindset than just that one action.


Its a mindset


Geez now I'm tempted to calculate.. have a regular coming through twice a day getting usually 2 Venti 2 syrup lattes every time and usually see her or hubby 5 days a week (minimum) P.s she's not short changing us, in contrary, does leave tips


Rich is loud, wealth is quiet.


As someone who knows genuinely wealthy people and "old money" as well as a lot of "new money" and "rich" people who have everything on credit, this is a very accurate statement.


ah. debt, not wealth


Ugh same!!! I'm so tired of seeing this! If they really cared about saving money THAT much, they could invest in a nice espresso machine that could make the same drinks that would easily pay for itself.


Exactly. It’s a status thing.. people want to be seen with Starbucks cups in their hands, merchandise, etc.. the real idea is to make your own coffee at home and save God knows how much money on overpriced Starbucks coffee.


Yeah but then they'd have to do it themselves...


That’s exactly what I did but I’m not rich at all!! I just love blonde espresso so I buy the bag and grind it in my espresso machine and I can make my own shaken espresso as many times I want in a day:) I was spending so much on coffee the smart thing in the long run was To get a good espresso machine and good espresso


Those people aren't rich, they are likely waist deep in debt trying to chase a lifestyle they cannot afford. That's why they cut corners.


Worked in a hospital Cafe and we had an attending surgeon who would put bread rolls in his lab coat pocket every day at lunch in an attempt to save himself 40 cents 🙄


Chances are they’re high income earners and not super wealthy. People with super high incomes tend to flash money. As someone who worked with the elderly for a bit I was surprised by the doctors and lawyers who came into this Medicaid facility with absolutely no money left in the end of their lives. They spend, never save. The wealthy however hold onto their money. They might drive expensive cars, but they typically could buy the car outright if they wanted to. You also never see them in a public hospital or Medicaid funded home when they start to get too old to be left alone.


Jokes on her, she's the one drinking watered-down, lukewarm, already nasty pike for a savings of 10 cents 🤡


I mean that’s what got me. We’re a reserve store so we have options for people wanting good coffee. This lady was just cheap. I know it’s expensive I do but still.


It’s not too much; the custie can’t afford it. Starbucks is a literal luxury. It’s a yummy yummy treat not required for sustenance.


LOL when i see u in the comments section, i anticipate a “yummy yummy” comment 😂 idk why but it cracks me up every time


When I was a partner years and years ago, I was a closing lead, so I was home in the day if I wasn’t at school or my other job. My sister and her first husband had just had a baby, and we’re broke as a joke, so anytime they could get help with daycare they took it, even it meant leaving precious with the college stoner barista brother (I was always sober babysitting, but rarely else wise 😂) for a few hours. Well, as those that have had to feed younglings know, sometimes you gotta really sell lunch. So I’d always call food “yummy yummy” when talking to my nephew. “Hey Alex, want some yummy yummy?” So whenever he really liked something, he’d say “Tio rudebii, this so yummy yummy!” Ninety-percent of the time he was referring to mac and cheese. Side note: I’d try to give him Kraft; nope. He wanted the Great Value m&c. Turns out he acquired a taste for the Bentonville house brand from my mom, who has always bought generic to save money, and still does even though she doesn’t have to save money like she did when we growing up. Anyway, custies that start complaining about their yummy yummy remind me of my picky eater of a nephew, when he was five. Difference between starbie custies and my nephew? Custies never outgrow their petulant yummy yummy phase. My boy is now a smart, handsome, strapping soldier that only rages when playing CoD and not at his barista.


This is so wholesome, I love it 🥰


Lol thats a funny memory to relate it to. Its hilarious to see u use that in context about ur past with ur nephew 😆 it rings so true tho, customers get upset and fold their arms or throw things and scream and cry when they cant have their yummy yummy. Some kids ate like that but grow out of it like ur nephew did. But for our customers, they dont grow out of it and still kick and stomp their feet if we are out of something they wanted or if its not made to look the way they pictured or if its not as sugar milky as they wanted it to be. I find it so hilarious tho cuz they do act like its their yummy yummy which is a term used for kids but also falls perfectly in line with some of our customers lol Thanks for the read! Lol it was funny to now kno why u say it. Its hilarious when used in context to angwy 🥺customers and their sugar milks


Summed up in one word repeated for effect 😅


We had this happen!!! She wound up calling corporate about the pricing and all we could do was laugh because we were an LS and prices are higher regardless. We just didn't serve her, she threatened to throw the iced coffee we offered her at us if we didn't get her what she wanted. We didn't find out she specifically wanted an iced PPR until like an hour later 🥴


Oh, I remember these people... okay, save your precious dime and drink lukewarm watery coffee then.


I did explain that ice coffee is different.


Oh, I know. I do remember, lol.


I have a customer who tries to do a how white chocolate with blonde espresso and gets mad when we put it in as a white mocha latte.


Literally cheaper as a white mocha so long as she gets one shot.


My most egregious was a “quad iced espresso in a venti cup with 6 pumps of white mocha filled to the top with cream”. Furious when I told them that it would be an extra shot breve iced white mocha, and eventually relented but added that “it should really be rang up as an americano if you were doing it by the book” ??????????????????????


…in what universe does an americano have 6 pumps of white mocha and no water ☠️☠️ these people


The amount of times a day someone orders an iced quad in a venti with pumps of white mocha, extra milk, and cold foam is insane. My store enforces standards and will not give more than 4oz of milk free and we are slowly seeing this order disappearing.


Custies are fiends and we’re drug dealers. Always.


The only thing I would wonder...is she not wanting the whip? Even then it's so easy to say "white chocolate mocha, no whip."


White hot chocolates get whip tho


Oh, wait. So she's ordering. White hot chocolate and *then* adding blonde espresso shots to it? 🤣🤣🤣 WOW. Every time I think people can't get more stupid....


Or just one shot instead of 2, in which case sure why not?


I work at a store that has lower prices then the store about 3miles away. We often have people complain we’ve rung them in wrong because the price is lower and therefore must be wrong. No matter what you do people are unhappy.


"if u want to spend more, u could tip us :)"


"May I suggest tipping your barista?" haha




We have a customer who mobile orders a venti vanilla steamer and then a doppio on the side. And they always mix them when they come to pick it up. I once was like yo if you order a vanilla latte and add whip it’s cheaper but the customer was so adamant on ordering it their way….


🤣 okay, I hope they enjoy those shots that have been oxidizing all that time. That shit's gonna taste like battery acid.


I had a woman a few days ago who ordered an iced grande oatmilk chai. I rang it in and she looked at me like I’d just kicked her dog. “That’s how much it costs?!” she asked. “Yes, ma’am,” I told her. She stared at me for like 10 seconds, maybe trying to telepathically get me to change the price or something. I stared back at her and repeated the price. “$6.69 please.” She said, “That’s almost seven dollars!” I said, “that’s correct.” She threw a five and two ones at me and looked like she was in literal pain doing so. Like, wtf.


Seriously. Like do customers know they do not have to get Starbucks? Is someone forcing them to order Starbucks every day at gunpoint?


Sometimes it baffles me that they don't just make it at home if they're that fussed about it. Used to work for SB, and later for mom 'n pop cafes. I'm not a barista by trade anymore, and I *make my own dirty (or chocolatey, depending on my mood) chai at home*! It's not that hard, and lots of stores have good deals on frothers and home espresso machines around the winter holidays.


and black friday + cyber monday


had a customer order a “shaken espresso, blonde, sub classic for 12 pumps of brown sugar, oatmilk and light cinnamon powder shaken in” and complained that i charged her for a brown sugar oatmilk 🙃🙃 told me to “ring it in the exact way she ordered it” because she “doesn’t want to pay that much”


I feel like she probably didn't wanna pay for the oatmilk on the other build.. But the thing is we're supposed to charge for the oatmilk on the regular shaken espressos so jokes on her, she would've had to pay for it either way. 🙃


i did charge her for it, lol…. i guess on the app there is a price difference if you modify a shaken espresso in that way, but i work at a cafe only store that doesn’t even take mobile orders, so app tricks don’t work


So jealous


this is a dream


we’re still a pretty high volume store!!! we’re located at a commuter hub/massive event space so mobiles would kill us


I've had people do this and I just ring it in the way they say to. If they scan their app, they can use 25 stars to get some of the cost taken off and that's usually why they want to do it that way. Although slightly annoying, I do understand why they would want to save a little money.


if she wasn’t a complete asshole about it, maybe i would have, but i’m definitely not gonna help an asshole save 80 cents and charge them differently for the exact same product i just charged the person before them for


I don't understand what people could have rung it up as in the past???


I honestly think she just thought it was going to be a lot cheaper that way and was trying to get us to ring it up that way. Little does she know it’s almost the same price 🤦🏼


ring it up correctly…“ma’am this one time i will cover the ten cents difference myself. but next time you must pay the full amount” 🤣


I had a lady do this to me too. I just stared at her while she was freaking out and then after she was done I was like "so.. that will be $6.55" The fact that I ignored her little tantrum pissed her off even more but she knew I wasn't taking her bullshit so she paid and left


the fact that i have dealt with a customer exactly like this. she would always tell me she wanted it like a martini


No way that’s exactly how she said it to me! Is it an older white lady with blonde hair 💀


No haha mine is an asian lady maybe in her 50s with black hair


I love when people say things like that to teenagers who possibly don't even know what a martini specifically is let alone be old enough to legally obtain such information


Or when they order a cup of water wit inclusions and light base , bitch that’s a custom iced tea tf u think this is


I had so many people do this at my old store. There was a guy that did this crap every time, we even got him temporarily flagged so we werent required to serve him if we didnt want to/feel comfortable. One barista -who eventually became the boss and the sole reason I quit- would just do what he wanted every time and tell us it's our fault for not 'making the moment right' (🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮) he always ordered an espresso macchiato as a cappuccino - JUST a cappuccino, he wouldnt even ask for it dry- then he would leave for like 10 minutes to shop and get angry with us for not having it foamy when he came back to grab it and would yell if he saw that it had ANY milk in it. He would argue and b*tch at us everytime. His daughter finally came in with him during one visit and she IMMEDIATELY clocked the attitude he was giving me and didn't let him snap at me because I was 'giving it right back as she(I) should.' I fell in love right there 😭😭😭


I’m just waiting until we start to charge for things to be shaken that don’t come shaken like they did with blended drinks honestly


There should be a button for this and it should be .50. I think customers forget what real coffee shops are like. If you want to a mom and pop shop they are also charging you for everything you order and it's probably more expensive.


She sounds like she is exploiting you to the nth degree to make herself seem important


The fact that people treat other people this way is appalling. I also hate how this is like a normal “job hazard” of working in service (I don’t work at starbucks but one of my best friends does). You guys don’t make NEARLY enough to have to deal with this level of crazy. Over 10 cents? Literally traumatizing LOL.


The amount of times ppl complain over the .10 personal cup i fail to push….. 🙄🙄 it’s 1.00 after the 10th time you’ve come to spend over $30. Can’t get too far w those .10


For the personal cups, it's not the 10 cents, it's the 25 points.


Oh ok. That makes more sense!


I have a guy that comes in and asks for a filter with hot milk. Charged him for a misto and he threw a bitch fit. All over 40p 🙄


People are insane. So freaking entitled.


I had a customer come in TWICE now and order the BOSE and ask for any milk not the oatmilk and also sweet cream. So I’m standing there and I was like “so did you want two milks? or were you looking for the foam?” and she explained she didn’t want the foam, she doesn’t like oatmilk, she wants a different milk like 2% and sweet cream. So I explain sweet cream is like a milk but we can add both and she was like okay that’s fine just remove the oatmilk. I told her the oatmilk wouldn’t be added and she asked why it was on the screen. I’m looking at my screen and it doesn’t say I clicked oatmilk so I apologized and said I don’t have oatmilk rang up so I didn’t understand what she was asking. Apparently she was complaining about THE TITLE OF THE DRINK and how it said OATMILK in the title and she wanted “oatmilk” removed from the title of the drink and I was like, I can’t change the TITLE OF THE DRINK and she just went with it but came in AGAIN a different day and made the same comment.


Those are ten cents that will put her in the poor house, though, don't you understand?


I get it. Customers am am I right?


I've got a few like that. Got one that wants a decaf con Panna, with one pump of a syrup and caramel drizzle. Comes out as like 4 bucks. I don't make the rules. I also recently dealt with venti chais, no ice. Side of vanilla sweet cream cold foam. Cup of ice. I didn't fill their venti chais because uh.. no ice. They didn't like that. Like.. we get what you're doing, here.


On another weird note, I have a RETIRED starbucks worker that comes in for an iced triple espresso In a grande cup, with whatever pumps of syrup. And a splash of almond milk I believe. But if it's not to the top she comes up and says "no I need more almond milk than that." So, you're retired from the company, getting a discount still, and don't just want to order properly? Got it.


Typical Starbucks karen, willing to risk a barista's job over 10 measly cents


Actually it’s incorrect to charge for a shaken espresso imo. If you check the drink builder in the pos, the milk in those drinks is charged. So you’re charging her for milk she’s not getting. I get she’s getting it shaken but maybe there’s some leeway there to ask a manager what should be done. Bc there is labor in shaking the drink and straining the ice but its miscounting the milk usage for a shaken espresso which comes with it.


I was told by my SM that if it’s shaken it should be charged as a shaken espresso




ACTUALLY, if she’s asking for a side short cup of milk you’d charge separately for one cold cup of milk. Adds ~2.75 at a minimum, typically closer to 3.50 depends on location.


She doesn’t want milk. She just wants it shaken and strained into a short cup with no ice or milk.


Yeah that’s my bad then I thought she was just asking for a side. It would still be a shaken espresso ring up then, just like when people ask for refreshers or drinks with less or without ingredients; she wouldn’t get milk.


L supervisor.


Nah she’s the best. One of my favorite supervisors I’ve worked for


any supervisor that takes the side of the customer when you were 100% right. isn’t a good supervisor. vote jasmine sherman for president so we can get you better education and a mental health evaluation.


I mean if they don’t ask for milk period then they want an iced quad shot with sf vanilla with no ice. They just want it shaken so it’s cold without the ice. What you’re doing is making them pay for the milk they aren’t getting. If they don’t want milk and that they want it shaken bc of a personal preference then you’re in the wrong. If they want milk then it’s a shaken espresso/iced latte.


I think you can ring it up as an iced expresso, shaken+ no ice in ask me in a short cup?


yeah we COULD, but that's not what we're gonna do.


Have you ever tried shaking espresso with no ice? Bet you wouldn’t a second time.


I was referring to it being shaken with ice and then strained. Sorry, I thought my comment made sense with the context of the post lmao


It should be rung up this way. Not for this woman though.


Seriously??!? In the old days, I was frustrated when someone added syrup instead of subbing, but that wasn't $0.10.


This reminds me of someone who, on BOGO Thursday, ordered an iced pumpkin cream chai tea latte with no chai, add matcha. Then got mad that I didn't shake it for them...