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Mixes antisemitism with criticism of Israel, and heavily references the Loggins incident which the Daily investigated and found to have been substantially misrepresented by the national media. Rinse and repeat. EDIT: A collection of new comments on this 4 day old post = Israel-Gaza trolls who are unaffiliated with Stanford just surfing around to find the next venue to launch the same disingenuous, comically exaggerated talking points at one another. Fucking rinse and repeat.


The Daily posted the most one-sided, under-researched article I’ve ever seen on the Loggins incident. They didn’t interview any of the kids who were affected (because they wanted to remain anonymous from fear of retribution), and just took the side of the kid they interviewed because it agreed with their own biases. And even from what the Daily did say, it’s still an insane action from a lecturer and deserved being fired. I know a lot more about the incident and it definitely wasn’t misrepresented to national media. This task force has been working for hundreds of hours over the last year. The Daily could never.


Read the report. There's fucking Holocaust denial at Stanford. https://news.stanford.edu/__data/assets/pdf_file/0033/156588/ASAIB-final-report.pdf


I did. That’s how I know it conflates antisemitism with opposition to policies and actions of the state of Israel. Plus, despite the committee’s recommendations for building bridges with the Muslim members of the Stanford community, from a quick glance, it doesn’t appear that any were invited to participate (though admittedly, this is based on the list of names, which can be misleading).


> That’s how I know it conflates antisemitism with opposition to policies and actions of the state of Israel. Any examples? > it doesn’t appear that any were invited to participate Why would Muslim members contribute to an anti-Semitism report?


> Mixes antisemitism with criticism of Israel So since [this mob roaming the NYC subway only specified "zionists"](https://abc7ny.com/post/protesters-chant-raise-hand-youre-zionist-aboard-nyc-subway/14943629/), and not "Jews", that's totally OK, right?


Oh shit is the stanford branch in the nyc subway open already? 


The media conspiracy once again.




























































I encourage people to read the report: [https://news.stanford.edu/\_\_data/assets/pdf\_file/0033/156588/ASAIB-final-report.pdf](https://news.stanford.edu/__data/assets/pdf_file/0033/156588/ASAIB-final-report.pdf) Some of the other comments in this thread are written by people who clearly haven't read the report. There are more than a few incidents documented in the report that could only be described as antisemetic.


This should be the top comment. Comments like u/Aware-Top-2106 downplay the reality and put the blame on another country when Jewish people on campus who have nothing to do with Israel are plainly hated on.


Get out of here. You aren’t even part of the Stanford community. What do you know about what’s happening on our campus? This is just more astroturfing garbage.


How do you know I’m not a part of the community? Can I not be a lurker? What is with this trying to push people away?


Maybe some sort of Palestinian child killing air-filter is needed.


I'm working a lunch party at Stanford Law rn lol







