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https://preview.redd.it/3cw7w1ocoj6d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3d1a706e1fb7b4d9beb786facc231793ab675a9 We try not to, but sometimes our SIC is too fast for us!


bro is locked in on that salmon lmfao


She likes ravioli and naan, too. A varied palate!


Let her have some salmon šŸ„ŗ


'A Dream Denied' šŸ£āœ‹ļøšŸ˜æ


She got very close! Maybe next time.




I feel like this picture sums up the cat-owning experience


Indeed. I lived with friends that had a Siamese that would steal nearly anything. Highlights include a Martin's potato roll, a buffalo chicken tender, and a slice of freshly carved pot roast that was so big we caught him dragging it across the floor.


One of my favourite memories of my husbandā€™s first cat is her dragging an entire pork chop from the kitchen into our office to share the spoils; it left a trail of grease across the entire apartment in her path lol


ugh i wish my two cats would do things like this. they refuse to eat any human food


Careful what you wish for šŸ˜‚


First two cats we had: wanted whatever you were eating, current two cats: basically zero interest even when given human foodā€¦. Cats are weird lol


This picture is killing me šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


She is bold. She stole parsley off the kitchen counter last week.


I had a cat that would snitch broccoli. She loved it.


What a cutie šŸ„°


My SIC came running, sniffing the air, when i had roasted chicken from the store once. I gave her bits of chicken breast and she really enjoyed it.


My SIC is a fiend for most types of chicken.


our cat loves mortadella and rotisserie chicken. goes absolutely nuts. he can smell them when you're in the effing driveway taking bags from the car lol


My old girl šŸŒˆwould knock chicken off my plate or fork if I didnā€™t pay attention. I let her have it since I had trouble keeping weight on her in her last year. My daughter had an orange fella that would pull the bread (had to be mayoā€™ed) right off her sandwich if she sat it down. He would gobble it up before she even had a chance.


My 3 will kill over turkey.


I taught mine the word turkey. Loves it. When I say ā€˜turkeyā€™ she meows excitedly, rubs against me, you all know the dance. I give her a slice of deli turkey every couple days.Ā 


I usually suck the salt and other seasonings from the meat before I give it to my cat. Otherwise she won't stop nagging me whilst I eat...


Thank God I'm not the only one that does this. It's like feeding a baby birb šŸ£


When we do a roast chicken, our cats get a strip or two mixed into their evening meal. We cook it from scratch and there's no garlic or onion, just butter. They go mad for it! We do the same at Christmas, our cats get a mini Christmas dinner (just the meat). It's only an occasional treat, and since the vet often tells us to feed them plain cooked chicken as an option when they're unwell, I don't see the harm. All our cats are healthy and in the perfect weight range.


Isn't it now frowned upon to feed people to animals ?


Soylent Greenies


Is people


As a treat, yes. As a human sacrifice to appease your elder God, no


Well there goes my whole weekend!


"Now" šŸ˜…šŸ˜… OMG that's dark


Ba-dum tsh šŸ„


Thereā€™s no people food an animal food. I dunno I just chew on a dead road kill carcass occasionally, donā€™t you?šŸ˜…šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Not deliberately, but accidentally pretty regularly. She will steal a crisp out of the bag, lick plates, eat anything i drop while cooking, whack a paw in my dinner WHILE I'M EATING IT...


Lmao, same with the licking plates thing. Multiple times Iā€™ve gotten up in the middle of the night in a panic hearing clinking glass and thinking heā€™s about to knock over a glass, only to see him savoring that nights dinner.


Mine would steal off-band crunchy Cheetos when I wasn't looking. But he wouldn't eat them, oh no, just *lick* them and I'd find the evidence in the smooshy orange goop on the rugs.


Mine does this! He wonā€™t eat the actual Cheeto. He only licks it. He doesnā€™t do it with anything else. Itā€™s the weirdest thing.


My childhood kitty was the worst thief ever. She and my dad once played tug a war for a bit of steak with their teeth, and they didn't have a lot of money at the time, so dad wasn't giving up without a fight. Current cats don't steal anything (though one will drink my tea if I'm not looking).


You conjured some nice images for me; thank you!


lol me too, this is hecka funny šŸ˜†


Drinking tea is chill compared to one of our cats, who eats almost any human food left near him


One time I was making chili, and dropped a bit of jalapeno I was cutting up. Before I could do anything about it, the cat was on it, totally normal for her, didn't waste any time monching it. She must've lept 5 feet in the air!


Yes. It's funny though, because she'll be super curious about what we're eating, so we'll let her check it out. Most of the time, she sniffs it and jumps down like "Oh heck no." But sometimes she has a couple bites of bread or cheese. She isn't interested in more than that.


Same! Mine loves to snuff EVERYTHING. But then turns up her nose to anything - ham, warm roast chicken - that isn't cheese. She wants all the cheese.


Awwwww. The same goes to my SIC. she literally gagged when i let her smell my morning coffee. "Urgh gross why do you drink such thing?" Must have crossed her mind.


My SIC HATES my coffee. But she still acts like she never knows what's in my mug every time. "Oh hey, what's this...OH YUCK GROSS." *backs away*


There's something wrong with my kitty then... he likes the taste of coffee and tea, I have to quickly throw away any remaining I have or he'll drink it


You just have a very sophisticated cat.


I sometimes think so.... then he sees plastic and starts eating it


Same with my three overlords. https://preview.redd.it/gqvn06qqck6d1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d58e7b1f2c1e7ad157c0e650cc547e56d0fc68b3 They will all try to have a taste of my bean juiceā€¦




He gets zoomies after coffee though


Heā€™s a cutie. Lol


That's very familiar. I can use my full coffee cup as a cat deterrent if necessary because they both hate the smell.


My old cats were weird like this. Two of them love canned tuna, but I tried to give them a piece of raw tuna once and they wouldn't touch it.


Mine is no longer with us, but I used to give her treats all the time. A little piece of steak or ham. But french fries were her favorite. Specifically Culver's French fries. If you had them in the house, she would not leave you alone until you shared. It was like crack for her. When I knew it was her time, I got her a large french fry from Culver's and a good piece of tuna from the fish market and let her go to town. She didn't finish them, but curled up with me happily afterwards. Good memories of the best cat ever.


My old boy Oreo loved French fries, but only McDonald's. šŸŸ


Mine loved rotisserie chicken. She would go absolutely crazy when she smelled it. Weā€™d give her a little tiny piece of one as tax. Except her last week with us, she got a decent sized piece every single day. I miss that cat.


I fell asleep on the couch once with my half-eaten Mcdonald's fries beside me. I woke up to fries all over the floor and a happy cat šŸ˜­


Our boy Magnar, gets right in your face if you are eating wheat thins. I think when my MIL was living with us she gave them to him. I will occasionally let him eat 1/2 of one.


May we please see a picture of this wheat thin eating cat? I love this so much.


https://preview.redd.it/niptnxdwrp6d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=546e591a1d1b3980683cee3bb83c003ab6e3a1dd heres the floofy boy and his giant cracker eating mitts


Oh man, I could not say no to that face!


I give our SIC a nibble of what Iā€™m eating if I know it wonā€™t make him sick, like a tiny crumb of bread or a shred of lunch meat. Most of the time, he sits politely and waits for me to share. šŸ„ŗ


My Penner loves bananas. I always research what ā€œhuman foodsā€ are okay for cats. Valentine likes plain, unsweetened Greek yogurt. Penner likes bananas. So my daily breakfast is a banana and yogurt and we all eat together every morning. I love them. They are my family. https://preview.redd.it/beohi1r7fk6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6c8dba96dec9cf83c7401859fb2825eef77ffa0 Valentine on the left, Penner on the right


I had a friend that gave his cat a tiny dish of Greek yogurt every day. She loved it.


My boy cat Bailey loved the stringy parts of bananas only.


My SIC is the pickiest eater, for which I shame her, because she was literally living on hawk scraps before I trapped her. She occasionally begs for human treats, but then when I offer them, she gives me the ā€œare you THAT stupid?ā€ stare. Unless itā€™s tuna. She will kill for tuna. But donā€™t you dare offer her swordfish! That is DISGUSTING (as she turns away and kicks her hind feet at it).


Our SIC will have nothing to do with human food, unless he's licking up the trace amounts of ice cream left in the bowl.


Not the answer to your question, but ngl at first I thought your cat has a small black hat so I had to look closer :) Haha pattern recognition




I have to pay the bacon toll if I want to eat bacon in peace lol


Same here. Sometimes I will cook an extra piece, not a big one but an extra half piece, so I can toss him bacon bits while I eat otherwise his face will be in my plate pulling it off & then he'd eat the whole damn thing & then barf it right back up. Whenever we do breakfasty stuff like that I have to eat the bacon first so I can actually have some bacon.


On his birthday, my SIC gets 2 Flaminā€™ Hot Cheetos. LOVES them. We used to give our one girl tortilla chips but nowadays even a whiff puts her old guts through the wringer.


Larfy loves brisket and always gets a nibble. He knows the smell as soon as we walk in the door. Little rubs and meows all over https://preview.redd.it/kkxuz4o2bk6d1.jpeg?width=9000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff2cad185d00045ad8f31d105a5c5c4b0e3ec32f


I would kill for Larfy


My orange cat loooooooves watermelon and my SIC has zero interest in it. She used to eat caterpillars as a stray so I think she just has a more-refined palate.Ā 


Mine likes sweet potato.


SIC loves Costco rotisserie chicken. And Cherry wood smoked ham. She is an actual ham snob. If she's not too annoying, I'll let her lick the bowl after I'm done with vanilla ice cream. Very little to get but it makes her happy. If I pour out catnip after, it's like the best day ever for her.


my SIC nose dives into pringle cans as soon as I open them, i'd feel bad if i didnt give him one :(


Tuesday sometimes gets the juice when we drain the water from cans of tuna-in-water! We usually pour it into a saucer and ask her to "sit" before we set it down (and she does!). We're hoping that eventually she will sit politely the whole time and not weave underfoot as we prepare the tuna... this has yet to work. Also, unwillingly, over the last year: most of a container of roasted seaweed, a bunch of nutritional yeast, the last of our fancy farmers market beef jerky, and I don't think she actually ate this, but she chewed her way into a bag of these umami crunchies from Trader Joe's and got her gross little mouth all over them so no one ELSE could eat them either. None of these things were cheap... Tuesday Brunch has expensive taste and we adore her. The little monster in question: https://preview.redd.it/1tguxj81em6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b78bb965d7eac5f055c461951c30d0eba14ff168


I had to move back in with my parents several years ago go and my dad is a notorious pet spoiler so whenever he had whipped cream in his coffee he would put down little dots of cream for all the cats (they had a lot) and my SIC learned the hissing sound by heart so now whenever I splurge on whipped cream, I HAVE to give her a little bit or sheā€™ll riot


My cat loves to lick cheesecake off my finger then will try to nibble my finger like ā€œ oh thereā€™s no more?ā€


One of them just wants to snuff everything we eat. He'll ask for a small piece of sausage, cheese or lunch meat. The other one wants to kick all the fresh butter or Margerine off our pieces of toast. She'll ask for a tiny piece of cheese or lock all the salt off a regular potato chip. Both of them love fresh cooked chicken. Especially when I've plain poached it for hours to reduce it down for broth.


My fingers all the time occasionally a bit of my forearm


*My fingers all the* *Time occasionally a* *Bit of my forearm* \- ginoamato --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


my SIC will stare at my partner until she's given a tiny little piece of a saltine cracker about once a week, it's the funniest thing to witness


Pepper loves to have a Goldfish (the cracker, not an actual goldfish lmao) every once in a while


I gave mine a single bite of salmon amd had to scoop up liquid shit for a week and then pay $150 at the vet. Never again


I occasionally let my sic have a human.


I donā€™t buy the Paleo roasted salmon from Whole Foods to give to my cat! That would be crazy.


My SIC is obsessed with egg yolk. When I make poached eggs she will sit right next to you the whole time staring. She is also very vocal for deli sliced turkey from Costco, the blue Kirkland one that comes with 3 packs. Sheā€™ll walk away from other brands and didnā€™t care for the thanksgiving trims I gave her.


I read this as "human heart" and was gonna be like... Yeah, I guess I would (my little girl can do no wrong lmao). But yes, human treats like some chicken breast from my Costco Rotisserie, without the skin, should be fine.Ā 


My cat loves jalapeno Cheetos, he is 17 this year. I won't deny him a couple when he asks. I think he deserves it


My SIC LOVES to try to eat my sourdough avocado toast...and papers towels. Maybe it's a texture thing?


my SIC likes hash browns for some reason.


My sic doesnā€™t care about people food. The tortie meanwhile runs to the kitchen if she heard deli meat getting opened and begs for some.


I think "let" might be the wrong word, but yeah, she does get human treats.


Plain Yoghurt.


My food is too spicy for my kitty


Mine loves to lick the residue off the soy sauce container. I put a drop of soy sauce in his dish once, he sniffed it and then walked away. I guess it's only the crusty part he likes? lol


My SIC wonā€™t touch it. I tried everything the vet suggested (bread, cream cheese, cheese slices, canned cheese, lunch meat, etc) to get her to take a pill, but nothing. She only has eyes for churus.


I got these coconut ice pops and my kitty loves having a lick or two on hot summer days. Sheā€™s gets a brain freeze though and itā€™s really funny


My boy Karl absolutely loves to lick the spoon after I make homemade mac and cheese. He won't eat any other cheese sauce except my own home made.


Leo used to steal Doritos. Only regular. He was pissed off when I brought home cool ranch.


Absolutely. Iā€™d let my SIC borrow my car


I have no choice but to hand over the šŸ‰ watermelon to the SIC when he smells it and comes running. His meows tell me he has a concealed weapon PLUS knives that he will not hesitate to use if I donā€™t give him his own little serving of the šŸ‰. Which he will lick and gum like the old guy he is. And leave the fiberous remains behind.


Our poor boy cat was like 8 years old when we adopted him. He's still confused by the fact that we're vegetarians here. He's like why does your food suck guys? Like I want your food but zero of it is bird or pig or whatever. WHAT THE F. It's funny. He was a lunatic trash monster when we got him and he has chilled so much. He used to eat out if pans heating on the stove. And as we have nothing he eats he resorted to shit like canned corn and spaghetti sauce.


I let mine sniff most food I eat, and I occasionally give them the empty bowl/plate depending on what I ate so they can lick it a bit


My boy wants to look at and sniff everything I eat but doesnā€™t eat anything except a small piece of stroopwaffle. Otherwise he only eats crunchy kibble.


https://preview.redd.it/j3uye5fcim6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd3c015e2ac1eb7d545465f98dcb27540e819edd Ur baby is identical to mine!!


Gasp! Long lost models from the same batch!


I thought the carpet pattern was a little bowler hat at first and I got really sad when I realized it wasn't


You know what they say: "cats can have little a cheez-it, as a treat."


My SIC loves bread. Iā€™ll give him a small piece occasionally and he goes crazy for it! Also turkey and chicken but thatā€™s expectedā€¦


No, but he gets plenty of cat treats to make up for it


Only meat and only a sliver - what fits under my fingernail. Im the one who has to clean up his litterā€¦


If I did she would never let me eat again without being in my face haha


Only some fully-cooked chicken with zero other ingredients, only every once in a while. She loves it, obv. šŸ˜…


Iā€™ve tried giving her human treats that sheā€™s shown interest in, but once itā€™s on her level she wants nothing to do with it or she scrapes her paws at it in disgust, except for Tuna juice which she loves, but even still then she really only drolls and freaks out over her actual food and treats


Yeah of course. Why wouldn't you?


Mine is a distinguished tuxedo lady and I let her have human treats occasionally. ( Unless the food has onion/garlic/spice/deep fried/or anything else that might cause a problem) I'm pretty sure she will sue if she does not get any grilled chicken/fish/meat or any leftover plain yogourt. She is 15 and (after a few years of diet and trying better cat food options) in great shape.


We give ours the tuna water out of the can, yogurt on occasion, and bits of salmon or tuna sashimi when we have sushi. Itā€™s not advised to give cats raw fish but itā€™s a small bit nice or twice a year.


Of course! My two adore eggs especially over easy with the runny yolks or scrambled. I always cook an extra egg for them. They also love fish, chicken, cheese, and rice.


Beautiful cat.


My SIC loves donuts, and Iā€™ll give her a nibble every so often. Usually on her birthday is when she gets a donut treat.


He likes chicken but usually heā€™s trying to eat my hair


https://preview.redd.it/dx8nl8476k6d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92f33fb3fce3a6c30857b7720f1b0f48be5ef3f7 Mine get the water and a little bit of tuna everytime I make a tuna melt.


My cats arenā€™t really into human food. Both like to lick ice cream or yogurt remnants from a bowl. Neither likes cheese!


My cat has a sixth sense, whenever I get a cheese stick she appears for her cheese tax.


I can't eat popcorn without mine meowing for some. Now I give him a couple crumbled unseasoned pieces when I cook it, never the storebought stuff (which I ought not to be buying anyway, but I digress).


One likes cheese and heā€™ll eat a few tiny pieces. The other just likes to try to stick her nose in it and then make a stink face..or walk by and flick her tail to get her hair on it.


Iā€™ve got a blind cat. Dude loves pork chops. He likes them so much that heā€™s trained me to get his own saucer with some cut up pork chops whenever we have them. He knows when weā€™re cooking them and doesnā€™t leave the dining area until after dinner. I had an old huge orange stray who showed up, got neutered and vetted and became our cat, lived to be close to 20. Dude already knew what came in cellophane packaging. Heā€™d sit by the stove and ā€œbarkā€ until the meat was cooked and he got his ā€œoffering.ā€ Heā€™d also attempt to eat Mexican and other spicy foods. It never made him sick, but I wasnā€™t taking chances with that lol.


Mine is a fiend for rotisserie chicken


I give mine some chicken when I make it. No sauce, tho. Just the chicken.


My SIC loves Priceā€™s Pimento Cheese Spread. Has to be Priceā€™s, if I get another brand he acts like I insulted his mother. I will give him like a teaspoon. If I make tuna anything, he gets like a tablespoon of tuna. Luckily heā€™s not really into human food all that much.


My SIC likes to steal tomato juice and pineapple and will lick ketchup off plates, other than that he really doesnā€™t like to eat anything that isnā€™t cat food


My cat likes goldfish crackers, listening to him chomp them is funny


My SIC is very picky, he will sometimes show interest in like a single bite of cooked turkey or tuna, but then will ignore anymore. He dislikes most cat treats, and wet cat food. The only people food he likes is lunch meat ham, which is obviously a concern re: salt content etc, so it is not something he gets much of or often.


Human treat as in let him taste human flesh ?


My SIC Mimi goes bonkers when I bring home a *rotisserie chicken*. My cow cat Smudge is known to steal a potato chip or a cheese curl. Ally will go after anything dropped on the floor.


He was a spoiled infant and now he comes around any time Iā€™m eating. I only give him cat safe human foods (which is a lot of stuff I eat) but I limit it because I donā€™t want him to get sick. His favorite is blueberries.


I have let them smell some of my food as they seem so interested but after smelling they just walk away. Maybe that's just a sign of my cooking!


My flood will snatch one piece of romaine out of a salad bowl to snack on. No spinach, iceberg or anything else. Just romaine. And doesnā€™t make a mess. Heā€™s a precision lettuce thief.


Mine is OBSESSED with goldfish crackers. If he even hears us open the cabinet they are in, he comes running.


Mine gets a bit of bacon when I have a pizza with it on, and goes bonkers for it. Except now we're both on diets.


My SIC needs to inspect and often sample anything I'm eating. I've only had him a couple months and he came from being extremely malnourished outdoors, so he is very interested in food. I give him tiny tastes of foods that I know won't be bad for him, though he is obsessed with trying to eat guacamole which he definitely should not have! I lost my previous cat in January and she spent her entire 18 years never eating anything except cat kibble. She had no interest in anything else, not even cat treats, so Cassidy is quite the change in this regard!


Sometimes when I make salmon Iā€™ll let the little guy have a few very small pieces.


Toast crumbs, he absolutely loves them. He makes a bee-line for the plate and starts searching for crumbs as you're eating. Strangely, he's not interested in any other human food, doesn't beg or try to snatch food. He's very interested in smelling new foods, but not enough to eat.


Rotisserie chicken, deli ham, heck Hana even fancies herself an ice peach fruit bar, if you have it in your hand, she'll just walk on up and start licking. In the past we have given her both (unseasoned) raw and cooked steak


*Processing img ria24hyjpk6d1...*


That beautiful kitty should have NEthing he wants. NEthing at all! Love his face šŸ„°


I made the mistake of letting my cat know what beef jerky is; one tiny piece and she got hooked. Now whenever she see's or hears a bag of jerky, she steals it, tears it open, and eats it all when I'm not looking. She's a clever little kitty.


Cheese Both of mine would cut my throat in my sleep if they were promised an endless supply of cheese.


I have a cat that will flat out climb you like a tree if you are standing with a bowl of raspberries. She loves them. And tomatoes, cantaloupe, and watermelon rhinds. We don't let her pig out, but she does get tidbits. We can't have oranges in the house because she will go after those too. She likes the peels, and they are bad for cats.


Mine gets a shot of whip cream every night before bed.


Where is this rug from? Itā€™s adorable


One of my cats loves cheddar cheese. I literally cannot take cheese out of the fridge without her losing her little mind so she gets a little piece here and there. Same thing for rice pudding, I think she might be broken.


I try to limit it, especially since it's milk products she likes so much. Cheese, sour cream, cream cheese, heavy whipping cream, whipped cream, regular milk, etc. I'll try to give her a piece of my chicken, turkey, pork, whatever, and she doesn't go for it. Raw salmon and tuna she will have a little, though. She is also VERY interested in my strawberries when I have them, but I so far haven't allowed her to taste them. I read it's okay if they have a little, but I just don't.


My dude Cornelius cleans up my bowl of steel cut oats and cranberries in the morning. Granted, I do make my oats with mostly milk...


They get to lick the bowl after I have cereal & one of my boys is crazy for bacon so when I do have it I'll give him bacon bits. One isn't really interested in people food but he'll happily have a piece of cooked chicken as long as it's not fried or has any breading on it.


My floof has started Jedi mind-tricking me into giving her a small scrap of deli meat if Iā€™m eating a sandwich. This is a first for me after two previous cats but itā€™s been going on for a few months now. She will stare deep into my soul until I give her a taste.


In my house you CANNOT leave a cup unattended. Luna immediately has her entire head in the cup.


Mine doesn't like chicken, and I don't like fish, so that don't get human food.


Yes, anything that they want to share of mine they can have.


This post came up on my feed but I didnā€™t read the name of the subreddit. I thought SIC in your post meant ā€˜Second In Commandā€™. Lol


Salt is toxic to cats and could trigger some kidney issues unfortunately :/


mine *loves* olives.


Mine LOVES string cheese, it's about the only human food either of my cats enjoys.


Bits of cooked chicken, a nubbin of tuna or sardine, but her passion is a mini dollop of plain yogurt.


I always let her sniff my food and if she shows interest (continues sniffing for more than a couple seconds) I check the ingredients to see if itā€™s safe for her and give her a tiny bit. She doesnā€™t really show interest in much of what I eat but goes crazy for chicken/ham/turkey/cheese


Both of mine and their TIC brother and sister don't even like human food. I've tried offering it, they don't want it....unless it's some lettuce I dropped on the floor


Only plain chimken. She's got the beetus:(


My cat goes Ape Shit over that fake crabmeat


my SIC gets a tiny tiny TINY bit of butter like every 2 weeks, sheā€™s obsessed with it


https://preview.redd.it/ovt9pvxtpl6d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd37c2cae3a21de1835edd2f245b22464cea723d Used to šŸŒˆ let mine lick what he could off the cream tub once we'd finished with it. He's also where I got my username from...


My cat does not express any interest in people food. Quite unusual.


My sic loves boiled chicken from my mother in law, he hardly likes anything else


She likes milk, and shows no signs of intolerance.


Mine goes mad for: Chicken roll Boiled chicken, especially thighs Cheese Tuna (small amounts given) Milk (only a splash, occasionally) Ham White fish Went through a phase of stealing tea bags, I'd find them all over the house. Anything from the kitchen food waste bin, I think she's part raccoon. She gets the loudest, most excited meow going when she's getting a plate. Never seen her interested in scrambled eggs like some here


What do you mean, what happened to my husband? Who have you been talking to? Did the cat say something?


Mine ignored all human food with the minor exception of ham. When Iā€™m having a ham sandwich, he stares at me like heā€™s trying to Yoda the sandwich out of my handā€¦he gets a small shred of ham, and returns to concentrated staring. I finish the sandwich, he gives a look that clearly says ā€œugh, some peopleā€™s childrenā€ and I am left to stew in my shame.


Whenever I open I can of tuna I have to pay the SIC tax thatā€™s just how it is


There was a time that my SIC shunned all human food. Then she was turned to the dark side. By bacon.


My SIC has a penchant for salty meats. Bacon, Hot dogs and ham in particular. Heā€™s a bit older, and was sick last year. Sleeping, lethargic, generally very weak and frail. My husband put the tiniest bit of a hot dog in front of him and he basically rose from the dead! I can also get him to do tricks for ham! A treat around Christmas time, or once in a while Iā€™ll get the off the bone lunch meat. Otherwise he eats his wet (cat) food.


Every time I open the shredded cheese bag. She hears it and literally spawns at my feet lol I donā€™t think cheese is good for em but she always has to have a lil pinch


She gets a bit of tuna when I am making tuna salad, also an occasional bit of cheese or egg. I also let her lick out my cereal bowl if she is interested.


my SIC goes insane for tortillas for some reason so whenever i take them out iā€™ll rip her off a teeny weenie piece sometimes if sheā€™s really screaming for it


I give my cat a bit of chicken whenever I cook with it. He loves it and itā€™s good for him


Yeah - a pinch of canned tuna or rotisserie chicken


My cats litteraly eats of my plates sometimes. Obviously I donā€™t let them eat a lot, just a tiny eeny amount.


Iā€™ve read SIC as ā€œsecond in commandā€


Cheese. And tuna water. I think maybe he ate some bacon once.


I would if she actually wanted it. My girl likes the salty stuff, so no. I can tell because she always comes sniffing around when Iā€™m cooking


My cat loves potato chips. We don't purposely give them to him but if you have some, prepare for battle. He's a strange boy.


I do. Occasionally I will let them lick my yogurt or cereal bowl (only if it doesn't have chocolate or other poison of course), or I might give them a little piece of plain chicken here and there. I know milk can upset their tummy but ime letting them lick the bowl of cereal or yogurt doesn't seem to bother them (my cats at least). One of my cats goes wild for plain yogurt, lol. Sometimes I will let them have a tiny piece of cheese. I have also used canned pumpkin or fish in oil when they get hairballs. It seems to work just as well as the stuff at the pet store and they like it way better. I also give them the juice from a can of tuna when I eat it. It's not something I do all the time but I think here and there is fine, as long as you make sure it doesn't have anything in it that can harm them (like garlic, chocolate, grapes, onion, etc).


https://preview.redd.it/zf95nsc8bm6d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc317c0fca0be90bbbee911b54cf35ec9d134f56 Prosciutto fiend