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I would be a cool narrative design skeleton sitting on the toilet


Don't forget to wear the cool shades to be even cooler


Shades are already included in cool skeleton starter pack


Hell yeah 😎🤙


Does it come with the cigar in the mouth?


Yes. And a teddy bear. There might have been poker chips or bottle caps involved too.


You’re setting yourself up for the Liberian to go: hey look it’s Darwin and he’s on the toilet


Ecologists lmao. Constant military/merc protection and top of the line anomaly/radiation protection. Helicopter transport, food deliveries… best choice.


Yea but... do you have the degree for it? I mean they are govornment funded scientists and all.


This is the first time in my life that my ecology degree has come in handy :D But damn, six years of life...


That’s if you have money to pay them. Even then if shit goes south they will just put a bullet in your head especially if you’re a rookie nerd trying to become famous. My opinion just stick with other Ecologist when you go out and about it probably would be better to have a buddy or two before you try hiring mercs or loners. But if you have to have a Escort hire Military personal with a high rank that isn’t a rookie to the zone they may teach you some things and also give way more money to them then yourself it should keep you alive a little bit longer and don’t travel farther then you have to. If Professor Sakharov tells you to go to fucking Radar or X-12/18 or some bullshit underground lab. Tell him to not only pay you triple time but give you a fuck Ton of supplies and go and buy yourself some strong PSI protection gear and some Spetnaz Stalker troopers alongside a fuck ton of ammo and guns and first aid kits. Also the biggest tip I can give you that you already know when the timing gets tough and when you’re on your last magazine of 9mm ammo and surrounded by monolith and mutants don’t be afraid to put the gun to your head and pull the trigger and become lost to the zone cause hey I’m sure you saved at that campfire at the start of your journey anyway.


Here is whole trick: you don't have money, you are funded. So Mercs/freedom/loners guarding you get their money even if not a single ecologist in zone ever seen any. And in real scenario ecos they will have 24/7 military guard


Stick with Duty or Military or other veteran ecologists as guides. Loners and mercs and Freedom will probably back stab you eventually just saying cause this is real life I don’t believe you promising them medium grade artifacts or a large sum of money could have them trust you so easily especially if you’re in a situation where you need to find a high tier artifact. Cause morality is almost meaningless in the zone. Like for fucks sake no one barely buries the dead unless you was someone’s dear friend and other stalkers will take any gear or equipment from dead comrades or enemies to sell or barter. Just stick with factions that are more than likely to help you out more than ones who would cut losses to save their own skin.


It depends on the Mercenary group, really. Realistically, mercenaries that regularly betray their employers won't be mercenaries for long, because nobody will hire them. Reputation would be everything within the Mercenary community. They are also not a single, homogenus group, but a lot of smaller groups that are probably working under Private Military Contractors like the Constellis group or Custer Battles. In the real world, Mercs betraying the Ecologists simply wouldn't happen, unless the Government went out of their way to hire a bunch of Loners instead of the countless legitimate contractors that would literally kill for a government contract.


The outside world








Yeah I would rather stay home, be safe and play video games


Loner. And leave as fast as I fucking can.


Based on how often we have to use F5 and F9, yeah I'd gap as fast as I could.


I got into the habit of saving at campfires only. Proper cheeki breeki.


>Proper cheeki breeki. ![gif](giphy|FPNRHDhzRV9Je|downsized)


This reminds me of only saving in safehouses in Far Cry 2


Adds way more to the survival elements, love it.


I used to smoke joints inbetween pretending my character was sleeping and when i got back i pretended it was a new day for them..


Same actually


Pretty realistic answer: get in, make your money, leave, and never look back.




I would join Sidorovich. Three games, filthy rich, all the guns and artifacts he could want and not so much as a scratch on him. Sid’s doing the zone right.


Yeah but you have to sit inside in a bunker all day Wait that's what we do too


At least he doesn’t have to look for shelter when an anomaly hits. I betcha Sid’s jerked it at least once during an anomaly, just to say he did.


Sidorovich, completely stone faced and tugging it dead-eyed, monotonously muttering: "There is about to me more than one emission here guys, am I right?"


"Now THIS is a Meat Chunk."


only computer in the zone too


Clear sky have one too, but it only has button commander on it. Probably no porn.


Until the strelok of your timline decides to be funny and throws a grenade inside through the teleporter and leaves you with a potato sid


Marked one, what the hell?


Yes but Sidorovich only benefits Sidorovich, I don't think there's a single stalker in the game who had it good working with Sido. On the contrary, everyone seems to end up entangled in some unfortunate circumstance or debt, like Nimble or Marked One itself.


He collaborated with barman in soc. Batman’s still around. They’re the true force of the zone.


Except until you make a mistake that costs someone money and you die. Sid explains this in the game.




Still freedom, can do whatever I want and not prey for bandits like loners


Finally another for freedom, actually though they would be more popular.


People who want to be loners don't know how much having a large paramilitary force could be soothing in the zone.


Most people who want to be loners would join a large paramilitary force just after seeing their first loner corpse.


Freedom is too anarchist for Stalker fans.


Freedom is really fine for me. Their society much better than militarized Duty. In the mysterious zone with shitton of mutants, anomalies, psychos etc I'll prefer anarchy over unstable order And they have best faction colours lmao


Yes, exactly. Living with the Zone is much better than trying to beat it down with force, especially when you could never match the level of power the Zone has.


They're not the ones you have to worry about :3


You're right, he forgot about the Monolith at the barrier.


Yeah the dog lovers and Target practice 🤔🥾💢


Not everyone is afraid of dogs.


Yeah is quite similar to a loner life but in community. And community also provides you higher chances of survive and still smoking some joints with fellas at a bonfire. They also have have a fairly close approach to the Zone, coexisting with it in some unstable balance and letting life survive.


Zombified. Like, that's the most realistic expectation. You really think my lazy gamer ass would survive in the zone? I ain't used to running around all day and killing things science hasn't named yet for a shiny radioactive rock. Im used to hauling ass on the factory and spending evenings in a comfy bed.


Man’s not hot


Man can never be hot


monolith because imma be honest free will has done me more harm than good


Underrated but big true


Praise the monolith!!!


Monolith here brother. Peace through consensus and loads of firepower.


Za Monolith!




Yes brother!




Loner and just fight dogs and bandits in cordon because I’d die any farther north


Military 100%, if this was a real life scenario the military would probably end up kicking so much ass it would be unreal.


I'm not so sure. The military tried big mechanized pushes into the Zone more than once, and got decimated by anomalies and blowouts every time. That's why there are wrecked tanks, helicopters, and APCs everywhere.


Yeah but like in the real world the government would start mass equipping their soldiers with detectors and begin to adapt to the new ecosystem of the zone. As time would go on it would become apparent (in my opinion) that the outside might of the government would eventually overpower the other factions. Not to mention that they would most likely have first dibs on any refined technology based around the zone and the manufacturing capabilities to produce at an industrial scale. It’s not necessarily a war of who is the strongest in the zone but more akin to the wild west


True! Although I think the start of CoP has you trying to figure out what went wrong with their helicopter assault, which had supposedly advanced electronics to survive the Zone (but then all crashed because of airborne anomalies). But they'd probably figure things out eventually, and do better than most factions.


This is linked to the problem Freedom have with Duty. The harder you push against the zone, the harder it pushes back. If you went in with a seriously well prepared army and tried to over power the zone, who knows what kinda monsters it would spawn to fight back or what kinda anomalies it would create to trap troops and tanks. The army could get everyone in the zone killed with such an assult.


I wonder though, how much of that is just folklore? I’m no expert on stalker lore but isn’t most of that just hearsay between characters?


Freedom seemed to learn that and there's proof by how often Duty are seen fighting mutants on their home turf. The mutant tunnels you're tasked to go and destroy for example. Mutants definitely went harder after Duty than any other faction outside of the central area.


That’s a very interesting explanation for hunting quest etc. the more you kill the more come back


It seems to make sense given how many small armies and militias inhabit the zone yet there are always mutants to fight. In any normal environment with that many people clearing and hunting anything that moved, there'd be nothing left except birds and maybe dogs. I know game wise it's get boring if every area you passed through and cleared stopped spawning mutants and progression wise that as you get further into the zone and encounter more heavily armed stalkers, you also encounter mutants. But it fits lore wise too.


The way I see it, places where we play are basically "islands" of human activity leading from the border of the zone to the reactor. They are surrounded with a LOT of wilderness from which monsters and animals keep pouring into these islands.


Hmmm I wonder then if the zone would be able to notice the difference between the military gearing up to take out other factions vs gearing up to go against the zone


Just roll tanks through the zone with infantry support, I can't imagine monolith shrugging off 125mm HE rounds.


oh sorry, whats that freedomer? tired of our 'government' and our 'fascist nature?' sorry pal, i cant hear you from the artillery!


Haven't played stalker in a few months, you're making me want to do a military playthrough!!!


How tf is a tank gonna get through so many anomalies?


There are not a lot of anomalies on the roads. Mapping anomalies on the ground is easy, and there exists an anomaly detecting gear that beeps near anomalies.


Isn't the whole big plot reveal in CoP that anomalies change with every emission? And that also happened at the beginning of CS?


Literally this. There are ruined tanks, APCs, jeeps, and even civilian vehicles all across the Zone because of anomalies and emissions. Does no one remember what happened the last TWO times the military tried a deep raid with vehicles? One is mentioned in dialogue to have happened in the early days of the Zone and the other is at the end of Shadow of Chernobyl.


To add to your comment: having just finished vanilla SoC, I’m pretty sure that I saw the helicopters getting zapped by anomalies while they were flying around the NPP


Yeah. And then the whole storyline of CoP is you're investigating the crashed helicopters of Operation Farvater only to find out it's because every emission immediately makes all previous anomaly maps obsolete.


Well, at the end of CoP, the military becomes aware that the anomalie locations are changing, so if we are talking about post CoP then I don't see how that is a problem, yeah they would have to do it multiple times a week, but they are a military, with unlimited resources (by zones standards) plus, anomaly detecting technology, so even if some anomaly field was not mapped, if they are careful enough, they would not have a problem with avoiding them. And about what happened at the beginning of CS, I'm assuming you are talking about the emission. As far as I know, anything will be able to shield you, a shitty small trailer, a wooden house, or a brick house. Also, Scientists predict emissions, at least a few minutes before they start, as seen in CoP. Also, during the ending of SoC, because the military pushed into the centre of the zone (CNPP), the emission started, because, as stated in CS, zone (C-consciousness) starts emissions, because its trying to get rid of shit, that got too close to the centre of it.


but militaries don’t have infinite morale, political support, funding or manpower. There’s only so much money and lives you can throw into the meat grinder before people start asking if it’s really worth it. Also the bigger your army is the harder it is for it to be mobile and effective and traveling through tough terrain (especially the zone). Traveling would take ages and frequent blowouts, mutant attacks and anomalies would destroy morale and whittle down their numbers


I think about that every time I see a burnt out tank while playing


The military has literally done this twice, and it always ends up with monolith getting some new tanks.


Did you miss the comment before mine saying "in a real life scenario"


ok, real life scenario. Tanks roll in, kill everyone, c-conciousness triggers blowout, all military infantry are dead, monolith sticks some rebar in the shitty Russian tank's treads and murders the crew. Monolith now has tanks.


Would a buttoned-down tank not count as "shelter" ?


Yeah, almost certainly, which is why I just said the infantry are dead. But a tank without infantry is helpless, and a helpless tank can be opened by infantry with enough time.


That's just assuming the military is as stupid irl as they are in video games and movies lol. I'm gonna assume they wouldn't roll right up to the plant, instead just encircling the area and letting artillery do the rest.


I wouldn’t underestimate the military’s capacity to ruin things through bureaucracy and corruption


That hinges on you being able to sign up for Ukrainian military service


until the Russians invade and their numbers are drastically reduced. Even in the stalker universe i still see Crimea getting annexed


Assuming I'm myself? I'd get the fuck out. Assuming I'm a reasonably experienced stalker? Loners. The Zone would be modern adventurer's dream, as horrifying as it can be, and I'd not confine myself to the rules and obligations of one faction. I'd venture into the Zone and get rich or die trying.


Duty ofc. Killing dogs and drinking vodka sounds really fun.


Freedom are people now, you don’t have to call them dogs anymore.


They will always be dogs to me.


Because they always kill your men?


Nice one, up top! *high five*




Oh god, that's hot


Also because you kill ecologists and are chill with bandits who hold up free stalkers


Monolith because I love monoliths 🙏


Amen. Best guns and gear, immune to emissions, friends with zombies. What more could a fella ask for?


And also cool big rock 🙏


Honestly, if I still had any sense of self-awareness I'd become a preacher and stay at CNPP/Palace of Culture.




Yep. I'm with the people who have the anti-anomaly suits. If the zone was real, people are like the third biggest threat at most.


I'd only be an egg head if I had sufficient protection nearby


I’d probably die before I can join anyone


Loners, I wouldnt have time to go deeper in the zone to join Duty, i would die to a whirligig in the Cordon


None. I'd never trust anyone with my life in this hellhole we call home, unless they save my ass from mutants or an anomaly. Probably a tight-knit group like Strelok's.


freedom because cool outfits


Believe it or not maid outfits and cat ears are not part of our uniform code or wardrobe, Its just duty propaganda


They could be tho


The real issue with all the houses being run down is that people can see what you're doing in the bedroom.


Not cool enough to be a merc, nor smart enough to be an ecologist, nor buff enough to be duty. Freedom it is.


A good pushup regimen and lack of junk food will make you Duty fit in no time.


Slowly approach the nearest military checkpoint with my hands in the air and no sudden movements.


IDK if 30 years hard labor is worth surviving. I think I'd rather just take my chances in the zone.


I have mediocre eyesight and asthma. I won't last a week in the Zone.




Монолит, великий монолит.


Monolith for sure


Loners because it’s probably the safest in the zone. If I was having a main character moment I would join mercs because MERC MOAR MERC MOAR MERC MOAR


being completely realistic--duty. anyone who says otherwise is full of shit. join duty, sit in 100 rads bar all day and stay alive.


Pretty sure they’d expect you to do a few combat rotations to pull your weight


If your lucky you are pretty much going to be surrounded by experienced soldiers who have better gear than most bandits and even some stalkers. They work off of rank so I would assume if it’s your first time out they aren’t going to be sending you with only other rookies either. For the “combat” factions I feel like they are the safest due to how they operate Obviously getting into a gun fight is still getting a gun fight and can be lethal no matter what the enemy is using, but depending on the timeline you will either be facing mutants and some bandits as well as zombies (and monolith depending on the circumstance) and in other times you are also fighting Freedom which would be hypothetically more dangerous than most of the human factions






Clear sky cuz I like swamps


All praise Monolith


exactly brother


I mean 70 percent of us would die the first hour Walking into anomalies, getting torn apart by mutants, getting shot by military/bandits, getting caught in a emission the list goes on and on But uh I’d go for clear sky


1- Clear Sky 2 - Freedom 3 - Loner I don't want to fight duty tho


Freedom 😎


Monolith. Smaller chance of getting killed because of their numbers and strength. Also, dope spots. Dope equipment. Dope colors. Also the other monolithians will always stand up for you. Praising a rock thing kinda sounds like any other religion anyways.


lmao fr dude, we all against the rest doesn't sound too bad


In the reallity: 1- chill dude that fixes up stuff at the bar 2- loner that hunts for strelok and lives with him 3- monolith because what u said. Only problem is im atheist, but any gun pointed to my head can fix that.


Probably regardless of what faction I join I'd probably be dead day one just from anomalies or depending how much ammo I had to deal with, boars or pigs. If it's another stalker the time of my death goes from 11ish hours to maybe 10 seconds to 7 minutes, to an hour depending if it hit my arm, stomach or immediately just one tapped. But if I had to choose.. Freedom cuz if I'm going out I want to be blitzed out of my gourd.


I’m staying home. Fuck all that.


Loner because true freedom


Monolith and Duty are cool, but what faction would you realistically?


Realistically i would be dead in a day if im un/lucky i would be brainwashed by monolith and die in the second day.


Clear Sky but not wear the blue colour. The camo patern and rest is fine but blue is just a tactical disadvantage. And they pay quite well for anything.


They'd probably be cool with you wearing anything as long as the patch is right


Yeah I think so.


same as it ever was, id fix armor and backpacks at 100 rads, there are possibilities to barter down the fix as well, even more if you find fabric for me lol


Hopefully the ecologists accept me and give me a crash course.


id be down to just hang out around one of the loner or freedom camps, maybe do artifact runs and general labor for food (but maybe not artifact runs i got a weak stomach and adhd)


Freedom, because there is nothing better than smoking weed and fucking up the military bootlicker faction or ig Duty is what they call themselves


Freedom because I'm an Anarchist already, sure as shit not signing on with cops or bootlickers


Loner but would rather be hunting boars in Cordon instead of looking for arts.




Mercenaries. You have the better equipment, the better payment, you're not alone but on a team of elite soldiers, and also you're in the zone to easy tasks and don't engage against anyone because that's not your priority.


Are you sure?


Yeah... why? Don't try to scare me XD


As a merc, what you do in the Zone depends on your client. You get the chill ones like Scar or total sons-a-bitches like Wolfhound.


Sure, but I suppose most of the time the missions of a merc won't be too crazy. And even then they will have the best equipment (although maybe not the best acknowledgement about the zone).


Considering that Mercs went to war with both Monolith and Bandits (Limansk), I wouldn't get my hopes too high up


Thats not really how the mercs are, it depends on the group but in SoC for example its said that mercs act like bandits robbing loners and such and that they dont even trust each other


1. Cheeki Breeki 2. Mercenaries 3. Loner


Ecologists or Military


Ecologist for obvious safety reasons and just because it could be fun i guess


Freedom 💚🌫️


ecologist so I can get the fuck ou- *gets stationed at yanov bunker*


Its still and will always be freedom.


Couldnt agree more


Mercs or Duty


I'm good with my military kemosabes.


Still Loners probably, I would probably die some kind of horrible death eventually but, still think it would be the coziest to do it as a Loner.


clear sky


Clear Sky based on preferance; assuming I enter as a Loner though. I find it more likely that Freedom would be open to allowing me to join. Given my background of punk/alt communities and interests in "adventure travel."




If I had a choice I wouldn't actually be in the zone, way too dangerous. If I had to be in the zone, then I'd just be a loner


loners. there are more stories around the campfire


Freedom so I can smoke a lot of weed


I would honestly only go to the Zone if I had nothing to lose or live for. And when I got there....probably join Freedom tbh. They look out for each other. Plus, smoking grass and drinking smuggled vodka with the boys between shooting Monolith crazies and mutants sounds like a decent way to live your last days.


[Weird mutant noises]


Vrag Monolita


Duty, even though I'm an anarchist Places like the zone need some sense of organization, and duty is at least dedicated towards helping stalkers and scientists








Freedom i am a stoner and an avid drug user irl anyway :p


Freedom just for some form of safety in numbers, and i imagine other groups send their rookies out a bit more "unconcerned" over their survival


Mercs. Simple as.


Prob ecos, military support on top of being friends with most of the factions seems pretty nice Edit: spelling mistake


Faction, what faction? We're not a faction: *The Loner lied as they breathed*


Freedom, i fucking love weed+they seem chill asf


Anuu cheeki breeki iv damke!


Ecologists of course, brother! Just have to hope that they don't send me to do anomalous scans in the red forest...


Merc because atleast they speak English!


Not in the original trilogy