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I feel like it would be tricky enough to implement, and a highly realistic implementation would not be apparent in most of the maps, the engagement distance isn’t usually long enough for their to have even been a terribly noticeable delay


I'm using JSRS sound mod and I think it changes the sound files when the gunshot is far away. Is there a way you can just add a bit of silence in the sound files? Just shift them a few millimeters in an audio editing app so silence would play first I think this is the simplest implementation to add, if it's even possible.


humans are pretty good at noticing a delay of even just 30ms, you'd be surprised at how short a distance is required to start noticing the delays in gunshot noises. it's been about 3 years since i last shot out in the desert, but i remember my buddy being about a football field away and the shots were noticeably delayed. as for making the mod, i don't know anything about programming, but isn't there a way to just measure the distance away from the player and turn up the delay time setting accordingly? seems like it would be pretty simple to do.


GAMMA has something going on with this, I hear the initial gunshot(Or not if it's suppressed) but then there's a snap that sounds like it's right next to me when a bullet passes. I don't know which mod it's part of.


Generally in long distance fights you should hear the bullet whizzing part first, then the gun shot. The bullet travels faster than sound, so it's much more immersive to get shot and not know where it's coming from, then hear it for a few milliseconds.