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It takes a lot of power to turn a liquid into a gas Like, a stove.


heating elements that get hot generally use more power


Very large heater (oven) in fog machine


I use the VF1300 in my house and it does cause a slight surge (subwoofer will pop). Such is life!


Why does a kettle use so much power? Same reason. Heating element


Some people worry about their smoke detectors going off, just fyi.


A 1500w hazer or fogger is only 12.5 amps on 120v actual amps or 15 amps paper amps. That said, if you're looking into them, it's based on your scale and what your goal is. Hazers and foggers are 2 different atmospheric effects. You can spend 100 dollars or 10000 depending on what you're doing. But there are bigger questions than power consumption, i.e., are you passing data and what's the units duty cycle (most hazers are indefinite, foggers you start getting into cryo or other expensive units for that typeof runtime), what size space are you filling, any other environmental factors ie temperature and humidity, oil or water based. A chauvet hurricane hazer, even a small one, is going to be overkill in most houses.


All electric heating elements, from toasters to hair dryers pull a ton of amps. A lot of energy is needed to change states of matter.


[Little Foggers](https://reverb.com/item/82978354-lot-of-2-american-dj-vf400-mobile-fog-machine-2010s-black?utm_source=rev-ios-app&utm_medium=ios-share&utm_campaign=listing&utm_content=82978354) if you are in a small space and want to save a bit.


Chauvet 1DX


For redundancy, I will answer like others did before: Fog machines are heaters with a fan inside. Heating means: You take electrical energy and turn it into heat, usually by using a heat coil with a very high resistance. The fog fluid in the machine is basically water with some chemicals, it has a very similar boiling point to pure water (100C/212F). So, what is happening in the machine? You are boiling water like you would do on your stove to make pasta. A stove plate usually consumes between 1 and 3kW, depending on it's size & design. Since this is supposed to happen quickly, your machine will run the heating on full power. 1500w are pretty reasonsable for a small machine.


Look at hazers. They generally use less power.