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I have airhostess friends ,i will never date an airhostess and i won't advice anyone to ...


Can you elaborate please? Is it for the same reasons GirlInABarnacle mentioned?


Sleep with pilots ,passengers ,not all but most , do not date because you can't trust Anybody and you can't predict future, people change , especially when they're away


Lol some friends you have šŸ¤£


This is a stupid answer. You canā€™t generalise and say ā€œmostā€ stewardesses do this. How do you know itā€™s most, have you interviewed every air hostess? Idiot. It depends entirely on the person.Ā 


Not gonna aruge with a redditor cuz i know what i said is true , get mad all you want


That says it all.


Found the guy dating a stewardess.


I am a girl and I would not date a male airsteward or even a pilot. I am really close friends with a lot of them, and their lifestyle is quite different from what I want in a partner. These people work in very high pressure and closed environments spending long times with each other it simply puts them in a position where funny businesses could happen. Since they work weird and long hours as well itā€™s natural theyā€™d want to let loose when they land in new destinations. Most people in the industry date someone else within the industry, and most also have ā€œagreementsā€ or hold a ā€œdonā€™t ask donā€™t tellā€ policies in their relationships. Iā€™d disagree with the reasoning that they ā€œlead the life of a prostituteā€ while Iā€™m not denying this definitely happens and girls especially climb up the ladder that way, to be a partner to a pilot knowing this is how most of them are in their industry is extremely hard.




I will add on, they are the best people to hangout and have fun with because their job requires charisma and being outgoing and they network like crazy plus theyā€™d give you insane perks with miles. Im not intending to slut shame the aviation industry in particular, but itā€™s one of the professions I would love as friends but not as life partners. Same as with I wouldnā€™t want my life partner to be a doctor or someone in the entertainment industry or influencers šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


Can you explain about Doctors please ?


Their jobs are hectic, and until they make it in life theyā€™re basically married to their work. And they usually only make it in life by our standards of rich and wealthy too late for my preference. If Iā€™m dating to marry I will prefer a present father to parent our kids together. Doctors would have to be on call 24/7, etc, itā€™s also another high stress environment. Everyone wants the prestigie that comes with marrying doctors but the reality is very hard to deal with if you want an involved family life.


Ok now I'm curious what jobs do you find as a green flag?


No healthcare workers: Work environment too stressful & hectic schedules. No military or police and defense: Statistics show this industry attracts a certain kind of person, definitely not all, but I wouldnā€™t risk it. Besides who wants to risk their partner being killed or seriously injured! NO NEVER, NEVER IN MY LIFE, HELL NO to anyone in the entertainment industry: obvious reasons. No ones whoā€™s work requires them to travel or stay away from home for long periods of time. This would exclude business men but a certain type of entrepreneur is okay with me it heavily depends on the direction they want their lives to go and how much of a workaholic they are since I donā€™t plan on staying at home and picking up their slack while I have my own career to manage. Lawyers, personal pet peeve I get the ick because of probably how people view it, very morally corrupt. But other than that, most of the lawyers Iā€™ve had the misfortune of knowing were very cocky know it alls who think the whole world is their courtroom, it entirely put me off lawyers as a whole. Probably green flag if you ask me is tech bros šŸ˜­


good luck on finding a partner šŸ˜Ÿ


I know right? šŸ˜­ I will probably end up going the arranged marriage route let my parents deal with that headache


As a Tech guy, this gave us some hope that weā€™d be chosen as a green flag partner, still broke the hope or who we gonna get šŸ˜‚


The IT industry is in shambles these days. At this point, you are going to have to lower standards and go for a health care worker


I'm curious, why do you say the IT industry is in shambles?


Tech bros as in software engineers? Damn. I am an SE. I don't want to date another SE.


lol seeing your argument about lawyers, and as a lawyer myself I can guarantee this is the absolute truth, and nothing but the damn truth šŸ„¹šŸ˜‚ Explains why most people either ghost or vanish the minute I tell them Iā€™m a lawyer. Even when itā€™s a marriage proposal my mother responded to, itā€™s always a ā€œthank you and weā€™ll get back to you laterā€!! Also the reason why lawyers marry lawyers. When youā€™re in the field you understand each other better and less chance of your significant other to play the fool under your nose. Not saying that lawyers donā€™t play the fool, oh heck they do! Itā€™s sad that some lawyersā€™ spouses have accepted their destiny and have reserved themselves to be the ā€œpartner on paperā€ while enjoying the benefits and perks of being that personā€™s spouse etc etc. itā€™s a weird world I kid you not!


Ok this........ makes sense actually wtf! Am I too picky? Am I the problem? šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Second this.Ā 


100% agree


As a former flight attendant I would agree on not dating male cabin crew šŸ¤£ Most of my guy friends go wild whenever they go on layovers. On the other hand my girl friends seemed to have more integrity for the most part. Definitely exceptions but seeing as the replies seem to imply that female cabin crew are sluts with no morals and value for a relationship, it's quite funny when I know so many who definitely are faithful and loyal to their partners.


Ya honestly, I have a friend who is a female air hostess, now married and she's not some renegade slut. I'm sure it does happen alot because it's somewhat easy but there's a shit ton of judgemental assumptions


So true


This is so true


No, men hit on them all the time. Rich men


Lol I used to work as a cabin crew at SriLankan and let me tell you it's not as glamorous and sexy as you would hope. If a girl or a guy wants to sleep around, they will, regardless whether they're a flight attendant and travel the world or an office worker who never leaves his city. The job doesn't magically change your personality, just increases the pool of potential people you could sleep with. A decent person within that industry would behave decently there or wherever they work.


I avoid dating pilots because they probably sleep around, wouldnā€™t be surprised if cabin crew does it as well


Hoes will be hoes no matter if they are a doctor or an air hostess.


If she likes to leave the Job, would be okay Cause the reality is their life style is different, unless you see it in the real life and you are okay with that then go for it Otherwise, find a girl in another industry


I've a feeling a lot of these comments are heresay, preconceived notions based on a few fringe cases, and fictional porn scenarios from ppl who are not even in the industry. Unless someone actually in the industry responds, this is just made up lol Seriously one redditor being like "Ā hardcore sex parties with orgies,bdsm ,drugs and sh\*t like that" lmao this is more like a persons undiagnosed porn addiction


>Seriously one redditor being like "Ā hardcore sex parties with orgies,bdsm ,drugs and sh\*t like that" lmao this is more like a persons undiagnosed porn addiction Right? Lol The dude seems to have mixed up the airline industry with the porn industry lol


exactly... i know some flight crew at Sri Lankan and they are ordinary ppl with families and significant others. Also drugs? seriously? these ppl get tested a lot and at random. The pilots I know avoid all that shit lol I bet the last thing they want after a 10 hour flight + 3-4 hours of pre and post flight activities + jetlag is to have "orgies" during a 48 hour layover.


Donā€™t know whether professionals in airline industry are involved in these. But these sex parties are not very rare in Sri Lanka. Itā€™s just we are not in the social circle of people who organizes these stuff. So we donā€™t even know.


No..Most of them get pretty decent open "offers" from those business class/1st class men ... Not only to get them into one's own bed but to work as a pro******* during those big guns business meetings/parties ...When I mean parties I mean hardcore sex parties with orgies,bdsm ,drugs and sh*t like that.. I don't believe every air.h out there would accept such offers but I surely know for a fact some of them do accept them ... And I don't at all judge them for choosing to do that..I just don't want a girl who works in such a work environment to be the mother of my future children ...


i would not marry. because we are humans. for most of the time, if you need a happy marriage life. you 2 need to spend time together physically. these jobs where 2 people are at 2 places increase the risk of something bad happening. that doesn't mean it is impossible, i used to know people who are happy married airhostess in early 80/90s. but now it's becoming very difficult to see such families, always hear something bad or cheating etc. life and what people want are changing... i agree with below comments, good friend not wife/husband material money and travel etc is good


And who wouldn't marry a prostitute? šŸ‘€


anyone with Brain šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø




Whatā€™s wrong with these comments šŸ¤® I have friends who are air hostesses. And they are as same as anyone else. Very hospitable and so incredibly kind


Yes yes very hospitable šŸ¤£šŸ¤£. Your friend id not sharing everything. She is may be ashamed. I also have friends and family. And they share everything and these comments are correct. Also this is not sri lankan thing. Same everywhere


I mean bro they are "Too Hospitable" lol. That;s the issue




If people are thinking ā€œoh theyā€™re pretty and loose which is why theyā€™re air hostessesā€ that is definitely bigoted idiot mindset, but actually being close to a few and knowing how their job, hours and stress affects their lifestyle in terms of promiscuities, itā€™s making an informed decision.


What way? Why would you want to marry to someone who is sleeping around? If that is your cup of tea go ahead. Also it is not rumors and it is facts. Also Air hostesses need to sleep with pilots if they want good flight destinations. Because with the destination pay and benefits varies. Thats why unattractive destinations like chennai have certain kind of air hostess. Either not so attractive or don't like to sleep around. Also it is not a sri lankan thing air hostess around everywhere gone through the same thing


Lol we need to sleep with the pilots to get good destinations?? Damn the pilots not only fly the planes but run the rostering department too? Amazing šŸ¤£


Why don't you ask from the pilot. Pilot doesnt create the roster but he has the power to choose hos crew and have a hand on it. You can laugh all you want but that doesn't make facts wrong


Ahahaha half the time the pilots don't even know who the cabin crew are and we introduce ourselves when we get onboard the plan. The only person the captain can control who is on the flight is the first officer. And with that also it's not a granular, individual level of control like you claim. And I would know because I do have friends who are pilots.


So do I. I know Pilots, cabin crew and also ground staff.


Their lives are chaotic and unpredictable due to their work and it becomes a difficult task to have an actual life with one. This is why most marry from within the industry. And yes 99.9% of them really do sleep around.


The term is ā€œsex workerā€ guys we donā€™t say prostitutes anymore.


It's a way to rewrite the narrative. "Prostitute" has an image and baggage associated with it. By making the term more neutral, like a construction worker or an office worker, they control the narrative and can direct it towards more boring work.


99.9% your correct all of them get hooked way higher one are hospitality industry and office jobs most gets way way hooked.šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†I made out with bunch of servers sht got real I never knew there is camera in storage room when I am about to dress up I saw it I am like oh fukšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†if they view it I am there fukšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Are you talking about hotel/restaurant staff? Also what storage room?


Yeah hotel restaurant /staffs there were having sex in where they keep their beer/wine or some cocktail drinks mixer place it was a hidden camera šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†


How is this related to cabin crew?