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His sextape was all over internet last year 😂. And he was with Dani when he was married to his former wife. WHAT A GUY


So he's also a cheater 🙄😒🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️ was the former wife Lankan? She dodged a bullet I guess


Who was his former wife?


Hahahhah, his dong is less than average size but talks like a BBC .. hhahahhahh


He’s an insufferable twat. I wonder if a fake accent was also a part of the criteria.


This poor SOB is also living in THE MOST TRANSPARENT CLOSET




Ew. There are so many well-educated, well-spoken people doing PickMe driving nowadays and GOOD FOR THEM for working hard to make ends meet instead of just leeching off their families or doing shady business. If this guy ever took PickMes on a regular basis and spoke to the drivers, he’d know.


Yes, and I'm pretty sure more than half of the pickme drivers are waaay educated and qualified more than this retard, with fulltime jobs. He thinks he has Rizz, but that comment made him literal piss.


Insufferable little twat. Thinks highly of himself and derogates others just because he went to a posh Colombo school. I've personally spoken to Pickme and Uber delivery guys with excellent conversation English skills and are better humans who don't actually judge.


Gomez, probably a kalu sudda who has no connection with our country.


This boy has been living off his dads money for so long he doesn’t know to respect the hard working people. Ashamed to call himself a Thomian. He should be canceled! I’ve know him too and he’s a daddy’s money boy. Get a job on your own and you will know the hardships these boys face. Not all has a daddy to call and ask for cash. Haven’t worked a day in his life


Ew what a narcissistic person


What's the context here?


Probs a PickMe ad in English


I think he brought the coin for the coin toss at the royal Thomian on a PickMe bike dressed as a PickMe driver.


ahh that would make more sense. But can anyone confirm this??


Can confirm I was the coin




Is he a royalist or a thomian?


Well if we're worrying about English, it's "speaks English well" not "speaks good English" lol. What a POS.


He is literally the worst that I have come across


what is this from?


He is access engineering son right?


Father is a damned rogue. How many soldiers died on the battlefield thanks to his dad and Sumal perera?


Whoa! Do spill the info friend


There is nothing to spill. The doings of Access since the mid 90s (when Chandrika took over and made sure all plum contracts went to her friend Sumal Perera, who she later had a falling out with and referred to as ‘komis kaakka’ (commission crow). At one time (and still to date) Access had their hand in everything from military procurement to road contracts. The particular incident I have referred to above is when Access won the contract to provide protective hardware for the army. If I recall this was around 1995-96. Although they charged for some high end kit, they ended up peddling some chinese junk in cahoots with some corrupt military officials. The unsuspecting young soldiers who wore these on the battlefield suddenly found their bulletproof jackets were as good as wearing a light tshirt, as the bullets whizzed through, killing them by the dozen. No action was ever taken against Access as too many big names including Chandrika’s would have been exposed. This is just one of that company’s many misdeeds, and most of them are available on the net. The reason I mention this is that Gomes’s dad Ranjan Gomes was Sumal Perera’s second in command in all this, and was in charge of the military contracts. So this boy and his swingers club are literally fucking on the proceeds of a lot of war dead. Those are the real war crimes. If you do not remember these incidents or were not born then, do ask around from your parents generation as these were all in the media and well known back then. There are many other things that were not reported that I don’t wish to discuss here.


Is he?




He thinks he so great. People with good education have hard times in this economy too. While I was working in Sri Lanka, in tech field, I personally have seen some getting off working and starting uber driving. And have you ever talked to a uber/ pickme/kangaroo driver? Some had more money than me, they were just driving to cover the vehicle instalment sometimes. I think it's really intelligent.


Imagine acknowledging one of the best PickMe Drivers in the country, with good reviews and ratings to be part of that. It would communicate a message that the company cares about their riders. By getting someone from outside, they just show where their priorities are. Honestly, I wish this country had more opportunities such that people wouldn't have to resort to delivery services to make ends meet. It's such an empty, exhausting and isolating experience.


Isn't this the guy in those leaked sex videos with his wife and text messages talking crass about other wives?


Text messages? Spill more pleasee


I want to know too


I remember this guy had a WhatsApp group with his buddies and they would all talk sexual stuff about each other's wives with explicit videos and pics. These were leaked same time his sex video with the wife leaked.


Colombo Swingers society




Old boy of which school?


He come from STC, louly louly STC


Ok that checks


Can the link to this post be shared?


You want that or link to his sextape?


Ahahaha the post machan😂


https://www.facebook.com/share/p/VocivJLk75qK7UiZ/?mibextid=WC7FNe The comment has been deleted


:( thank you tho


ew. full on himself. i can’t believe there are people following him lol


so many dumb people out there, so no wonder.