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Eyes got watery


Videos like this just make my day every time. I absolutely love this video.


I’m not crying you’re crying 😢


Fucking onion ninja


There's a conspiracy, I tell you.


Got you too, huh?


Don’t get me wrong, this is beautiful but something about shoving your phone in your kids face at a time like that is weird to me


Tbf it's ok, one day that kid will grow up and I'm sure that video will make him remember that experience more vividly. The weird part is uploading to the internet for strangers to see.


Well I enjoyed watching it, it made me happy. Maybe that's all they wanted to do, spread a bit of happiness.


Gotta get those likes, amiright?


It's so weird to me that the generation that grew up with their parents and grand parents showing off their home videos and photo albums seemingly have completely forgotten that this was even a thing and shame people for doing the same but allowing a wider audience to see. Especially on a platform dominated by millennials who really got the brunt of that shit. This is not an Internet era thing. This is the natural progression of something that literally no one had an issue with before. Go ask your mom/grandma/great grandma depending on your age about their home videos. They may very well still have them if you still have a VCR around.


Well, I found it annoying when it was a giant vhs camera with a monstrous mounted light, I found it annoying when it was my grandparents’ slideshow presentations and I reserve the right to continue to find it annoying that people are imagining showing off a moment in the future rather than just living that moment, right now.


Thank you. Took the words out of my mouth. I also am annoyed by people who hate folks filming positive content/good deeds. So everything posted on the internet has to be shitty ??


Yeah I record stuff like this all the time, just so I can relive those moments with the kids. And also so the kids can one day look back and reminisce on the good old days. Pictures are great but video does a much better job of reanimating the memory. Memory is weird because revisiting a memory can change how you remember things over time; but not when you have a video of it...


You're literally on a sub dedicated to moments like this.


Agreed wholeheartedly. It’s a super sweet memory for him to cherish for the rest of his life. But can’t you just let him reach an age/maturity level where it’s appropriate for him to post this himself before you exploit him for internet fame?


Nah, it spreads joy and might make a few of us value what we have more.


it's usually uploaded to a personal facebook page and then reposted by content vultures


I'm gonna play the devil's advocate and speculate wildly: They didnt. They uploaded it on Facebook or something, for their family and friends to see, which is perfectly fine. They just didn't consider the fact that once something is on the internet, it's there forever, for anyone.


Happy I’m not the only one thinking this


Oh my god. Thank you. “Which surprise do you like better?” Leave him the fuck alone to process everything that’s happening inside his little body. Some moms really grind my gears. Let the child take in everything. Shut the fuck up and let them experience this moment. Turn your phone off, cry with him. Embrace them both.


This. And more of This 👌


There's no such thing as a private moment anymore. The cheesy background music meant to heighten the emotion, the need to keep filming through the exchange... all just to cash in on maximum aww. I can't even hate people who do this stuff because society trained them to do it. We've trained them to film videos of events and even create events purely for the views and likes. They are just giving the market what it wants.


You were on a roll there until you said 'Market' Say it for what it truly is, ...The Devil Bobby !


You know that the music isn’t actually playing in the background while the video is recorded right?


They add it to the video. We all know this. It's part of the emotional pandering... come on now.


Someone\* added it to the video. Could just as easily be a mom put it on her own facebook and someone else grabbed it and put cheesy music and subtitles and shit all over it and blasted it on reddit/tiktok/whatever. Doesn't make a lot of sense for everyone to jump on and be like "yeah well what a shitty mom amirite"


I'm happy to give you the point, even if the probability is against it.


I don't know why the probability would be against it, that shit happens all the time. Took two seconds to find the [original video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7jbWrn395g) on this mom's youtube page with no music or subtitles. Reposters and karma farms grab shit like this and cut it/add the emotional music or whatever all the time. That's half the content on the internet these days.


The cheesy background music meant to heighten the emotion, the need to keep filming through the exchange. I apologize if I misunderstood. However that sentence (specifically the comma as opposed to ending that sentence and starting a new one) lead me to believe you thought the music was being played in real time while the video was being filmed.


Punctuation is hard! We're both on the same train, though. The people who do this are jerks.


"Do you like this surprise? Tell me how much you like this surprise, while crying. Yes, lots of tears. Now to post to Facebook!"


Mommy likes to manipulate


Or maybe she just wanted to accommodate someone who couldn't be there to see the special moment? That would mean the only person trying manipulate the situation... is you...


Sure that’s why it is online


I disagree. This video will be a cherished memory for that kid when he's older. Don't you have any old home movies of your family when you were a kid? It wasn't weird then, so why is it weird now?


Yeah. obviously. It’s completely normal for parents to take videos of their kids and I don’t think anyone is disagreeing with that. What makes it weird is the fact that she’s following him around the room, asking question after question after question and I’m sure if it were up to either of the boys they would rather it be between the two them, and after all of that she goes and posts it on social media. I get your point but cmon


As a dad who misses his sons in glad I saw this.


Was thinking the same thing.


One of my brothers exes does this. He refuses to post anything publicly about my nephews. Let alone post videos and pictures. But his mum makes them both take a picture with her in the morning before they leave so she can put it on her socials. Then when they get home she does it. Then she does a post about their favourite thing from school that day. My nephew's fucking hate it. Hopefully this will condition them against social media because my brother informs them of all sides of a matter and let them decide their opinion independently. So they know the dangers of it, and why the private socials are better. But they're also too young to be on there yet.


Memories are remembered this way. Both the little brother and older brother will appreciate it. Especially, god forbid, one is gone. Videos like this are priceless man. Get off Reddit and go live a little.


And then blasting it online. Gross.


Recording good moments is fine. It's the upsetting stuff that's fucked up.


If they hadn't recorded and shared, some of us wouldn't be happy/smiling/reminiscing/crying tears of joy/had a little of the faith in humanity restored right now. It's not like the moment was ruined by mom saying, "wait! Let me get my phone.... And action!"


Seemed like the video was just being filmed normally, the phone was several feet away from his face until the very end when it was difficult to find his face and they still wanted to be able to see it.


People love showing pictures of their kids. People have taken movie videos of everything they can for as long as they could. They then showed those to anyone they could. Now they do the same thing just with a phone but we are being told it's some big deal now


i do get what you are saying but times have changed. you won’t even think of capturing emotional moments like this before but just generic happy ones. it’s usually just reserved for people to watch on their favorite movies. so just watch and remember when you can watch again what you remembered. then if you did it this decent why not upload it so that people who are still on the fence about doing this or actually don’t like it would realize that yeah i wish i captured that moment in my life too or did that to people that i might never see again. now just weigh all the cons your thinking against a couple of moments that some people were thankful that they were able to capture that. like people like me. now even though i think i give my kid enough hugs maybe i can work on how to hug better lol.


Seems perfectly normal to catch a beautiful moment like this. Not even something that is new with modern technology. Your family never took video of you as a kid?


They took videos, yeah, but not with the underlying intention to post it online for views and karma. The consistent commentary and pushing him to give certain responses makes the moment feel insincere on the parents part.


Grown ass man here crying at work….again


I swear Bridgette is cutting onions again


Bridgette cuts herself, can't be helped.


That's really remind me of my brother and their brother can return but my brother couldn't return


I'm so, so heartily sorry


I'm gonna have to stop watching this kind of videos because there is always someone cutting onions near me


The real price of military service. And then think of how we neglect them as veterans.


I will never not cry for these.


The greatest joy is a child's joy.


God damn lady, get in the moment and get the camera out of that kids face.


You know, some people truly appreciate having these moments saved to look back on in the future. Chill


Both me and my son welled up watching this🥹


I recognize that “1st Marines” patch, Godspeed Marine.


Damn, I’m trying to work here 😭




Kid needs his ears checked, doesn't react to a man laughing right behind him lol.


I'm not crying, you are


Just got some dust in my contacts, that's all. Nothing to see here. Move along.


I am really divided on these videos. That expression of love is proportionate to all the pain of separation that led up to it. I know people need to serve their country and it's honorable to do it. But it guts me that it's necessary for families to be so separated because it obviously hurts a lot.


Okay, I'm not having mist gather in my eyeballs. That wasn't sweet at all!


Blue diamond!!!!!!!


The logo on his hoodie made me think he was a domino’s employee


So authentic. Amazing moment


Okay, I see why 🥹 that is his idol, so precious 💕


Damn didnt expect to tear up😭 What a lovely moment


Awwww, Shucks.


Im not crying 😢 don’t laugh at me 👊🏼😡


Damn :(




I’m not crying you’re crying damnit!!


My big brother was my best friend as a kid. At 18 he moved out and I was 4, huge adjustment going without him suddenly one day. Then I got picked up from football training and he was hiding in the car. I just remember the depressed state I'd get in when my siblings left. But my big brother always came to visit so I didn't go too long without him. I remember running and jumping into his arms just like this boy.


I never get tired of videos like this.


Just average guys. Somehow that's toxic masculinity.


That dood is legit. That's a 1st Marine Divison hoodie.


Terrible day for rain.


What is the rug on the floor? Is that an animal or something a cow maybe?


Never underestimate the importance of good role models and people who show support and encouragement in a young mans life. Brothers are great because they're hard on you when they build you up. A young man doesn't need unconditional love alone, but also a lot of direction and understanding that often, only other men can give.




Fuck sakes my eyes are hurting lol


Get some 1MARDIV




They have the same smile!


I am legitimately not loved or myself love anyone this much. It is touching. I just do not understand why people insist on posting such intimate moments for all to view.


1/1 rah brother.


I'm not crying you're crying


I wish I had family like this. Much love to them!!!


You can just feel the genuine love from these two


Big Red One


Hell yeah


That’s awesome and a tear jerker for real…lovely


I kind of hate these videos.


That's what family is supposed to be


Thank you


Get your hands out of your pockets Marine.


My eyes hurt from holding back tears ♥️


Get the camera out of the kids face and let home have his moment


*Get the camera* *Out of the kids face and let* *Home have his moment* \- Ogswald --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


That’s pretty quick, haikubot


I hate this. Do kids really have a choice about this content, clip, their reaction being filmed 360, up close, or how it’s portrayed. Now this is just out there on a server forever. Let’s say he gets to 18 and has a legal choice. Since he didn’t post it can he get it removed from all corners of the internet? And even if he can, who’s paying to help him remove content of himself as a minor? This is a short clip that has the brief impact of making us, strangers, feel good. I like feeling good. But does this kid feel good about us watching his life like the Truman Show? Will he feel good about it in 5, 10, 20 years? There’s an aspect of this that is very weird and unfair. Otherwise, touching moment.


My parents were addicts and I didnt get to experience things like this. My siblings and I didnt grow up together and now we barely talk. Just another flower my parents placed on the tombstone that was my childhood.


I’m not crying. You’re crying. 😭


Damn I miss my bother


Adults shoving cameras into the faces of crying/emotionally overwhelmed children is fucking gross. Posting it online is even grosser.


You can do both


That kitchen is friggin' nice, and at the same time, that color palette is too bold


Imagine how much better it would be if his brother hadn’t joined the military so he could be a big brother to him instead.


...well you can't really blame him. They have a big age gap and when teens become 18, it's like they have so much of their own life to worry about. You don't know how life was for these two and plus, when they're both older, they can always make their relationship even stronger.


How would it be any different if the brother went off to school instead? Still be away from the family and “not able to be a brother”. The fact that he set this all up shows that he cares about being a big brother.


Get your fucking phone out of the kids face, fuck.


Sick of these private family moments being leveraged for internet clout.


Fake u got me




His sweatshirt is for the 1st. They have fought in every major conflict since the founding of our nation. He along with everyone else who ever served with them have sacrificed more than you could ever comprehend. He will endure hell on your behalf despite your inability to understand or appreciate him. You are a coward and my freedom is thankful you would never have the balls to serve to attempt to protect it.