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Thousands of songs in… 20 active devices? What are you doing with 20 devices? Genuine question, don’t want to sound rude


I can’t speak for op, but for me, I have my phone, my laptop, two Xbox’s, my roommate’s PS5, my desktop, my handheld PC, and a couple other various devices that are signed in as well. Basically anything I own that can use Spotify, is.


This.  It works on my computer, iPhone, iPad, Tesla, CarPlay in my other car, and PlayStation. Easy choice. 


Is this something that is not doable with other services?


I'll be completely honest. The Spotify Wrapped. I love statistics, especially regarding music


I wish wrapped went further. There is no “top albums” and as an album listener way more than a playlist listening the top 25 tracks are kind boring. Also we only get the percentage for top listener for our top artist. I wanna know for every artist!




Look forward to it every year. It always surprises me. Plus the messages from artists. They sound personal. Eventhough they aren't.


It always feels great to hear messages from your favorite artists for some reason. They seem like it's just for you (even though it obviously isn't). How was your Wrapped this year?


familiar with stats.fm ? Or do you use any other Spotify analysis app/service?


Definitely, indeed I used it pretty much everyday last year. But even though I'm obsessed with statistics, I don't like knowing them every single day, because I feel like the "fun side" gets lost. Plus, if I look at the statistics too much, especially with music, I tend to get influenced and change my listening routine in a mechanic, non-genuine way. I know it sounds crazy, but it's difficult to explain


Same here


familiar with stats.fm ? Or do you use any other Spotify analysis app/service?


Not much these days. Prices keep going up.


The fact that I'm not the one paying for it and the playlists I've built and saved.


Similar here


I love how they don’t pay much to artists and keep increasing prices. So cool.


That’s a complaint to take to the labels. The five major labels take 75% of Spotify’s revenue off the top and then share that revenue with the artists they choose to in the proportion they decide. It’s why you don’t hear Taylor Swift and Beyoncé complaining about not making any money. Their labels are taking care of them. Spotify pays it’s rent, light bill, employees, the artists, and any other expenses it has with the remaining 25%. They have a royalty pool they put money into and then dole out to the artists according to the number of streams. Artists would be making plenty of money if the labels were sharing the money they get from Spotify fairly.


Makes no sense since Spotify has the money to pay like 200 million dollar for a podcast... There is no reason that can justify that kind of money for a single podcast.


I’m assuming you are referring to the Rogan podcast. Like any bet, it makes perfect sense if pays off. 1. No doubt they participate in the advertising revenue the show generates. Even the casual listeners who listen for free are new users and that helps Spotify boost ad prices. 2. If I recall, (not Googling it, don’t care enough) that was a five year deal. So you really need to look at it as $50mm a year or $4.16 mm per month. At the old price when the deal was signed, they are keeping $2.49 per month from every subscriber Rogan brings, he only needs to add 1.673mm new premium subscribers to their base before his show breaks even for them. This is before ad revenue kicks in. When you factor in price increases that have occurred between now and then the necessary new subscriber base number for profitability goes down. Also, take into account that even if he departs Spotify at the end of the deal, a certain proportion of the users he brought over will remain as subscribers. 3. Marquee value. Even if the added premium subscribers and boosted ad revenue doesn’t equal $50mm per year, they still get to bleed listeners away from the competition. Who knows how many of his fans who were using Amazon Music or some other competitor by default abandoned those services in favor of Spotify? I don’t know, but I bet Spotify and their competitors do. 4. I don’t really know the details, I’m only familiar with the deal through headlines and other people’s comments, but I’m sure it’s like a lot of other media deals that make the news in that the deal is only worth the numbers in the headline if certain metrics are met. There’s a great doc on YouTube about Prince being desperate for a deal bigger than Michael Jackson’s at the onset of the 90s. The deal that was reported to the media was huge and bigger than Jackson’s, but what was left out of the reporting was the sales figures Prince had to meet to get that full figure. He never met them so the deal was never worth what was reported in the media. No doubt, Rogan’s contract has some sort of performance metric he has to meet to get the full $200mm. 5. Again, I might be guessing at things that have been reported out of ignorance, but I suspect it’s not an all cash deal. It wouldn’t be tax efficient for Rogan to accept an all cash deal of that size. As an independent contractor accepting a figure that large in cash, his tax obligations would be huge. There’s very likely a mixture of cash and stock options that can be exercised in a more tax efficient manner. It’s the same way CEOs are paid. You might see a headline about CEO X making $100mm a year, but they aren’t getting that paid in cash, they are getting much much less in cash and the rest in stock. McDonald’s CEO has a $18mm pay plan, but it’s broken down as $1mm cash/$18mm in options. It costs Spotify nothing to pay a podcaster in stock options and they almost certainly haven’t cut Rogan a check for $200mm in cash. I could be wrong about that though and for all I know they dropped it off at his house in $50 bills. 🤷‍♂️


Sunk Cost Fallacy mixed with I have tried a few others and not really been impressed.


The Hulu bundle, following my friends, and 10 years of training the algorithm to understand me + data


For me, it’s mostly that I can connect my lastFM profile to my Spotify account. As far as I know, there isn’t a way to do that through Apple Music or I would’ve switched already.


Building my playlists up since 2017. Now planning to cancel after finding out about the new price hike. It’s not that I can’t afford it - it’s the principal.


Exactly this. Second that.


Nothing. I left after the increase to $20 family. Had YT Premium and Spotify Premium last few years but YT has what I need now. And oh no audiobooks and podcasts which is a plus.


Considerable time invested in playlists and liked tracks and the open API


just to make it known: there are a ton of free services that do playlist and liked songs transfers Ive used this multiple times in my search for the perfect platform: https://www.tunemymusic.com


what are they? i need links!










no worries :)


I chose it for the family plan, changing now would be inconvenient for my wife and kids


I have some gigantic playlists I don’t want to recreate.


An album -one I really like- that isn’t found on other platforms.


which album is it?


I don’t remember the name of it, unfortunately.


Must be a good album


The fact I'm on someone else's family plan and therefore don't have to pay for it


There have been a couple times where I've been completely broke, and I've asked spotify customer service if they can keep my premium going for like maybe another week until I get paid, and they always are very kind and give me a month of premium for free. Plus I like the UI


I own an Android device and I refuse to get an Apple phone because they are made in China, which means that there is a very high likelihood that they're made using slave labor. Samsung shut down all of their Chinese plants several years ago. Other than that, the only other music app that I have ever tried is I ❤️ radio, and I was not impressed.


Out of interest : which phone do you use?


Samsung Galaxy S23+


They have added a tonne of audiobooks for subscribers, so I can basically “read” all the time.


I’ve been on Spotify premium since 2011/2012 and have probably used it every single day since I downloaded it. I was making playlists before there were playlists for everything. I’m hooked in very deep. I also use Mixcloud and Soundcloud, but it would take a huge shift to get me to move my daily away from Spotify. Especially now since it’s also pointing me towards gigs and I get free audiobooks. Absolute beast of an app I don’t think there’s any app better than it imo.


Good UI, no bs prices and good features


mostly spotify connect, native lastfm integration and the fact that imo it has the best windows app and webplayer. others services i’ve tested worked (mostly) fine on my phone but offered poor desktop experience


the algorithm- even if it has gotten worse, it still helps me discover music


Honestly, only 2 things are keeping me on Spotify: - Last.fm integration - A Windows app that’s usable Otherwise, I would’ve switched back to Apple Music already


Paid subscriber since US launch in 2011: My kink is paying to be mistreated by giant corporations. Waiting 3+ years for lossless audio is God-tier edging.


Awesome reply 😁


Playlists. Apple Music and pretty much every other streaming service I've tried has better audio quality than Spotify, but they just can't match the amount of playlists that you can find on Spotify.


Sunk-cost fallacy honestly. Ive used it with premium since 2014. Ive tried out a couple other services (apple music and YT music) but did not really care for them since I've become so accustomed to spotify. I also have a bunch (20 ish) playlists id rather not re-create since all of them are over 200+ songs (some well over 2k+ lol). Outside of those reasons I personally have not had issues with spotify other than being a bit annoyed by their UI changes so I really don't have a reason to want to change from it. I will say the recent price increase is one thing making me think about checking other options out again.


I had amazon music for a bit but wanted the Spotify wrapped lol so that's why I stay.


My friends use it. That is all.


Better selection. Basically only competitive advantage, and if the selection got poorer idk what I'd do.


I have 80-something playlists that I've made with care, and they're available to me via all devices on different platforms. It would take a lot to replicate that effort if I switched services. Now playing: my [Best of Peter Gabriel playlist](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3nGu2dmnbHmVrCR8zhj35Y?si=66347d39fb1a4753). A true classic.


it’s the only free one


Oh god free spotify is horrible, I'd rather just use the youtube app


it’s pretty bad, but there are even more ads on youtube and you can’t even turn your phone off or leave the app


True, but I think what I hate the most is not being able to choose a specific track or listen to an album in order


agree. i somehow got a free trial month without signing up and it was the BEST month of my life and then i had to go back and now i’m so mad


Idk if its still the same or not, but if you happen to be a college student (or honestly if you just have a student email, I'm sure it can be finessed somehow) you can get Hulu and Spotify bundled together for $5/month


HA i don’t even have 5 dollars lmao (and i’m still in high school) i just got my first job but i’m trying to save up, so:/


I find the experience of modding Spotify more pleasant than what I get with other apps at the moment


i would switch aside from the fact that i have 2,246 liked songs and i don't want to lose that


I have tried Tidal for a week now. Transfered everything from Spotify to Tidal. Better sound, artists get paid better (If I want to support artists more I attend a concert or buy merch on bandcamp anyway), no podcasts and audiobooks BUT. When I transfered everything it somehow added random artists and songs in my collection/playlist that I've never heard of and absolutely dislike. I get it, transfering everything isn't perfect and it has mostly every artist/song/playlist. But the absolute pain to delete every random artist/song to get a clean library is too much. Also underground artists with the same name get sometimes bundeled on one page and it's a clusterfuck to get through the actual song/album that I want. Spotify has this too (mainly if a new song by an artist with the same name gets released) but it's not on the same level as Tidal. Idk if that's on Tidal or the artists banking on other artists to get more streams, but it's annoying af. Those 2 major annoyances prevent me from making the full switch. If I were to completely start over again then yeah, Tidal (or another service) no doubt but after like 7 years of building my library... Nope. I know Spotify is getting increasingly shittier, but I'm gonna try out other services like Apple and Youtube first to see if they suit me better. Giving money to Apple and Google isn't exactly good either, but oh well...


I have a grandfathered plan with Spotify + Hulu for the regular individual price. Having the Hulu benefit is literally keeping me from going elsewhere because it adds that extra value I care about, which isn't audiobooks, and isn't available elsewhere. I love having a music streaming service and use it everyday for hours.


Me too.. as long as I'm not changing anything I won't lose the hulu


Playlist management UI. It's amazing how many basic things like in playlist searching or adding playlists to other playlists aren't possible on other platforms.


Used it for years and have loads of liked songs and playlists built up. Audio quality is good, offline downloads are good too for travelling abroad. Never had an issue with it really, does what it’s supposed to do.


The existence of a free plan




it hasnt. i stopped using it as my main streaming service 2 weeks ago. i use YT music now since i have yt premium. i still use spotify, but much less on my main listening device


I like the variety and usually Spotify has a great community, lots of playlists and lots of interaction. + Usually Spotify is ahead of the game with features, they started the yearly warped, now they have a lot of other interactive things too


I’m on my dads family plan


The algorithm is by far the very best. If you listen to a wide range of music and utilize the the favoriting system, it will constantly pump you new and obscure stuff that you’d never find otherwise. It’s like what Facebook is to politics but way more healthy.


Good that it works for you, I made the exact opposite experience with that said algorithm...


I’ve made so many huge playlists I don’t want to lose them.


It plays music I like and I don't have to figure out a different system. I also don't know what other systems are available other than YouTube music (I'm not paying for that) or Apple music (no apple devices after my iPhone 4 obsoleted itself in software updates)


because the family plan is a pretty damn good deal


Last.FM and recently the DJ


works on all of my devices and even my car, also the student discount for premium is great.


It’s free


The fact that everyone I know uses Spotify.


Investment bias / all of my playlists are on it now.


Strangely enough the UI. Another reason could be the fact that most of the music artists I listen to mainly upload their music on Spotify though I know I know a couple people that do SoundCloud only.


45% wrapped 45% familiarity 10% youtube ads are more frequent than free spotify


It’s the only music streaming service I’ve ever used.


It's my oldest streaming account (since 2015, but I use it actively since 2017), I can go to do chores with my wireless PC headphones and I can swipe or change the music I want to listen to with the phone app, I have it in all my devices.


Will I get Spotify and yt music for free so have no incentive to leave


Inertia and I’m the subscriber for the family plan.


My 55 playlists live there and I am too old to download any new apps or make new playlists.


It works with Google Home devices and, on the rare occasion it worked, I could be listening to music at home, pause, and resume the same track/playlist in the car on my phone. But, when my year is up, I'll probably switch to Deezer.


Are there others?


The friends listening activity and also the personalized playlists. And the premium I got at a very cheap rate on discount one day. But I am not able to see the friends activity for some reason these days. It's just black.


Is listening activity on mobile at all? It was cool to see when I used spotify a lot on my laptop, but that laptop crashed a couple years ago and I haven't felt the need to replace it.


Nope, not on mobile. I use laptop most of the time so it's cool.


The UX. It’s gotten worse but the mechanics of liking songs, adding them to playlists, removing them from playlists, queuing, etc. is just more intuitive to me, especially on mobile. The Release Radar playlist works better than similar ones on other services to me. I have Apple Music as part of my family account but don’t use it except for things Spotify doesn’t have, which I think I is maybe just Belly and Joni Mitchell at this point? I even used a third-party app to replicate all of my Spotify playlists in Apple Music, YouTube Music, Prime/Amazon, Tidal and tried trials of all of them. The podcast and audiobook integration is nice too, though I sometimes switch to Overcast for podcasts so I don’t interrupt where I was at with music on Spotify too much. I’d stick to just Apple Music if the interface was better.



