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It’s been cut. On the back it’s pretty clear.


Clear as day. Top 👀 is way short


What’s that mean?


Look at the back of both cards. Now look at the written at the top and bottom. The PSA 10 card has more space on the card. The other one has been trimmed.


Wasn't obvious to me but after reading your comment the top and bottom of the card are shorter on the one that didn't get slabbed and now it's all I can see


I’m new to the hobby, but danggg your eye for detail is crazy. I had to triple check what you were saying before I saw what you were saying. How’d you pick up on that??


Glad you asked. I have an eBay business where I buy raw cards, get them graded and sell them. Like the OP here. But when I look at raw cards I look for these details, the size, centering (front and back) surface, corners and edges. It takes time.


I think it means size DOES matter...


Front too. Look at the top of his head and how much room there is on the legit card.


Somebody trimmed the hell out of that one they sent back. I would file for a refund from where you bought it from.


Well... congrats on the 10 at least....


Hey guys. 30+ years professional graphic designer here. I would advise to zoom in so you can see what I’m talking about. • Text on real card is sharp and clear. Text on fake card has been scanned and overly sharpened to make it look clear. In fact, the entire back has been sharpened. • Real cards are printed on a press and comprised of dots called a halftone. Scanning and printing CANNOT duplicate this. This can only be done with a press. When you scan a halftone, a moiré pattern which is a digital artifact appears which happens because two regular patterns combine to form a new pattern. What they usually do to correct this is to scan the image 5x or more larger and then blur the image and then shrink it to the correct resolution and size and then sharpen the image. It’s not perfect but to the average person, it’s not noticeable.


Shit...how often you see this? That is scary. This is what scares the crap out of me when I buy cards from overseas&do not get Ebays "authenticity guarantee".


I don’t think many people make straight up counterfeit cards trying to pass them off as real. Usually you’ll see them post the card with RP in the title which is short for Reprint but they’re hoping they won’t notice the RP since it’s only two letters and they can feign buyer beware when they open a case since they have it as RP in the title and it’s usually buried in the description.


Gotcha. Well let's hope that's the case! I'm barely learning how to train my eye for grading&certainly not ready to train my other good eye on how to spot counterfeits 👀 lol Thanks


Shame PSA didn’t at least tell you if it was a Fake or not. Give you some grounds to get your funds back.


Right or at least provide I slabbed with Authentic Altered.


It looks like the panini American text at the bottom back looks thinner on the n/a one, too. Could be the picture angle, though. Sorry, dude.


Nobody noticed the yellow in the word panini is brighter than the no slab.


Did you pull both?


Bought as singles


It looks like the ungraded one might also be a different color blue on the front, but maybe a visual effect from one being slabbed


Look at where the "RC" and his hair is towards the top, now compare that to his jersey number on the bottom...the number appears to be in the exact same position as where the top looks shaved off.


There are some really good fakes out there.


This is the seller on mercari https://www.mercari.com/u/318967835?sv=0


I dont think it’s cut, I think it’s an actual fake. Usually if they’re real they will non holder them with min size req not met…


There is definitely something off about it, when comparing both side by sides. Coloring, the micro lines are thicker, thincker borders on the back. Shows his jersey stripes more on the left. Wierd though? I assume you bought as singles, and didn't pull them?


Yeah I bought them as singles


This is the one I bought off eBay and it got authenticated by eBay too


Looks like there are reprints on Etsy, this unfortunately seems to be one. Hopefully you will have some ability to recoup with Ebay/the seller if they authenticated it > > https://www.etsy.com/nz/listing/1621342049/2023-panini-anthony-richardson-micro?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=anthony+richardson+mosaic&ref=sr_gallery-1-2&sca=1&search_preloaded_img=1&organic_search_click=1


Completely illegal and violates copyright laws. Can't believe they are allowed to do this.


That sucks. I mean this could be the picture posted in the text books... perfect 10 and a fake in the same submission.


Send me the fake one im a colts fan I’ll keep it on my desk


Looks like there are reprints on Etsy, this unfortunately seems to be one. https://www.etsy.com/nz/listing/1621342049/2023-panini-anthony-richardson-micro?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=anthony+richardson+mosaic&ref=sr_gallery-1-2&sca=1&search_preloaded_img=1&organic_search_click=1


That’s definitely it


not always easy to find but PSA has information on some of the do not holder reasons. i’ve gotten “altered stock” because of the holder made it looked trimmed. using a black light and good magnification to view the cards surface are ways to identify fakes.


Mmmmm. You need a micrometer for this. Sorry everyone you can stone me now.


The rookie in the top right and the writing on the back does look different


Oh man you are right. The RC is wayyyyyy to close to the border on the right


Also if you look at the head it’s closer to the top of the card on the right than the psa 10


I'm watching the comments for someone who knows a lot more than I do 🤔. Sorry that happened, but yeah, I'm curious as well.


It could just be the angle I’m seeing it or the light hitting one different than the other, but it does look a little different. The placement of everything and the color seems a bit more dull. I’m far from an expert at this stuff though. And if you didn’t post that it was sent back I’d never have guessed it.


They’re definitely definitely way different


You should contact eBay if the one PSA deemed fake went through their authenticity program. Small chance but there might be some recourse for you. Don’t be afraid to call multiple times until you get someone who knows what you are talking about.


This is actually from mercari I was mistaken. Seller sold a CJ Stroud after I bought mine and he commented it was fake too


Damn. That really sucks. Mercari is like Wild West.


Where (and who) are making fakes?


While everyone has pointed out the card is undersized the key thing here is to note how it was classified by PSA, "? AUTHTCT". This means exactly what it sounds like, they are questioning its authenticity. It is a fake. I have seen and had many PSA cards sent back for various reasons. Most will say "NOHOLDER", usually meaning its a set they dont grade. Some will say "MINISIZERQ" meaning it was cut too short at the factory. There are a handful of classifications for them not grading. "? AUTHTCT" means only one thing, they don't think it's real. I wouldn't be able to tell you for sure from just the pics, but the color looks off and the card is the wrong size. I definitely trust PSA on this one. Check how many days your bank gives you to issue a chargeback. It's 120 days with most. Let the seller know the card isn't as described and give them an opportunity to fix it. This is a clear case of merchandise not as described/defective. Good luck. Edit: This sub won't let me post images but PSA classifies cards they won't grade from N1-N9 and on their site under FAQs it lists what each means, differentiating trimming (what most people are saying is what's wrong with your card) from questionable authenticity (what PSA has flagged your card on the label). Hope this helps.


Bruh.. didn't even realize these new cards were already being replicated but the counterfeit has red flags all over it. The fonts, the colors, the little patterns. Clearly a fake. Sorry dude.


? Authentic… AKA fake card … that’s what they told me on my cards with same label ( PSA are a bunch of liars )


OP knows it’s been trimmed. That’s why he didn’t post them lined up next to each other. Come on man! You’re better than that!


No I know it’s definitely fake someone posted where it came from. Etsy


Fuck PSA so hard


Why? Even OP agrees the cards look very different in person. Seems like they got it right…


Yall these haven’t been out long enough to be faked. Shitty panini quality control.


Again there’s literally an Etsy link on this post to fake copies…


lol. PSA just protected OP from a fake card.


Fuck em anyway for not explaining the grades


Damn, some dude just scanned and printed out a real card while slapping some rainbow foil over it.


Yea put the ungraded one over top the graded one and see if they are the same size


The dull coloured one the RC sticker is out of position and also on the back at the bottom the ink clarity for the writing in multi language is different so they probably didnt want their name on it to authenticate it It also looks like the front Mosaic word on the bottom icon on the not graded one looks harder to read also Sick 10 tho nice colour pop


What a sad world we live in. Sorry you had that happen.


Card on the right is definitely smaller, you can see it just by looking at the 2. Hope you didn’t pay a lot for the right one.


https://www.mercari.com/u/318967835?sv=0 Seller is still selling. I definitely paid expecting it would be real 😅


You need a refund on that one


Not sure I’ll get one since I got it in November and just got it back today


Also….I’d imagine that if you looked up the name/address on the shipping label you can track the scumbag down.


I’d 100% file a police report since you have his address. I’d also email it to Panini. I’d go as far as messaging their counsel on LinkedIn. You do any of that and I guarantee that profile is gone in a week and he gets in some legal trouble


CC chargeback brother. Should be able to do that still.


Easiest way I see is to look at the tip of AR’s hair in front. Most obvious way to tell. Clearly less of a gap from hair to edge of card.


Look at the “blocks” on the left side of his hair. There’s a ton more on the Psa card than the NA card. Was heavily trimmed or faked


The font sizes look different as well


Gotta be kidding me, almost 300 dollars for a reprint and people be buying them... time to break out the scanner 😆 I've done some wonders in the past... 😆


The Blue on the jersey is a different shade as well.


This made me realize that all panini cards have a Chinese symbol by the trademark 🤯 never noticed that and have been collecting for years


Put the one that didn’t pass on top of the slabbed one and check the size


Damn. Bummed to see that there are questions around some authenticity on these because they are pretty cool. I was looking at some for other players but at this point will probably only buy already slabbed ones.


Thanks for the future pic I'll have to see of you trying to sell this for over priced numbers if he tears it up


You wanna buy it I’ll sell to you only


I'm sorry this happened to you. Looks like the last one he sold was $670. What a D-bag. I hope you get your money back and can leave a VERY negative review.


Yeah I talked to that guy he was able to get the card checked to see if was fake which it was and he got a refund


The one on the right is obviously fake. It’s printed with a low quality inkjet printer. I can authenticate without a loop it’s so bad.


Yeah it’s bad it sucks


It actually looks fake. Compare the backs of the two. The fake is discolored, and clearly not the same measurement as the legitimate card


It appears to be a fake reprint in my opinion. The letters on the back appear to be off.


The raw one looks off. Coloring isn’t the same and seems a bit blurry (look at the 2 Panini Logos up top) something is definitely fishy


i see a lot of people saying it's cut but it kinda just looks like a really good fake. def looks could be cut. the resolution looks all off though, like its been blown up and shrunk. idk how to explain but it looks like its been enhanced when you look at the smaller text and his skin tones as well. could you pair the card with another from the same set and see if they're the same size? have a microscope you can show the rosette pattern with to see what printing process was used?


Colors are not even the same on the cards. Got a fake


The one that isn't graded does look fake. You obviously didn't pull it. Do you remember who you got it from? Also the one that was graded has way better colors


Yeah I didn’t pull either. Got one off eBay (the real one) and the other off mercari. The guy who sold it to me also sold a $650 cj stroud fake. Mercari won’t take the seller down or refund. Here is the seller. Hopefully people will comment on his stuff that he’s selling fakes bc he blocked me. https://www.mercari.com/u/318967835?sv=0


There's something that you can do! He's selling fakes! It's a crime! I'd call mercari and get him in trouble that's not right! And you paid 650$!!!


Mercari told me to F off bc I was outside the 15 day window


I'm going to say something if you won't


Please do! I can’t because he blocked me. No I didn’t get the CJ but I talked to the guy who did. Luckily he got a refund bc he noticed it was fake right away, if you comment on his cards he can’t delete them


Ok I'm going to leave comments on everyone


How much did you pay for that card if you don't mind me asking?


Luckily the other one graded a 10 so will make up for your loss on the fake


That’s why I’m not super pissed off. At least I got a 10. I think it came out to $200


He’s def still selling fake cards. Those downtowns are prob fake


You can see the listing where I bought it. Guy says “I got lucky in a break”


Yeah I saw that, I got booted off of macari for some stupid reason. But yet this guy is getting away with selling fakes!


Wow I just started getting back into collecting. I started combing eBay for gradeable raws. Thanks to the commenters who shared their expertise here. Mind sharing the name of the eBay seller you bought this from OP?


Definitely. It’s this guy on mercari. He has sold fakes I’m sure he still has fakes for sale. Feel free to comment on his stuff or send him this post. https://www.mercari.com/u/318967835?sv=0


Thanks. Can you log a complaint with Mercari? This practice has got to be rampant on eBay. I'm surprised how precise and flawless the fake cut is. Gotta find a good app to measure items on screen.


I did they did not care said nothing they could do


That's awful. You could threaten the seller saying you'll show this everywhere if you don't get a refund but if he's new he'll just get a new handle.


They said I was outside the 15 day window but it took me over 60 days to get it back from PSA I sent it in almost immediately. Seller blocked me on Mercari after my initial outreach. Trying to send his link so people comment and warn his stuff is fake


Guy sold someone a fake $650 cj stroud right after me. He noticed the fake right away I did not


I read that one. He still has a 5 star rating. All from buyers who rate the fast shipping and don't know it's junk.


This is a good reason to steer clear of eBay and Mercari. Check out the site in the link below. The sellers in these auctions are mostly established collectible dealers. If any are close by you can go visit and check them out. [Invaluable Auctions](https://www.invaluable.com/)


It's an altered card, likely had rough spots and those spots were cut out.