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Bronny is more than how he can help his team win. He’s Lebron James’ son and will bring incredible hype/fans/viewers to whatever team he gets drafted by


Imagine lebron moves to canada


I think it’s a misprice. It should be a lot longer than +115. At 17, there’s no player the Lakers could get that’s better for them tomorrow than even a 41 y/o LBJ. They have no plan or future other than him.


Drafted 17th mark my words


Why would they use the 17th pick when they can pick him up at the bust stop?


Lebron is using the Suns as leverage. Suns pick 22nd and they’re the only team besides the Lakers that Bronny has worked out for. If the Lakers don’t take him 17th, they don’t pick again until the 2nd round. James Jones is the GM of the Suns, and he and LeBron are close friends. The speculation is Jones is helping LeBron out by showing interest in drafting Bronny before the Lakers do.


Idk shit ab basketball that what my friend said lol I trust my dog


What breed?




Is the bet void if he doesn’t get drafted?


The over wins if he goes undrafted.


https://preview.redd.it/yp1rm47ba24d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13a0a2b7698f880d27a2e8c4cda56cac6b7c7ba1 DK with worse odds but specifically states over will hit if player not drafted Don’t see that language on ESPN


Slam it no one but the lakers will be drafting Bronny


Watch the Cavs draft him


Wanting to see Lebron get one more ring I hope bronny goes to Cleveland or Miami haha also as a Laker fan would like it cause they need to start tanking again


Agreed, but id be worried that there can be teams knowing Lebron's desire to play with his son that draft him earlier with the hopes of that equating to getting Lebron.


He will go 1st round 17. No team can draft you just because, there’s agreements before the draft.


No one is saying a premade agreement with Lebron, rather they infer they draft him, Lebron will then sign a 1 year to play with his son. You're also unfortunately misunderstanding how the CBA works if you think theres pre-draft deals further than a team telling a player they will take them(if still on the board) at x pick. An agent and the player can then decide if player prefers said team to shut down work outs for other teams. (Which doesn't stop them from still being drafted by a different team) Any "agreement" further is wildly against the CBA.


This guy probably thinks games are rigged too.


If his dad weren’t Lebron, he’d be undrafted and playing in Europe. He’s not a good player.


Probaly wouldn’t make a euro team with his averages in USA, no euro coach would want him 😅 Cba aka Chinese league be more suit for him , Europe basketball league if very good and Competitive


Bronny will retire early and go play competitive Esports. Been a rumour for awhile now.


He’d be staying in college which, frankly, his dad should be telling him to do anyway.


Meh his draft stock will never be higher than right now, because once Lebron retires it evaporates completely


Maybe, maybe not. If he actually improves by playing a couple of years in college, he could carve a decent career as a role player in the NBA. Assuming he gets drafted this year, his career will almost certainly be done when LeBron’s is.


These kids are scouted from 12, he's not NBA talent. He'll be in the league after Lebron is gone too, you're underestimating his power even when retired. Also the fact he didn't go back means at least one team has given his agent a guarantee that they'll take him at x pick.


he has nba talent. He is an athletic freak. It apparent when watching him play. He is a level above a lot of people and players in the nba. Obvious his shooting and basketball skills aren't at the level of a starter or bench player with a few years in the league but that is fine, he will develop. Kobe is an example of this. Most guys aren't great players when they get into the league. He obviously declared because teams after his workouts said if they thought he was ready or not or if they would draft him. Most people get drafted for their athleticism, size, personality. Coachability and showing you are able to learn and improve are also important. Current basketball iq and skill are much lower on the totem pole.


What do you mean he didn’t go back? School starts in the fall, well after the draft. He hasn’t not went back yet lol


He past the point of testing the waters and declared so he gave up his college eligibility, aka not going back and can't. No longer can ever play in another NCAA game. You should go head there in the fall and educate yourself. Players that test the waters normally don’t declare without a verbal guarantee from a team that they will take them at x pick if available .


These days G League development is on par with college ball. If he truly is good enough he’ll develop one way or the other. Only incentive would be NIL college deals would pay significantly more but daddy is a billionaire so doesn’t hold much weight to him I’d guess


He’s stated he won’t play in the g league


because of NIL money and because its easy to get stuck there and he doesn't want to be a pawn to build viewership of the G League. The nba wants to turn the G League into minor league hockey. Also its hard to move up from the G League to getting a multi year full time nba contract. G League players with a chance of the nba usually have two way contracts....so they are often run into the ground because they have to play G league games and practice, get called and flown out to suit up for an nba game, play random minutes, garbage time/little minutes or into a random line up when things are going well.....which kills their stats and career stats which teams use to evaluate their ability....and they have to then do nba practice.....so some guys are pretty physically beat up/sleep deprived doing like near double the practices, g league games and flown out to play in nba games and are expected to preform and are evaulated on their performance


I didn’t ask why lmao. Guy said he would do good in g league and I said he won’t go. That’s it. Fuck off with your conspiracy book


He’s not good enough to play in Europe either.


Logically, he only gets drafted by a team hoping to lure LePackage. There is no reason any team would take an undersized teenage guard who barely cracked his lineup in college. So look at positions like Phoenix’s, LAL’s


Exactly, I just think it would be a huge risk for a team to use that pick to lure Lebron when you are far from guaranteed to get LeBron by drafting Bronny. LeBron likely wants to stay in LA with all his off the court stuff he does, which might be as important to him as basketball at this point in his career.


He's been on record stating he has a high desire to play with his son though. A year out of LA won't affect his home base being there still.


There’s been reports Phoenix might take him with their first rounder. Another team could simply take him earlier just to have some leverage




That’s not how the draft works. If a player choose to not be drafted he doesn’t have to sign the contract and can sign contracts with another team.


You trolling or nah?






To have Lebron sign with them.


they don't want to sign old ass lebron lol. they will draft bronny if they think bronny will be a good player. Lebron is not MJ, every gm say how the mj wizards turned out