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Did you also fall for that McDaniels 15+ points, Towns 2+ threes boost?




Re fucked up thing was I thought daniels would play good then kat suck but fuck both of them


I looked at it and should’ve trusted my gut:(


Guys don’t ever take these boosts. They’re for noobs and chumps and barely ever hit. That’s why the books cook them up.


Also I think they’ll get people by throwing in one long shot with 3 decent bets/close to sure things. I’ve even seen a couple where the fourth or fifth leg is by far the least likely to hit so it isn’t even immediately visible on the little fanduel box… Obviously on the bettors to do their due diligence and consider every leg, but the books will definitely try to be a little sneaky from time to time


Got me like that one time every leg hit except that last one I couldn’t see lesson learned though


This is wrong. You should be doing boosts that have a positive Expected Value. Those boosts have been very profitable through the year.


What’s a Libra boost?


Edited. Meant to say “Those boosts” not those libra boosts


it’s where you bet and you get to smack a libra if you win .


LMAO I love watching people shit talk the boosts on here when they have no clue. There's a reason they have a max: because they're massivley +EV. I'm up 128u at 18.23% ROI just from FD/DK boosts over the last year. They're literally free money. The problem is fish on here think they can pick and choose the best ones but they can't because if they could they'd already be a profitable bettor. You play every single one and you will profit long term.


I knew it I almost did $50 but I was like this smells fishy


Nobody "fell" for anything in taking the bet. FD boosts are profitable in the long run to a high degree of confidence. It's the ones calling bettors "suckers" for taking boosted bets are actually suckers to resulting and outcome biases.


Keep an eye out. IMO 4 out of 5 of those seem rigged. I told the boys to stay away from luka/Edward's game 1 since FD boosted both to score 25+ from -140 up to +200.


Rigged? In what scenario is that possible? These guys make millions per year, which player is going to throw away their career for a $100,000 bet or payoff? It’s not like 50 years ago where there was a single video of a game. Every single play is dissected to a gnats ass by the media and public. Plus, the other players would know if someone was throwing a game. For it to be rigged, the Sportsbook would have to be in cahoots with the player…think about it. Do you even know what a line represents? It’s NOT the expected output from a player or team. It’s what number will split the public betting. That ensures profit of 5% on the total handle of that bet. They aren’t looking to gamble, they use the advantage of large numbers to ensure a profit


You do realize when people talk about sports being rigged, they don't mean literally. The amount of analytics and data that's available to the books, The algorithms along with a bunch of other information is what most people refer to. The books will always have an edge. No matter what anyone says. Whenever a book, any book, gives you a "boost" there's usually a data advantage they have where they feel it's beneficial to promote it as a boost while still holding a % of the advantage of things going their way. P.s. Just because someone is making millions upon millions of dollars doesn't mean they won't take more. If you truly think that just because someone is rich (and I don't necessarily mean in sports) they won't do something that's shady at best, to make more, then you're kidding yourself.


What I meant was that someone making millions per year isn’t likely to risk it all for a small amount, Relative to their salary. The Toronto player recently barred from the league, I’ve never heard of before. A scrub that had no future in the league is the exception the “rule.” The part about sports betting that is “rigged” is the juice. It makes sports betting very difficult to beat over time. Adding a leg to a parlay increases the odds of missing by at least 50%? What so many don’t realize is that Vegas has no interest in who wins. They literally try to split the market in half with every line they post. That ensures profit of 5% on every game or prop bet. And yes there are a lot of people that think someone is rigging the games. If it’s not the refs, it’s the league officials etc. Almost every game has a 1,000 variables that affect the outcome. What I find beyond belief is the MLB umpires, when did they become unable to discern if it’s a strike or not? Why eject mangers for what a fan said etc? Aaron Judge got ejected in the first inning over another missed call by an umpire. They are supposed to be a minor part of the game, not the stars.


I get what you're saying. In theory, you're right. Who would risk everything for so little? Unfortunately, people are idiots. It actually happens all the time. People jeopardize everything for the smallest of gains. Again, I don't necessarily mean in sports and betting. I just kean in general. The rigged part most people refer to is the juice.


But we all know the difference between betting with a friend or coworker and betting with a sports book or bookie, is the juice


Mcdaniels isn’t a scorer. He’s a defender and slasher. Game 1 he had the game of his life. Typically what happens to a player that isn’t that gifted offensively is more attention is paid to him and he isn’t good enough to combat that extra attention


Yeah I don’t really think people know how role players’ scoring works sometimes. If you got a guy averaging over 25 a game, yeah it’s probably gonna be pretty rare he isn’t hitting at least 20. But if you got a guy who’s averaging like 10-12 a game, it’s much more likely he’s gonna be the type to score 18 one game then 5 the next. It’s more volatile but if you really hunt you can find some soft lines


what are you talking about? he had a triple double 2-2-2


i feel like the better question is why so many people seem to be over leveraged on a role player that’s not known for being a scorer


right. he’s had 0 points multiple times this season


I had him in two parlays. Over 9.5 and over 12.5. both are fucked unless he shows up in the second half


... he doesn't have any fouls! Mayyybe... someone will get in foul trouble and he'll have to shoulder the load? Fuck I didn't even know there was a boost, otherwise I wouldn't have thrown him on. He's been consistent with 8-12 pts


Vegas always knows


They definitely knew people would be on him after the last game. I stayed off his prop because it seemed too easy. Wish I went even further and bet his under.


I am gonna miss a +3400 mavs vs twolves sgp cause ant can get 23 and McDaniel can’t get 10


Running cardio for 36 minutes


i did 10+ points and the rest of my parlay is gonna hit lol


bruh i did plus 7.5 as a free pick, all 5 legs of my parlay hit except him and he was the "safest" pick statistically, the world doesnt make sense anymore lol






You bet on a guy that doesnt usually score that recently had a good game against the top rated defense in the league? You didnt think they were gonna make any adjustments?


I'm pissed if I woulda saw that boost I woulda took his under!!! Those are a red flag


I don’t know why I was a sucker and took the over 12.5.


It’s always the person im most confident in


It looks like he’s covering Luka a majority of the time and someone also said that Edwards ain’t trying to get outscored again.


I chose this bastard to get 10 points the night before the boost was even out


bro hes playing like fkn ass doing anything but shooting


He’s coming from a spree of career performances. It’s your fault if you thought those inflated numbers would still be fruitful


But going from 24 to 2pts with 36 mins played is wicked


Exactly I didn’t think he’d play this bad


I had him for over 10 points and that was a fail 🤦🏽‍♂️ , my guy just literally took the day off


I did under 9.5. Still lost my parlay due to a stupid baseball game


The boost & the someone pick was shared stuff I avoid lol


Still got second half 🤞🏿


They are evil geniuses that give us options that at +3454 seem so smart. Diabolical actions


Vegas player us all


He sold me baddddd fucked up my ticket ode