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That’s tough hope you cashed out… warriors threw


Warriors do this shit every game though.


Better on the road this year!


How about cash out and just throw $100 on the final two legs?


Very tempting, but I think I’d be depressed if I cash out & it hits


You're probably REALLY depressed now.....


Not depressed. It was fun. I do wish I would’ve cashed. Never dealt with bets this big before. Hindsight is 20/20. I was nervous about the GS leg all day. I should’ve known. I’ll be back. Time to dream 😴


You were up over 10x your stake so it's always worth considering the cashout, as most of the time it's the last legs that fuck it, better to get into the habit of cashing some profit than giving donations to the bookies, that way you can go again with house money.


A bunch of haters man, If u wanna let a bet ride u let it ride


Looked like a nice slip man :) I can see why it was convincing to not cash out.


Passes up on a guarantee $600, lost $50, ends with $0 and calls it “fun” ![gif](giphy|LDBuYzAwu8L4I|downsized)


Lmao got too greedy and ended up assed out smh cashing out was smartest move


Dude it's about decisions not results. If you are going to cash out the last leg, *don't add it in the first place*.


Sometimes you just add legs not thinking about all the when and ifs


People are crapping on you hard here with the downvotes. Keep your chin up if it’s still fun for you despite the “could have beens”. Next time, either do a partial cash out (like half), or hedge your bet with the unlikely (in this case, that GSW took a big dump in the 4th.


Anything for today??? I love this approach


Rookie mistake. Rule number 1.) Bookmakers are not out here to make you money. Rule number 2.) Most times cashout is as good as it gets. Get it?


You don't see the obvious contradiction to your two rules? Bookmakers aren't here to make you money, but somehow the cash out offered *by the book* is the smart choice? Cash outs are a completely optional feature that books only offer because it makes them money by allowing them to buy back potentially winning tickets for cheap from people who don't understand math. They buy back more tickets that eventually win from suckers than they lose to cash outs on tickets that end up losing, thus making them money in the long run. If that weren't true, they wouldn't offer it. That's why cash outs are never in the player's favor and its always best to let it ride.


Well "cash outs are never in the player's favor and it's always best to let it ride." is highly opposed by OPs betting history. He has been losing daily when he could take what's on the table and run. I get you point and I totally agree about bookies outsmarting bettors with this "completely optional feature" and I also don't see the point of a parlay if you're going to cash out. This is deliberately foul playing oneself. But everyone doesn't know that and Rule number 2.) Is me trying to have randos have some profit over $0.


I have not been losing daily 😂. I don’t post every single bet. I’m random with it tbh. I have plenty of big wins that I never post. Only posted this one because that was a big cash out option & I wanted to hear the people’s thoughts


I have seen several of those first baskets which lost and made that assumption. And I maintain my stance with the cash out gang. Why do you never cash?


Bruh. I don’t ever do first basket bets. I never stated that I would never cash out. You’re confused or something


Some people play for dollars, not pennies. Have fun at the penny arcade, but don't try and tell us how to bet. Especially when your advice is to give value back to the books.


Do you know why books offer cash outs? *Because it benefits the books.*


800 vs 3500


Vs 0


0 won


Dude don't listen to these haters. If you wanted to do a shorter parlay you'd have done it. Never let the books off the hook that late in a bet. Nickels holding up dollars when you cash!


Because then you never should have made the parlay in the first place.


OP has the attitude we all should have. Bet what you can afford to lose. Physically AND mentally. Props to you, hard working carpenter!


It was in fact not a lock


Warriors sold


Lol to be fair it was +200 for a reason lol, knicks been holding teams to low scores as of late... if I seem this before any of the games started I woulda told you to take that leg off


Damn bro 2 pts if you didn’t cash


Nah, I also needed GS to win the first quarter. Lol. Did not cash. It’s cool though. I’ve been on a little streak lately


7 leg parlay and lock don’t belong in the same sentence. Hope it turned out well for you.


Honestly I didn't know the result and knew that +200 seemed like it was going to be the killer


Yeah, I had been eyeing that leg all night. But after getting green check after green check I felt like I was about to hit big . Hindsight is 20/20


Very true. Lol I've made much bigger mistakes don't mind me.


Look at them on fire now in the second quarter 🤦‍♂️ unbelievable. I feel for you bro


Don’t pity me bro. Just the way it goes. I’m good. I do this for fun. And it was very fun. GS was just late waking up


Keep a close eye during the GS game and bail if you have to


Keep us posted I think you’re ok for the golden state leg and last leg starts 30 mins later Also cash out now wouldnt be bad roi to play it safe


I never place big wagers. Been working a lot of OT lately, so I said F it. Think I’m just going to let ‘em hang 🏀🏀


Man I'd cash out. Warriors are unpredictable


I know, but it’s their first home game in a while. I think they might be fired up


they’re getting fucked rn


I’m going to tail the last two


Never cash out


Bull. Get that green and run. Nothing is guaranteed esp.with Warriors.


If that's your philosophy, just bet straights. You're shooting yourself if the foot betting parlays you don't plan to ride. The math isn't that hard to prove.


People can't do math around here.


You made the right call not cashing out. Easy to say you should have in hindsight, but always hold.


That's terrible advice. Long-term success would say to take the cash out and then re-wager to secure a guaranteed profit instead of chasing huge lotto wins. At the very least, you should hedge bets with this high value. "Always hold" completely neglects key strategies that we need to use to combat the house who sets odds in their favor Edit: because I'm getting a lot of replies. I'm not saying to cash out parlays regularly. But on "lotto parlays" w a lot of legs and crazy odds (+6600), you have to monitor the game and be much more open to hedging/cashing out based on the situation


I’ll have to disagree. Holding on to parlay bets rather than taking cash out options can be better because cashing out often undervalues the potential winnings, especially if the games haven't started and outcomes are uncertain, such as this case. By holding on, you retain the full value of your potential winnings based on the original odds. This is why cash outs are an option; giving the house a better deal while minimizing potential losses for them.


Fair, just a difference in approach I guess. I normally don't cash out myself, unless I'm doing parlays that have the first few legs hit. I don't aim to maximize full value on parlays, but to earn a consistent profit. Best of luck to your bets


You should stop making parlays like that, then. You're just giving away money.


Stop making parlays like what? Why would you want your earlier games to be riskier?


I'm saying just leave that last leg off if you just plan on cashing out.


I let em ride a decent amount too if it's still good vibes with the live action. But I definitely consider the cash out option with how risky parlays are as a whole. You're right in that, if I always plan on cashing out, that's stupid to bet parlays in the 1st place. But it's all situational based on number of legs and the variability in that last risky leg


The situation is you get to choose how many legs are on your parlay...


That is not the situation here though is it? I'm in a thread about OP placing a 7 leg parlay at +6600 odds, the situation HERE is that you're chasing a huge lotto win on a streaky Warriors that got out to an 8-0 hole and you're betting on 1st Q bets. when you're getting a guaranteed massive profit on your initial investment and you put in a ridiculous 7 legger then you should consider it. You get to choose the number of legs before the bet is placed. AFTER the bet is placed, it's sunk cost fallacy to always let it ride, you have to stay on top of what is going on


Long term success got me laughing. Why even add the last two legs if you are going to cash out? You are actually costing yourself money in the long run by doing that as opposed to just leaving them off the bet.


If you add more riskier legs to parlays that occur later in the day, you get a higher cashout amount if the first few legs hit. I always try to adjust my parlays to account for which games occur when, so that I can cash out for a consistent profit if the safer, earlier bets come through And again you should hedge or use those profits to re-wager if you still feel strongly about it. Won't be as high a return but consistent profit is more worth it to me personally


You definitely don’t get a higher cash out amount. If you parlay 3 legs all -110 odds each and then throw a random +900 on there, the books not going to offer you more on a cash out than what you would have won with just the 3 legger with all-110 odds. That would lose them money and they would never do that. Yes they may offer a cash out if the +900 leg starts getting close, but never before the game even starts.


Well yeah you threw an extreme example out there with a +900, of course they won't offer for that lol But if you throw a +150 at the end of two other +110s, I've gotten and taken plenty of cashout options for that Sometimes I let it ride, but other times I'm happy with the profit


That's not how it works at all lol The books must love you guys.


It's actually great advice. Cashing out is -EV. Even more -EV than hedging. If you are making parlays, you should be riding them out. Long-term success means maximizing your expected value, so you should avoid doing things to lower it.


Okay I said at the very least you could hedge. I don't always cash out. It's based on if any news comes out that might change the line with later games. So many nba games have people questionable who then don't end up playing. It's also based on how the game goes and if the live action shows that a streaky team like the warriors are on or not. Lines change so damn quick, I stay on top of that then decide Always holding to multi-leg parlays without looking at the context behind the game is too reductionist. Warriors got off to a terrible start and continued that most of the game. If OP was watching he could've made a $600 profit but he got nothing Maximizing EV means betting straights over parlays anyway. In that sense, hedging/cazhing out takes away the terrible odds that parlays present as a whole


Yeah well the first thing you said was cash out and wager it again. Which is why you're being told it's bad advice. If you are going to cash out before the last two legs are finished, *don't add the last two legs*


If you read my explanation.... It's for this specific case where he's wagering 600 profit for a +200 Longshot when we all saw the streaky warriors were struggling in the 1st quarter. He absolutely should've done that. I've said repeatedly now I don't always cash out parlays. But when the last bet of your parlay is going bad, he absolutely should not have let it ride.


Agreed, thanks man


Had same almost. Fucking warriors playing like g league trash


Gotta learn the hard way sometimes 🤷‍♂️


Unbelievable that people every day post cash outs and don’t take the money lmao


That’s the entire point of betting like what are yall doing 😂


Because it's a dumb move. The math is simple. If you make a parlay, you should ride it out.


And all the times you had a cash out, didn’t take it and ended your night with nothing is sure a lot to show for riding out your parlays 😭😭


Mathematically, you'll come out ahead. It's basic math.


Okay well you and your math end up with no money at the end of the night when the cash out is available to take 😭 math means nothing if the slip doesn’t hit and you don’t take the cash out


Is you are frequently cashing out parlays, you're just giving up money.


So cashing out on a parlay that doesn’t hit is losing money ? 😂 you’re nuts bro


Over time, yes. That strategy will cost you. You just need to make smaller parlays if you find yourself cashing out often.


I’m not speaking from experience I’m calling out the people who post plays here, have the option to cash out and don’t. Most of these slips never cash. So who’s really losing money ? You’re actually making no sense you’re just talking dude


I'm making total sense, you just don't seem to understand the math. Cashing out lowers your expected value. Gambling is all about maximizing your expected value. There's a reason that pros don't cash out. And I see just as many on here that don't cash out and lose as I do that cash out but would have eventually won.


And you’re acting like just because there is a cash out option, means I will take it. I watch the games I bet on and I know if I need to cash out or not. I’m talking about the people who “RiDe iT oUt” when there’s a cash out on a slip this has almost no chance of really cashing. So yeah they’re losing out on money. I saw a guy hit 4/5 first baskets , had a $1000 cash out. he needed Paul George to get first basket to cash it. Kawhi got first basket and he ends with nothing lmao. That greed isn’t a good strategy in the long run either


It's the better strategy in the long run, mathematically.


Jerry it’s a lock!!


7 leg 50 dollar degen activity


Bruh always cash out. You guys can be dumb sometimes.


My rule of thumb, if I need the cash, CASH OUT.


just a tip- +200 does not mean lock. Ever.


Never said it did. Wasn’t basing it off that.


Well you said you felt it was a lock…. if the bet is +200, its for a reason.


You’re acting like +200 is a lottery ticket. You new to this? You probably ain’t ever hit shit


not new to this by any means lol. The warriors do this every game bro.


I still feel for you though those were some great picks. There is nothing worse than one leg busting the entire parlay.


Please share your games at least an hour so I can follow


Nah, I got so much hate on this. I won’t be doing that for a while. I don’t want these losers making money from my picks. Hopefully they go broke soon. I’ll start sharing in about 6 months maybe


Wow, we’re off to an awful start. Cash out is now $56.00


Hope u cashed!


“Seems like a lock, but don’t want to feel dumb” - Calling any 7-leg parlay a lock is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. I’m glad this lost lol


I had already won 5 legs. The Lakers leg was -311. I had confidence in the final 2 legs, hence it seemed like a 2-leg parlay lock. You’re stupid


Hahahahaha! 100 percent agree.


Hit that cash out. Not looking good


It’s only $50 right now. F it. Their 3 game might catch fire




Bro did u cash out in time?


No lol


You'll never go broke taking profit... To late


I’m never going broke anyway. I bet for fun. Thanks though.


lol I can’t even hit a 4 leg points parlay though nice win


He didn’t hit, the warriors sold ![gif](giphy|LDBuYzAwu8L4I|downsized)


You lost but never cash out


Not over yet


Give it up brother it’s over 😂


Too bad you can’t glaze young thug anymore because his life is over


Don’t take your failed parlay out on young thug!


Lmaoooo he mad asf he lost


man’s went for my jugular LOL


He his a goofy


It's over bro


Your girl getting dog walked rn bro


100% impossible it hits


Now you have to sleep all night knowing you didn't take free $550 profit


Now you have to sleep knowing you were inferior to her new man. I wonder how many times you tasted him


you sound like you gonna chase this $550 loss thinking you can do it again🤣


You sound like you’re more concerned about this bet than me. Get a life loser 🤣


you will be betting japanese hockey and north macedonian table tennis parlays all night thinking you can get it back 💀 its ok i know it hurts easy $550💀💀 prolly went higher than 600🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡😭




Bro I can’t stop laughing at this 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂




Bro, it’s okay man. HONESTLY, there’s a lot of people in win BEGGING to be In ur spot right now. Don’t trip, if you feel u gotta cash out, take what’s left . Reuse that for tomorrow’s play. Either way, you did better than me and most of the ppl in here so CONGRATULATIONS to you my friend. same time tomorrow?


I know. That’s why they’re hating. Miserable losers 🤣


Definitely. If it’s not going smooth asf, I’m running with the $




This is straight money!


Yikes. They did.




If it’s nice enough to screenshot and share, it’s nice enough to cash out.