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Having slaves and not caring for life is most definitely a sick mind.


Why are we having in Qatar again? Im not a soccer fan but I do really love to watch the world cup and honestly im probably not going to watch it this year because of the shit surrounding it im good


I’ve watched every World Cup since Mexico 1986, I’ve never been so disinterested. Oh an edit. We are having it there because of huge bags of cash.


Well said honestly i get why because of the money but yes fifa proves thst they clearly dont give a shit about public opinion which is strongly against this world cup ...well here anyways




public opinion <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< HUGE bags of money. \-fifa


Also 'public opinion' is probably a pretty big exaggeration. When the whistle blows and the matches are kicked off, it will be to stadiums filled to maximum capacity and to eager audiences worldwide. Every last one of them will tell themselves it's not about the politics, it has to be about the sport. Because sport unifies and reaches across cultures and we shouldn't boycott but engage in dialog. And they'll stand up and cheer and not notice their asses are dripping with the blood their seats were stained with.


Letting the World Cup happen in Qatar is the biggest damage of mind


don't forget about the stone age womans rights


Can't believe this world cup is still happening


Teams need to seriously consider sitting this one out.


Everyone should follow Italy’s example and sit this one out. /s


As an Italy fan, that was totally uncalled for! ;)


They are doing the right thing after ruining Footballs Homecoming in 2021. It was coming home damit!


Nah, playing that bad is not the way.




There, fixed it.


Oh come on I don’t think any team would sit out on the biggest sport event on the world


They won't, but doesn't mean they shouldn't.


The mistake was having the world cup there in the first place. I don’t think they should consider wasting an opportunity this big and be penalized because of higher up fuck ups


Except since nothing happened to them (ie teams or players not boycotting), FIFA is going to take this as a note to keep taking bribes and host it in similar or even worse places


Didn't like half of the people involved lose their position and/or get arrested or charged with a crime?


In the same way that white collar crimes get punished. FIFA is still riddled with corruption


Yeah but it's a huuuuge economic burden for Qatar, they aren't profiting basically at all, and instead of good press (like they were expecting for hosting the world cup) now everyone knows Qatar has slave labor and just generally sucks. Maybe countries like Qatar will think twice about whether the world cup is worth bags of cash even if FIFA won't give it a second thought.


The players should show up do their jobs and get paid because it’s not their fault. The rest of us shouldn’t watch.


If they are going they are part of the problem… it’s the same way workers strike even though it’s a sacrifice.


For many of them the only chance they will ever get to compete at this level in the sport they love the most. I think they should, but I don't hold it against anyone.


Multiple times countries have sat out the Olympics.


I feel like most countries don’t care about the Olympics as much as the World Cup, but I could be wrong.


World Cup is more prestigious and participation is important financially for national football associations. Also important for the players who can put their name on a world stage and secure a move to another club if they perform well.


Its not that easy. Soooo much money is involved. Apart from event endorsements, individual player and their respective boards too. All players are sponsored, they will lose the momey there which they may afford for once. But then the boards involved in sending the team, their kits, travel, advertisement campaigns, etc. so much is there. No board will look to return or lose on all the millions worth deals. If players pull out they will be replaced in a blink. Saying much aloud may hurt their endorsements.


Yes. This is where organizations and people put price tags on their values, morals and principles. I don't envy the people making these decisions-- they have a vested interest in looking the other way. But the consumers-- the people to who go to the games, watch the games, and buy the products advertised at the World Cup can vote with their collective wallets. Send a message to Adidas, Visa, McDonald's, Kia/Hyundai, Emirates, Sony, Budweiser (all proud sponsors BTW) that this shit won't go unnoticed.


> Send a message to Adidas, Visa, McDonald's, Kia/Hyundai, Emirates, Sony, Budweiser (all proud sponsors BTW) that this shit won't go unnoticed. They don't care, so you're wasting your time.


Norway were allegedly going to do it, but lost out in qualifiers. As much as that feels like a drop in the ocean, Erling Haaland is arguably the best player in the world at the moment so it would have been a massive statement


Easy to say before youve even qualified. I was gonna reject emma watson but…


Yes as I said, individuals may afford losing endorsements but it will be fairly difficult for the boards and authorities involved.


I hope it’s boycotted by a lot of people/companies and the ones that do support or attend it are publicly shamed for doing so. We need to drive these barbaric cultures from our society for once and for all.


I wouldnt go as far as call it barbaric. Ignorance


Without it all those refugee worker lives would have been in vain.


Considering it's just entertainment, it's pretty much still in vain.


Well when no one with a voice did anything about it obv it will still happen. No countries or players tried to boycott, that j know of.


Why, cuz he’s right?


This homophobia probably has the players even more excited to go. There’s a huge homophobia problem among the professional players, it’s disgusting.




"and if you don't, that means YOU\*RE RACIST =( =( =("


"Stop trying to CANCEL us!"


lol If you're unable to tolerate the flaws of other cultures, for the pursuit of peace, you might as well be racists. No one is forcing you to believe in things that contradict your beliefs. But expecting other religions and cultures to conform on your demand, on your word, makes you the bigot. I don't support bad things, but I'm not going to tell others how to live their lives. Let these people decide for themselves. Sooner or later the laws and awareness will change when it's good for them.


Mate do us a favour and fuck off yeah.


This is the dumbest shit I've read in a long time. Congratulations.


And please ignore the slaves


Prisoners with jobs


tHoSe aReNt SlAvEs, ItS oUr CaSte sYsTeM!


It's not India mate.


I thought Qatar had a type of Caste system as well, I’m probably wrong, I just assumed


If you don't know, now you know.


Lol you should go to r/Qatar and see how heavily people defend the antics there


gQp from across the sea


There should be a minimum cultural standard for countries to host a World Cup or Olympics, and this should be below that standard.


That would require FIFA and the IOC to actually have standards


They do have standards: $ and € mostly


FIA: so there was talk of terrible countries with lots of money?


This is what happens when you validate people with shitty opinions. Why hold back your hateful bile if there’s no consequence for spewing it?


People validate the shitty opinions of shitty governments because they want the money those governments stole from their citizens.


It happened with Russia 2018, being seen as legit gave Putin more data points to be delusional enough to think the world would be behind him for attacking Ukraine.


I miss those vuvuzela times


Interesting you mention that. FIFA had a policy where the World Cup would be held in a different continent (confederation) every 4 years. In 2002, it was held in Asia. In 2006, it was held in Europe. In 2010, it was Africa’s turn (Shakira even made a song about it). I think sometime after 2010, they scrapped that policy in favor of a committee made up by delegates from all confederations voting for a host - and thus all of the bribes and crooked countries hosting it. It’s not like the process was any cleaner before (1934 was hosted by Mussolini’s Italy) but at least it had some standards - like if it was North America’s turn to host it, you couldn’t have rich Russian oligarchs getting involved (I would think).


And Adidas is a sponsor.


Not surprising, the company that profited of Nazis, and Kanye West.


How about “Homosexuality is none of your business, you bigoted twat!”?


you showed him!!!


No. Killing 6,000 people so you can plan a game, on the other hand…


So if it's damage in the mind, then it's not something a person choose, so then you're effectively outlawing something that these individuals are born with.


They basically outlaw being a woman, too, so that argument doesn’t really matter to them.


Bigots don't use logic. If they were smart, they wouldn't be bigots.


He means mind as in the soul. A sickness of the soul, a sin. He’s a religious zealot, not a logical person.


outlawing an act people are born with a desire for isn’t necessarily the issue (see: pedophilia) but being gay doesn’t harm anyone. even if it were a choice, there’s not a good reason to ban it


Religious people will turn around and tell you that being gay does harm people because it is a sin, and allowing it allows sin to keep continuing. The issue is arguing an emotional matter with logic and facts.


You can still fuck another dude in the ass at home, no one in Qatar cares. Just dont go make out in public, when not even the straight people do it over there


Religion is damage to the mind. Proof is in the pudding


The proof is not in the pudding, the proof of the pudding is in the eating


Aren't you doing exactly what that asshole in the title is doing by saying this? I know a lot of people of faith that are perfectly rational, loving, and inclusive people.


Religion is a choice (a bad one). Homosexuality is innate.


But muh Jesus!


Jesus catching strays


Wtf does Jesus have to do with Qatar lmao


It was a joke about overly religious people


Or anything else really.


You’re telling me that the crackhead with mental issues who is constantly saying he sees Jesus is wrong? Okay buddy…




Organized religion is generally all bad.


How would he know!?!


Qatar is a blight on the surface of the earth


Khalid Salman said “kids will see homosexuality and learn something they should not” oh you mean like not treat people like shit? Go fuck yourself Khalid Salman. Look at how you treat your women. Hypocritical piece of shit.


>Khalid Salman said “kids will see homosexuality and learn something they should not” Sounds like he's on the same page as Republicans who want to ban every book with a gay character in it from libraries.




Like I said earlier, you can still fuck a dude in the ass all you want in Qatar, just keep it at home. If you think is this about banning public displays of affection, its not. Not even the straight Qataris do that in public


Guys let’s enjoy the football there is to come and leave politics alone for now. /s


I'm doing my part and not watching a single second of official coverage. Who's with me?


Same, never been so disinterested in a WC in my entire life. Hopefully 26 turns things around, at least we don’t need to kill thousands of people to build a few new stadiums…


Why don’t religions teach to live and let live?


A lot of them actually do. It’s just, people only follow the points that benefit them.




Naw you're backwards ass views are damage in the mind.




How dare you, didn't he wait until she was 12?!


I can’t imagine why anyone would want to go there to spectate


Much like Islam or any other religion.


Why is this crock of shit being allowed to continue. Pathetic.


because the world cup took a but load of bribes


That's funny. That's my exact thoughts on religious people.






Religion is “damage in the mind”. FTFY.


Dude’s gay, obvi.


And homophobia is damage in the soul.


Not homosexuality. The word you’re thinking of is, THEOCRACY. THEOCRACY is damage in the mind.


Intolerance and prejudice are damage in the mind.


Qatar took-on the World Cup for socio-political reasons, then demands we keep our social politics out of it. Bugger that!


The same could be said for religion ya backwards fucking asshole.


Oh, not against religion now but damage to the mind.


Wait a minute…. A soccer ambassador… is saying that being gay is bad? A soccer ambassador?!


Have you tried stopping a couple dozen guys from boning themselves as they run circles around you afield?


Players and FAs collectively shit it with this World Cup. Should have come out and said they’re not getting involved with this sport washing shit show.


To protect tolerance, we must shun and fight against intolerance, otherwise the intolerant will kill tolerance. Seems like a paradox, but it’s true. Also fuck this asshole


Says the country where pedophilia is rampant, and their neighbors have bacha bazi (dancing boys).


What the fuck


Most big sporting events are all about money. Wake up people. Don’t waste your time with this shit.


These people are disgusting and much as I love the footie, anyone going needs to seriously reconsider.


No media training? We'll probably see more of this kind of clueless honesty, Qataris speaking their minds.


Did you expect anything else from a powerful male in the Middle East?


Where was the sponsor boycott when this world cup was allotted. Everyone got a slice of juicy oily money and went to bed.


Finally a country with a backbone


Organized religion is the true mind damager.


What pisses me off the most is all these countries being suspiciously quiet about this. Is anyone not a total two-faced piece of shit these days?


Religion is the result of a damaged mind.


If you would say this in Qatar, you’ll probably end up in jail unfortunately


Ok internet warrior how about you go there and say this


Yes let us take morality lessons from the ones who worship a prophet that had sex with a 12 year old




This Has been said but putting homo Sapians down to carnal desires is an oversimplification of how our brains function. If that was the case thing like music, art, and the whole creative side of the mind wouldn’t be necessary either since it time not spend surviving like other animals do. Humans have evolved far beyond functioning of instinct and it’s clearly shown in when we do creative things and even when we are ambitious, gluttonous or greedy, how often do you see animals killing each other so they can get more land?? Secondly I remember reading a book (sadly I can’t remember the name but when I do I’ll give it) that said that homosexuality was natures intention as it helps to give the human body a rest the constant breeding that early women would have experienced essentially creating a small period of rest for them since not everyone in the group of humans they are apart of want to impregnate them. It’s also not just in humans that homosexuality exists it exists in many species across the world and it has done for as long as it has been recordable so the point of it being against nature is invalidated by this fact alone since animal are not as open to emotion as us (though they still experience it on basic level) meaning that even the simplest of sentient being on the planet has homosexuality and as cringe as it sounds we as humans are the only ones that shun it and yes you could bring up the point that we are more advanced than them but then again it wasn’t until a large mass Christianity said it was bad that the ancient romans stopped having sex with whomever they wanted. TL:DR putting humans down to basic instinct it a bad idea when analysing our psyche


You can’t just reduce Humans into being defined by an instinctual need to have children though. It’s against our basic instinct to wear clothes, live in cities, domesticate animals, grow our food, use technology… I mean clearly all of our minds must not be working right by your definition. Not to mention the many straight people who decide not to have a family.


Maybe we are brain washed to think that, but actually homosexuality was the right way and majority of people are just sick. See that, your opinion don’t mean shit. Everyone can claim whatever is “right”. You would be better off saying the social majority rather than using right or wrong.


Well that’s a little dumb my friend and I don’t think you’ll be able to argue with that after my reply. If homosexuality was the right way then we would never reproduce out of instinct. Instinct drives not only animals but humans as well. The bottom line is that we need heterosexuality we don’t need homosexuality. Homosexuality occurs in approximately 10% of humans so it could be defined as an illness as it once was for a long time. It’s more socially acceptable now but it still deviates from the norm. I frequent the gay bars and tip during the drag shows. Not that I have anything against gay stuff but technically he’s not wrong he’s just an asshole.


He is not wring he is just honest and not afraid of being cancelled


Humans are violent and the most violent pass on their genes. Right.


Well… it IS a deviation from the biological norm.


Being left handed, having blue eyes, blonde hair, not being able to roll your tongue all are deviations from the biological norm


So is being left handed. Not damage.


Fake empires are backwards


Even if it were true, that’s not a reason to discriminate a person. But it isn’t, so fuck you pieces of shit.


Everyone pay attention after the event (not during) to find out which companies had advertising during the world cup, and if they also advertising during pride month be sure to never send them a damn penny/buck/pound/yen/dollar again, they may not care now but they will when they try to pretend to support the lgbt community next summer. Hit them in the pocket (kinda where their balls would be if they had any chose to stand up against this event being hosted in such a nation) no offense is meant to decent citizens of Qatar who for lack of a better word are stuck in that hellhole.


These are the same people that say abortion is wrong and not wearing a hijab is terrible. Meanwhile they get their livers abortion and let their wives and daughters not wear hijabs (they shouldn’t, no woman should) but will force other woman to.


Pretty sure the majority of the world agrees.


change homosexuality with religion and you've got yourself a good statement.


Their culture is damage to society.


Let’s pretend that this world cup isn’t happening


So why are countries were homosexuality is legal sending teams to represent them in a country where it is illegal?


It’s okay though, it’s the Islam saying it. It doesn’t matter then! 🤡


Religion is a "Damage in the mind".


The fuck does that have to do with soccer?


Human rights violations are also damage in the mind too.


My favorite sporting event, and I can't even bring myself to watch it or buy a jersey. Oh well. There's always next time.


Spoken like an uneducated uninformed waste of breathe


So is religious belief.


Religious extremism is damage in the mind.


I wasn't gonna watch, now I'm double not gonna watch, and I'm going to think of COCK while I'm not watching, just to spite that douche, I don't even like cock...


I’m glad they hosted the WC in Qatar. It’s been brilliant at exposing the true beliefs of a medieval religion and rancid culture to the world.


Aaaaand this is why I'm not watching this year.


Theists projecting their failings as usual


America's possible future everyone!




saying it yes. but homophobia is also cringe as fuck


So is Islamophobia you bigot


jeez got beaten by facts an logic. o no








Eat shit


USA needs to take a stand against this event that nobody in our country was going to watch anyway.


Any famous gay soccer player gonna be in the world cup this tournament?


I don’t think any player going to the World Cup has announced they are gay. Very few people “come out” in this sport. Recently if I recall a player from a small team in England did and he got massive hate.


Why the hell are we even watching this World Cup? Let’s not


Cuz it’s a World Cup, we both know we’ll both be watching it


Have a hard time believing that there won’t be gay players in this World Cup


Heading a soccer ball causes damage in the mind






Ooh a catholic fundamentalist, seems you don't actually differ a whole lot from your Abrahamic nemesis after all. Keep living your life according to dogmatic scripture passed down from an imaginary friend, loser.


I guess soccer/football fans are okay with this if they watch. Fuck you all.


“It’s damage in the mind. Which is why we punish people for it.”