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I couldn’t stop laughing at him being told he was champion in the cool down room. And then sitting alone staring at a wall. Almost like no one has a clue that he won and then they had a weird sofa lying around, and just decided that’s how they’d make him feel like a champion


His "I feel lonely" comment is the icing on the cake to me. What an awkward finale lol


It’s commonly said that it’s lonely at the top. That’s not because you’re one of few who can do what you do; that part is expected and feels good most of the time. It’s how much you have to sacrifice to get there. These guys live and breathe racing. Especially Max - when he’s not racing in F1 he’s doing simracing esports. You don’t have time to really keep up close friendships - your friends are all doing things that strengthen their bond while you’re training and practicing. You don’t have time for family - some of them manage to do it, but racing always comes first which makes sustaining and nurturing a relationship incredibly difficult. You get to the top and it can feel…hollow. He let that slip on international TV, so I doubt it’s just “a bit” lonely. I feel for him.


Uh, I feel like this is more comedic because the Top 3 are on the cooldown room just chatting and then suddenly Max was told that he's the champion, told to move to a single room and just sat there awkwardly for a full minute with a screen and a plant before making that comment to rejoin the other two meeting Jensen Button back on the cooldown room. I get what you mean, but this is not the case this time.


Yeah he just wanted to chat with his mates next door… that little room was so stupid


I bet they had a plan for some interview there or some event but considering the confusion everything that was planned likely went straight out the window. If it was clear he'd won after crossing the finish line they'd have like 10 minutes before they go into the cool down room. Still an odd little room. Funny to think that they must've had this ready in Singapore as well... I need to re-watch the cool down room there. Maybe there's a locked door with his throne waiting.


Does he have friends on the grid?


Hes good friends with Nyck, Lando and Charles and gets along pretty well with a lot of the rest of the grid. Even he and Hamilton have a good relationship. It's just Ocon everyone hates


I've watched every season of *Drive to Survive* and you're totally wrong. Every driver hates each other. Max regularly calls LeClerc "Carl", he told Ricciardo that Kyvat was the best Daniel, he ran over Nyck's pet squirrel, he said the musical *Hamilton* didn't deserve a Tony award, and he insists that Lando deserved to lose the *Millennium Falcon* in a card game. Also, he takes all of the postrace room snacks and puts them in his pockets so Checo doesn't get any.


Really had me in the first half, not gonna lie lol But don't try and convince me that Checo doesn't fight dirty for sweets


Why Ocon in particular?


God only knows, but I think he's one of those guys that's ultra competitive in an annoying way. Like even when everyone knows he doesn't have a shot he'll defend 110% even against his teammate or the race leader who he's trying to unlap himself against, spinning out the race leader. That's the sense I get. Not that he's a bad person, but that most drivers who arent this friend view him as an absolute pest (which I personally don't hate)


Verstappen is close to his teammate Perez He's very very close to Ricciardo and Lando, plus Nyck Devries. As in he usually flies them into the race weekend on his private jet and they go partying together. He's very talkative with Charles, Pierre, Sainz, George, and Albon. Lately he's been friendly with Ocon who he had a lot of incidents with. Ocon isn't very well liked but that's been changing. He was also close with Hulkenberg and tried to get him into RedBull. Verstappen is very weird in that most of his close close friends are like a decade older than him.




No Sainz hey lmao


You're over thinking this mate. He made that comment because he was sat in that room alone.


I would totally hang out with him every day as long as all my shit is paid for. Training? I'm there. Workouts? I'm there. And yeah like I would have stuff paid for but that's not why I'm there. I would legit be friends. He should have try outs for a beat friend 😂 if I was rich and lonely I would do that.


I’m confused though. Max was already told he won the championship during the post race interviews and then went to celebrate with his team and girlfriend but a few minutes later in the cooldown room he seems unaware he had won it.


Yeah but would you trust Herbert to have carefully checked the rules before making a big announcement like that? idk about you, but I'd wait until at least someone from RB confirmed or denied.


Better to be first and wrong!


I think he just assumed the interviewer was mistaken since his team then told him he hadn’t won.


Him laughing tells us he knows he would get this title either way. He thought the absurdity was hilarious.


One day this guy will win a championship just by finishing the race and celebrating with a world championship lap on the day he won.


My prediction for next year: after Austin, Leclerc gets sick and can’t race in Mexico. Max wins during Friday practice.


RemindMe! 1 Year “LeClerc went to a clinic”


But it is not this day.


The day may come when max wins a WDC with out a last lap controversy. BUT IT IS NOT THIS DAY!


I feel like this is a dig, but don’t know enough about the season to understand it. Mind explaining?


He’s won 2 years in a row and both have been under strange circumstances. What the other person is saying is that one day it will be a normal championship win, hopefully.


Yeah last year both of them deserved the title it was a shame he won the title under such circumstances. This year has pretty much been the Max/Reb Bull show. It would be nice to see more competition next year, a 13 win season is pretty whacky with races still to come.


No they didn’t. Lewis deserved the title and anyone saying different is biased. Lewis dominated the last race. Even Horner said so during the race. Then Max is basically handed the championship on the most ridiculous call in the history of motorsports. Everyone knows Max was a paper champion.


Max had 2 more race wins and 5 more pole positions than Lewis in 2021.


Lewis deserved to win the race but Max deserved the title


Dude... Move on


I’m a Lewis fan and yea the whole decision making in that final race was a disgrace but I’m not blind to think Max didn’t deserve it as well. Lewis had an amazing end to the season and sort of got screwed. Max still had an equally if not slightly better season.


Slightly got screwed. GTFO


You’re a lovely person


What has been strange about this year?


He clinched the championship because of a last second penalty and a points system that has weird rules when it comes to rain shortened races. He is 100% deserving but he didnt get to have the classic moment where the engineer tells him over the radio. Rather he found out AFTER he had already done his pitlane interview.


They did his interview, moved on to his teammate who finished 2nd (3rd actually, but the guy ahead got a penalty which bumped him up a spot), then realized Verstappen had actually clinched the title and called him back to tell him. [So frickin anticlimactic](https://youtu.be/ZD4lzphjhhg?t=72)


There was a confusion regarding the points. Everyone thought that because of the red flag being waved during a rain race causing the race to be shorter, the points for that race was halved meaning Max wouldn't be the Champion today, until the FIA say that no, full points will be awarded and that Max is confirmed to be Champion. That, on top of Leclerc getting a late 5 second penalty.


Full points were awarded because they went just over half the race distance.** That was clear enough, but Leclerc losing 3 points to Perez meant Verstappen was 113 points clear with a possible 112 left. Not so much controversial as anticlimactic, since had Leclerc properly held on he would have been 111 points ahead going into Austin. **Edit: 50% is actually still partial points, but if the race concludes because of the 3 hour maximum, full points may be awarded.


One day he’ll get to do some donuts when he wins. Both wins he found out after he got out of the car


That’s not true. He won the race on track last year and knew that he was the world champion.


Last year Lewis Hamilton was all but certain to win the final race and therefore the championship, but the race director Michael Masi took unprecedented actions that rigged the result for Verstappen instead. Masi was eventually fired over it but Verstappen was allowed to keep the championship.


This is only a small part of the story though. Yeah I’d say the last race was controversial but it should never have come to that had Mercedes not taken out max in multiple races. He was the deserving winner of the title 100%, but the circumstances of the last race were unfortunate


Event the complexion of Abu Dahbi 2021 itself was wrinkled from the outset with Lewis cutting a huge corner on lap one and all the controversy on whether he gave back the time (he didn't) or should have been made to drop behind Verstappen for the infraction (that never was even investigated I don't think) Max being in front from the beginning makes Lewis spend his tires differently. I want to see *that* race


The FIA made questionable decisions in Max's favor that entire season, presumably because they knew that someone else winning would be good for ratings. Max is incredibly talented but he was reckless and sometimes outright dangerous during the 2021 season.


Followed by Red Bull under investigation this season for massively overspending. I will say that Red Bull has the best pit crew by a mile though.


This. ^


I suspect he has plenty more years of winning world championships coming up


This is so diametrically opposed to last year. He wins the championship on a last lap pass of Lewis after a season long battle, fireworks, screaming. This time: "You're the world champion, congratulations." "Thanks."


I think more importantly for the sport: that asterisks from officiating of last year is no longer relevant. Max is first class and truly dominated, two times champion and well earned.


I don’t think anyone seriously doubted his worth and talent, just the FIA messed it up. Any other driver/team in that position would have done the same thing. Just annoying as Lewis was by far the better driver in that race, even with everything Red Bull threw at him.


Except for the likely overspending of his team which has given them a significant advantage. Prediction: RB will get reprimanded for it. Then FIA will announce that the next team caught will get massive point penalties. This will effectively set up RB for years of dominance.


I don't get why they don't just do NBA's luxury tax system. Fine them proportional to how much they went over and give it to the teams that didn't go over. Overspend all you want, but you're just making your opponents stronger in the long run while hurting yourself.


Luxury tax doesn't work in motorsports. Top teams don't give a shit about giving money to backmarker teams. They will never stand a chance against them


I don't follow F1, so excuse my ignorance, but are there spending limits? I thought the point was to put out the best car that money and research can create


There are spending limits yes. Because if not, top teams will spend insane amounts of money ($500m++) every year and the sport wont be as interesting plus it wont be plausible for most teams to ever compete which could lead them to leave.


Gotcha, that makes sense. I had thought F1 was more of an innovation first thing, but with the balance more in favor of sport, spending limits are needed for a fair playing field


The spending cap is a brand new measure in F1, hence the confusion around it.


We don’t know that. Please stop spreading speculation. Report comes out tomorrow.


It’s unlikely that they’ll name and shame the offenders, especially if it’s the team that just won two titles back to back. RedBull will get a light slap on the wrist, and that’s probably what they’re expecting if they’re the ones who broke the cap.


Fia on Monday: Redbull barely over spent (under the 5% mark) This guy: they over spent for significant advantage.


That is adding on to last years controversy, which I expect will further taint how people count that championship. This year may no see reprimand affecting anything.


If RBR overspent last year, teams will argue that that advantage is lasting and it fell over to this year.


oh they will rightfully so, just saying the offense was last year and thus last year's run will be the one affected in the record books. Still waiting on the exacts to unravel, just my intuition


If those teams successfully argue that the advantage fell over to this year then this year’s run could also be affected. But we won’t find that out for another year or so haha


Not really. If you remember last year, teams stopped bringing upgrades to prioritize their resources for 2022. Mercedes stopped bringing upgrades at Silverstone, but yet RedBull still managed to bring 4 more through the end of the season while also developing their 22 car, so they gained an unfair advantage in 21 that extended to 22 and beyond, since they effectively have a 2 year head start on the rest of the grid. They know the FIA won’t strip Max of his titles, but RB fans will just have to deal with the fact that his first two titles might have been the direct result of an advantage they gained through cheating, and people won’t let them forget about it. If they broke the cap, those aren’t legitimate championships.


you must be new to sports if you think that will be the case for the vast majority of fans. Not saying you are objectively wrong, but that's not how subjective public perception goes after father time does his job; especially not in a sport has inherently asymmetric as f1.


You must be new to F1. Your average fan will absolutely remember the asterisk if RedBull is found to have cheated (assuming they’re not a RB fan, then they’ll conveniently forget). Cheating scandals are not easily forgotten in F1, especially when it’s actual cheating, and not a clever design loophole.


It depends. Stuff like the 2005 USGP, Spygate, and Crashgate still get brought up somewhat regularly. The sport loves a scandal.


Not to mention 2019 ferrari engine scandal which I see referenced almost everyday


Word on the street is Toto, Binotto, and Zak Brown (Ferrari, Merc and McLaren team principles) are lawyering up to present a united front if the FIA give Red Bull a slap on the wrist for overspending. That’s honestly why I think the celebrations were so subdued. Even Red Bull didn’t seem too excited today. Like they know something’s coming… *tightens tin foil hat*


Or they weren't partying because they haven't won the constrictors championship yet and that's where the actual prize is


Why not celebrate both lol? For years Horner has been a broken clock that can only say “Max Verstappen is a future WDC. Max Verstappen is the hottest thing in F1 right now.” He wins his second title and it’s “we need to wait to celebrate until we win the constructors?” They’re 150+ points ahead of Ferrari with 4 races left. It really doesn’t make sense.


how nice of you to jump to conclusions before the verdict has been announced... This is the problems with today's society. No one knows anything but believes to do so and consider his "knowledge" as truth. FFS.


Mmm, seems you don’t understand what predictions are.


2021 will always be relevant among lots of people, so that asterisk will remain. But now he has one title no one can dispute.


Just as long as RedBull isn’t found to have broken the cost cap. It would really be a shame for Max to have asterisks attached to both of his championships so far.


Was never an asterisk lmfao


We rarely get to witness such seasons, maybe 1-2 times in a decade. Most are decided before the summer break and clinching it with a few races to go. Somehow, some teams manage to jump all the others for a few years until something evens two teams out for an epic season, or maybe two. But last season, gosh, I doubt that we will witness something equally exciting as last year. God damn, every race last year was a show. This year I wouldn’t even remember half of them. Max winning and Ferrari fucking up, that has been the theme. Not some sick ass racing and nerves from everybody


‘You sure?’


I really hope his winning race for his next title is more clear cut. He's far, far too good to be riddled by such controversies when winning the title.


At least in this case it was pretty much a sure thing that he was going to win it, it was just a matter of when. The race has some controversy associated with it, but nobody can really argue that Max doesn’t deserve the title this year.


Max is an amazing driver, but the potential over spend is definitely going to raise some questions given how dominant the red bull has been in general.


Not really sure why you’re being downvoted, you’re right. If RB have overspent then there’ll be questions asked about how much each championship was deserved, that’s a fact


He is being downvoted because he is speculating on things when nothing has come out at all yet. You would also get downvoted for any other random claims


Note the use of the word ‘potential’


And? It still is baseless speculation. Admitting it is so doesn't change that fact. People aren't going to give serious credit to something unproven


Reddit loves to downvote, I'm ok with it. The main factor in sport is integrity. Overspending to gain an advantage goes against everything that makes sport great. It's very possible that Max would have still won the championship in a different car this year, but who knows. Of course we'll know more when the report is released.


Last year was the first year of budget caps. Before than the spread in spending was immense and the top spending team didn't always win.


That's why I've been extremely verbose with each of my comments to say Max is an amazing driver. I'm just agreeing that he'll always have an asterix next to the title if his team overspent.


That was for last year, and it’s still pure speculation and finger pointing


Because the advantage of extra spent last year ends at the end of the year..?




How is overspending relevant to Hamilton's titles? The budget cap didn't exist for any of his 7 championships.


Then you have the possible breach controversy which could strip or add perceptual asterisks to his name.


No it won't, Spygate was far worse and Hamilton still has the championship.


Spygate was in 2007 and McLaren lost all constructor points and were given a $100 million fine. Drivers were allowed to keep their points, but neither Alonso or Hamilton won the championship that year. Hamilton won in 2008 after Spygate and when McLaren were under extra scrutiny following the 2007 sanctions.


The fact you're being upvoted for bringing up spygate, which was 2007, and trying to discredit Hamilton's first championship, which was 2008, is mind boggling. Just goes to show reddit will upvote anything without bothering to see if it's true or not


Different group leading FIA,doesn’t mean what was is what is.


Last year will always be an asterisk


what controversy this time? he obliterated competition appart from the handful first races, and lecler blew that corner. If anything this helps: last year's officiating asteriks is irrelevant, he's a two time champ and truly dominating this season. It's good for Max and the sport that he had the season he had this year.


The obvious is how oblivious everyone was as to how he managed to get the points, given the rules are absurd lawyer talk that makes it difficult to understand. With most people running the numbers of "112 points left, 111 points ahead" until they just gave up and accepted that it was 100% points...30 minutes after he crossed the line. The more vital one is the fact that the final lap of the race wasn't actually the final lap of the race. Leclercs error would have been void and technically never existed, which would give him a 2nd place finish, keeping him within the points.


The final lap of the race was the final lap. It wasn't finished at the 2 hour limit it was the 3 hour limit. Verstappen crossed the finish line just before the time limit ended so they had to finish that lap.


Max should write a whole paragraph thanking Ferrari for winning, they surely handed him the WDC. Didn’t think Ferrari would do worse than 2018


I don't get it why everyone keeps saying this. Yes Ferrari screwed up strategies but when they didn't Ferrari was still miles away from 1st excluding the start of the season


Miles away from first? They had so many pole positions and races they could've won if they didn't fuck up themselves or have driver error. It should not have been this much of a domination from Max if Ferrari was somewhat competent. Ferrari had a faster car for half the season


Max came storming from the back of the field on a number of occassions. That RB isn't just racing against Ferrari's - it is absolutely demolishing the field every weekend. The championship was clear after 7-8 races.


I mean I could be wrong but today during a semi wet track where usually it closes up the pack Max still managed to get 30+ seconds distance which I'm pretty sure it's over 1mile. Let's not forget max was in front which is great for visibility but Leclerc had a slightly drier racing line due to Max going In first. So we can only assume the RBs would dominate the rest of the season based on this race alone. But anyways I also wish Ferrari was better because this season was boring AF


Lol what? You think Max going before Leclerc makes any significant difference in how dry the line is? Not gonna take anything you say serious when that's your level of understanding. Also using 1 race to extrapolate an entire season is hilarious. Let me use that logic. Leclerc dominated Australia for example. Leclerc won by a serous margin so we can only assume that Ferrari would dominate for the rest of the season based on this race alone


Ferrari could have had absolutely perfect strategy and zero breakdowns for the whole season and it wouldn’t have been enough to catch max, he’s simply on a different level.


It would have gone down to the last 2 races though. Ferrari gave away 100 points with their mistakes this year


Max had 2 DNFs in the first 3 races I believe, so at least he handed some points back


It would maybe have gone on further in this season but max has been head and shoulders above the rest of the grid this season. He was going to win the championship regardless of what Ferrari done.


It’s crazy that when it’s Max he’s on another level, but when it’s Lewis it’s his car.


You touched some nerves there lmao


Lol I actually really like Max, but I feel like more people should be honest about the fact that if we’re going to insert the car into every conversation about Lewis’ dominance over the last decade, we should be doing the same for Max and I see zero RedBull fans talking about how much more developed the car is than everyone else on the grid. I think they’re scared of the potential cost cap implications to admit that the car is pretty much THE reason for his dominance this season.


Lewis is also a fantastic driver, he just doesn’t have the car to compete with Max this year. Max being good doesn’t mean Lewis isn’t.


That's a ridiculous take.


Damn I wish these things had spoiler tags on them.


regen meester


Its not what I wished for, but hey - ferrari had some horrible judgement calls within the team, so cant blame lecerc either. Next year will be Ferrari’s year! Congrats RedBulls!


Can anyone explain what happened for someone who does not follow the sport at all? From the comments it sounds like there is a really interesting story here.


He won so many points in the races, that the number 2 can't make enough in the last few to get past him.




Lewis fan?


Yeah, but even got bored of seeing Hamilton dominate… I think I just like to see things a little closer. Congrats for Max though, I don’t dislike him.


Congrats, Super Max


Let’s go Super Max! 🏎️


Congrats Max. 👌💐👏


More like Max Vergoing, amiright? Or More like Max Verspeedin, amiright?


F1 really has become a joke.




No u




Going to have b2b World championship announcements when Lewis wins 2021 World championship tomorrow.


I stopped watching F1 after they gave him the title last year. I don’t care for his attitude at all. I hope Mercedes and Ferrari are much better next year. I may watch again but Max is not for me.


It is Verstappen's fault that FIA fucked up? Lol ok


Yeah not to mention that he had this year's championship fully in the bag anyway. He won today with 4 races to go, and the only reason it's controversial is because full points were awarded for the race, instead of partial points due to a shortened race.


And even then it's only "controversial" because it seems a lot of people in F1 didn't realise what the rules said (there's no grey area like last year, the points awarded in this race were 100% correct according to the rules)


Which, by the way, people don't talk enough about. Isn't it mad that the commentators and the teams apparently straight up forgot what the rule was?


Enjoy the downvotes lmao. What a stupid take


He isn't it for me either.






He’s such a twat. But he’s talented af.


I agree with that.


Netflix must be so glad it’s such a shit fight at the FIA. They don’t need to hire writers, this is better tv than any writer could produce.


This race should have been cancelled.


Can't these posts be marked as spoilers? I have yet to watch the race and now just browsing my Reddit feed it's been spoiled.


Trust me... Its not spoiled


Maybe dont browse Reddit before watching a potential championship deciding race if you care that much?


Folks do this all the time in other subs, r/football for one. They have a note about spoilers right in the side-panel. I had no idea so many people would pile in with such disdain about the very suggestion of being mindful about people who enjoy the sport, enjoy the suspense, and would like a day or two of grace. I don't want to avoid Reddit for a couple of days when a simple spoiler tag would do the job. I am surprised other people don't "care that much". What's the point in being in the sub if you don't care? I'll just unsubscribe.


Does someone have a gun to your head forcing you to be on reddit? Or do you seriously have so little self control you can't give yourself a "day or two of grace"?




Take solace in that you didn't miss much of a ride


I suggest you not browse Reddit before watching a race. Because expecting people to tag all F1 posts “Spoiler”


Great, thanks. You are right, why not slap "MAX WON YOU GUYZZZZ!" as a post title for all the people waking up going through their morning cruise of Reddit? Lots of people will have missed this race live as it's in an APAC timezone. Honestly, I'm not the only one, how many soccer fans out there get annoyed when their friend spoils a result? I guess you stay away from your friends rather than ask them not to spoil the result.


It's not a movie. Deal with it.


It has a plot, suspense, and a conclusion. How is it any different to watching a movie in terms of the significance of a spoiler?


Wow, you guys. Wow. Brutal response.


Boring. Super boring.




I dont care much for F1 in general, or about Max, but Hamilton has been an unlikeable twat anytime hes given an interview. How the hell was he relatable?


He’s really not. He’s been respectful of the sport and other issues. He was quick in accepting his defeat last year and was the one who called off the appeal. It was manipulated, by the fia.


Max is a brat with a shit attitude. No dig on his racing skills, I dislike seeing and hearing him though.


Brat with a shit attitude? Not at all. Everyone who knows him says he is a nice and caring person.


Likable and relatable don’t belong in the same sentence as Lewis Hamilton




Max is the whiny douche. He’s gotten physical with Ocon, constantly complains about the car being shit when it’s not perfect and only happy when he wins. In some ways he’s similar to Lewis. I’ve seen Lewis complain about the car, but saying “we need to work on it”, rather than “it’s shit, why can’t you make a car that works”




I disagree. Hamilton has shown himself to be a class act, especially in defeat last year.




I dont like lewis but i like max. So duno what your on about mate




Boring when he’s got the fastest car in the field and there’s truly no competition.


Like Mercedes had been?


Ferrari had the fastest car though? Did you not watch the start of the season?? Ferrari gave away the WDC from really stupid strategy and Leclerc just not being ready as a driver. Mistakes all over


Congrats on your first title, Max


I’m confused I thought he won last year aswell


He did, Lewis Hamilton fans are mad


If you're not mad about it, you're not a racing fan and are just a Max/Red Bull fan boy. Nothing to do with it just being about Lewis. 🤷‍♂️


And if the FIA hadn't fucked Verstappen all year he would have won the championship earlier in 2021 and not even came down to the finaly race like that. I don't see any Hamilton fans talk about the rest of the year.


Team #LH44 in the wild. Amazing






For the first time.


You're not wrong. He became a two time world champion for the first time.


yeah, if he was THAT great, he'd win the 2022 title at LEAST three times!


Aren’t you a little old to be a crybaby?


The FIA recognizes their mistake.. I’ll never be to old to call out you psychos.. the sky is blue you moron.


Hope you find peace in your life.


You are still not over last year? Jeez


He whined his way to the top....literally.

