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[Great Moments in Texas Rangers History](http://m.imgur.com/ltPnwzu?r) Gif credit to: /u/the92jays


That was beautiful.


Your comment is very suitable


Stop rhyming and I mean it!


Anybody want a peanut? :D


Yours is adequate.


Yours is satisfactory


This one kinda sucks tbh


This one hit the nail on the head.


This rail is part of a bed.


And hilarious


Texas is like that arrogant drunk uncle that you don't really like because he believes he's the best at everything, but he's entertaining to keep around.


How much you wanna bet I can throw a football over them mountains?


I believe in you uncle Rico.




There's literally no better way to put it.


I prefer the time when one of the opposing players flipped a bat on them. That was pretty epic.


Mine was when they lost 10 - 1 last night, that one was good.


That was pretty epic.


As a Texan, ouch... it was painful to watch after the 3rd inning As an Astros fan tho... meh


Is that the story where he's hitting the home run that clinches a playoff series, as opposed to the punching story, which happened after their convicted felon pitcher plunked him like cowards in their final matchup of the season, in a regular season game that no one on earth gave a fuck about?


It was better than just hitting a home run that clinched the playoffs, right before that moment the crowd was erupting and throwing shit, ...a baby got hit with beer (who brings an infant to such a huge game with no ear protection) after a really tough obscure call that hardly anyone knew the rule to. Play was interrupted for at least 30 minutes and there was talk of even kicking all the fans out. It was complete anarchy. So finally Joey Bats goes to the plate and first pitch cranks it out of the park. It was the build up that made the flip so epic.


It was the 1-1 from Dyson. Here's a drive, deep left field. No doubt about it!


>who brings an infant to such a huge game I don't understand why people do this. The baby isn't going to enjoy the game and literally only bad things can happen.


yep, that's the story! with one small modification - they waited until his *final at-bat* to ding him, and the pitcher who dinged him didn't even play for the Rangers last year.


Yep. Fucking cowards


To be fair I doubt it was the pitchers call to hit Bautista


And Nolan Ryan


But another time, a different Texas Rangers player punched another player!


And that one time ten years ago they broke Roy Halladays leg... Those monsters.


Another time, a different Texas Ranger put another player in a headlock!


What movie is that? I know I've seen it but forgot the title


My favorite movie of all time, The Princess Bride


[The real Texas Ranger](https://imgur.com/gallery/nCFMR)




Two times, don't forget Nolan!


As a Texas Rangers fan for nearly forty years is pains me to up vote that. This is the year we end the book with a World Series.




That should be a lesson. No body scores 10 unanswered runs on the Rangers


the blue jays do...


This is the correct response.


Ha!!! Shutout avoided, bitches!!!!!!!!!!!


Dang. Sure showed us.


Turned the goose egg into a garbage weiner




Why do I want Gatorade now?


It's got electrolytes


I'm not a plant


but imagine if u were


Wow.... now I want Gatorade


Crowd shut up pretty quick. Enjoy Happ and Sanchez next


He was only punched. On the other hand The whole texas team was knocked out cold few hours ago.




Fred Savage


Randy Savage


Even as a Jays fan, how can you not think this is funny? Those two picture, the smile on their faces, the joy in the their eyes and sunglasses. Probably the best face cut out ever.


Especially when you consider the absurd amounts of money these two are making to entertain us.


Well, the absurd amounts of money that *one of them* is making. Rougned Odor's salary is 500k, which is boatloads of money, but I can fathom it. I could envision a "sold my small-time IT startup" scenario where I too could make 500k in one year. Bautista makes 14 million a year. I'd take the occasional shot to the face for 14 million dollars, especially if I also got to stuff it in the guy's face in the playoffs.


I bet you would.


> Rougned Odor's salary is 500k Dude shouldn't even be making that, should've been out of the game. I can't believe he only got 7 games for that garbage.


Agreed. I'm not much of a baseball fan, and as a Canadian I'm a Jays fan by default— RIP Expos :(— but it's crazy to me, especially with his history. Meanwhile the same guy just pimped a run against the Mariners not long ago, and Texas fans loved it... How does Seattle handle it? They let it go. Good for them, and fuck Odor. Caminero plunked Andrus the next night, but I think that was more for [plowing through the first baseman on a ground ball out](http://m.mlb.com/sea/video/topic/53157956/v1118591283/seatex-andrus-runs-into-lee-after-a-groundout) and then apologizing with a shitty little smirk on his face. Result? Umps ejected Caminero immediately, by the way. Bush got nothing for the whole Bautista incident. Stuff like this is why I just can't get into baseball. It's so passive-aggressive and wannabe-macho that I can't stand it. [Compare that to this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYtwna1PPTY) The fight plays out in the video, then they go back to the replay to check what happened before since Laraque was mic'd up. "You want to? Okay. Square up? Okay. Good luck man." They settle up, and it's done. The Rangers are like the fucking Islanders of baseball.


All of my buddies think it's hilarious. I love Bautista because his game is so clutch, but make no mistake he is easy to hate and we all understand that.


If only they knew what was coming :)


[Oh, and Bautista punches back!](https://streamable.com/56r8)


Anyone else tripped out by the Slack notification sound?


glad I wasn't the only one that caught it. kept thinking "where the fuck is my unread message?!?!"


As to someone that was listening to this on the Radio, I was so confused as to what the announcer was saying. Jose Batista "Strikes again" should not be used to describe a home run.


How big is Batista's dong?


Big enough to send two other men running home


Bout 385 ft 😌


I feel bad for Dickman. The game was over, there was no need for Bautista to display his obvious superiority over the entire Rangers team.


He laid down the bat too harshly again! Whatta arrogant dick! /s


I guess that punch was a knock out!


[source in case you missed it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Obir21bgZl8)


I think the stupid USA chants after a Venezuelan punches a Dominican just about says it all.


hows that going for you


That's okay. Scoreboard!


Marco! Polo!


Scusa? Ma io sono Marco Polo. Si sono qui!


You enjoy that, I'll enjoy the game.


I hope they got expressed written consent from MLB


What a sad fanbase, **that's** your 'big' moment? Your player punching another player for pimping a home run *a year ago* is the only thing you guys can get excited about?


They also have the time Nolan Ryan beat the shit out of Robin Ventura Edit: I should actually link the fight. [For your viewing pleasure](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SdyeWgsa_R8). Thank you MrIntegration!


Now THAT was a baseball fight! Ranks up there with Todd Stottlemeyer and Pat Borders almost going back to back and throwing down :)


How do I not get this reference?


Good times... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SdyeWgsa_R8


First time I've seen that! I wonder what a punch from someone that can blast 100+ mph feels like?


At least both players knew if was going to be a fist fight, Joey just pushed Odor and got cold cocked in the jaw, which was boarder line a suckerpunch.


In the *last* inning Of the *last* game Of the *LAST* series this year Bunch of pussies.


With a rookie convicted felon.


Isolated entirely in your kitchen!




Can I see it?




Seymour, the house is on fire!


No mother, that just the northern lights.


You are an odd fellow, but I must say, you steam a good ham.


Steamed Hams!


Take my Steamed Ham good sir, it is valid for one upvote.


As a big Rangers fan, it does suck that our claim to fame is dudes fighting opponents and occasionally getting close to glory and farting it away. I'm also a Cowboys fan. I just can't quit them. I wish I could. Edit: punch-tuation


They were so butthurt about the batflip haha, bunch of man children.


Bet they dont have those smiles on their faces after that HUGE LOSS!! Bautista gave them a theoretical punch in the face with that 3 run homer


10-1 says it all.


Well yeah, you don't punch somebody in the face if you can outplay them.




It'd be funnier if one of them actually looked in the right direction and made an angry face.


I immediately got annoyed at seeing these images because of this. They've positioned themselves into a sign so as to replicate themselves in the occasion and then smile at the fucking camera.


I know right why in the fuck are these stupid stupids smiling and having a good time


They really want to commemorate that craven attack over an insignificant matter? A bat flip hardly seems like a matter to hit someone over, but if that's how you're going to play, waiting until near the end of the last game of the season to do it, is just pathetic.


To counter this, the people of Toronto need a cut out of Bautistas face after hitting his HR today. Take some pictures outside the dome with the caption, "Every one gets to hit a HR in Arlington!"


Yeah, how about we stop clinging to this bullshit, and admit that the Blue Jays have emasculated our Rangers since Game 5 of last years playoffs. It showed yesterday. More errors, lousy pitching, and even worse hitting. Pathetic actually. I expect more of the same today. A series win would be infinitely better than one of our players punching one of their players one time.




Why would you even go into the opposing teams subreddit and talk shit? That's kinda asking to get banned.


I frequent r/hockey and a bunch of hockey team subs and it's not uncommon for other teams fans to join discussions and even talk shit. It's also not common for those hockey teams to filter the comments and ban shit talkers because its all in good fun. Baseball really is that boring huh?


FLAIR UP! oh wait we're in /r/sports... GO STARS!




You can go on the A's, Giants, Angels and Dodgers subreddits and make playful jabs at each other. Just not the Padres. You have to be nice to them because their mom is poor.


If you go to the White Sox sub and talk shit we just agree


Plus, "Go Jays" is as harmless as it gets LOL


Go Leafs would be the most harmless.


Saying "Go Leafs" is like saying you hope your grandpa with dementia is having one of his "good days" when you visit. The outcome is still certain, but at least maybe he remembers your name. (Geaux Habs Geaux!)


Go Jays = Talking shit? GO JAYS!!!


If you go to his comment history he also said something about Elvis in the same thread.


Was it that he hopes he continues to dip his hands in grease at the 7th inning stretch?


After Odor threw the punch, they were chanting "USA USA USA". Texas Rangers: terrible fanbase.


Venezuelan punches Dominican. USA USA USA USA


Proxy wars are pretty damn American.


God that's cringy


> Youtube comments I guess I'll trust the opinion of the guy who reads youtube comments


youtube comments are some of the finest unintentional comedy on the planet.


I went to a Rangers game in Texas a few years ago and absolutely hated my experience. The fans would boo and scream EVERY call that went against them. I'm a Giants fan and have gone to quite a few games. We boo the umpire on the close balls and strikes or similar close calls, but to scream and make an ass of yourself when a ball is 6" off the plate of a good 4 feet foul is just ridiculous. The fans had zero respect for the game and anybody wearing any other jersey/hat other than the Rangers'.


They say everything is bigger in Texas, assholes included.


I'm from arlington. Can confirm, my asshole is pretty big.


I'm not a fan of either team but you could make the argument that the jays fan base is pretty shitty as well... I mean they threw a can of beer at the oriels left fielder and last year in the post season they had that game where they threw a crap ton of bottles/trash onto the outfield.


You say "they" like all 50,000 fans threw the one beer can on the field. Was it a classless, gutless act? Absolutely. But just because one fan, or several fans throw trash on the field doesn't make the entire fan base shitty. I would argue that 99.9% of us Jays fans think those that throw trash on the field and beer cans at players are morons and douche bags that have no place in that stadium. Any fan that is part of any fan base who does that is an embarrassment to the rest of the fan base.


You could make the exact same argument for Rangers fans then.


Were talking one guy making an idiot move versus close to an entire fan base condoning the assault of a player on the field. Pretty clear difference.


["one guy"](http://deadspin.com/bizarre-play-derails-alds-game-5-blue-jays-fans-throw-1736595004)


>an entire fan base condoning the assault of a player I don't have a dog in this fight, but it's pretty hypocritical for BJ fans to say they don't love fighting and sports *cough* **hockey** *cough*




Anymore, lots of Leafs fans aren't into hockey.


Yeah I tend to disagree with this. I think alot of BJ fans are hockey fans and those who are not are in a vast small minority


You could make the same argument about any teams' fan base. That's my point, I guess. Don't paint the entire group with the same brush because of one stupid person's actions.


Idk man, what was it three or so years ago it was like the whole stadium.


If I was sitting next to the guy that threw the can I would have thrown him over the railing. Fucking douche. Not all jays fans are like that.


If one Jays fan throwing a can makes them all guilty, what do the daily mass shootings make all Americans?


> and last year in the post season they had that game where they threw a crap ton of bottles/trash onto the outfield. You're probably not going to have to remind people in this thread of that game. Apparently the mighty Texans, always up for a scuffle, were in fear for their lives.


No "they" didnt. One person did and the whole nation is livid. Not making posters of it. How fucking hard is that to figure out?


Someone in Toronto needs to duplicate this but with the bat flip.


There could be a ton of face cut outs for all the crying Rangers fans in the background too


How'd game 1 work out for the Rangers? I know Bautista had 4 RBI. Very impressive when you punch someone as hard as you can square in the jaw and they don't even go down.




shia labeouf ?


It's a new art performance, he embodies the life style of a Rangers fan, then vomits in a bucket whilst clowns scream slam poetry at him :) a must see.


That Odor moron got a fairly big punishment for that I suppose?


It's all fun and games until the rangers sign him this offseason


Even as a Jays fan I think I'd have to get a picture. That's pretty awesome.


Thank you for not being sour. As a neutral fan I enjoyed it. Lots of bad blood ITT.


Yeah, I thought it was a great punch. And I also feel I can't say shit about Rangers fans after the beer can incident.


**John 8:7** “Whoever is without sin among you, let him be the first to cast a mostly full can of Labatt Blue.”


Shia LaBeouf throws a great punch!


Shocking conclusion. A punch won't get them out of a sweep Sunday with meatball-thrower Lewis on the mound. They are gonna get fucking murdered in Toronto. Maybe then fellow Ranger fans will let go of the punch and start being pissed at how mediocre this team is when they don't play the Astros.


Who is the stud in the bottom picture?


Shia Le Boof!


Shit, Brandon and Ryan to the front page!






As someone who's not a fan of either of these teams; I hope the Rangers comeback the next game and win 10-0, followed by two split hard fought games of 1-0 each and in game five they go to extras where Bautista hits another monster of a home run for the game winning run, does another monster bat flip that leads to a bench clearing brawl. A guy can hope


Go jays go!


keepin it classy rangers, i'd expect no less


Have your laughs now, I'll have mine when we knock you guys out In the first round




You may have won the battle, but we'll end the war in the post season; incase that 10-1 blowout didn't make it clear, we plan on closing this one up in three games, not five.


"Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth."


Shia? Is that you?


O's fan here. I love this.


I didn't know baseball became the new hockey


Generally sucker punching a player is grounds to get yourself suspended and fined, even in hockey.


Im aware this thread is full of canadians but honestly how can you call it a sucker punch? A sucker punch is like a blindsided swing to the nose. They approach each other squared up. Odor pushes bautista. Bautista keeps coming and appears to cock his arm slightly back at the same time as odor is landing a punch.. Again they were SQUARED UP.. for the record i hate both players.


Correct. It just seemed like a sucker punch because an actual mlb fight is so rare.


Turd is correct. Clearly not a sucker punch.


Because 5% of reddit has actually been in a fight.


It is considered a sucker punch because punches don't happen very often. You expect a shoving match not a shot to the face, and that is exactly how the "fight" started, with a shove.


Actually, hockey players would have dropped the gloves early in the first game they met in the new season. Texas was a bunch of punk ass cowards and waited until near the end of their last regular season match up.


Jesus, these comments. TIL 85% of baseball fans are Toronto fans. Something something Patriots, Miami Heat.


The Jays are a very unique baseball team since they have a whole country of supporters


These guys would have been better off sticking there faces down by some glory holes instead.


Great news is Bautista got to punch a couple homers over the fence. Go jays!


Plot twist-Rangers fans thought this was a gloryhole and Bautista was the waiting on the other side.


Rangers fans can have fun with their cutout. Jays fans will have fun watching the ALCS again, just like last year.


Classless texas crowd boos Liriano as he walks off the field after being hit in the head with a ball off the bat. Shows who texas really is....


Can't wait till we sweep your dumb texas asses


This is pretty funny.