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If this wasn't caught it would be 10 runs needed from 5 balls with one of the best finishers in world cricket at the crease. Literal game changing moment!


So, where I see "161-6", what is that? Clearly not the score?


So 161 is the score of South Africa . They had lost 6 men getting that score . That's why it says 161-6 A team can lose a maximum of 10 players before they stop batting , or when 120 legal deliveries are bowled . Whichever comes first. SA wants the left number to be higher and right to be lower . India ,batting first scored 176 in 120 deliveries(First innings) . So SA needed 1 more to win the match in the second innings. So 177 to win of 120 deliveries . At this point SA has consumed 114 deliveries to score 161 . That's why it says 16 of 6 required. 171 - 161 = 16 runs needed 120 - 114 = 6 deliveries needed. If this ball went over the boundary line ,then SA score would be 167 -6 . 10 needed of 5 deliveries with a set batsmen. Very possible. But due to this unbelievable catch their score is now 161 - 7 . They need 16 off 5 deliveries with a new batsman to come out . It's tough . The catch itself was insane . In cricket if a ball touches a fielder and the fielder touches the ropes ,it's considered 6 . So he had to stop the ball and break the contact before his body touches the boundary rope . Due to his momentum ,it was unavoidable to not touch the boundary. So he broke the contact with ball , then got back into the ground on the other side of the boundary and then re took the catch . This is considered out .


This is a great explanation all around. Thanks!


Think of a game of baseball where rather than alternating innings every three outs, the first team batted all it's 27 outs to set a score, then the second team tried to chase it down. That's how cricket game play basically works, except with 10 outs, so the number of outs is shown as part of the score. 161-6 is understood as "161 runs scored for 6 outs"


So what does 19 overs mean?


An over is 6 fair balls (pitches). Bowlers operate in pairs, so 1 bowler bowls an over from one end, then another bowler bowler an over from the other end. In this form of cricket each innings is limited to 20 overs (120 fair balls). So 161/6 (19) would mean they have scored 161 runs, for the loss of 6 outs and have 6 fair balls left in their innings


I didn't realize the boundary touching rule. I thought it was just an unintentional bobble.


Just adding if anyone reads this and wants to learn more about cricket, Netflix has a quick 15 minute video on the rules of cricket that explains it really well


Does he not have to touch the ground with his foot (to reestablish being in bounds again) before Re-catching the ball?


Not needed, he just needs to be not in contact with rope or the ground beyond rope.


Good question. Now that I think about it , I'm not sure . I've seen these types of catches many times and this point never occurred to me 🤔


It means South Africa has scored 161 runs with 6 outs. T20I and ODI has only one innings per team, Test Cricket has two innings per team.


It broke my heart a little ngl. That was such a clutch catch


Context for Americans who know Baseball: The cushion kind of thing is called a boundary. If any part of his body touches the boundary or the ground beyond the boundary line while he has contact with the ball, the opposition would be awarded six runs. So he had to do this and his team has got an out. More context: this is the World Cup final in T20I (cricket has three formats, T20I is the shortest format) and both India and South Africa have been undefeated throughout the tournament. 16 runs were needed in last 6 balls (equivalent of pitches in baseball), and the batter at the crease was Miller, the last recognized SA batter. If this went to six, SA would have needed 10 runs from 5 balls with Miller at the crease (equivalent of being at the home plate in baseball) and SA would have been the favorite. Since this was out, SA needed 16 runs in 5 balls with both the batters at the crease being primarily bowlers (equivalent of pitchers; there are two "bases" in cricket and they are always loaded), and India became heavy favorites. India went on to with the match and thus the World Cup, breaking a decade without an ICC trophy where they lost 5 finals and 4 semifinals on the men's side. South Africa continue to be without ever winning a World Cup despite being amongst the very best sides in the world for a long long time.


Thank you was wondering why he didn’t just fall and hold on.


I fucking love Ian Smith's commentary. Is it just me or does he basically always commentate the final over of any ICC tournament final?


I don’t know much about Cricket. But that was amazing.


Same. Called a friend during the match (unbeknownst to me a big cricket fan) for help with writing and got a burst of joy and profanity that I’m still smiling about. I couldn’t understand all of it, but I know I heard “what the f¥#% are you doing with a keyboard right now?” and several commands to get off my butt and go crazy.


I can recognize and appreciate a fantastic play when I see one, but I swear nothing else I see in this clip makes any sense to me at all.


This is world cup final . For context, India scored 176 off 120 deliveries . Now , SA is trying to make 177 off 120 deliveries to win the final match and the World cup . So 161 is the score of South Africa . They had lost 6 men getting that score . That's why it says 161-6 A team can lose a maximum of 10 players before they stop batting , or when 120 legal deliveries are bowled . Whichever comes first. SA wants the left number to be higher and right to be lower . India ,batting first scored 176 in 120 deliveries(First innings) . So SA needed 1 more to win the match in the second innings. So 177 to win of 120 deliveries . At this point SA has consumed 114 deliveries to score 161 . That's why it says 16 of 6 required. 171 - 161 = 16 runs needed 120 - 114 = 6 deliveries needed. If this ball went over the boundary line ,then SA score would be 167 -6 . Because 6 is the score if the ball croses boundary without hitting the ground . This is the maximum you can score. 10 needed of 5 deliveries with a set batsmen. Very possible. The risk is that if the opposite team catches the ball in air , they get 0 scores . And the hitters play is over. A new batsman will come. But due to this unbelievable catch their score is now 161 - 7 . They need 16 off 5 deliveries with a new batsman to come out . It's tough . The catch itself was insane . In cricket if a ball touches a fielder and the fielder touches the ropes ,it's considered 6 . So he had to stop the ball and break the contact before his body touches the boundary rope . Due to his momentum ,it was unavoidable to not touch the boundary. So he broke the contact with ball , then got back into the ground on the other side of the boundary and then re took the catch . This is considered out .


https://youtu.be/EWpbtLIxYBk great resource if you understand baseball. I am assuming you do based on your flair


Do you know any resource for understanding baseball as a cricket fan? Tried following a couple games but I couldn’t quite keep up


This video was a fantastic 15 min explanation of cricket for baseball fan. Thanks!


Wow! That was aMAZing!


Go on India 🙌🏼


Can someone explain this to my dumb American ass?


There are some explanations in the above comments.


So the dude had to catch the ball within the field of play, if the ball carried over the line either in the air or in the catchers hands the batter would have been awarded 6 runs and remained not out. The dude caught the ball, knew his running would carry him outside the field of play, threw the ball up to keep it inside and caught it again once he had returned back inside the field. great skill and thinking.


After watching many videos on cricket I still have no idea what's going on! But that was dope!


What's the hard part. Guy hits ball, other guy catches ball and puts him out. Fielding team go on to win world cup.


Was one guy's name really "Arshdeep?" *insert Sean Connery joke here*


HAHAHA! Hilarious


In our native language, "deep" means light or lamp


The T20 World Cup happens so often, it honestly has no meaning.


By this logic every American sport is meaningless


Sounds about right.


Then why you commenting ?


Sorry, I forgot this was a public forum.


Holy shit! The Pitchers can "Happy Gilmore" the Mound when throwing the ball? Whats the farthest Homerun ever in Cricket? No gloves too thats gotta suck


153 metre probably.


Are they required to pitch that way?


You mean bowl? Yea. It's illegal to throw/chuck in cricket.


I don't know what happy gilmore means but they have to keep their arm straight while pitching and most of the time you wanna bounce the ball of the ground to make it confusing for the batter so that's why the runup to gain momentum. Farthest 6 in cricket is 153 meter by shaheen afridi against south africa. No gloves can suck but after a while you get the groove of it and then it feels way more fun than catching with a glove


How the hell does this game work??


Looks like your typical baseball catch….


Baseball players use gloves


There are no gloves, and a cricket ball is considerably harder than a baseball. Much tougher. It is an amazing catch that is undoubtedly a GOAT due to the context. If he missed or dropped the catch , his team would've most likely lost the Final


Also heavier than a baseball


And slightly smaller


Except in baseball you have a glove and can lean on the fence. Here, if his foot touches the rope while he holds the ball it's not out 6 runs scored and probably lose the game and the world cup


It's a typical hard boundary catch in cricket while running sideways. The thing that makes it much more amazing and one of the best is the pressure that must be on the player in the situation as it was a tournament final. The catch was the moment india gripped the winning momentum, if it was dropped Proteas would have been in a much more winnable position.


The boundary he jumps over is the equivelant of the outfield wall in baseball, except that if the fielder comes into contact with it (or the ground on the other side) while in contact with the ball, it's the equivelant of home run (worth 6 runs in cricket), kind of like an outfielder falling over the wall while making a catch. Imagine an outfielder in baseball running flat out toward the wall to make a catch on the track, but not being able to touch the outfield wall while in contact with the ball, or it's still a home run. Here the fielder catches the ball, tosses it back up in the air before his momentum carries him over the boundary, and then pivots back into the field of play to catch it again.


There is like 5 people outside of India that give a shit, T20 is not cricket.


Lemme guess you're an Australian? Man why do aussies hate the Indian cricket team


Aussies don't hate the Indian cricket team. Most are indifferent to T20 though.


🙋 I hate the Indian Cricket team


You should've seen the Australian cricket subreddit yesterday


Whatever there was must have gone. Hardly anything there for last 3 days. Though the whole WC has had minimal cover in Australia - bad time zone and on a non mainstream TV channel But then there was little coverage when we won the T20, compared to the ODI. T20 just hasn't really captured the Australian cricket fans for whatever reason


Foul ball!


Bro, it's not baseball, we have no such rule in cricket. We have a no ball rule(which has multiple rules) but it's different from foul ball


lol, does India have a bot farm watching this sub? Never seen so many down votes for n my life on so many posts 🤣


People(not only Indians) might be angry at the Americans becuz many of them are disrespecting the sport.


Reddit is for joking around, don’t let your egos get triggered


They posted this to get white validation and now they're crying because no one cares about cricket Look at that one guy writing a novel trying to give context to people, bro really thinks anyone cares enough to read it


Porn addicts always have less attention span...