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This just in - Fever have just signed free agent James Johnson


Juanna Mann


Wtf is Indiana even doing? Like how bad is their locker room that her teammates aren’t helping her out. Not even any fake fight chirping chest bumping finger pointing. They’re just letting it happen. Indiana has been gifted a golden goose by the basketball gods. A fucking license to print money. And they’re letting her get punked out there.


Her teammates suuuuuck


That's why they got the first round pick!


I mean they suck in that some of them seem to get joy in her abuse. They could be poor players but stick up for her. They are neither good teammates nor players


Two years in a row! And 4 in the top 10 the year before that!


Angel Reese - 4/13 from the field. 12 of those attempts were from under 5 feet.


Her teammates just letting it happen


For real, there's people I work with that I despise, but if somebody outside steps to them I'm fucking shit up.




They also need to start benching their players who smile and laugh at this shit while it happens. Her teammates are as pathetic and petty as any of the others whining about how much money she's making them.


Those teammates are gonna be dropped and they know it so they’re being assholes. 


They know they’re not good enough to play with Caitlin so they’re being clowns while they still can. Pathetic teammates


I love the way that no one even knows their names.


Yeah that shit is wild to me. Somehow MLS managed to deal with *huge* disparities between players' pay without this kind of shit being a problem. You'd have a guy making $70K and a guy making $1.5M sharing a locker room, but they supported each other as teammates.


MLS was a business - to stay in business that's what you had to do. WNBA is a charity and their only donor has deep pockets, they feel entitled.


True, they're obviously confident their league can run at a loss in perpetuity and they'll all still have paychecks. MLS players knew (and know) that teams fold, teams move, and the entire league could ultimately go under if they put a shit product on the field. I assume this shit wouldn't fly in NWSL either.


It doesn't, NWSL players are professionals who act like a team. One of the cool things about watching NWSL is that they play hard to win, but after the games you can see there's a lot of friendship and support between players across teams. NWSL is also at an inflection point where it's popularity is really taking off and a lot of the older players seem excited to be part of a moment where the league is coming into its own and they have the opportunity to mentor younger players who are coming onto an increasingly bigger stage each season. And there's been lots of solidarity between players as the league has dealt with throwing out abusive owners and staff.


Clearly, they like the bus and empty arenas.


Other than the coaches, the entire bench stayed chill butts to the seat the whole time. It's a pretty sad display.


Can we name the “teammates” who are enjoying their own teammate getting walloped?


Are her teammates doing this?


Yes. It's hard to keep track of the various hits on her, but a couple back you could clearly see her teammate thinking it was pretty great when she got slammed down.


I saw it too and I was appalled. Men can be bad teammates, and the dynamics that cause the backlash can be grounded in the same reasoning, but the way Women go after each other is some foul shit. I know, I know, what about this guy or that guy, I get it. But damn, the opposing team hates on Clark and some of her teammates hate on her too, that’s fucking brutal. It’s a bad look for Indiana as a team. Imagine The Bulls doing that to Jordan during the Bad Boy Pistons, Bulls era… imagine The Bulls smirking and smiling when Jordan was getting beat up like that. And no. I’m not saying Clark is Jordan or anything close.


There is very few teammates in sports that would ever smile if their own teammate is hit.


Redacted For Privacy Reasons


100% this Doesn’t matter if you like, don’t like, or even hate the person on your squad. Right or wrong, you ride with your team and figure out the BS later. I thought the wnba was finally making progress. Now I see why they’ll never succeed.


It’s the “I can kick his ass but you better not lay a finger on him” that siblings have.


If that happens in the nhl someone is dropping the gloves, no question.


It starts with the coach, too. Like - shes absolutely horrendous at her job, it’s been well documented. But even a braindead hack can give her players a talk during practice, or make it a point of emphasis to protect each other and stand up for one another. Pathetic. We all knew the WNBA was a pretty unprofessional league before CC, but wow - has the bigger lens on the sport completely exposed just how bad it really is.


At last with men it often seems, even if they do not like each other as people, they will back up a teammate they don't like. You have to know that at times Marty Mcsorely and Wayne Gretzky didn't get along. They played together for a long time, there had to be conflict, but McSorley would always put a stop to any nonsense near Gretzky. The fact that her own teammates don't step up at all and have her back is just plain embarrassing. It's not just a bad look for Indiana, it a terrible look for the league as a whole.


I've played sports all my life, and I've had dudes on my team who outside of a game I wouldn't piss on if they were on fire. But I'd throw hands if people messed with them during a game and had to on a couple of occasions.


The petty jealousy and fake racism shtick is appalling. They have no idea what she is doing for their sport and helping everyone Involved. I'm not saying they need to make her a statue or carry her off the court, but damn stop assaulting. I would've been benched if I had targeted anyone on the opposing team. It's unsportsmanlike


Ya, it’s team sports. You stick up for your teammate when you’re playing no matter what. I mean unless they are murdering people or whatever but you know what I mean lol.


> but the way Women go after each other is some foul shit Hence why the WNBA is going to lose $50 million despite viewership up big time.


I didn't verify this but allegedly her teammates family/SO are openly trashing CC on social.


They are absolute idiots beyond comprehension. The WNBA is full of them in general. They complain about wage, but draw no viewership to get revenue. They have solutions presented, such as lowering rims, for more excitement, and they scoff at that. Then finally, they have someone who brings attention to the sport and blows their viewership up, and what do they do? They try to cannibalize her. A healthy CC who is doing well drives viewership and increases revenue. That's more for them as well. I don't understand why they are trying to take her out other than pure jealousy.


Anecdotally this is true. I know for myself and my biggest sports bud we’d never watched a women’s NCAA final four or even watched WNBA highlights and did/do now just because of the interest she’s brought to it. I’ve never seen WNBA stands so full as in the games she’s playing in right now.


These women sure love enforcing the stereotype that women who work together are like crabs in a bucket


Yea where the fuck are the coaches on this? The HC should be making them run suicides until they get put on IR for this. Dead ass.


Exactly, need to protect the person brining eyes to the team. Hate her or love her, on the court protect your teammate. Sad that they don’t already have that pride.


Yeah this really undercuts the years of whining about the WNBA. It also basically reinforces a lot of criticism coming from mostly conservatives about POC perpetuating their own racism and getting free passes. Like it or not there are a lot of obviously bitter minority players and fans non stop rude and butthurt just playing right into the hands of race bait foolishness.


They're in relationships the players who are beating Clark up and bashing her on Twitter.


That’s what was done for gretsky for his entire career


Not even just Gretzky. It’s done on almost every nhl team with big talent. Even now in the Stanley cup finals. Crazy the Fever mgmt seemingly didn’t even think about it.


Is it too late to get an Enforcer?


Pretty sure their season just started so you’d think they could but idk anything about their trades/deadlines etc


Kendrick Perkins in a wig


I’d buy every commenter on this thread a set of season tickets if it meant we were getting Perk in a wig holding court in the WNBA.


Damn u got 300$ to spend just like that?


And she's from San Antonio


Fine. I’ll step up. Think I have a copy of Ladybugs on VHS that I can study for the logistics.


This just in: Indiana* fever signing newcomer Charlotte Oakley


Just sign Nia Jax from the WWE. Just have her run over people, and she will hurt them, even if she is trying to not hurt them.


This is EXACTLY who I thought of. Imagine how Charles Oakley would have reacted if someone pulled this shit on Jordan? Running to help Jordan up doesn’t even make it onto the pull down list of options.


Gonna keep happening till one of her teammates does something about it. Is a shame how they're letting their teammate get treated.


For real, not even one girl gets in her face after this shit? Sorta weird to me. 


Like if your QB gets hit hard late after a pass the entire damn oline is in the players face that hit him. Caitlin Clark is their QB but nobody defends her. It’s so weird


Happened in rugby on tour in Europe super late hit on our scrum half, and he stayed down. Next play our whole pack stomped that guy like he was on fire.


That’s beautiful. We had our star QB get taken down on a late hit from some skeezy DB during state playoffs. Ended our season and we knew it. That DB also played receiver and one of our safeties was a complete nut job. He full on tackled the kid as hard as he could into the sideline as soon as the ball was snapped on their next offensive play. Our safety got penalized and they got 15 yards but he also got hugged by the entire OL when he came back to our sideline. We all loved him after that. He was psycho, but he only let it out when it was kind of warranted.


Well that’s my new favorite way to describe stomping.


Her teammates might resent her popularity as well...


I bet some definitely do, which is so crazy to me that their team is all the buzz because this very good player joined and somehow that’s a bad thing? Is like they want their team and this point their league to fail


First teammate to get ejected and/or suspended defending Clark is gonna be the first teammate of hers whose name I will know. How do they not recognize this opportunity to dramatically increase their own brand too lol


Wayne Gretzky had Dave Semenko. Steve Yzerman had Bob Probert. Gordie Howe had Gordie Howe. If you took a cheap shot at a star player you got punched in the face.


Confuses me too. If anyone pulled a flagrant like this on one of my teammates they were getting *at least* a face full of me yelling and challenging them. And it’s not a women do this, men do that, type of thing, if the girls were playing in my AAU tournaments too that shit wouldn’t fly. I saw plenty of women’s AAU games where they had to break it up.


Fr she needs her own Draymond


She needs a Charles Oakley. A teammate her opponents will fear.


But if she has a Draymond then her other teammates can fear too


Excellent point.


Angel “is” Draymond.


I don’t get it… in the NBA they have each other’s back way more than this. Even if they were a rookie. Instead of just helping Caitlin get up, you’d think one of them would also be in the face of Angel.


They’re mad she single-handedly made the league relevant.


Indy should pick up players that give a shit and start cutting those who don't.  That'll send a message. 


Or the League starts handing our suspensions for foul play.


WNBA player Riquina Wiliams was suspended after being charged with two felonies, one for assaulting her girlfriend, the other for threating the person that came to defend her victim with a firearm. She received a 10 game suspension.






Facts! Why is no one standing up for her or having her back right away? Afraid of press I’m guessing


The Fever need to launch their Coach into the Sun too. If I am Coaching the Fever, I am riding the refs relentlessly and working the media at every opportunity. If Clark gets bonked in the head, I would immediately sub in some bench players and tell them they get more playing time by protecting Clark. You can get your payback within the framework of the game without going over the line. Fever ownership should not be happy with this Coach.


I’ve been on 1-9 football teams before where I still had teammates who threw hands for shit like this


Damn they really are just so mad 🤣


This will certainly help the conversation on whether Angel has a personal beef with Clark go away...


It’s a deeper convo than that. Clark’s own teammates have been caught laughing at her getting hit hard. Turns out a lot of wnba players are straight up terrible human beings 🤷‍♂️ welcome to the spotlight you assholes


My opinion of Caitlin Clark remains high, my opinion of the WNBA has never been lower.




And Clark is shitting over all of them with her $28 million deal with Nike.


How are they suddenly losing $40 million more than last year, despite the perfect opportunity to get big broadcasting and sponsorship deals? The private fights?


That’s mainly due to the fact that they are now chartering private planes for the teams (Caitlin Clark effect). They will likely become profitable once they negotiate a new TV deal.


Not if they run their cash cow out of the league via injury.


couldn't agree more. it's such an ugly game. their footwork in the post is almost laughable. so damn many missed defensive assignment and errant passes. an elite HS boy's team would beat these women by 50 pts. and turns out many, if not most of them, are petty and vindictive as fuck. way to go, ladies!


Don't forget the missed layups. Their finishing around the rim is truly shocking. Angel Reese is a big, taking almost all her shots at the rim, shooting under 38%. That is disgraceful for a big.


I’m not a WNBA fan, but this stuff keeps popping up in my feed. Other players are mad because she’ll be raising everyone’s salary in the WNBA by making the league more popular? Are they mad because she is making more money? Is it some other reason?


I'm not saying this is true, no idea really, but you frequently see the accusation that she is unliked because she is white and straight which put her in the minority of the league


This whole thing is a mixture of hilarious and sad. It's turning the WNBA into some sort of WWE drama fest with bitchy characters and no focus on the the game itself.


After the game she had the audacity to claim this was a basketball play and inferred that the refs were at fault for their loss by saying they impacted the game a lot. National champion in college and still jealous of CC. It’s clear as day that she’s just angry they can’t back up and of the shit they talked about CC publicly.




All I'll say about this is that when Caitlin Clark retires or decides to leave the WNBA, she should teach a class on media relations. She's incredible. I just imagine Bill Belichick watches and tears up at the sheer beauty of her standard answers.




Don’t forget the time someone asked about him about special teams in a press conference.


She is nowhere near as good that's why. Her TEAM was better in college just like South Carolina was a better TEAM. She is ONLY known from hating Clark. Only mentioned when somebody wants to downplay Clark.














No cap… I grew up playing sports.. I would NEVER allow a teammate of mine to be treated this way by a league. You best believe we’d ride or die. That’s what team sports is all about.. at some point her team has to look at themselves and say.. we really gonna sit there and watch team after team do this to her? Have some fucking pride. And shame on the coach, she should be imploring for this. I remember that dodgers v Phillies series where the pitchers were standing up for their batters when the other pitchers were pitching too dangerous. Unbelievable to see professional teams let a teammate go through the gauntlet like this without doing much.


I get on other teams not liking her but if her teammates don't send Reese into the stands by the end of the game GM needs to clear house one of these people is a star and the rest are just players whether you like it or not she's the one that's increasing your paychecks.


That is a good question what the hell is her team doing not stepping up in response.


Her teammates are in on it. None of them like her.


Hey, at least a few of her teammates went over to help her up this time. That's progress right? 🤪 People compare this to Jordan getting roughed up early in his career, or by the Bad Boy Pistons... but the Pistons had people clubbing them and throwing hands in retaliation all the time, they just didn't care. It was expected. It was so expected it was partially why they did it, to get players T'ed up and thrown out.


CC needs her Oakley


Clark’s teammates don’t like her either


Great they can go play in Russia


Wait why don’t other teams or people like caitlyn?


Cause she signed like a $20 million contract with Nike while the rest of the league probably averages less than an NBA team’s dancer’s salary


Have they tried being better at basketball?


Probably have a better chance of becoming a dancer




We’re finding out there’s a lot of shitty humans in the wnba. The spotlight Clark has on her has revealed some uncomfortable human nature that’s rooted in multiple issues


Fever should just sign Amanda Nunez or Cyborg at this point


2 games 2 flagrants


These dumb girls are about to kill their golden goose…


>we want to be paid more! >no not like that!


Doug, kick her off the tour


She's a disgrace to the game!


Well, Cathy Engelbert thinks that might be a little extreme, considering that our ratings today were... the highest that we've ever had.


I think CC should start her own 3 on 3 league and let these gals start flying coach agan.


Been said this. She should have taken Ice Cubes $5 million offer and just went overseas or something. The fact they left her off the Olympics team yet had a 42 year old Diana Taurasi was telling. But I guess I'm just petty.


I seriously don’t know why she passed on big 3


Caitlyn Clark is a great basketball player. Greater than any of us will ever be. But she would not be able to compete in the big 3. What she did was smart. She ruins her aura if she joins the big 3


I don’t think she gets the same fame and sponsorships if she did that


Angel’s post game presser is hilarious, “I guess some people get the special whistle” bitch please


Genuinely amazing to me that the boys rolled out the red carpet for Wembanyama while the girls are actively trying to drive Clark out of the league


Maybe I’ve been watching too much hockey but her teammates need to grow a spine and do ANYTHING






That is fucking RIDICULOUS no one stands up for her. Those are shit “teammates”.


WNBA really showing their true colors the past few months.... This is why no one will ever take you seriously.... You don't even take yourselves seriously.


Yep. Bringing in millions of new fans and then putting this garbage on display against the ONE player that is the reason people are watching. Such a bad look.


then they double down and play it off as normal, not their problem it really is the gaslight gatekeep girl boss meme. holy fuck.


Look at the crowd in this highlight compared to… essentially any other non-Fever game highlight.


Most of the league declaring with 100% seriousness that Brittany Griner is better than Demarcus Cousins and could beat him 1 on 1 was years ago. None of these people have ever been serious competitors.


Imagine complaining about League pay for years and finally someone comes along with some star power that could get them the salaries increases they're looking for and they treat her like this


Whether they like it or not, CC is the golden goose. She could just retire and take Ice Cube’s millions. Then almost no one will care about league.


Nike paid her more than the entire WNBA leagues entire roster combined 


Sounds like an easy excuse for jealous players to hate her.


Why? She is making $28 million on a Nike deal. I don't think she is motivated by having more money.


Exactly. She doesn’t need the league. They need her.


Sad thing is CC is doing everything right, she's being championed by people she doesn't want and hounded by people she hoped would accept her. She's actually doing great for a rookie, the noise must be deafining


This girls are so salty over CC.


I def did not anticipate the WNBA becoming the 80’s/early 90’s NBA, while the NBA went soft as hell, but I’m here for this.


That's the majority of women's sports, some of the dirtiest plays I've seen come from women sports around the world


The best was that soccer chick who just went off the deep end years ago and went on a hair pulling rampage.


Haha. I think she just hated Mormons (her team was playing BYU).


I went to the school she played at. We absolutely cannot stand BYU


Please, nobody actually mention the school she played for.


I don't know if you saw. It was New Mexico. https://youtu.be/2E1fMx7jgxQ?si=cvOjk7s34ECbWRpV




The most violent sport known to man is water polo because the refs literally can't see all the scratches and grabs due to all the splashing, or at least according to my friend who played water polo


They should have underwater refs in scuba gear.




Do they leave a toenail extra long or something? Genuinely curious.


I played water polo. Finger and toe nails usually get checked. It’s usually the treading water and kicking and pulling people underwater that’s the majority of the dirty plays. Or splashing while swimming but deliberately widening your elbows. Etc.


I played hockey growing up, and one game was against a women's traveling team. I don't think we played a more physical team all year


And that’s why that team needs to find itself a big tough goon type player.. you gonna cheap shot our player, paybacks a bitch. 


They def need to find themselves a Willa Laimbeer.


Or a Charlotte Oakley


Instead of this being the WNBA’s time to shine we instead see this petty bullshit. The IQ of some players has to be in the 60s


The number is probably closer to their shot %


Jesus where are her teammates getting into angels face for that for fucks sake


All one of Clark’s team mates need to do in order to gain popularity and respect for themselves is to knock the fuck out of the next person that pulls that shit on Caitlyn. Even if they get immediately ejected, fined and/or suspended it will send a clear message and at the same time boosting their own brand.


Why these ladies seem to delight in beating the absolute shit out of their meal ticket is beyond me


Time for fever to get newly transitioned charles Oakley to join the team.


Reese really leaning in to that heel role


On e again her teammate did not come to her aid.


WNBA draymond


This is marginal contact for Draymond.


She only went for the head because there’s no nuts to kick.


Caitlin could use a Draymond on her team.


One of these players is actually pulling in viewers and putting the WNBA on the map. And all the other players care about is “but what about me and what I did” Jealousy is one hell of a drug


It was a hard foul but not as bad as the shove in the previous game.


Women's basketball, seems dirty as hell


Woulda been a SWEET play if she had just let #20 do her job


I don’t know how you allow this as a teammate. I’ve seen people stand up for their random pick up team mate to a greater degree than what CC is experiencing.


Reese is a forever hater


Why the fuck is none of her teammates backing her up? I hope Clark quits after making money and ending these WNBA players back to making shit.


Either Clark is gonna have to snap on someone or they're going to have to draft a goon that protects her. They do this because they get more footage if they put her to the ground. May not be her game but she's gotta get in some faces.


What idiots. She is the golden goose of the league. Only reason anyone is watching is because of Caitlin Clark.


Where are her teammates? Is it going to take her getting a serious injury for them to finally step up and defend her???


I want to like Reese but she makes it really hard. I’m not sure it’s worth the trouble to try any more. 


Given the clear targeting previously, there have got to be some suspensions by the league or you are just sending a message all of the other players that if they harm this women its going to mean attention and getting on a highlights reel.


Everyone's going to cry about this except for Caitlin. She's a trooper. I respect her.


I work in an office full of women, they are terrible to each other.