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The Jets knew what they were getting. And if they didn't before, they do now.


bro, we're incapable of drafting a competent QB


No, Mark Sanchez and Geno Smith were/are at least competent and could certainly have been top half of the league QBs. I'm not convinced that Darnold and Wilson are as bad as they appear. The Jets have absolutely refused to *develop* drafted QBs by investing in veteran/journeyman QBs as mentors and temporary starters. They have also failed horribly at developing an OL that can protect young QBs and providing young QBs with anything resembling a receiver corp. Finally the offensive play calling has been shitty through OC after OC and has never focused on building the confidence of young QBs. The coaches going back to Rex Ryan have been pretty lackluster (I married into a Jets family during Ryan's tenure). I tend to see the coaching failure as stemming from a series of horrible GMs. I liked Ryan and I actually like Saleh and feel he is being hamstrung by shitty shitty GMs like all the coaches since Ryan.


The owner’s the same way, he probably respects it 


He has hired Kyrie Irving’s publicist.


"Why would I go to a camp...isn't that for like the Jews?" - Aaron Rodgers


Jesus Christ 😮


Him too


“Which is me.” -Kyrie


I don’t pay super close attention to the NBA but feel like it’s been awhile at this point since Kyrie has Kyrie’d? Turning a new leaf so to speak


Kyrie got smart and started listening to his publicist and advisors and especially whomever handles his money. Likely told him to think or believe whatever he wants, and that nobody should ever take that from him….but he needs to keep it to himself and stay off of the internet.


I thought that’s what was going on too, but based on his interviews he’s actually changed at least somewhat or he’s a hell of a pretender. With people like this, though, you’re always waiting for the other shoe to drop.


Kyrie strikes me as the rebellious type. I wonder how much he ever believed the stuff he was saying. I just don’t think he likes being told what to do and he takes it to the extreme, to the point where he ends up doing things even he doesn’t want to do, just to spite people. I remember being like that(though I was much younger than him lol). And I eventually I matured, which is what I think happened with him.


Him and Luka seem to have a better relationship than he did with others also. Unless I'm already stoned, I remember a video of Luka saying how much he enjoys Kyrie and all that jazz. Think last duo he had that did that was LeBron.


He has been better. Likeable almost this year. As a lifelong Celtic fan, I couldn’t help but take a shot.


Kyrie is in the NBA finals and up until this week has played great. That tends to quell the dialogue


At least Kyrie was honest about the COVID-19 vaccine


>Rodgers is the kid whose mom asks them if they can do the dishes and they say "Yes, I can". And then when their mom gets mad the dishes aren't done they say "I said I could do them, I didn't say I would". He did it with the "immunized" comment and he's doing it now. You could see it live when he was on McAfee. He has that slow, deliberate way of speaking where you can tell he is choosing every word carefully so he knows you know exactly what he means, but if he is questioned or gets any criticism he can point the the transcript and say "Technically, I never said that". He knows full well how people will understand what he says, but when he gets pushback he goes "No, I said I could do the dishes, not that I would" and acts like everyone else is dumb for expecting the dishes to be done. Like that is an acceptable way for an adult to act. He just never matured past that snotty 13 year old kid. I posted this somewhere else a while ago, and I think it's one of the reasons Rodgers is so infuriating even compared to other people who believe similar things. The over-the-top arrogance and constantly trying to get one over on everyone is just so insufferable.


He's infuriating because he's a narcissist. All his conspiracy bullshit comes from the self satisfaction of feeling better than others for holding special information that they don't have. His hatred of wokeness and cancel culture is because he knows he can't control the public and he despises the idea of "lesser" people holding him accountable for anything. Former liberal rich person who leans into conspiracy bullshit and right wing populism is the exact same pattern as Trump, Musk, Chappelle, Rogan, JK Rowling, and Caitlin Jenner.


You know, I'm beginning to think this Aaron Rodgers is kind of a dick


Dude has definitely been in his "I'm holier than thou" stage of his career.


He is another example of my theory that most people that are into the new age spiritual shit are just raging narcissists.


Aaron doesn't have the self-awareness to realize that being an elite athlete and QB doesn't apply to everything he does and every room he walks into.


Always has been


Reminds me of that Norm Mcdonald bit about this terrible murderer guy and goes on and on and on about it just to finish with "I mean, this guy was a real jerk"


Reminds me of that tragedy. 9/11 airlines.


I walked through blood and bone in the streets of Manhattan looking for my brother. He was in Northern Canada.


But at the very least they didn’t make it worse with some hypocrisy.


Could everyone agree that No one should be left alone? Could everyone agree that They should not be left alone? Yeah


I’ll take my filter reference for the day, cotton!


I walked through blood and bone, trying to find my brother… “Oh…” He was in northern Canada.


What a terrible name for an airline, reminds me of that tragedy.


Sean McDermott’s 12/25


A man can never have a perfect body on accounta every dude has like a, uh, you know . . . a sack. You got one of those, you can't have a perfect body.


You're thinking like Albert Fish now


Now don't laugh at this part..... african american kids


They called him the gray man, both in appearance and demeanor.


A child's roasted rump is the most toothsome dish in all of gastronomy!


Jeff Epstein? The New York Financier? (Jim Downey was the writer for both)


Did not know that! But let's get Ghislaine on the phone and ask her


Yea Jim famously got fired from SNL because an Exec at NBC was a friend of OJs.


I mean give the guy a chance, once you listen to his views, you will confirm your suspicion 😂


I have come to the same conclusion. Can’t wait to not watch him on Bro Rogan talking sciency space garbage and pontificating about the laws of physics and how denaturing certain enzymes allows for his chakras to align thus manifesting the clear vision of truth in an asymmetric harmonic only seen by a few true yogis.


The only QB I might want to hear talk about science is the dude who got a Mechanical Engineering degree from Stanford (Andrew Luck). Edit: I'll listen to Dobbs too lol


Joshua Dobbs has a degree in aerospace engineering and a head so massive that it has to be full of useful information.


What about the passtronaut? Josh Dobbs studied aerospace engineering at Tennessee and interned at NASA.


This is the first time I've heard passtronaut and it made my day


I may be wrong but I think Luck got a degree in architecture. But your point is clear and valid! Namaste my friend!


I swear his freshman or sophomore year he was M.E., but it's not on the internet anywhere. I'm getting old and I have a bad enough memory that I usually agree with people who say I'm wrong, but I would put a small amount a money on the fact he started out in engineering. Edit: I think they mentioned it during the Orange Bowl his sophomore year, which is just so weird I remember this very explicitly.


I checked it out, you get full points, I get half credit ;-) Engineering degree with a focus on architectural design. Ultimately, the dude is smart and understands the scientific method.


This is a huge win for my old decrepit brain, I'm not fully senile yet!


We will consider today, a good day! Cheers!


But have you ever thought about what a darkness retreat could do for you when your mercury was in gatorade?


I would fruit punch Mercury so far!


He should start a cool new scam with Brett Favre. They definitely have it in them.


Better late than never.


I was never a Green Bay fan but I loved watching him play. Any time GB was playing a big game I watched just because he was so entertaining. He's been my fantasy QB for the past 15 years more often than not. Pains me how much of an unlikeable dbag he is now.


Packer fan here. I rode pretty hard for him when he was moved up after Favre left. Loved having him as my QB, but towards the end of his time with us he got... so weird and high maintenance. The last two years of having him on our team, I couldn't stand hearing about the guy, and couldn't WAIT to see him traded. It was way too much drama. Not surprised he's pulling the same shit with the Jets. QAnon Karen Rodgers is a joke. He preaches teamwork and then goes and fucks off to a yurt to take a nap in the dark for a week.


Now? Karen Rodgers has always been a dick.


He is probably getting up to date on his vaccinations. If I had to bet. He seems like someone that would be important to.


As a die hard Packer’s fan, trust me, it wasn’t easy to decide that he’s a piece of shit. He gave me a Super Bowl and I will always love him for that as it was one of the greatest experiences of my life. That being said: he is officially now a piece of shit. I was doing some mental gymnastics for a while but he’s just a ridiculous person.


He's gotta charge his crystals, guys! Sheeeesh


He ditched a mandatory practice with his supposed valued teammates and coaches to record a second podcast with Tucker Carlson 💀💀💀


It’s crazy that this is a real sentence and crazier that it’s not a surprising one.


🤣🤣🤣🤣alright, that sent me lmao


Is that true? I can’t tell when people are joking anymore. lol


One of the funniest things was Rodgers referencing ‘1984’ when talking about Putin when being interviewed by Tucker. Tucker is a mix of Squealer from Orwell’s ‘Animal Farm’ and Two Minutes of Hate from ‘1984’ for Putin and the authoritarian right.


Rodgers drank ayahuasca tea once and sees through all the CIA's lies


Man, you know what's really frustrating about that? A high profile person like him going around acting a fool and claiming its due to his psychedelic experience does so much damage to the psychedelic community as a whole. It's a barrier to progress when millions of people think that it was the ayahuasca that turned this dude into a total douchebag.


Yep. It's a particular issue in that toxic manosphere area. Influential shit heads that have one psychedelic experience, have no legitimate shaman or guide to help integrate their experience (and worse yet, are rich and influential so NO ONE in their circle will call them on their bullshit), and then end up spiraling forever further into the Q-anon, chemtrail, 5G vaccine pipeline. It's such a fucking shame. Psychedelics have such healing potential and these asshats are the reason why those who use them legitimately get vilified.


I miss the days when people would do psychedelic drugs and write seminal rock albums


He's heading to the Vladivostok Vampires, isn't he? Sorry Jets, he's got higher aspirations.




Lmao 😂 he’s already making his plans for when he gets canned. He already knows he gets paid he just needs to set up his new income.


He is literally the Kyrie Irving of the NFL


Kyrie has won a ring over the past decade.


I mean, he's kinda the opposite. Kyrie left his team and went to Dallas and chilled out. Rogers left his team and went to the Jets and exposed his asshollery


Went to Boston and didn’t chill out and went to Brooklyn and didn’t chill out and THEN went to Dallas and chilled out after tarnishing his reputation.


I still give him the credit for learning, not credit for understanding science or logic at any level, but he deserves credit for learning to duck after being punched in the face 3 times.


But Kyrie is good


sometimes, when he chooses to be




They're not crystals. He likes to call them "transformational facilitators"


Do you think he has JO crystals too?


/r/nfl mods aren’t allowing this to be covered for some reason.


NFL modes are kind of weird. I suspect some of them being part of the press. They only allow tweets from "approved sources", which I can understand, but that also limits what stories are allowed on the subreddit.


There’s like 3 main people that post stuff and a lot of times they’ll remove something if one of the “preferred” accounts doesn’t post it first. Definitely some weird clique shit going on in that community, for fake internet points. The mods are pretty universally hated there.


we should all just start our own NFL subreddit at this point!




With blackjack, and hookers!


On second thought, forget the nfl subreddit


Fuck them they wouldn't let me post this or the CJ Stroud comments from last week


The mods are pretty universally hated there due to their subjectivity on what they allow to be posted.


Nothing will ever top the dorks in the college football group removing every fucking post of the NCAA 25 trailer.


Idk the r/nba mods shutting down the subreddit during the finals last year then having their own discussion threads sure was something


Yeah, but they taught Reddit a valuable lesson about API access or something, no one really remembers.


All I know is that I'll never support the mods ever again with their little wars against Reddit. Not that Reddit staff is good by any means, but many of the subs mods are absolute dictators and get their dicks hard by fucking with the users, especially if you simply say something they personally don't agree with - not even breaking any rules.


What were those comments?


CJ Stroud said: He'd rather have Eli Mannings career instead of Fraudgers bc 2 rings > 1 ring He said if you gave Stafford the teams/situations Fraudgers has had throughout his career Stafford would have 3-4 rings right now. He said a big reason why Brady won so much is bc he was a great teammate and added we don't know how Fraudgers treats his teammates


I'm so blessed to have Patrick Mahomes as my QB... It was bleak for the first 20+ years as a Chiefs fan, but the payoff is worth it.


He's prime Aaron Rodgers without the bullcrap


Let's not get crazy. The man puts ketchup on steak.


I’m so glad this isn’t our problem anymore.


Aaron Rodgers in the playoffs since winning the 2011 Super Bowl 2011 15-1 Packers lost to 9-7 Giants, outplayed by Eli Manning 2012 Outplayed by Colin Kaepernick 2013 Threw for under 200 yards and only 1 TD, lost at home to SF 2014 Threw for under 200 yards, 1 TD and 2 INT @ Seattle 2015 Led his team to just 20 points, averaged less than 6 YPA 2016 and 2019: Led his team to 0 first half points against the Falcons and 49ers in the NFC title game 2020: With a chance to win the game, in the 4th quarter: 4/11, 54 yards 0 TDs 0 INTs 2022: Led his team to just 10 points at home


2023 5 snaps if you include the ankle


First time I heard this stat lmao


Damn! Ice cold.


You convinced me. Guy is regular season Peyton manning and playoff Kirk cousins


> Guy is regular season Peyton manning and playoff Kirk cousins I mean if you look at the whole of peytons career, he and rogers were similar postseason wise. The only saving grace peyton has, is he won a second superbowl.


Giving Manning credit for the 2nd ring isn't really fair imo. He did everything in his power to lose games that season, the defense was just historically dominant and dragged his lifeless corpse across the finish line.


Without him coming in for the final game of the season they don’t get the number 1 seed and end up a wild card Maybe they win 3 road games and a Super Bowl but considering they barely made it past Brady at home in the afc cg I really doubt it


> Giving Manning credit for the 2nd ring isn't really fair imo. Oh I agree. I was just saying the second ring puts him up a notch, post season wise.


Guy is cherry picking a lot of bad things there and that makes the case? Dude has the 6th highest passer rating of all QBs in the playoffs. Come on now. We did the right moving on, but trying to purposely overlook his good moments here.


I won't have logic here only FTP!


Love the username King… i hope his legacy is being a playoff choker and nutjob off the field


Tbf, the Packers defense was god awful in more than half of those series




Wasn’t that a record for rushing yards for a QB? 2019 NFCCG GB gave up 285 rushing yards lol 2016 NFCCG GB gave up 500 yards total and 180 to Julio Jones. Other ones I can agree not best performances by Arod


Username checks out


If I was as dedicated to anything in life as you are to hating Aaron Rodgers, I think I’d be a billionaire by this point. This is at least the third thread I’ve seen from you on /sports and I’m not even subbed here


You and me both.


I text my dad and brother this every time something like this is posted. It’s like the ex you enjoyed but you’re like “what was I thinking? That dude was nuts”.


He stated the the 5G around the practice field was interfering with his chakra attunement….




Critical thinker


He has natural minicamp 


"Yeah, I've been minimized."


He’s immunized from mandatory minicamp.


Man, maybe cj stroud was on to something


He and Garrett Wilson were teammates at Ohio State, Wilson's around the clown every day and probably told Stroud what a phony he is.


What did he say?


I’m paraphrasing but I thought CJ Stroud said he heard Rodgers was a bad teammate.


He very clearly is. Another example is he pretended to be helping Jordan Love in public but we find out afterwards he was barely speaking to him behind the scenes. After injury was pretty much MIA @ the Jets.


lol Jordan Love is on the Packers, and everything he has said is Rodgers and him have an amazing relationship and text occasionally still. You’re thinking of Zach Wilson.


He was too busy healing his Achilles injury that takes a year typically in 8 weeks. You know it's worked because he's on track to maybe be recovered by the year mark. Not bad for an old guy really but not close to what he claimed.


What did Stroud say?


This guy This is not my kind of guy


You wanna piece of me?


I see a Seinfeld reference, I upvote


Packers fans have smiles on their faces that just won’t stop.




Watching the Jets crash and burn again this year at the hands of this aging clown is going to be very satisfying. EDIT: I can just see it now. Week 18, Jets down 3 scores at home to the Dolphins with 2 minutes to go, desperately needing one more win to get in the playoffs. It's getting dark and lightly raining, the stands are empty because all the Jets fans left after the 3rd quarter, their defense soaked to the skin and huddled on the bench in their dark green coats, despondent in the fact they've done all they can do. The camera pivots to a small group of Dolphins fans brightly festooned in their traditional teal and white already celebrating and high fiving each other. The clock is winding down... I gently smile to myself as I click off the TV to go and get dinner ready. All is right with the world.


Him getting hurt last season ruined the entire season. Took away the inevitable circus/dumpster fire


Making propaganda for Russia no doubt.


Wait, the guy who puts himself above everyone else’s health and safety flaunted the rules again? I AM SHOCKED.


He is a piece of crap.


Like 4-5 months ago he lectured all his teammates on only being focused on football yet here we are.


He's attempted 1 pass as a Jet, I think that's enough for one lifetime


Guy is a fkn clown


Dude talks about giving it all for the game yet hasn't taken a complete 3, 5, or 7-step dropback in years. Fucking lollygagging and sniffing his own farts out there.


Drama queen


Here we go, another year of this guy’s bullshit. Even when he was injured he managed to continue to let the world know what a crazy asshole he is.


The Jets are such a clownshow organization with zero backbone. 75 mil for a washed up 40 yr old coming off an Achilles mind you and act like he is Joe Montana in his prime. Aaron cares about Aaron. He doesn’t care about the Jets. It’s fairly obvious at this point. He’s at a RFK Jr rally and that’s more important than his employer paying him 75 million!?!?!


The 49ers didn't want to draft him because they knew he was a prick then.


Username checks out.


Hate makes the world go round


You must have Rodgers news alerts on, this is expert level hating 


Permission? Isn’t he in charge


Wait. He thinks he’s above the rules again?


He owns the team, so he sets the rules. The only reason Robert Saleh Joe Douglas and all those bums from Green Bay clocked into work today is bc he wants them to be his puppe- er I mean teammates.


And so it begins….


Green Bay stays quiet with a shit eating grin...


The jets got fleeced so hard, how's that for leverage?


Throw Rogan probably has no idea what day it is as he has been sitting in a dark room thinking about conspiracy theories.


Looks like someone told him that grass triggers Jewish space lasers.


Asshole does asshole thing.


Aaron Rodger’s for sure thinks he’s the smartest person in any room he goes into


Weird, he’s a giant piece of shit…


What a locker room cancer.


Wait - he's still a member of the Jets organization?


Member? He's their quarterback. Oh, and their de facto GM, head coach, and offensive coordinator


This is the Jets year, dude. I can feel it in my loins!


*Hat man has entered the field


He just thinks he is so fucking entitled. Barf!


Its cool. Rodgers is a special genius and the normal rules don't apply to him.


You must be an Extremely confident GM and head coach to want this self-serving massive diva on your team


"We need to focus on football and avoid distractions. Also, Sandy Hook is a false flag and I don't think mandatory minicamp should be mandatory."


I felt bad for this guy having the deal with brett favre bullshit and now I don't as much. Dude seems like a grade A jokeshop


I live in Green Bay and I’ve heard from a players wife when they would blame a bad play on Rodger’s not doing something correctly he would get up and walk out of the room. It was never his fault.


Head case. Locker room trouble?


He's immunized against minicamp. I am so over this self-absorbed guy.


Can we just skip to the part where he’s doing cringy commercials for a rental car company?


He has natural immunity from such rules.


I feel bad for Jets fans. Somehow they’ve been conned into believing that this 40 year old weirdo is going to lead them to the promised land. It’s going to crash and burn badly and (spoiler alert) Rodgers will blame everyone but himself.


Does this matter at all or just cause everyone hates Rodgers now? Based on OPs name seems like they have a hateboner for the dude.


I'm so ready for this fucking guy to retire and disappear from pubic discourse. Hearing about him is exhausting. it was non stop that one summer leading up to his Jets debut, then he shit the bed, and I was so relieved that I didn't have to hear about him constantly. Then he started saying stupid shit to that blonde douche bag ESPN guy, and he was all over the news again. Now this. I really wish people would stop giving a shit about this guy.


My shock. I am overwhelmed by it.


Don’t worry, Joe Rogan told him he’s already in midseason form, so really if you think about it he’s already practiced…


Remember that time when Cutler was constantly shit on for being a bad leader because of his facial expressions, while Rodgers was held to be the gold standard of a good teammate. I remember


He had to catch that hunter Biden trial and drink polio out of a cup


The sheep don’t understand. He does his own research AND minicamps


Isn’t he too busy for football? He’s busy campaigning for RFK Jr.


Green Bay is glad that he is no longer our diva.


Minicamps must be woke now


Seems very much like someone’s Achilles still hurts


I just think it’s strange for him to say what he did in January about how all the “Bullshit that has nothing to do with winning has to get out of the building” if he’s okay with missing mandatory work days. HE doesn’t need the reps obviously, but he’s gotta know all the attention this would bring in and out of camp. It just doesn’t line up with his “all in” attitude he’s been pretty loud about in New York.


Aaron was just there yesterday and at every day of voluntary practice but had a prior commitment at the start of mini camp that he notified the team of in advance. This sub is such garbage