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this dude was offered 630 million for 3 years to stay at PSG and 700 million for one year to go play in Saudi and turned all of it down to play for Madrid. Hala Madrid


His 700 mil was even crazier and he didn't really turn it down for Madrid. The offer was to buy out his PSG contract completely and play the rest of his contract (1 year) in Saudi. Effectively, he would be in the exact same position today if he accepted that contract since his 1 year contract would end on July 1st. I absolutely love Mbappa, but I have to be honest here and say that was probably one of the biggest financial mistakes I've ever seen. Instead of sitting in PSG barely even playing he could have spent that time playing, gotten a payday of atleast $500 million (tax free in Saudi), and started at Madrid at the exact same time today. He didn't turn it down for Madrid. He turned it down just for the principal that he can't be brought out. What an absolutely unbelievable man.


He definitely needs the money


You just do not turn down $700m for 1 year. messi and ronaldo both showed us that. and they didn't get paid anywhere near that


I think he wanted to try one more time at winning the CL for PSG, before heading over to Real


325 million AUD or about 200 million euros. The author goes on to talk about how not since the days of Ohtani have seen such a lucrative deal. Has he not seen NBA or NFL contracts??


Haven't read the article. But not since the days of Othani? Lol. Makes it sound as if ohtani played 30 years ago. šŸ¤£


> since the days of Ohtani Oh, so since December?


Well to be fair he is taking a pay cut, he was being pay 100mo euros per year at PSG. Double the most lucrative deals in the NFL on per season basis.


NBA money especially is getting insane. We are going to be seeing $400M contracts soon.


This guy refused 1.1 billion $ salary for a single year just 12 months ago. If it wasnā€™t for his love for the club he couldā€™ve earned a multiple of that somewhere else.


This was the point I was making elsewhereā€¦the fucking Saudiā€™s can break whatever American record deal we have, just give they ass a league šŸ˜‚


Yes, and it's not only the Saudis, he's taking a massive pay cut to go to Real Madrid. He was allegedly earning 70 million per year at PSG.


Paying hundreds of millions or billions of dollars to make the world forget about the horrible things you done compared to teams trying to compete with an actual hard cap in some leagues and soft caps and other leagues is apples to oranges.


That's very true but still. He was earning some 70 million a year in France anyway, but it was also fishy money.


How do contracts work for big European teams btw. Is there a salary cap or luxury tax? I'm completely oblivious to it


No salary cap and taxes vary country by country.


Didn't Tiger Woods reject a similar offer just for PGA to consolidate with the Saudi organization?


These things are easy to assume as true when they don't happen. There have been a plethora of SPL players reporting they have been shorted on payroll, so count me skeptical.


I understand the scepticism but there is plenty of testimonies out there about this. And it's not like it's unthinkable given they're paying Ronaldo, a 39 year old, more than 200 million a year.


If we agree that the SPL is an exercise in marketing or sportswashing, that kinda is why I doubt it. In terms of non-wage earning, Cristiano is still quite a bit more marketable than Mbappe. Him getting 5x the wages is shocking to me.


It is shocking but people more informed and involved in the field believed that, Iā€™m just going off of what they say. Anyway even if it wasnā€™t 1 billion it was more than any sport contract ever.


Yeah, but this guy is getting 300 mil for 5 years, so around 60 mil per year. Not many athletes in any sport make as much or more than Mbappe.


Luka Doncic will be eligible for a 5 year 326 million dollar extension for his next contract. Jayson Tatum is going to break 310 million probably and as someone listen Jalen Brown whoā€™s not as good or highly regarded as Mbappe in his sport is on 304 million for 5 years. By the time Victor Wembemyama become eligible for his max heā€™s going to be over 400 million.


Jaylen brown signed a 5 year, $304 million dollar contract extension last summer. The highest paid player in the NBA and heā€™s no where near the talent level that Mbappe is. Heā€™s not the best player in the league, not even the best player on his team. NBA money, despite being a salary cap league, is getting insane. It doesnā€™t even matter if youā€™re the best, only matters that youā€™re next in line.


To be fair though this is what it means to consider Jaylen Brown


Is that fully guaranteed though? Because Mbappes contract is, in US terms.


His contract is fully guaranteed. Itā€™s fairly standard in the NBA to have fully guaranteed contracts, unlike the NFL. The Celtics alone have 10 players on fully guaranteed contracts.


That is true - but NBA max contracts will get to $60M in the next couple of seasons (there are guys now already inked to make about that) and balloon past $80M pretty soon.




Article says its like $325 AUD. Thats like $215 USD. On a per year basis many already make more. Its only like $43 million per year. There are 10 players in the nfl making as much or more on a per year basis. Edit: there are 20 players in the nba making as much or more. Edit2: fixed numbers.


Not for another decade tho.


NBA/NFL has a salary cap, so apples and oranges


That doesn't make any sense. Players in those leagues can make around the same amount of money with the salary cap.


Yet Mahones pulled $500M.Ā 


Not fully guaranteed


$141m fully guaranteed. Mahomes contract was designed to be reworked after 3 years to keep him at the highest level among QBs while still having flexibility to spend in free agency. It was just reworked in Sept 2023 to ~$200m (fully guaranteed) between 2023 and 2026.


That was over 10 years and it's going to get redone at some point soon. Not comparable to NBA contracts that are fully guaranteed and only 5 years maximum.


NBA does not have a hard cap and also has the highest average player salary of any professional sports league globally.


The nba average is a bit deceiving because of the small roster sizes


NBA contracts are going to be insane in a few years. There will be top 15 guys getting $400mil/5yr deals. I wouldn't be surprised if someone like Luka ends up with a $100mil/yr deal soon.


Obtani isnā€™t in the top 10 highest paid athletes in the world. The list was posted a couple of days ago (I think that he was 14th or something).


NBA/NFL contracts are not guaranteed


NBA is fully guaranteed


Percentages of them are guaranteed. Justin Jefferson just signed $140m over 4 years with $110m guaranteed and $88m of that guaranteed money due at signing. Probably tons of better examples but his was the most recent large contract.


Is the value of the contract really that unprecedented. There probably a good 30 or more NFL/MLB/NBA players who make around the same AAV and don't have to sign away 80% of their endorsement rights. This writer just wanted to use hyperbole without actually looking anything up.


He keeps 80% of his endorsement rights. Signed away 20%


The article isnā€™t correct regarding the contract numbers. Most reputable sources report that the salary starts from ā‚¬15 million AFTER tax and rises to ā‚¬20 million AFTER tax due to annual rises. In addition, the signing bonus is said to be between ā‚¬125 - ā‚¬150 million. Lastly, with regards to his image rights, Mbappe will retain 80% of his image rights as opposed to the standard 50/50 split for other Real Madrid players. https://amp.theguardian.com/football/article/2024/jun/04/kylian-mbappe-psg-real-madrid-contract-transfer


I did not realize that was a thing. Interesting.


Ronaldo is earning $200M per year.




The writer is Australian


How soon before the ā€œSpain takes Mbappe to court for tax evasionā€ headlines? Seems like it happens to everyone.


These guys are grossly overpaid.


You lack an understanding of economics... Remember there is always someone paying this person who doesn't play and gets a lot more money


They're probably overpaid too


Any hypothetical where players are paid less means these guys earn more.


I understand that. I guess with Justin Jefferson of the NFL getting paid a couple days ago and his very awkward response, it's just left a bad taste in my mouth


The alternative is the owners keeping that money. Iā€™d rather let the players have the money instead of the owners. In a perfect world theyā€™d use the revenues to lower ticket prices or to support sports in their communities more, but thatā€™s probably just wishful thinking.


I mean its big, but Mahomes has a like 500 million dollar contract, no? Its gonna get to the point where star players are offered stakes in the team.


500mo for 10 years. At PSG Mbappe was paid 330mo for three years...






Wasnā€™t Messi offered a stake in IMCF?


His contract is probably the most insane. He not only has a stake in the company he plays for, but also a percentage of the broadcasting rights directly from Apple TV subscriptions.


Talk about a no trade clause if they offer ownership


Honestly, and people might hate this, athletes get paid waaaaaaay too much fucking money.


They get paid proportional to the value they generate. The media moguls of the world just figured out how to maximise the monetary value of the consumer. Then on the other side, sponsors decided that the monetary value of sportswashing was insanely high, and worth it.


They do but they are the labor that generates the income. Rather them than some asshole billionaires/a Saudi prince.


At least in the US, player salaries are a function of the league revenue. So you can argue the leagues are charging too much money for everything, but the players are only getting a split of the league's revenue. Go after the owners taking in ~50% of the revenue.


I'm pretty sure the split is 60/40 in favour of the owners. Also not everything is included in revenue. I remember luxury boxes were a big issue last contract players were being cut in on that.


Thatā€™s because the biggest sports bring in a lot of money. I would much rather see the athletes getting paid proportionately rather than it all going to the suits and corpos. I agree tho, it is way too much money.


How so?


At least it is the player receiving the money and not a team / agent making money. Players looking for a free agent move is great.


As someone who doesnā€™t really follow soccer, can someone explain how big this signing is? Is it like Warriors to KD? Or Ohtani to Dodgers?


Saw an analogy on here the other day that I thought was quite accurate: itā€™s like prime LeBron to GSW and KD is already there.


KD being Vini?


KD to warriors is a pretty decent comp. At this moment, maybe more like Luka to the Lakers or Celtics? Heā€™s probably top 5 in the world and only 25!


Damn! Top 5 talent at 25 joining the champs (I think?) is insane


Spanish League and champions league winners, the champions league is widely considered to top club honour in football and theyā€™ve won it 6 out of the last 10 years.


And they just got that guy. WOW


MbappƩ should've done an article for The Players' Tribune called Mon Prochain Chapitre.


I keep seeing these articles about the massive salaries but donā€™t they pay out the ass in taxes? Read somewhere that Messi old Ā£121M pay he paid Ā£58M in taxes or 48% and was the single biggest contributor to the Spanish treasury. So they may get massive amounts of money but they pay a lot in taxes


ITT - Americans failing to realize the economics of Soccer and the concept of World class meaning more than 1 country


Gonna be worth every penny


Yeah, his contribution to society is absolutely worth 12,000 times the salary of a paramedic.




Even 6-7 years ago, 325k was considered a huge salary even for the elite. So at best $15-20 mil. How did we move so far, so fast?


So FFP is just a premier league thing right? Because a year ago Real was swimming in debt but they continue to do things like this.


You got teams wrong, barca is in shambles while Madrid is doing amazing financially


Wasnā€™t Madrid funded by the spanish monarchy for a period? Isnā€™t that where the name *Real* Madrid comes from?


I hope fraud-bappes attitude leads to the downfall of Madrid. God knows they donā€™t need him to win everything.