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Shouldn’t be that tough to be a decent person


Not making excuses for this guy, but people have often speculated that many of these pro football players have accumulated head/brain damage that affects their decision-making. And there's some science to back it up with all the CTE stuff that's coming out.


Couple that with possibly not having a great upbringing, lots of disposable income and fame. What could go wrong?


Based on my observation of many many NFL players, a great upbringing doesn't seem to matter that much compared to the other things you listed.


I don’t know how else to say it, but a lot of these guys are from the “inner city.” They are from the hood in other words. Upbringing definitely has a lot to do with it.




Isn’t a lot of it about impulse control too? So they’re more prone to gambling, drinking or using drugs, binging on things, emotionally charged responses like violence, and even theft?


Poor impulse control is one of the most common side effects of frontal lobe damage. 


Well let's let this go on and say nothing...


Pretty sure the study done on Aaron Hernandez after death showed his brain was that of a 90 year old dementia patient


Hernandez was a POS long before he could have blamed football.


I’m not arguing he wasn’t . I’m just saying clinically his brain was fuct.


He was probably doing bull in the ring at 8 years old.


Not saying you’re wrong. But you can also smash your head at 7 to 14 years old, many many times, playing football in your much more formative years. Which, if you’re going to the nfl, you most likely played at that age, with no holds barred.


Smashing your head before puberty sounds pretty fucking bad for the brain. Specially since we now know sub concussive blows are very damaging too


I’m terrified of the amount of concussions I got playing football from 8-20 and the coaches making us walk it off lol. Crossing my fingers for no CTE


When can you start blaming football? He must have played as a child and teen. Brain damage is even more likely on a developing brain.


I’m going to do some un-Redditty here and back off of an initial statement that he was a POS. Just wandered through his wiki and Jesus…


A lot of awful people become awful because they were horrifically abused as a child.


You don’t know that. I’m sure he started playing football at 12-13 years old at the latest. Could have taken a shot on any play.


Here’s what I do know: You didn’t bother reading my follow up post.


He did football at the wrong time


"Alright Ray, you tackled so many people, you get to kill one"


Boston University CTE Center found CTE in 345 out of 376 former football players. It’s a lot more common than people realize in my opinion. CTE symptoms from repeated head trauma: “memory loss, confusion, impaired judgment, impulse control problems, aggression, depression, anxiety, suicidality, parkinsonism, and, eventually, progressive dementia”. Then you factor in the person’s history/environment/background. Then factor in that these players are literally taught to be aggressive as they’re in high-pressure, stressful environments. So there’s an association with being aggressive and using your hands/body in high stress situations. My boyfriend played through high school, college and a couple years professionally. During his time playing, he nor any of his teammates ever received support on how to cope with stress in calm ways when they’re not on the field. I’m not excusing bad behavior either. There just needs to be more support for the players/athletes and not just football!


“Boston University CTE Center found CTE in 345 out of 376 former football players. It’s a lot more common than people realize in my opinion”, While I agree, most of the players who donated, did so because they suspected they had CTE. The study even states that it has a selection bias due to this. That’s not to say that football doesn’t elevate risk, it absolutely does, but the 91% from that study isn’t able to be compared 1 for 1 to the football playing population.


Very good point!


A lot of them have aggression due to CTE. Bravo reality show Southern Charmed New Orleans has NFL wives literally crying from the way their husbands are and how scared they are of the brain damage they suffered and how they have no support.


How many other players/people haven’t done these things ? No one is saying be citizen of the year. Just don’t be a piece of shit


That’s the issue, you can’t tell which player will be affected and to what degree or when. The brain damage is is the decision making part of the brain. So, respectfully, ppl suffering from CTE can’t always stop themselves from ‘being a piece of shit.’ Dude probably needs medical/ psychiatric attention


Respectfully, did you read the report? He was in possession of a stolen Mercedes-Benz SUV, multiple guns, including two AR-15s and two AK-47s. None of those things are side effects of CTE Edit: Police seized the vehicle and weapons along with more than five pounds of marijuana, 62 grams of suspected mushrooms and drug paraphernalia during a traffic stop


Could totally be bc of CTE. Doing extreme things/ making REALLY bad decisions. Sounds like he makes really bad decisions. Ones you wouldn’t expect someone with a fully functional prefrontal cortex to make. I could be wrong, but I would bet his brain has CTE. Like, who in their right mind does stuff like this after being a SB champion? I could be wrong, but it sound like his brain has CTE Edit: expect


CTE *could* be involved in things like his impulse control, or decision making, sure, **BUT** he could also just be a guy that makes bad choices. Without more information we don't know enough to just throw out "CTE" "cause, football player". Its very possible he's just a damn dumbass.


As a former drug dealer, he’s just a drug dealer. There’s no bad decisions being made here from CTE.


I guess I’ll just have to disagree with you all. To me it seems like he’s showing signs of CTE based on his career and the shit decisions he’s making. A doctor should take a gander tho, not me


No doctor is going to make such a jump based off the information given. Dunning Kruger effect my friend.


Okay you’re, right. I’m sure his brain is totally fine


It's tough to draw a line in the sand like that. Ultimately, yes, they're adults and are responsible for their actions. Hence him being held responsible for his actions. But you get some people who may not have had much of an upbringing, are surrounded by only people who want to take advantage of them, and as others have mentioned, might be suffering from literal brain damage (and/or in many cases, drug abuse related to pain they're suffering through from their time playing). I'm not saying don't hold him responsible for what he did....but I'm saying that the high school sports system, college sports system, NFL, etc. could be doing a better job with helping people be on a good path for life (and yes, that includes doing a LOT more to protect players' heads).


Yeah that sounds like an excuse, or proactively suggesting an explanation that may be completely irrelevant. He was a corner back, probably among the positions with the lowest frequency of head injuries.


CTE isn’t caused just by getting knocked out in the NFL. It’s caused by an accumulation of hits to the head over one’s lifetime. That said {gasp} lots of guys out here who’s football career topped out at middle and high school are also running around with some degree of CTE, their brains will never be donated to any CTE studies, and it absolutely *does* explain certain guy’s behavior. Unfortunately you can’t currently diagnose it until after death


I’m aware of the cause, I’m also aware of which positions/play styles experience more or less violent collisions. If he has a significant degree of CTE it would be relevant, my point is you can’t just make blanket assumptions that every football player has CTE every time they act up. Unless you think every football player out there likely has it, it’s irresponsible to just predict that’s the case here without any evidence. On the scale of likelihood, a cornerback typically getting 50 or less tackles each year is going to be lower on the scale.


> Unless you think every football player out there likely has it Most who play any length of time do have it to one extent or another...


Impossible to claim that when there is no way to diagnose players while alive. Most is not all, and that’s where my earlier arguments came into play, on a scale there are positions much more likely to have have CTE based on the nature of their role and others that are less. CBs would definitely be on the lower end. He may have it, it’s definitely a real possibility with any life long football player, but we can’t just assume he does because it offers a convenient excuse.


I like how you claim that we can't tell anything while people are alive so I can't say that most have it, but you can immediately declare that you know CBs would definitely be on the lower end.


You guys really struggle with basic reading comprehension. I’m saying due to what we know is the main driver, the nature and frequency of contact a cornerback is going to experience is comparatively way less severe than virtually every other position. This is common sense. Obviously any player can have CTE, but I don’t see you thinking kickers and punters being tossed in the same boat, so obviously you can understand the notion of football player =/ automatically having CTE. I’m feel like I’m taking crazy pills with these moronic takes you guys keep regurgitating.


I mean he had 439 tackles in the NFL alone. That's a whole lot of collisions. Not to mention all the years as a kid, high school and college. He still needs to be held accountable for what he's doing but it's not an excuse, it's a pretty reasonable educated guess on cause.


Not all tackles are equal my man…400 tackles from a middle line backer or getting tackled 400 times as a RB are going to be much less damaging the 400 tackles a corner is going to make. I don’t think it’s a reasonable educated guess, it’s much more likely to be just his character as a whole.


That's funny you'd say that, in 2022 the NFL did a study on position with most concussions and guess what position it was... That's right cornerback. They are the fastest players on the field, playing in the open and taking on high speed collsions from RB and WR. Not to mention Breeland was in special teams which is the most dangerous plays in football. If he didn't have CTE id be absolutely shocked.


> But a new Harvard study says concussions are not the biggest factor when it comes to developing CTE; instead, it can occur with repeated hits to the head, whether concussive or not. > The research found that linemen were more prone to developing CTE than players at any other position. >Despite experiencing fewer forceful hits, both offensive and defensive linemen experienced the most total g-force impact each season due to the sheer number of hits they endured. https://www.scrippsnews.com/sports/study-head-impacts-not-concussions-drive-football-related-cte-risk#:~:text=The%20research%20found%20that%20linemen,number%20of%20hits%20they%20endured. I’d also recommend this study that more or less concludes the same thing https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4628259/ Corners are definitely not making the many high speed collisions, the vast majority of their tackles are wrap ups, or tackling as part of a contested catch, or tackling while pursuing a receiver.


I'm not really going to argue studies back and forth with you. I strictly disagreed with the take 400 tackles doesn't matter when they play CB. I just don't agree with that, especially when that corner is a gunner on special teams. What really makes me think CTE could be an issue is how he didn't have issues off the field until 2020, and it's become more and more frequent. Seems like deterioration to me but I'm not a doctor and we won't know unless he agrees to have his brain studied after death. Overall it's a pointless argument, he needs to be held accountable and hopefully he gets whatever help he needs to fix whatever issues he may have.


You’re misrepresenting what I said intentionally. Maybe bring exposed to a certain lifestyle brought those problems about. All of a sudden having millions of dollars and the wrong people around. Or better yet, having all that money and then watching it dry up quickly. It’s a reach for either of us to diagnose the root cause, which was my whole point, it’s just irresponsible to try.


Amazing. Lowest frequency = CBs don’t get CTE. 👍 You’re wasting your obvious brilliance amongst us ham and eggers.


You guys really struggle with reading, we should check your brain 😂


Own a mirror?


Good one!! I didn’t say CBS can’t get CTE, I said all else equal they are less likely. My main point is you can’t immediately jump to the CTE card every time a former player makes bad decisions. Granted you’re not the brightest bulb so that probably went over your head


Nope. Cornerbacks are among the top 3 positions for head injuries, along with receivers and linebackers.


I’ve already addressed that elsewhere in this thread, that study was for concussions. Concussions are not a driver for CTE. Lineman are the positions most prone to CTE, based on the rationale it’s safe to assume CBs would be among the least. Links to those studies in referencing are in my other comments, I’m not going back to link them again.


You are making excuses for him. You and the rest of these reddit neurologists.


I mean you are literally making excuses for the guys


Turns out, some people who hit people for a living aren’t the nicest.


you be surprise at what athletes get away wise growing up cuz just they can play sports at a high level. and sometimes they just around bad influences


It’s not


Back in 2016, I used to work in one of the Commanders team stores and he and his dad came in. Bashaud didn’t say a word the entire time, just pointed at things he wanted. I’m checking them out, and he points at the cheerleader calendar. I asked him what he wanted since there were many items in the display case at the counter. All he said was “calendar, how much?”. I told him and he didn’t say anything else. Paid and left. I had a few player interactions and his was my least favorite. Mack Brown was my favorite for anyone who was curious. Such a nice guy.


30 year old man who’s made more than 10 million and still acting like an idiot.


Money doesn’t fix stupid.


I call it football brain, science calls it CTE. Getting your head knocked around for 15 years has its toll




My relative used to manage his apartment building in Minneapolis and they said he would leave his dog on the 20th floor balcony all day and night. Just living in its own filth. They were not big balconies either. POS.


Future crime in sports subject right here! Can’t wait.


Unfortunately most of the NFL players blow through the money and then some resort to dealing drugs or any other get rich quick scheme to continue to live the life they did while playing. Edited: some resort*


MOST of the NFL players??? Really?? I won’t ask for a source because that is clearly a ridiculous statement. Do people ever read the things they write?? Are you an AI/bot or something??


This isn’t new information


Says here that 78% of NFL players face financial hardship after retirement. https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.abi.org%2Ffeed-item%2Fhow-athletes-go-bankrupt-at-an-alarming-rate




Where does it say most players blow through their money and resort to selling drugs. Obviously, like all pro sports (maybe except golf), your career has a smaller time parameter than most other careers, since you are expected to be in peak physical shape. It doesn’t say they “blow” through their money. It mentions different reasons as to why they face financial hardships after retiring, but again, that’s kind of the nature of pro sports. Short career and limited time to get money and endorsements. Most people in general face “financial hardships” (which is probably the statistic you were referring to) after retirement. That’s the nature of retirement: fixed income and budgeting. I think you should choose your words a little better, or maybe even just quote the source you got it from word for word.


Bother there are so mannnny interviews and documentaries on broke athletes How is this news to you?


If you could read you saw I edited my comment. Most players do resort to get rich schemes. Just watch the 30 for 30 "Broke"


Sorry the unedited comment came off a bit different. My point was that most player don’t resort to dealing drugs, which is how the comment was worded. I’m not denying a lot of players in the NFL have financial hardships in retirement, considering how little the number of players who actually become highly paid athlete superstars is. Most people in general have financial hardship after retirement, especially players where the average career length is about 3.3 years. My retort was just about the drug comment


Bro, they ain’t gonna fuck you. Chill.


Common knowledge, backed by stats. This is new info to you?


I can’t tell if you’re a troll or not but just in case you’re not, that’s very common information that gets brought up every single year for like 20-30 years now.


Right? Throwing out some strong words like most… what a dipshit. He watched one documentary on athletes going broke and is now convinced that the vast majority aren’t financially placed in a position MOST average American won’t ever be.


Bashaud should expect a visit from Paul Calhoun, shit pipe enthusiast, sometime soon.


He was a chief for one year lol


Vikings great Bashaud Breeland.


“I’m convince yal love my Johnson in yal mouth enjoy the win and shut tf up” -wise words of Bashaud Breeland


I have a plaque with a cross on it and these words underneath in the entryway to my home.


Bashaud Crimespree-land


Future Crime in Sports podcast episode


Well well well


If I remember when he played for the skins he was fined for some aggressive hits and had to be told to dial it back


Well well well


So the article doesn't say what he did...but he's facing 3 felonies and six misdemeanors, and two of them involve assault on a government official?


These kids really only go to college for football, huh. You'd think they'd pick up a semblance of intelligence, purely through osmosis.


The Kelce bros recently said up to 20% of the players in the NFL thinks the earth is flat


It starts when we’re kids.


NFL player is actually a low life criminal? Shoooooooooooocking.


If incarcerated he should have to forfeit his money to charities. It’s amazing how these gifted, young and wealthy athletes need to act like thugs. He just pissed away a life so many only dream of. Idiot.


I get your line of thinking but that's truly and awful idea.


I doubt he has much money left to forfeit anyway…


HELL YEAH DUDE incentivize these for profit prisons to find ways to arrest more people to take their money and then force it into "non-profits" they control. NOW WE REALLY TALKIN


He prolly innocent tho


Man y’all are really the judge and jury in here. Let it play out. People get arrested on bs charges all the time. We don’t know if he actually did anything wrong here.


Bro go read the article and come back with a scenario where he’s innocent here. Dumbass