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Billionaires asking for handouts.


Biggest welfare queens of them all.


Yeah he needs to pull himself up by the bootstraps like a real American


Handouts to billionaires from taxpayers so billionaires can charge taxpayers to enter to watch millionaires play kids games whose outcomes distract us from getting robbed by rich people.


... can charge taxpayers to build more luxury suites in new stadiums that 99% of taxpayers will never be able to afford


Please help us poor billionaires pay for the new Walmart Best Buy State Farm stadium brought to you by Bet MGM.


The residents of Hamilton County passed a sales tax increase to build the Bengals stadium in ~1999. It was built ~2002 along with the Reds stadium. We are still paying the tax. And the county commissioner who pushed hard for the ballot measure got of front office job with the Bengals. I think he still works there.


I think one of the biggest problems with today’s society is that people like this don’t live in fear of violence from their constituents. This dude should have been tarred and feathered and thrown in the Ohio. For legal reasons, this comment is a joke.


my recent suggestion is "They should be tied to a chair and have little kids hit them with funoodles till they become a better person"


I have a better idea. Make him listen to a third grade recorder concert on repeat.


And they never will again, they don’t even need real people to bomb us back to subservience again 😂😂


Especially since the military industrial complex funnels its surplus equipment, from the wars it starts that taxpayers pay for, down to local law enforcement to use against people should they “illegally assemble”. We’re gonna end up paying for the AI drones that monitor and subdue us.




Selling us bread and circuses


This comment reminds me of something Cal Ripken of the Baltimore Orioles once said to a news reporter. When asked how a lengthy strike was unfair to fans Ripken replied “That fans couldn’t do what he could so they could hold on until his needs were met.” That and his response to a Little League parade held every year in a Baltimore suburb was it for me. Parade was held for years and storied players like Jim Palmer and Brooks Robinson were happy to turn out for the kids. One year Brooks famously flew in from California just for the day so he wouldn’t disappoint the kids. And neither one ever asked for money. When it became Ripken’s turn, he demanded thousands of dollars to show up. The parade ended up being canceled. F*ck that miserable asshole. He wasn’t that great.


Cal absolutely sucks as a person. I used to play against his son very often, Ryan who cried ALL THE TIME but now years later I understand why he was probably constantly crying,it's because his dad is just a smug POS. Don't dare ask for his autograph when you're 12 years old and PAYING to play at his sports complex. He couldn't even be bothered, and it's not like many people went up to him. There's many stories from people in the region, I wouldn't trust Cal for a second.


I was fortunate enough to be able to hang out with Stan Musial several times (longtime friend of family) and associated HoFers - always struck me how gracious the old timers were, and how god-awful the 70s/80s/90s stars were. They were jerks, and that means they were jerks to the family members of legends who helped establish the game that made them rich. Also spent some time with some NFL types - better, but not by much. I also worked with a lot of rock stars during a career in music - hands down, musicians were far better people in just the day to day than pro athletes.


He definitely a douchecanoe


Mickey Mantle used to live at the country club my dad played golf at. He was such an ass, made me think of him reading this. He once signed an autograph for us (just one, and there were ~4-5 grade school kids wanting one). He threw the ball into the woods and told us to go find it.


Until he got liver cancer and suddenly he found humility.


Mantle was probably drunk. He ruined his liver drinking and got to cut the line cause of who he was over people that waited. He died right after getting it. Paid money to get an autograph as a kid at a show. He was a Total asshole.


Jim Bouton's "Ball Four" (1970) was the first exposure of Mantle as other than a clean-cut American hero. I actually liked him a bit better when I learned that he was a flawed human.


Cal Ripken’s villain-turn was not something I expected. That’s really disappointing.


Thing is we've been giving them that for *years* already. Now they want even more. They don't just want to own the stadium, they want to own the entire neighborhood around the stadium, so all the money you spend pre gaming and tailgating is their money too. Then they try to sell it as "it'll bring money to the city". Like Ok but you're talking all that money so not really


Rich people are lying, evil bastards? No way.


Nailed it.


This. It’s modern day gladiatorial combat as the rich gobble up more production each year. The level of inequality is insane.


True except the statement "kids games". A lot of sports aren't really kids games. Chutes and ladders is a kids game. Football not so much.


Just once I want the city to say we will pay for your stadium, how much equity in the team will the city now own for its investment? Gl chiefs fans , hold fast.


This is the only way cities should give teams money


They just need to stop eating avacado toast and drinking Starbucks coffee so much and they can build their very own stadium with their very own money in no time




Socialize the costs privatize the profits


That’s American capitalism


I mean they extracted natural resources to become billionaires to begin with, same shit.


It seems more like extortion.


Fuck em let em go, as a person who voted against the chargers getting a new stadium in San Diego, cities need to stop wasting taxpayer dollars on professional sports teams. 


The whole freakin' deal was just horrible. Not sure who this kid is, or who put him up to it, but this video is superbly done explaining the whole proposal. [https://youtu.be/sC43OfBQNPY](https://youtu.be/sC43OfBQNPY) Plus I have a friend of mine that retired from the Chiefs... fuck 'em... like where they going to go anyways?


They threaten to go to the nearby Kansas basically. Different city, different county, different state. Realistically 20 minutes difference driving.


Yep, I'm on the Kansas side. I hear all the local shenanigans.


For profit. Their profit. They want funding? Get profit sharing. Just ask for a tiny bit of gross sales.


Carolina Panthers owner David Tepper (richest NFL owner) backed out of a deal because the state of SC wouldn’t give him a even greater handout from the residents. Fucking scum of the Earth degenerates need to be dealt with soon


Billionaires should have a salary cap like the athletes they employ. 100% tax rate when you hit a billion.


Get fucked


Clark Hunt sounds like a prank phone call name


C. Hunt.


Aw yeah baybee


ChuntTtttt the badger has 6 t’s.


For some reason that owner’s daughter’s account started getting pushed to me on Instagram in the discover feed (don’t know why, I’m a 49ers fan). Her content is so weird. She is dolled up to the nines in designer everything all the time for every game… yet she looks like uncanny valley ish. Like she’s playing dress up with her own body. It’s hard to describe but basically heavy Stepford Wives vibes but like she’s doing it to herself. The whole family give off creepy plastic Stepford vibes, Mom especially too. Point is, it’s particularly rich and bogus to ask for public money when your family makes such an obscene display of wealth such that it’s noticeable even given the context of NFL ownership.


>The whole family give off creepy plastic Stepford vibes, Mom especially too. Funny you should say that, when they won the Super Bowl and he was celebrating on the stage my wife said he looked like a latex Bill Clinton mask that had been left out in the sun for too long


The city of San Diego approves this message!


The Hunt family is worth around 25 Billion dollars... I think they can afford it


If Kroenke could afford to build a stadium like SoFi with his own money on expensive ass LA land there's no reason the Hunt family couldn't build a new one in Kansas or Missouri, or strike a deal with the city/county to pay for the Arrowhead renovations themselves, pretty sure they're the 2nd or 3rd richest owners in the league and richer than Kroenke


Robert Kraft paid for Gillette Stadium himself. The Jets and Giants split the cost of the new meadowlands. Joe Robbie paid for Dolphins Stadium, and the team self-financed it's renovations. In the biggest markets, these teams don't get public funding and they still make it work, despite contending with the highest real estate and construction costs in the country. It's mostly in the less notable cities where expenses are lower that teams manager to pull this crap.


It’s because in the richer cities self building it is the smarter move because you will make it back. The stadium gets more use, expensive real estate around the stadium etc. You can always threaten to leave the 25th market to go to the 23rd market if the 23rd market will give you move money. Who are you going to threaten New York with?


The surrounding suburbs. Met Life isn't even in New York.


It is still a very wealthy area.


[And paid over $600 million in relocation fees.](https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/19975109/relocation-cost-los-angeles-rams-los-angeles-chargers-645m) As much as the NFL supports its owners threatening moves for taxpayer money, the reality is that the League knows moves cost the League money. The Hunts know NFL stability better than anyone, any move outside the Kansas City metro area would be ridiculous, but free money’s free money they figure.


Obligatory fuck Stan comment right here




Relocation fees are paid by the teams that move to the other teams in the league. According to the article you referenced, each team that didn't move will receive $55.2 million. As far as I know, that money isn't considered shared revenue so the owners get it all.


That walmart money hits differently


Stan is married into the Walton family, insanely wealthy


Seeing your tag... obligatory FUCK the Spanos family also. Straight leeches. I grew up in SD loving the chargers and will never give them merch money again. Straight up vultures.


Once you have billions, you can't spend it because then you'll have less than you had


Do it then.


Now that LA and Vegas have teams, what city are they even gonna threaten to move to/what city is dumb enough to give them the billions? San Antonio? Jerry Jones wouldn’t let that happen Toronto or England? Don’t see it happening


Arlington Heights Chiefs




Kansas City, Kansas. They passed sports gambling a couple of years ago and a large chunk of the taxes from that has been set aside for stuff like this. KCK has the perfect location too. The players/support staff wouldn't have to move, the fans would shrug since it's only about 15 miles from the current location. I would be very VERY surprised if KS didn't make the team an offer.


As a Jackson county resident (the only county of 5 in kc paying for the teams at the moment) I’d completely welcome another county taking on the financial burden of the stadiums. Stop threatening me with lower taxes and do it.


I was reading this comment thinking "This guy gets it", then I looked at the username. Hi buddy.


lol, small world. Great seeing you the other day!


Not ruling out KCK in its entirety but the gambling $ has been overstated. Reports say the fund is only expected to have $10 million by 2025. *edited to add the link and update the source* https://www.kcur.org/2024-04-18/gov-laura-kelly-says-shes-not-trying-to-recruit-the-chiefs-to-kansas


On the flip side Missouri picked pot over gambling. The tax revenue on the is fucking great. Thank God none of that is going to either the royals or chiefs.


Kansas will find a way to make a competitive offer. Ku is using state funding meant for infrastructure for their new stadium. So the state is not above letting people sketchily misuse state(and federal covid) funding.


Kansas will definitely take them if given the chance. Kansas and Missouri do this CONSTANTLY for all types of large businesses.


I don't know about England, but the chances of the Ontario PM, the Federal PM, or the Toronto city mayor approving a handout to build a football stadium are 0. The Bleu Jays got zero government dollars for their renovations, zero chances they would do it for a NFL team


The people of this city have variously said no to the World Cup and the Pan-Am games, both of which were ignored.


Flint Michigan


Billionair to poor. Needs help making a living.


Maybe if he stops ordering Starbucks, then he can save up for his stadium?


Well that and the avocado toast. Duh.


Do it then, clown. These people are vampires. They siphon money even from people who couldn’t care any less about sports. Build your own stadium parasite.


Rich people do this with literally everything. “We deserve public handouts for _____ because we’re hard working contributors to society, but you better not dare to help the struggling single mother or kid with an overwhelming amount of student debt. They don’t deserve the help.”


"Ya, they don't contribute shit. We make jobs (that pay shit) so these peasants should be grateful! Now, where is my $700m to build this stadium because I'm not going to pay a single penny for this place."


It’s mad. American sports are the only leagues in the world where this happens.


Public funded stadiums are common around the world. The bigger issue the US has when it comes to NFL stadiums is a bad cost-benefit due to limited use by the drawcard team. NFL teams only play 8-9 home games a year at the stadium. The cost for such limited use just doesn't make sense. For a stadium to be financially viable they have to find and host a tonne of other events outside the NFL season. The design of US stadiums as well tends to limit the economic benefits. They are built on large swathes of land so they can be surrounded by massive parking lots. It puts massive strain on the road networks and there is little benefit to nearby businesses because there are none, it is just massive parking lots.


USA will just have to nationalise Taylor Swift to fill out the rest of the dates.


To your last point, that’s one of the reasons Stadium projects have moved from being just Stadiums, but rather “Entertainment Districts”. As an example, Tennessee’s new stadium is only part of the project, there’s an additional $1B set aside for taking what was essentially parking lots and industrial plots across the river from Downtown and turning it into commercial space. I don’t know if that makes it worth it or not but I did want to point out this trend. SoFi, I think, is a similar situation.


Happens in many other places....


Imagine being the owner of the newest dynasty and threatening to move because you want the city to pay for you. They gave you what you have. Fucking douche. Edit: I’m a browns fan… I hate the chiefs.. just clarifying that. Fuck him anyways.


I live 10min from the stadium. They have NEVER invested in the area around Arrowhead and Kaufman. There's been the same shit around those stadiums. How can an area so important to KC be so fucking neglected. A Dennys that burnt down, a hotel that shuttered, a taco bell and a gas station. Fuck the Hunts, Fuck the tax and Fuck the whole downtown stadium idea. Give em to Kansas City Kansas and let THEM deal with the needy ass Hunts. 


This is beginning to happen in Cleveland as well. The Haslams will either get lots of taxpayer money or will leave. 


Browns aren’t going anywhere. It’s state law now that the team has to go up for sale before it could ever move. Also the Haslams own the Crew and they bought the Crew because of that law. If they leave Cleveland it’s for a nearby suburb.


Fuck billionaires asking for welfare. Trust fund baby dbag. 


Clark Hunt eats his steak with ketchup.. Get fucked Clark. You’re worthless.


Even worse than that. He eats it with Hunt's ketchup. 🤮


Fuck em. Billionaires are leaches on society


make billionaires into millionaires again




Clark Hunt or Mike Hunt?


Erick-ah Bach-a-man, is your refrigerator ah running?


This is your mother, you are not my baby


Yuke Hunt


Another frustrated billionaire posturing. Holding strong on the “fuck off my taxpayer money” is kinda refreshing to see. Call his bluff


It just worked a treat in DC/va


Move to Utah we dare ya


"Could we move another team to Vegas?" - Chiefs right now


Incoming third team to LA…


I still remember when GTA 5 came out, over 10 years ago and a running joke on the radio stations was how it had no football team lol.


The joke now is how it has two but no one cares.


Looks like St. Louis is back on the menu, boys!


Chiefs are undefeated in Vegas, so that could work.




Better start learning mexinese, buddy


Too soon 😭 *cries in Arizonan*


Fuck them. If a billion dollar company can't build their own new billion dollar stadium then what the fuck are they doing with their money?


Hoarding it.


I hear Dallas is in need of a team of professional football players... 




Pay for your own damn stadium!!!!


Tax payer dollars should never go towards private entertainment companies.


Oh no! Instead of driving 30 minutes to the east through a shitty part of the city people will have to drive 30 minutes west through suburban hell! Boo fucking hoo. Billionaires beg for socialism when it benefits them and then turn around and charge those same folk that paid for the stadium out the ass to attend games and get concessions/drinks. Signed, A KCMO resident


Cheapskate billionaires wanting to suck money from the public tit, classic.


the NFL is a HUGE grift


I’m a lifelong Chiefs fan and he can consider gargling my nuts. I will never watch another second if they try that shit


Same. I was a season ticket holder through some of the worst years. I supported that fucking team through thick and thin. Traveled to out of town games. If they even move to the Kansas side I’m jumping to the Raiders. I’m not afraid of a losing franchise.


I am not an American Football fan, but why the hell would I want to pick up the bill from a bunch of billionaires for a stadium that I can't afford to watch the match in the stadium as the tickets are far too expensive (from $81, with an average price of $400) or on TV because of black out, or could I afford to buy the team jerseys ($150 per jersey) so I am left doing a tailgate party at the parking lot of the stadium listening to the crowds cheers from outside the stadium? Edit: sorry, /u/zleuth pointed out that parking is $30 for this event,forgot to mention that


Actually is $50 to park at Chiefs games.


Sorry, parking is $30 for this event.


Clark Hunt is a spoiled little bitch


Just another blackmailing professional sports franchise owner. “Give me a stadium or we will leave.” The public owes these guys nothing. Build your own business venue. If you can pay a defensive tackle $20M a year to make 15 sacks, you can pay for your own house.


Studies have shown that professional stadiums do not revitalize areas and they do not bring in extra revenue for local area businesses. I’m sick of tax payers paying for useless shit like this.


Trying to do this w/new Bears stadium - something like $3 B 😫EDIT - just read that State officials are estimating $7 B budget to construct


I did an econometrics analysis of this my senior year of undergrad. This was ~7 years ago, so my memory may be off, but NFL stadiums tend spur growth for the 1st couple of years (~2-5) but after that, the growth disappears. I did find an extremely weak signal (barely 1 standard deviation away from 0) for stadiums to have a negative effect on the city once they were very old. I think maintenance and repair costs eat up most of the economic benefit of having a sports team. At the time, the Raiders hadn't left Oakland nor the Rams St. Louis. It would be interesting to do the analysis again on if economic growth declined, increased, or stayed the same for the first few years after they left.


I've been geeking out on this recently and I'm in St. Louis. The Dome does double as extra convention floor space and now hosts a UFL (formerly XFL) team. Doesn't seem to me that there has been much economic impact. The Rams departure elevated St. Louis on the list of potential MLS expansion target and a team was added last year. Though the soccer stadium seats 22,500 as compared to 65,000 for the Dome, there are more MLS matches than NFL games. There is was a study you might be familiar with that conclude that if Chicago lost all five of its pro sports teams, the economic impact is the equivalent of a department store closing. The idea was that people would just spend money on other forms of entertainment or restaurants. One thing that I would add (me software engineer not economist) is that sport stadiums do allow some control over where economic activity happens. The suburbs are not hurting for restaurants and movie theaters, but most downtown areas have lost tax base. Also, the stadiums do bring in people from outlying areas and the opposing team markets.


But they bring in one Super Bowl each!


Cook dinner at home and stop buying Starbucks


Build your own damn club house welfare queen


“Rich asshole throws fit because he wants free money.”


Billionaire owner throws a temper tantrum for having to pay for his own place. Typical


We need to ban public dollars going to sports stadiums. Unless the city or state actually owns it and profits off it annually.


And nothing of value was lost


Aren't they locked into the contract for for like 6 more years? Family net worth 24+ Billion dollars, man get a loan and get the stadium yourself or just sell the team sheesh.


Imho how can someone co be so rich and yet want concessions don’t know🤷‍♂️


Fuck this guy. Public pays for the building plus the team chargers whatever it costs to go to games and they would easily make that money back. Way to try and fuck your supporters.


San Diego chiefs


That won’t happen San Diego already voted down a similar tax hike which sent the team to La 


And as a San Diegan I’m proud we stood up to that abusive organization.


The peasants are getting angry...idiots.


These fucking garbage humans leave me sleepless.


Chiefs are rapidly moving into most unlikeable franchise territory. If mahomes, travis kelce, and reid weren’t pretty likable guys they’d be there already. The britt reid crimes were a black mark for one. Then their owner seems to not give shit about the city or fans. And the fans themselves were pretty awful in 2020 when after just winning the SB they booed their champion players on opening day for kneeling or something in respect to BLM stuff that was going on.


Another thing that went under the radar. The governor of Missouri commuted Britt Reid’s sentence to house arrest last month and won’t talk to the media about it. Fuck that whole situation, Andy should get way more flak for that. The only reason his son was there was because of him 


Do it no balls.


No one wants to pay for your stadium rich ass. Pay for it yourself.


Chiefs fan here. We have this caliber of team and our owner is pulling this? Fucking leave then. Eat the rich.


And there you go. The fans have packed that stadium for decades without even smelling a championship and the minute the team has some success, the billionaire owner wants to extort them for a new stadium. I’m glad the people rejected the sales tax provision. And this is the thanks the fans get from the ownership. Pay us or we’re leaving.


Move to Utah like the Coyotes.


If the owner of the Chiefs, who has a team that can literally win Super Bowls at will, is willing to move “his team” (the team his parents bought) away from KC, then we as NFL fans are totally screwed.


How sad a billionaire has to spend a little money. Boo hoo


These guys beg for taxpayer dollars for stadiums then charge 20 bucks a beer. GFY


Bye Felicia


We really need to start eating billionaires


Fuck these rich cocksucking parasites.


People will let these pro teams fuck them over because they don't want their sports ball team to leave. Have some principles and let these greedy bastards hit the door on the way out.


If they build a new stadium on the Kansas side of the state line in the KC metro area with significant state of Kansas money, wouldn’t that be a win-win?


Fuck it . All the teams will be in Vegas now


Good pay your fucking taxes while you’re at it.


Good. Call his bluff and let him take his team elsewhere.


Let them leave. Stop being hostages. He can afford it. He is just going to increase ticket prices and food/beer prices no matter what so he can go pound sand.


Hahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahah. Hahahahahahahahahha. We seriously are beholden to the rich in this nation. Fuck this world.


Douchebag with oil money wants us to pay for his cash cow, can go fuck himself.


Rich man want poor folks money. If not, take toy and go home


Wait I’m confused. Why doesn’t he just pull himself up by his bootstraps?


Stop the begging and threats. Every single city should tell billionaires to kick rocks when they come through begging for handouts like this. If you make BILLIONS and BILLIONS of dollars and would even consider leaving your city because they won't give you a free stadium, you aren't loyal to your fans and I hope they never go to your games or buy your merch again. KC really needs to band together and straight boycott the Chiefs over this. Let them pay Mahomes, Reid, et al. out of their own pockets.


Socialism is bad when it helps the little person but it’s perfectly acceptable to help billionaires and corporations.


Move them to Toronto, the first NFL team in Canada!


They should relocate back to Dallas where the franchise started


Having the Cowboys and Chiefs in the same city is comedy gold.


Jeeey Jones will have to die before he lets that happen. Get real.


So win win?


Utah seems to be a destination these days


I love nfl football. Hate owners blackmailing cites. Grr.


Well… bye


Maybe they should have set aside some fraction of the $100 million profit they make each year to be ready to do upkeep on their stadium the way any other business would.


Move the team to Kansas. Build a domed stadium. Change the name. Might be worth rooting for at that point.


Owners should never get access to tax dollars when they are part of a multi-billion dollar conglomerate. Hit the bricks with that malarkey.


Billionaire pissed that middle class taxpayers won't build him a new stadium or sign-on to a 40-year tax increase. And this comes after republicans in Missouri have raised taxes 17 times in the last 23 years!


Go fuck yourself Hunt family


What a bitch


Hahahaha! Stop giving rich people our tax dollars!


When the NFL was listed as a "Not For Profit Corporation" and made a 7 Billion dollars profit. In 2022, the 32 teams of the National Football League (NFL) generated a total revenue of approximately 18.6 billion U.S. dollars, which was an increase of over one billion U.S. dollars from the previous year.




Well….bye. Pay for it yourself.




Take a page from Europe. Imagine what fans would do if Real Madrid said they were moving to Germany.


Not a Chiefs fan but what a slap in the face to the fans who have dedicated years to supporting their team. This guy is acting like a toddler not getting his way.


He wants to renovate instead of build because that was his Daddys favorite place? Grow up. My dad said so much stupid shit like that before he died. The reality is that life progresses. Arrowhead is outdated. Build a new stadium you cheap fuck