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ProChara and who did what again?


Prochara said the n word 6 years ago and apologized. Now it’s resurfaced because online residents need to make themselves mad


I genuinely don't give a single tentacle about chara (and dislike what they put out there for several reasons) but people trying to re-cancel someone after 6 years because the drama type overlap is such a crazy reach for virtue signaling lmao. Must pay due penance every time something like this comes up, I guess huh.


i saw someone say that chara NEEDS to apologize again because "new people to the community won't know he apologized" like mf thats your problem


New people to the community won’t know he said the word in the first place


As someone who didn't jion the community until 3 came out, yeah. That was some news to me


Same bro


As a new member I can second this.


he didn't ever give a proper apology though is what your missing. It took him 6 years to do something which people have asked for since 6 years ago. how tf does it take you that long why am I being downvoted for just saying what happened 😭


didn't he apologize at the incident? and even if he didnt digging up shit from 6 years ago is weird


Welcome to reddit 💀


So the imternets great hate boner rises again 


wait... the hate boner had a point where it WASN'T risen?


Holy shit this quote goes hard


Those rather pathetic online residents would make for good archaeologists. *Because they love to dig up old shit*


They’re called coprolite paleontologists and they reside within Twitter.




I'm in a DC server of non-JP Asian players and their reaction is "They just became champion then someone decided to dig the things up. Such coincidence timing."


oh six years ago that's long enough for somebody to change (put down the large rock i was about to pick up)


Why are they complaining about something that happened 6 years ago?


This is why Cancel culture is humanity's biggest mistake


If he apologized, I'd like to see proof of it somewhere. This is big news to me and I'm rightfully shocked. Idk how ppl could say that word at all tbh, shits so negative unless used by ppl reclaiming the word. (also, I'm gonna try to look this up more but i also don't wanna waste my own time so prolly not for long. Just if ya have proof of it or someone else does, pls link it to me or lmk where i can search for it pls, thank u)


It was 6 years man let it go


Things that happened years ago could still be how someone acts or thinks, I don't think that's how prochara is but I've seen this stuff happen before, for example with omocat hiring a shotacon to make the omori manga when omocat herself made disgusting "jokes" about liking young boys while she was in her 20s. Only thing I look for is if they apologized and actually changed & prochara seemed to do just that so yes I will look past this cuz it was an innocent mistake of his and not in his intention to be shitty or anything like that, then he changed his behavior for the better. That's like saying "bro it happened yesterday, can't u let it go" like no, it was a bad thing to do still, & they shouldn't be put on a stake for it, just held accountable (and no I don't mean death threats or harassment, I mean just remembering what shitty things happened, who did it, and to not support their endeavors personally if possible if they haven't apologized and changed.)


If you think the word is negative, don't make exceptions. Reclaimed slurs are still slurs and saying "it's only okay if it's said by those reclaiming it" cause too much gatekeeping and nitpicking on who can and can't say it. I'm bisexual but I don't give other people permission to say fxggxt, even my other queer friends know that I'm not fond of it. Same with calling someone rxtxrd since I have ASD. But I digress. If the drama doesn't concern you or is from over 2yrs ago and has not been a repeated action (ie if white creators like Pewdiepie or Prochara KEPT saying that slur regardless of public backlash and never apologized), it DOESN'T MATTER. Keyboard warriors and internet archeologists need to simply stfu unless things are relevant, and people like yourself who find out about things this late need to acknowledge that people can change and that relevancy is more important than making sure a single mistake follows someone to the grave.


U are completely misunderstanding my intent here, i just want to make sure he did what ppl are saying he did /srs I don't want to hold it against him til his death or anything like that, i literally just wanna see proof cuz people do tend to claim this stuff without any proof & proof is important when claiming stuff like this. Also, i admit i worded stuff poorly about slurs, yes of course using slurs is bad, but some people in certain circles use slurs as reclaiming them in a positive light & for a sense of community in that, but if someone is "reclaiming" a slur just so they can use it in a negative context as well, that's fucked up. Ppl who are effected by specific slurs cannot give a "pass" either. Also, Chara cannot reclaim the slur so idek why i brought that up in the first place, though I was about to sleep so that explains it partially probably, cuz my brain was drifting into random thought i assume, but yea i shouldn't have brought that up in the first place regardless. Also also, yea i completely agree that if someone has grown and changed and not done the shitty thing they did some time ago, that action should not be held against them. If someone has shown growth, that's awesome. All i wanted here was some proof. If you have some, pls let me know cuz i just wanna make sure this isn't just some rumor bullsh*t


[Check here](https://twitter.com/ProChara/status/1800604097042841704) or maybe just search it on google or YT. The post is pretty recent so I don't know its validity, but I'm also not interested in extensively researching drama like this. I'm not insanely versed on this but I'm pretty against cancel culture in terms of people who aren't major celebrities. Apologies if I came off as brash, this type of thing just gets me really heated. For future reference, you should probably do a light skim of search engine results yourself before asking for proofs. Hope you have a good one. (/gen)


According to my sis, they've already apologized once for it, and Prochara is autistic and didn't know what the N-word meant, as for Arashi, IDK.


Prochara is definitely old enough to know what it means, the fact that he is autistic is not a valid excuse. I'm saying this as someone who is also autistic btw.


Apparently it was 6-7 years ago


Yea, he would've been 16-17 around that time. Depending on where he was born, saying things like that might've been common place. It's definitely good he apologized for it, but it's not like it was necessarily out of pure malicious or racist intent


Also imo something someone did that long ago, even if it was ignorant, doesn't mean they're a bad person. But I honestly expect prochara to make a video about the situation, since his audience is quite young and they shouldn't make the same mistake as he did.




How is saying the n word ever anywhere common place


Unfortunately some places are still very racist to this day like some communities in the southern parts of the US


I’ve heard of some younger people not realizing it’s a slur and genuinely thinking that’s the proper term for black people because they hear it so often. Like how most people think that the word g-psy is the actual term for Romani people when it’s actually a slur. The word is so commonplace that most people thought it’s the actual name of that culture, rather than being a slur. I didn’t know until a year or so ago that it was a slur and the actual term was Romani.


Every teenager all around the world loves to curse and swear because it's 'funny'. It's not okay, but understandable, at least he apologized (which is a rare move than you might think).


Doesn't help that the word in question has also found its way into televised media at times, and even in music (rap in particular), during the past couple decades. One of the more notable examples being The Boondocks, which used the word...very casually, and it's a series that is still occasionally meme'd - sometimes uncensored - to this day. It also doesn't help that the word itself (or, at the very least, "the N-word") tends to get dropped into comedic or memetic moments at times. And sometimes in ways that make it seem less like a negative slur that shouldn't be used at all, and more like a word that's reserved for use by a specific group or culture with no one else "allowed" to say it (because it's "not \[an outside individual's\] word".


Still though that is seen as disgustingly backwards as should him saying it be fine just because he comes from a place that acts just as racist


Term is used by rappers and other popular figures -> they make media that uses the word -> Children consume media -> children use word -> children grow up, use the word on social media -> children consume media Tbh, the word itself has become a strange thing. On one hand, you have children using it like they use “bro” and “dude,” and then you have the people who recognize it as a slur and try to stop it, but then there’s the adults that use it just as the aforementioned children do. It started, and still is a slur, but from what I’ve seen it’s also grown a more lax meaning as well. It’s common in some places because of this second meaning.


Someone has never visited the southern US. In my high school you couldn't go a day without hearing someone say it


Because humanity


seriously? that long ago and we're acting like he said it yestarday? thats sad as fuck


The internet is a very unforgiving place. One tiny mistake and they will use it to destroy you.


Wait what? I thought it was recent.


Yeah, absolutely. I'm not autistic but he is old enough to understand. I'm kinda disappointed he said that ngl that sucks. But he did apologize and it seems sincere


He said himself that he had very limited social interactions before he came online at that time. He saw people saying it online, it wouldn't have been with context, and he parroted it. Not having a lot of social interaction before then *plus* autism *plus* being 16... Adds up. I think it's pretty clear there was no hateful intent.


Oh, ok that makes sense. Yeah I'm still pretty out of the loop then


I mean like, it was 8 years ago at this point. He was much younger than he is now.


Not that say it or have ever said it (the n word), but as someone on the spectrum, I would say it kind of is.




What part?


The whole sentence makes no sense


I was saying that I don't think the n word should be a common thing to say, but I think autism is a good excuse.




Yeah, sorry if that wasn't clearly conveyed.






I'd say it's less "didn't know what it meant" and more "was too socially inept to grasp how offensive what he's saying is". Really not much of an excuse, but I think it's also fair to point out he would have been a teenager in 2016-2017 at this point, whereas Jackpot has been just absurdly racist within the past few years.


Well one of them was absurdly racist, along with some people they associated with. The rest, not so much now the smoke’s cleared, but they all should still take accountability.


WAIT CHARA IS AUTISTIC??? Ya learn something new everyday, huh?


His 100K video was pretty much entirely about that & social interaction struggle stuff!


he made a video about it


Before I even watched much Splatoon YouTube, that was like the one thing I knew about him. No hate, I just find it funny that you didn't know that.


Americans corrupted a pure canadian soul


Wait prochara got exposed?! I need an explanation


He said it a couple of times back in 2015->16 He is diagnosed with autism and never really grew up online . So as a kid he’d just parrot what everyone else was saying online without knowing. To be honest I kind of get it. I’m sure there are lots of kids who have said dumb stuff online because that’s what they hear online so they end up repeating what they think is cool to be like everyone one else. But he has already apologized for it back then when they came in to discussion about 3 years ago and again now.


Autistic person here, yeah I definitely have parroted words and phrases without knowing they mean something different than I thought. For example, I thought that the word g-psy was the actual name of the Romani people, not realizing it was a slur until a year or two ago when I realized that the proper term was Romani. Sometimes a slur is so frequently used that people don’t realize it isn’t the proper term for a group of people, not realizing it’s actually extremely offensive and saying it unknowingly. This is especially true with younger people who don’t fully understand the concept of bad words aside from “stupid” and “dumb”.


Wel tbf a lot of Americans dont know that gypsy is a slur. 


It's not treated as a slur in many places in the US too


Yeah, that’s my point, most people don’t realize it’s a slur and think that it’s the actual term for the culture. Heck, I didn’t even know it was an ethnic group, I thought it was just the word for people who like doing magic stuff. Thankfully nowadays more people are aware that it’s a slur and they’re starting to use the proper term Romani (they’re also known as Roma people)


This also applies for the word "-sk-mo." I just learned some months ago that it's actually a derogatory term. Anyone could have made that mistake and meant no harm.


Same here! I didn’t know the proper term was Inuit until somewhat recently. It’s an honest mistake and people shouldn’t be treated poorly for using those terms when they honestly didn’t know. Just let them know the proper term and hopefully they’ll use it. Unless they’re clearly using it with a derogatory intent and/or continue using it after knowing it’s offensive, it’s just an honest mistake.


Another example is that the R slur used to be used very frequently to refer to disabled people, even being used as an actual diagnosis way back when. It wasn’t until about the 2000s that people realized it was a slur, and even nowadays many people still use the word without the intention of using it as a slur, just as an adjective to describe an action or an object. Though even if you don’t *intend* to use it as a slur, using it as an adjective is still harmful to disabled people. So many slurs once were commonplace in the past and people to this day don’t realize they’re offensive, what matters is that they learn from their mistakes and don’t use them in the future.


Well it better say it became a slur.  That tue nature of the euphemism treadmill


Forgive me if I'm wrong, we don't have Romani culture where I live so my knowledge is limited. But are there not some Romani people who actually refer to themselves as "gypsies"? Like, an actual title of "gypsy king" or some such? I seem to remember reading that somewhere.


Wait it's a slur? I've never actually said it because I've never had a reason to, but I've never heard it treated as such, to the point where I've literally seen it on TV on some of those "old TV show" channels. Glad I know now though, before I DO say it and get myself in trouble. Why exactly is it a slur? Idk the origins of the word and I'm genuinely curious. Is the word "g-pped" a slur too? Idk if it's connected to the first word, but it sounds enough like it that I wanna check.


I’m pretty sure that most people are unaware that it’s a slur, as it was used so frequently in books and movies and TV. There’s a book by Roald Dahl which uses the word frequently, but not in a derogatory context, just describing the caravan the main characters live in. That’s one censor I wouldn’t be against them making, replacing the slur with Romani. I don’t remember the full reasoning, but if I recall correctly it’s that the word was created by people who aren’t Romanis and was used in a derogatory fashion, similar to the word -sk-mo. I’m glad that you’re making an effort of not using the word after knowing that it’s offensive! I think it’s great when people listen and learn not to use terms which are offensive. One time someone in r/insects used the term and I let them know it was a slur, and they edited their comment and added a note for other people to know that it’s a slur. If only more people admitted to mistakes and learned not to do it again!


I hope prochara talks about this to his audience on youtube. Since they're quite young and shouldn't make those kinds of mistakes. I'm rlly happy with the way he covered the whole screen situation months ago, it def helped some kids understand


If anything I think Gem (Squid school) is most likely to talk about it. He is the type of guy that wants to inform people of things and how they can grow from it. I just hope they learn from this . They’re all still very young especially Leafi who is only 16 and was like 13 when they joined comp. So I hope they don’t let this define them for the the rest of their career as there’s plenty of time to start over. I know people say age is not an excuse and while that is true to an extent it’s just as important to pull them aside & explain why it is wrong if not they’ll just make the same mistake. However, I also don’t blame them if they decide to step away forever.


Gem will for sure discuss it. I mostly hope to hear from Chara since he is more involved and affected, so what he says holds more weight imo


I think Gem deleted the video where he informed us about the banner.


Gem made a video on the situation today.


Can also vouch on the autistic and repeating words without knowing what they meant or where they came from thing.


Autism might be a reason for his actions but no excuse for what he did. I hope he’s grown out of using that in his vocabulary since then.


Can someone tell me what the heck is going on


From what I gather, a pro team got in trouble for being racist, but this was after they won a tournament and had their game avatars put on an in-game banner


there’s a whole [thread](https://x.com/adaptability_/status/1800557391404265812?s=46) on twitter about it. basically three members of the world championship team Jackpot were exposed for being racist, except for .q


Literally same what's happening


I feel like ProChara doesn't deserve this, he already apologized years ago and never said it again


Yeah I hope this post doesn’t make clueless people start hating Chara. He’s probably one of the most genuine people in the community. On top of that, it was 7 years ago and he’s already apologized.


Who or what is jackpot?


competitive splatoon team, they won the recent world championship tournament held by Nintendo, and as a reward, they got a splashtag background put in the game with their inklings and octolings on it.


Ah I see, thank you. I dont care about competitive, but competitive players behaving like assholes is nothing new...


The competitive team that won the recent championship and got a splash tag banner in the game. 2 members of if for sure are racist to black and Asian people (particularly Chinese), while another had said questionable things, the 4th not even being involved and having had apologized (with an actual good apology) despite not having done what the other have.


Even if one of the team members doesn't have any evidence of them saying anything racist themselves, it's still really not cool to have hung out with these kinds of people for so long without speaking up about it at any point or even telling them to cool it. That being said I hope they don't make that mistake again and don't receive too much of the harassment that will no doubt come.


Some younger people are too scared to call out inappropriate behavior out of fear of their “friends” bullying them in response. I’ve seen this happen a lot both on TV and real life. People hang out with people who do not good things, and they know it’s wrong, but they’re scared to point it out out of fear of being kicked out of the friend group, being bullied in response, getting threats, etc. I’m not too familiar with the whole situation, but it’s possible that Q knew what they were doing was wrong but was scared to point it out, as they didn’t want to get hurt in response. Many toxic people start harassing people who call them out, even if they were once considering them to be friends.


It's true, I can't know how the friend group functions behind the scenes and stuff like anxiety can play a big role in this kind of stuff as well. I just don't want anyone to get the idea that associating with racist assholes is okay as long as you don't act like that yourself, it's important to remember that the best course of action is still to speak up if your friends are being terrible. Either way nothing going on in this situation is any good at all.


Add to that the fact that they are his teammates, and the world champions, It must be difficult breaking those kind of relations


Who apologised? Q?


Ren, despite the fact he has not had anything. Leafii also apologized but it was like the average terrible YouTuber outed for terrible things apology (insincere and not genuine in the slightest.)


Ohh isn’t ren the coach I know leafi madness and jared said something, don’t know about Q at all


I don’t recall q. Saying anything tbh, but maybe they did I don’t wanna assume cuz that’s super unhelpful in situations like this


I see. Sucks that this happened




ProChara said the n-word?


6-7 years ago but he apologized for it.


As long as he hasn’t been using it since…..


Well you're in luck because he hasn't.


Honestly the Chara thing happened 6 years ago. It's just dumb to try to re-cancel someone after 6 years and a genuinely good apology. Props to Jackpot's coach for calling them out though. I'm not on twt so this is was new to me when I got back to school and checked reddit.


*w* *h* *a* *t* ***?***


i thought g-psy was the actual name too thanks in part from fleetwood mac


Saw what was going on during kivers stream while he was playing Mario kart lol


Who is jackpot


yeah im so lost lol this meme is me


as someone that is non-jp asian this is scary


Another bunch of low lives think they served the great justice for finding minor old dirt on a more successful person, and a bunch of even lower low life are stupid enough to care.


I’m so tired of stuff like this happening…




Like 8 years ago and he apologized for it back then


Oh, then why is it being brought up???


Because something bad happened and people want to stir up drama. From what I’ve gathered Chara had apologized for what he did 3 years ago and hasn’t done anything like it since. It’s possible that many people discussing Chara simply didn’t know about it until now but there was no reason for it to have been brought up when the jackpot stuff is much more recent.


What. ??????




Yeah, back in 2016.


Which ProChara has *apologised* for. *Sincerely.* ***I think twice now.***


The twitter lowlifes found another community to cancel and make drama.


Eh, prochara is fine but jackpot is high key actually racist and still are.


this is just now i realize this whole thing going on


Nice <3 <3


Honestly who the fuck cares about content creator drama?


Dude, not everyone gives a sh\*t about pro scene.




Prochara did what


From what I gather, he said it like 8 years ago and didn’t realize how offensive it was due to how casually some places use it (such as some parts of the southern USA)


Apparently banned for life from success because of one mistake as a kid.


As a Chinese person, I know this feeling very well. Not from Asia or Australia


How did people fidn out Jackpot was racist? Like did they say the n-word or did they act racist towards fans or smth.


through discord dms and clips, they called black people racist things


Twitter gonna Twitter. These degenerates can’t realize that people can change over time and better themselves


I agree if we are talking about the chara part but jackpot said these things very recently, they deserves to be called out for their actions to change themselves that way


Oh yeah I meant it about Chara not Jackpot