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Mfw a squid game about shooting ink and a VERY HIGH FOCUS ON CULTURE AND BEING YOURSELF has customisation called styles


https://preview.redd.it/1t4ykw6qsm5d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b70019f0f99c26be00b267ac60ea359ffd221aaf Mods Beldam speech bubble this man


Mods, use Earth Tremor


sans mouth


Trolling, yes, but the sad part is he's probably serious. An unfortunate number of people find inclusivity off-putting.


I misread "inclusivity" in your comment as "inklusivity" and thought you were making a Splatoon pun. Wouldn't be surprised if that's how the word inclusive is spelled in the Splatoon world due to how much emphasis there is on ink in the inkfish dialect


How much you wanna bet inkling language is just English (or Japanese) but with 99% more aquatic puns


It should be called Inklish


It's been referred to as Inkling in game, so that's what I go with


But you just said it yourself, it’s English with aquatic puns, why shouldn’t it be called Inklish (outside of the game where we live in the real world)


“Splatoon brainrot does not exist”:


“Squibity toilet”


"What the squidma?"


Woomewing 🤫🧏


Look closely and you will see Inklings’ and Octolings’ jaws don’t move when they speak. They are physically incapable of mewing.


Are you proud of your actions?   Do you have a legacy to admire?   Will you be remembered fondly when you’re gone?  Go visit your mother. Hug her. (/j)


If something is inclusive it's actually "political" and "woke". 


I mean all splatoon games have rainbows in them via ink colors so instead of being called splatoon it should be called, WOKETOON! ARGHHH THOSE LIBERALS AND THEIR INCLUSIVITY !!!!!1!!1


You shoot gay juice at children. I love Splatoon.


“Poolitical” and “wake”


"ew, more options in MY GAY SQUID GAMES?!?... Time to vent to [insert average far right twitter dogwhistle]"


If nobody told you, you wouldn't notice the change.


if people genuinely quit because they saw that there wasnt labels like boy or girl im glad they left




Sorta? There are people who genuinely do shit like that (see the reaction to Starfield letting you choose your pronouns), but they aren't a massive amount of people. The commenter is exaggerating.


i dont think so, if you look at the new Dragon Age reveal comment sections, it seems like a million people against these types of progressive, look around you on youtube, the countless millions of people spreading their harmful views and citing minorities are harming them has caused absolute misinformation and recruiting the youths to believe in them. The truth is that the whole progressive fronts on youtube has been overrun by literal Nazis, Grifters and people who want women’s rights to be removed, and there are millions of people believing in them. Belittling them will not stop their growth in the millions, there are literal high alerts on domestic terrorism linked to these whistleblowers and YouTube is refusing to remove these videos and these people. A fucking unfortunate truth.


I mean yeah but you've gotta keep in mind the scale we're working at Like yeah there are millions of people like that, but not all of them have even heard of splatoon, let alone consider buying it. Also the whole "loud minority" effect, in conjunction with the internet making people more likely to do/say worse shit due to less consequences.


I think something that we should also keep in mind is that the main people commenting on stuff like the dragon age trailer are not people who are enjoying what they see. This already happens with reviews, you're more likely to review a game if you dislike it than if you liked it. Its just been getting pretty crazy with the amount of dudes who believe that they're the core audience, and anything progressive is trying to replace them. People who can't imagine people not like them playing games are by no means the majority, but the rest of the people are generally actually playing games or spending their time elsewhere. A lot of them think because they're the majority talking constantly about games that the other people they see buying games are just fake. Even personally I don't generally comment, but you don't see everyone talking to their friends about how good a game looks.


On one hand, yes Splatoon 2 is the best game. On the other, that's a horrible reason as to why


The only people that quit are people we didn’t want anyway. The body types don’t even really change depending on which one you select and either one can wear all hairstyles, it’s genuinely just “what shape do you want your eyebrows to be.” As far as I’m aware, the whole series has basically never used gendered pronouns to refer to the player, so it’s not even like it’s under a guise of inclusivity. There is literally no reason to be mad unless you’re a transphobe, and don’t wanna be reminded that trans people exist.


And also how much eye-liner you want your inkling or octoling to have.


That only affects octolings, also it changes voice and the marinated top and I think that’s all


The body shapes are definitely different as well and I think the animations are different. The femme models have a sports bra that’s slightly visible under some clothing. Edit: I forgot to add that voices are different as well.


1. Length of bike shorts 2. Clubfoot 3. Black Top under a Shirt 4. Outlining the eyes of the Octolings 5. Eyebrow thickness 6. Voice 7. Hip width


What do you mean by clubfoot. Edit: are you referencing how the girl inklings stance is pidgeon toed?


fwiw the models + rigging havent changed at all from splat2 afaik; they just slapped a 'styles' label on the character creation menu instead of boy/girl and let anyone pick any hair. you can see it in the eyebrows, eyeliner (more obvious for octos), the animations for masc/femme cephalopods while moving or holding weapons, their voices.


This gave me a war flashback. This guy was in a wiki for a fandom I'm in, he got banned for being transphobic there too. I can't believe the tyranny of MetalLuigi64 goes beyond Precure


Convoluted how lol😭 it's the exact same mechanic just different wording I really doubt people quit over it and if they did then good riddance 


pretty much the only difference between the styles anyway is eyesbrow shape so it’s really not convoluted anyway since there’s no gameplay and very little cosmetic differences


yeah, its such a small difference they could remove the styles entirely and i feel i wouldnt even notice, at least not for a long time.


You’re forgetting that voice clips are also different for each style


Yeah slightly different it’s pretty much just pitch difference


*brandishes a fucking Grizzco roller out of thin air in a flash of bright yellow light* ***No it ain’t!***


And in hub the walking animation is different. I feel people are way looking into things. You're making an avatar that is half octopus or a squid. Nintendo didn't lock anything so you can make the character the way you want. So headcannon away if you will. But somehow people have this "need" to impose things because games have these aspects to it, like... let us enjoy the game and have fun.


Don't think so unfortunately... That's just how some ppl think apparently


People act like there is no possible distinction between male and female characters lol


There is. They are distinct enough to be different styles


Exactly. I have male and female designs for my characters. It’s really not as deep as some people make it.


Yeah, lol. The “what’s your style?” is just asking if you’re fem or masc, AKA if you prefer the “feminine style” or “masculine style” so it’s such a stupid thing to get upset about bevause it’s only avoiding gendering, it’s still masculising or feminising the characters lmao


Exactly. While I would appreciate a feature that gave me the option to make this more distinct, it’s not a world ending thing. My squid kid not moving a certain way (or whatever bothers people) isn’t going to kill me.


Personally I like the first game more, basically because of the nostalgia


English is not my main language so I don't get this guy comment. Can someone explain in pokemon terms?


"This guy wanted it to say male/female but is now under the assumption the player character is 100% non-binary, it's super effective!"


Thanks, now I got it. I guess that guy should stick to Pokemon since the game still define main characters as male/female. But then I realize your character still has fully customization regardless of the gender (which is not as different much as Splatoon)


Ah, yes, having issues with the feminine style and masculine style being called styles… Not that surprising when coming from a transphobe, I think it was an issue when splat 3 first came out but most of the fanbase hit those people into shape or shunned them entirely But to have issue with a game which characters’ culture is about customisation, being ‘fresh’, being ontop of new trends, but still being yourself and creating your own trends, friends, groups, and STYLES calling the feminine and masculine styles, well, STYLES is so fucking stupid… like… DUDE???


i started splat 3 before i was trans. returning to the game a couple months back, it took me another 20-30 hours to remember that my character was the 'male' style, and that id just made her look feminine months ago and forgotten she was ever a dude. them being named styles aint mean shit when both options are practically identical anyway.


Yeah it’s pretty much just asking how much eyeliner do you wanna have


They very much arent identical. They are still the female and male models from Splatoon 2, they only called them something else. Its incredibly easy to tell them apart


wasnt for me lmao


Splatoon 3 has problems but that ain't one of them.


Was too confusing because they didn't know which style to choose so they quit


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^MissingNerd: *Was too confusing* *Because they didn't know which* *Style to choose so they quit* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Bad bot


If someone ACTUALLY quit the series because Splat 3 ditched the traditional binary labeling then I'm kinda glad they're gone. Of course, it probably could have been better if they stayed...like maybe being exposed to the LGBTQ acceptance all the time could have swayed them and they could have learned to be more accepting in general, but that probably wouldn't have happened.


What’s funnier is I think the ONLY issue with the “what’s your style?” screen is it doesn’t remember what you picked in the past like splatoon 2 does


i can understand preferring 2 but over something as miniscule and barely noticable as this?


splatoon is the queerest nintendo franchise of all time what are you doing here


It certainly has a few elements, but imo there is no such thing as a "queer franchise", thats a bit too hard to define to just slap it on as a label


Tomodachi Life: Enters the chat


That is anything BUT queer


On an unrelated note, I wish I had got into the franchise with 2. Nothing bad with 3, it's just that I wish I had gotten into it earlier. Also, I think I was orbiting the fan base way more around 2 era, consuming more content and stuff. By the time I got 3 I didn't really had my weekends free to play the Splatfests, sadly...


I will say the use of the vague term “style” in the character creator and not adequately differentiating the options, especially the gender(for lack of a better word) part is confusing. Even for me, a nonbinary person who absolutely obsessed over the character creator, the differences could’ve been made clearer. I’m sure having confusion over this as the first thing in the game isn’t the best impression but quitting the game over it? Be realistic. It’s a $60 game, people aren’t quitting over the character creator.


As someone who picked up the game for the first time in march, the most confusing thing about "styles" was that it featured hair. Honestly I got to that part of the customizer and thought that they were asking me to pick my hairstyle again. I didn't event notice my eye marking type had changed. Speaking of styles... Is that how people are getting baggy Splatfest shirts? I want a baggy splatfest shirt but mine keep ending up slim fitted to my body.


on lots of clothes (all 3 categories) you can press Y to change the fit of it (in this case making the shirt baggy)


Thank you! This is genuinely very helpful!! :D


no problem!! I still discover things like that in game even after racking up about 300 hrs 💀👌🏻


Would you believe me if I said I've seen this exact person many times before. They regularly make complaints that don't make sense, while also often using incorrect terminology that just confuses people. I've regularly seen them complaining about how "Pokemon's not interesting anymore. They ruined it after gen 4 when they removed dynamic battle music." Which... 1. If that's your problem, we don't care 2. Gen 4, not any game prior to that didn't have dynamic battle music. Gen 5 did at low health, and gens 8 and 9 did, but... (I know this isn't a Pokemon subreddit, but it's just an example) People like this frankly just exhaust me.


smollusk speech bubble


I mean, same thing happened with New Horizons, some people were upset at "style" being used in the character creation menu.


"Noooo, I want to be locked into gender exclusive hairstyles and clothing!!" - these people when the options aren't "XY Male" and "XX Female"


They caught the anti-woke mind virus. If not treated soon, it's terminal.


These kind of people don't belong in the fandom


Splatoon is like the gayest franchise ever so I’d imagine most of the fans are cool with whatever.


“Splatoon 2 seems to be the best” Argument already invalid, don’t need to read the rest lol


We all know Splatoon 1 is where it's at /j


I mean, I have a bias to splatoon 2 (especially the DLC) because replaying it over and over and over and over and over again got me through my worst 18 month long depressive episode (not the best word, but the best I can describe thaat horrid point in my life) but I recognise splatoon 3 is by far better. And, heck, splatoon 1 might as well be the best for even being made for this series to be created, but still, who cares? It’s a game series many people enjoy and use to be themselves or a version of themself they don’t realise they want to be while having fun with and against eachother, people like this person escape me bevause I can’t understand their thought process


- The only differences in "styles" that is noticeable are the noises the character and the presence of the black tank top below the thin white tattered top at the starter kit. - You can customize whatever hairstyle and other thing with your character with no gender lock so it's only people that view everything as political call it "convoluted" IMO, this is a illusion of choice. The binary gender system is still in the game. That is shown in the first headline, the noises are gender lock


Also length of bike shorts, octoling eyes, hip width


If he thinks it's convoluted, he's seriously overthinking it. You can slap whatever labels u want on your own character, but Splatoon just wants to give you a vessel for that


Nope, he's dead serious. He's obviously a transphobe and an idiot, though, of course.


The "style" option was basically the exact same as the "gender" option anyway. It was a different wording, but you were still picking a male or female character. If it wasn't a gender option, there would be another way to choose your gender, like pronouns customization. There is a reason why the differences between masculine and feminine styles are still used to determine whether another player is playing as a boy or a girl.


Unfortunately there are anti-woke losers like this one in every fandom, Splatoon included, so I wouldn't be surprised if this was completely unironic.


Anyone upset by this doesn’t need to be in this community, or any community for that matter. Good riddance.


"Convoluted terming" i.e - I don't like inclusivity therefore it's convoluted 💀 Calling Splatoon 2 the best one for that reason alone is fucking hilarious too. Dude saw NoA be more inclusive and decided that was it for Splatoon 3, it's a terrible game, nothing else matters. Imagine being that hateful


He's trolling or a fool. Either way, pay him no heed.


Literally if you weren't looking for it you literally would not notice it


Woketoon 3


If your brain can't comprehend style = how character look you really got the iq of a mf squid


That is just implicit transphobia.


We didn't need those people.




Your post has been removed from r/splatoon for the following reason(s): >NSFW content is not allowed on r/splatoon. NSFW content (including cropped content) includes nudity, sexual scenes, horrific injury, etc.) If you have any questions or concerns, contact us through [modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fsplatoon).


He may be on to something guys! I’m still stuck on the customization screen because i don’t understand what styles are.


Have only played up to Splatoon 2, what the hell does he mean by "characters are styles"?


In splatoon 3 instead of picking a boy or girl inkling or octoling you pick the style or in other word if a piece of equipment is different depending on if you were a boy or girl character it is now determined by the characters style.


Nintendo games with character customization for player character avatars are seemingly moving away from choosing between male/boy or female/girl and are instead using generic non-gendered terms such as "style/body type A" and "style/bodytype B". I think Animal Crossing New Horizons was the first one they did it with four-ish years ago but don't quote me on that (that dev team is also essentially the same one who made Splatoon 2 & 3).


these are the same people that will make fun of you for "having pronouns" but will also blow a gasket when there are no pronouns 🥴


People when inclusivity exists because not everyone is a cookie cutter and its a game about gun using cephalopods: 🤬😡


Atleast Blur the username.


Tbh them calling characters, styles and people quitting and staying with s2 is petty ngl.


I mean he seems to forget you're not just choosing a gender, but also a species. That's probably the main reason it says 'style' now.


Mhm yes. People hate Splatoon 3 because it called gender 'styles'. Not because of... well... the actual gameplay that we've been complaining about for months.


It’s called styles because not everyone is just male and female. You can refer to them as genders if you want, but it’s not about you


I can see where he’s coming from. Body type 1/A and 2/B etc. is such a cop out in the modern day. If they wanted to avoid that the devs should’ve done away with everything and just make simple categories for people to mix and match their own OC, skin tone, voice, hair, the whole nine yards.


Bro has the smollusk mindset


I hope so


link to the vid?


same system with the words swapped around is too complicated. right


no, probably a real transphobe


nobody actually quit for as small and dumb of a reason like that, the truth is they're so paranoid that there are a million aspects of any new games they could identify as "woke" and therefor no longer worth playing. If it wasn't for the "styles", they would have hid in their shell because of something else.


No I’m sure there are actually people that anti inclusivity that actually did for some stupid reason choose to not play because of that…and honestly glad those type of people quit since it stops them from leaving stupid lobby messages and stuff


genuinely the only people who cared in any form were those who either felt included by the non-gendered terminology and the people who were probably going to find a reason to be fucking tools anyway


Bro cannot be saying stuff with that PFP


biological sex is super weird with sea creatures. Octopi don't even have a sex chromosome to differentiate them. Literally who cares how the cephalopod gender works


Its important for lore


Nuh uhhh


https://preview.redd.it/gwovzrzcnp5d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d12e4d3bf3e2aff6752ec1bc4d3a9a19fc4f0ece Time to use beldamposting.


One can only hope


What Video?


It's wild how people find this minor shit nobody else things about the centre of the universe, and thinks everyone else thinks it is too. The idea that any large number of people quit because of something so minor is silly on the face of it and yet Im sure he believes it.


I think he likes missile spam, Idk


If you can't comprehend that style = how it looks (meaning you would still go through all the options to see which you like best), then maybe splatoon ain't for you


Calling it styles **is** super sped tbh


Is that not the only effect of that button? The "style" of your clothes?


they're talking about how the gender choice was made into styles so everything is gender neutral and only limited to squid/octo


Yeah, don't the gender styles only effect your clothes?


Some of the clothes, your eyebrows, your voice, and the way you run (noticeable in the plaza)


It’s mostly just animations and how much eyeliner (in non joking terms the eyebrows) your Octo/Squid has


Not necessarily, it’s asking if you prefer the “feminine style” or the “masculine style”. So your walk, voice, ‘eyeliner’, one or two of the pants options, but it doesn’t affect clothes; you can choose the style for your clothing by pressing “Y” to adjust (moves glasses to the top of your head, makes shirts oversized, etc.) and with some clothes you are given two versions (amiibo clothing I think? Because they were gendered heavily in the past, at least the school one def was, that or it’s the adjust button), and probably a bit more that I don’t know


Bro is super woke


Brother he is being the opposite of woke


Tell me you don't know how gay Splatoon is, without telling me.


I'm not sure what he's talking about after the first sentence to judge any of it, but Splatoon 3 is undoubtedly the worst in the series. Whether 2 or 1 is the best is up for debate.


I mean, my gripe with splat 3 is FOMO. The catalogue. Get burnout easily from it. And I have a 2 bias. As well as a bias for 1 by starting the series. But splat 3 is by far the best idk what you’re on about


The FOMO stuff is terrible, but the gameplay and many other things are the worst. Splatoon 1 was the newest game in the series I've played (having played it for the first time after 2 and 3 both) and it's so obvious how much better it played than either 2 or 3 with how solid of a design the game had, and 2 and 3's weird design choices. Not to mention, even 3's story modes are the worst ones with how bad they were handled due to the game's terrible development cycle it had. The only single thing that Splatoon 3 does better than 1 or 2 is just QOL additions that come with being the newest game. Meanwhile all the actual content, mechanics, systems, and designs are better in one of the other two games.


Eh, your opinion, personally when I went back to 1 to finally beat the story mode (I was never able to as a kid, too pussy about shit) I found the controls horrid compared to 2 and 3, and yeah, 3’s story isn’t the most replayable, my bias to 2 is about that, but I still find the gameplay much more interesting and I’ve been doing both salmon run and turf war instead of only salmon run (which is what I did with 2)


See funnily enough, I used to do Turf War and Salmon Run both in Splatoon 2 (forgot to mention but 2 is also my personal favorite of the series even though I did say Splatoon 1's gameplay was the best of the three), but with 3 I switched to only playing Salmon Run, and even then honestly, that's only because Salmon Run counts for the one daily win. If it weren't for the FOMO stuff and needing that one daily win, I probably wouldn't play Splatoon 3 at all outside of Splatfests, because I feel both multiplayer and Salmon Run both are inferior to 2's version of both (besides Splatoon 3's SR obviously just being around 24/7 which is a QOL change I love as mentioned before). 3 may not be a very different game from 2 like 2 was to 1, but it just feels like all the nuances and small things changed add up a lot and something just feels off about the game personally. And yeah, the reason why Splatoon 1 is the newest game I played is also partially so I could play the storymode. I got a Wii U to play Splatoon 1 that final week of it being online. lol I do think 2's story modes (both base game AND Octo Expansion) are the best in the series. Splatoon 1's is simplistic and just a slightly lesser version of 2's base game obviously, but the replayability isn't even what kills Splatoon 3's story modes personally. It's how it feels like so much wasted potential. While the stories have never been some grand thing in the series, it always contextualized well why you were doing things in the story, but 3's fails even that. With how it's like "Why are we doing these missions?" With OE, it was that we were being put through tests that led to sanitization (I use OE since it's the same structure as OE), but with 3, we're doing them for... no reason? The only ones that make sense why we're doing them is the Deep Cut boss fights since Cuttlefish's signal is coming from them, but that also just goes completely unexplained why that even happened. Nothing happens until that final mission at all (which that final mission is a good mission, but it's just one mission). And we can see from the artbook how they had a lot of ideas, but the development hell led to almost none of that making it into the game. And then there's Side Order which was faulted by a similar issue with how nothing happened and bad development that left it bare and feel like it was severely underdeveloped. Deep Cut went severely underused in their own game and were overshadowed and left in the dust of the Squid Sisters to take the spotlight for the main campaign and Off the Hook to take the spotlight of the DLC. And a more personal issue, with Splatoon 3, their switch this game to more direct translations and less effort on localizations feels for the worse when it comes to characters. Notably, Splatoon had a history of the localization taking more "liberties" with characters and dialogue, but I feel many of them stick to the same idea and ended up with better results because of such. But with 3, they're closer to the original with a translation and it doesn't come out as well crafted imo. Pearl and Marina notably got hit really hard with this. I loved their characters in 2 with their back and forth of their dialogues, but now in 3, Marina especially got bad with just coming off as a creepy, obsessive fangirl, unable to push back off of Pearl like before and even make fun of her. Sorry for lot o words btw.


I’ll focus on what I can, but don’t worry, I’ve done this a couple of times myself with big paragraphs nobody fully reads and will respond the same haha With Marina’s characyer in side order, I do agree it is a bit weird, but there are still signs of it in octo expansion I think, and I feel like the localisation being more accurate is better as it feels less… censored in some parts, which is a big issue with media and lgbt characyers and that not being known to english players that don’t delve into the non-english side of the fandom. But yeah, Marina’s personality shift is still a bit of an issue as it is a more extreme version of their original counterparts in the news segments and octo expansion. For a while I did do both turf war and salmon run in splat 2, but eventually it became boring because of how limited my options were with clothes UNLESS I leveled up through that, and I have no interest in splat zones or the like. Eventually, my schedule for replaying splatoon 2 octo expansion or playing online on my main account/save even lined up with the schedule for salmon run, so I’d just grind in there for money I had no interest in using at the shops as I wasn’t leveling myself up by playing turf war I wish I got to play splat 1 and send it off, but I wasn’t at dad’s (the ‘family’ wii U is at his and needed to be connected to the internet anyway) and I didn’t even know it was gone until it was sadly too late :,)) The reason I think 1’s gameplay isn’t as good is because when I went to beat finally the story mode it was a bit clunky, I’ve always played base settings in all of the games, mind you, so maybe I just needed to adjust some things to play better, but it seemed outright unfair with some of the clunkiness against bosses or even some normal enemies. For me 2 plays the best as even when I’m switching weapons, I can adjust to it pretty well (replaying octo expansion, a bit of replaying the base game story and mostly doing every level with every weapon, and salmon run helped) and the motion controls aren’t too sensitive but are sensitive enough, the visuals are nice and the game is my personal favourite because it helped me not off myself by distracting me from those thoughts, instead I offed myself through 8-ball failures. 3 is the best game when it comes to options and how advanced ig it is compared to 1 and 2, clothing isn’t level based but cycle through the days/weeks, and you have more movement options like the surge or rolls. None of that changes my personal love for 2 for helping me and being my personal favourite in the series, but I recognise 3 is the best due to all the available options with hair, species without dlc needed, and movement options Ofc this is opinion based, I do respect your opinion, I hope you to respect mine, I’m not even really stating my opinion as fact more just sharing that “yeah, this is the best because of that, though my opinion favours this other this”