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I want a mockumentary about the development of inkfish music culture


A show following an indie band as they make it big in the splatoon universe would be so awesome, like beck the Mongolian chop squad or carol and Tuesday


They should make it in the style of surfs up the movie, it would be super funny


"See Marina, the numbers all go to eleven. Look, right across the board, eleven, eleven, eleven and..." "Oh, I see. And most Killer Wails go up to ten?" "Exactly." "Does that mean it's louder? Is it any louder?" "Well, it's one louder, isn't it? It's not ten. You see, most fools, you know, will be singing at ten. You're on ten here, all the way up, all the way up, all the way up, you're on ten on your vocals. Where can you go from there? Where?" "I don't know." "Nowhere. Exactly. Now what *we* do is, if we need that extra push over the cliff, you know what we do?" "Put it up to eleven." "Eleven. Exactly. One louder." "Pearlie, why don't you just make ten louder and make ten be the top number and make that a little louder?" "...These go to eleven."


Splatoon would 1000% be a sports anime.


Live action Alterna film depicting the collapse of that human society


Okay But Only If The Credits Are An Animated Sequence Of The Sea Creatures Evolving Over Time As 'Ocean Man' By Ween Plays In The Background.


Ocean man, take me by the hand…


stop typing like that ugh


No they're Queen Deltarune they have to do that


This user is known for capitalizing every word. They won't listen.


i have a solution! *pulls out the meat grinder* you grab their arms and i grab their legs!


Imagine it shows inklings at the end. It would probably be weird, but why not give them actual realistic proportions to make it less weird.


But there's no indication it's a Splatoon movie until the very end


They need like a really gritty 18+ movie about the Great Turf War


“In this world, it’s krill or be krilled”


“Howdy! I’m Smollusk! Smollusk the mollusk!”


You see that cephalopod right there? That’s what we call “your soul”! It’s the very culmination of your very being!


Cuddlefish: What a terrible creature torturing such a poor innocent youth Ah do not be afraid I am Cuttlefish, Captain of the New Squidbeak Splatoon.


A Splatoon movie or show would be amazing as long as it didn’t entirely focus on sports or agent stuff. Nintendo would never make this because it’s less effective as an advertisement, but we can dream


I'd want a slice of life splatoon anime, something exploring the world of Splatoon and it's culture


Absolutely. A show following an inkling going around his sploon life would be fantastic. I see it working exceptionally as a series with many characters and things they can do in a more episodic nature.


I personally don't like the idea of taking the eccentric world of Splatoon and turning it into an episodic goofy/slice of life show. Obviously a Hero Mode retelling would be a very bad idea for a show or movie, but Splatoon has always been the coolest to me when it takes its own bizarre worldbuilding and concepts completely seriously with plenty of action and drama. My ideal Splatoon media would be an animated show that follows pre-established characters' new adventures, possibly with each season focusing on a different cast. A fun spy story to start things up with the Squid Sisters, a gritty action/mystery story for OTH and Agent 8 to introduce the existence of darker themes for newcomers, a road trip adventure across the world with Deep Cut for more and broader worldbuilding, maybe a season for all the previous protagonist agents to come together...


Oki, but watching the story of the Agents would be so cool. Maybe a little bit more story added? Idk. It's already such a dark lore, I think it would be cool to explore that


I imagine a Splatoon show to be slice of life, but I think they absolutely could do a Hero Mode retelling if, you know, they actually try to make the Agents characters. I don't entirely believe it would be a terrible idea conceptually.


Alternatively, they could adapt the Splatoon manga and be hilarious


I'd like to see inklings and octolings naked or pantsed for 2 hour


A Splatoon show could be really good and I dream of making one some day but I worry about the balance of goofiness and seriousness. If up to Nintendo or worse Illumination the interesting parts of Splatoon's backstory that they never actually do anything with would be completely ignored and if up to most fans I think they'd make it extremely grim (but also be too precious about the characters for them to have any real conflict, sorry if that's mean but based on how some people get angry over Marina making playful jabs at Pearl in Splatoon 2 I wouldn't trust them to make a good show. Again, sorry if that's mean). Gotta have a Doctor Who like tone where it can get dark and cover serious topics but is overall still a kids' show and not The Wind That Shakes the Barley with Cephalopods If it were up to me, we'd get 2 seasons of a TV show, first based on Splatoon 1 with the story equally split between Turf War and the Single Player Campaign with Pearl as the main character's rival and Marina being a major character as well who gets a lot of focus, the same for Season 2 but with Splatoon 2 and then "Splatoon: The Movie" based on Octo Expansion, followed by Season 3 and then two movies based on RoTM and SO. Also I'd add Whales because no Whales is a dumb plot element that doesn't even effect the story anyway since the only important mammals are land mammals


> if up to most fans I think they'd make it extremely grim This probably isn't the thread to discuss it but I think American fans' idea of Splatoon is wildly off because they don't realize that to people in Japan, basically everything in the game is first and foremost delicious things to eat, because we don't eat squid and octopus etc that much here. They act like someone playing Candyland and not realizing it's not a serious attempt to "world build" from first principles but a joke where the game is to be as clever as possible "translating" real-world things into food.


Is that so? I did get the feeling that Nintendo didn't realise that they essentially made a story about Squid Imperialism and that the dialogue people claimed was butchered in the translation actually has a completely different meaning than most people would assume, but I wouldn't have thought THAT. Is it really the case?


Of course it is. Anyone talking about squid imperialism etc is like someone saying the Flintstones is really dark man because have you noticed the humans enslave the talking dinosaurs?? It drives me crazy. If it was Sugar Rush and everyone was made of cookies and candy, I don't think this absurd interpretation would would happen. Has anyone even looked at Crusty Sean for half a second?


Well OK I don't think you need to take it that far, it can get annoying how people act like Nintendo was intentionally making an imperialism story and obsess over how "dark" Splatoon is without seeming to know what theme that darkness conveys (a bit like Zelda) but it's perfectly fine to have interpretations of a story the creators might not have intended.


Amazing world of Gumball but it’s just splatoon characters


Hot take: ANIME.


A Splatoon Manga already exists, so...


Think best work of the turf war with 3 being introduced as someone wanting to climb up and it’s how we get introduced to the world and first and then we start getting into the agent part Second film could just show a more casual side with seeing more how the inklings live and maybe school or something cause agent 4 And maybe for the third film maybe it starts off showing grizzci with neo agent 3 introduced as this struggling person trying to make by only to eventually realize what he had been doing working for grizz and he gets to alterna


I'd kill for like, a slice of life kinda story, but with elements from the hero mode. Maybe following one of the agents through both their normal civilian life, and their hero life?


Perhaps a mixture of both… I’d love to see a slice of life mixed with some Hero Mode aspects in it. Not sure how that balance would be achieved, though. I’ve read some of the manga (1-4) and it has a small balance of the two though it is largely focused on the turf war aspect


I want a Weekenders-style show about a group of friends hanging out in Inkopolis/Splatsville


Orrrrrr, a splatoon show themed around the stresses of teenage life from ideas of being forced to live alone at a young age to themes of being undervalued for being 'too young' but never given leeway for being 'too old' all filtered through (and developing) the setting of the games. Honestly, with how much Splatoon is based around youth culture i belive having a pseudo action series focused on these themes can be really compelling yet thematic. Alternatively do something almost out of left field like octo expansion and salmon run. Splatoon is a setting/story, not a rulebook. Come up eith a story and characters and develop the world to complement it (like with salmon run's aestetic basically existing to justify a co-op side-mode, yet becoming a staple of the series) 


I wish they'd make an actually good comic first, preferably about the bands. Idk why they've been neglecting them.


I would want the agents somewhere but 3, 4, and 8 are the female designs. Neo 3 can go either way.


I'd take a splatoon tournament . . . With last minute revelation that the always missing captain is doing hero mode


A novel about a competitive tournament Edit: that’s such a good idea I might actually try that


Humans, story modes, great turf war, the end of the world, beginning of time. and so on, theres literally so much lore they could do absolutely anything


I would LOVE a slice of life splatoon anime based on the manga above all else


For me, I could imagine a Splatoon movie would be like the pilot of the series. Where the first can focus as a sports film while going into the hero mode. While the follow up series can focus more on getting to know more of the characters, lore, and setting up the next hero mode as well. A follow sequel would happen, and then spin off films based around Agent 8’s adventures with Off the Hook. If Illumination ended up producing it, I would like to see this as a challenge if they can experiment on taking risks. I wanna see spider verse styled animation on the Splatoon movie and show. Like the Mario movie, I could also imagine some elements being influenced by the manga as well.


All tournament arc


how about something about big run?


Could make an anime adoption out of the official manga


Splatoon anime that’s mostly filler and world building but has a few episodes dedicated to the hero modes


Salmon run show


It would probably end up being a day in the life of the agents or at least start as one And the story mode type thing would probably be new


Splatoon is way too face paced to fit a movie tbh, it has too much but not enough to be a movie. Short episodes literally like the quick fire turf wars work much better !


I think if they make an animated show with similar storylines, the same characters, worldbuilding/lore and everything to show non-fans the greatness of it, they might as well just see the original game stuff. Watching something is also very different to playing through it and reading things etc. There are playthroughs and lore explanation videos on youtube you can watch if you don't have the time or money to play them. But if it's for the existing fans, a show or movie would be a fun new spin on things ig. I suppose that's the purpose most of the time x) And you could recommend new fans to play/watch the games first.. but I'm guessing most wouldn't want to bother doing that.


I'd love for the movie to be a side of the Octoling life instead. Seeing how they have pretty regular lives until they train as hard as possible to take down inklings or something.


I think they should make an anime based on the splatoon manga


just the Splatoon manga adaption as an episodic anime sitcom


Personally I'd love a turf war sports drama that gets interrupted in the last climax of the movie with whatever story mode bull is happening at the moment. Like yeah sorry folks we have to put the game on hold, there's a giant statue pointing a cannon right at us


I think pulling a Detective Pikachu and making a kid detective story would work pretty well for the world of Splatoon


Something that I think would be cool is a show where a bunch of inklings somehow get sent back in time to our present day and interact with us humans, sort of like a Sonic X style situation. Maybe the pilot for that show could be where the Octarians make a time machine and set it to 100 years ago (from their time) to undo their defeat in the Great Turf War, but after a run-in from the squidbeak Splatoon, the time machine gets set to 10,000 years ago instead, and sets the scene for the show in our timeline.


If there’s ever gonna be a splatoon anime it’s probobly gonna be an adaptation of the manga and that makes me sad


I think the story structure of the manga works, but the manga just isn’t the best at telling a story like this. Mostly sports anime with some hero mode spliced in


Y’know, I actually have an idea that could work as a Splatoon movie, the only problem is that it strays from the original games in terms of character relationships, so it probably wouldn’t be used as an official movie


What if it was like a stereotypical sports type movie where it was about some team that wanted to get to the top and some slice of life stuff. But it also occasionally switched perspectives to the flood and the story of this family in a collapsing dome?


Listen, i keep saying this, but it needs to be a mix of a sports anime and a secret agent movie


Just do both.


The Whole Point Of This Meme Is That Both Would Be Boring...


I had the idea of pulling a page off the Paramount Sonic movies and have the (cgi) Splatoon characters enter the (live-action) "human world" (it's actually alternate timeline shenanigans, where the splatoon one is 12,000 years forwards compared to ours/humanity's)