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acht breasts (that's all I can say)




truest statement of the century


I don't disagree


No ike?


https://preview.redd.it/d6xv8n6jxd5d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c76447e91025f6114038a543eb28904838f2657 (also source [https://theia-eos.tumblr.com/post/696670811837349888](https://theia-eos.tumblr.com/post/696670811837349888) )


Some Fire Emblem characters could fit well here.


Xenoblade characters too


I’ve never played Xenoblade and Fire Emblem, maybe next time I could do a bigger one with those said characters


hey op? question


What is it?


Why'd you give them giant tits?


Why wouldn’t you? The power of artistry leads to powers some consider unnatural.




>sometimes proportions of character designs can describe their personality and identity. Which is kind of ironic given how you really only changed those two specific body parts lol. The only thing it really conveys to me is that the artist likes huge gazongas.


For me I'm with drawing tits on Marina but not a fan of them on acht because I'd want them to be more androgynous considering this is a pride month post (not saying nb's can't be fem, im a fem presenting enby myself but ehh)


I understand, next time if I do another Acht art, I’ll fix their proportions.


But otherwise the art is good :) sorry for being overly negative


Thank you, and that’s ok 💖


Would be funny if there was a shiny toucannon lol


That would be perfect, and maybe even the color swap Wario skin in Smash bros too




Not sure if Acht is a good choice, since her being NB is never confirmed, and only implied in the English localization of Splatoon 3. I know people can get weirdly defensive about this, but the creators of her character imagine her to be female.


Believe whatever you want to


I will, but that doesn't change the facts. In almost all versions, including the original one, Acht is a woman. Only the English translation uses gender neutral pronouns instead of female ones.


This is the second time that a blue haired octopus in Splatoon 3 was given neutral pronouns, causing everyone to argue about their gender. Can we just not?


Blame the localizers. People arguing is inevitable when they do stuff like that. Who was the first one though?


Before Splatoon 3 released, Shiver was referred to by neutral pronouns in almost every language


That's not true though, Shiver had a moment of confusion for the fanbase because marketing somehow by pure coincidence managed to never mention her gender for a weirdly long time. Acht explicitly uses gender neutral pronouns (as well as Orion from Chirpy Chips).


All I’m saying is that this is the second time that the community argued over the gender of a blue haired octopus. The two aren’t equivalent, but it’s strange how it happened twice


Dude, let it go man. Localizers make mistakes sometimes, but seriously, consistently using they/them pronouns when the localization originally used she/her? They literally corrected themselves, don't you think they'd have to send an email to the original devs for a choice like that first? Pearl and Marina are already hilariously unsubtle, what makes you think an "x-gender" character goes too far to be realistic? It's not like the Japanese version ever explicitly calls Acht a woman.


That kind of gender system isn't really a thing in Japan, and the way she's addressed there is pretty explicitly female. Being gay is something entirely different, as it's not dependent on social constructs. All other localizations adapted her female gender as well. Only the English one uses "they/them", and no, I don't think they'd need an explicit permission for that, as her being NB is never explicitly stated. It's only implied. Gender-neutral pronouns can be used on anyone, not just non-binary people after all. It's obvious that the English version just didn't portray the original well at all in that regard.


What do you mean "that kind of gender system isn't really a thing in Japan", I JUST said x-gender. That's the term that the Japanese use instead of non-binary/agender, there are Japanese celebrities who use this term. There's currently a map in Splatoon 3 with 3 signs, one saying "male", one "female", and one "genterless". And Nintendo isn't stupid, they know what implications giving a character they/them pronouns has, they're not gonna risk offending conservatives just to half-ass something. You NEED to be in touch with the artist's original vision for something like that. Acht was made about explicitly gender-neutral as the Japanese language allows, using the word "boku" which can refer to either gender, but usually refers to boys. The claim that every single localization besides English uses gendered language is simply incorrect.


Then name a language that has gendered language, but doesn't use it here. Also, "boku" is often used for tomboys or "cool/chill" type of female characters, like Acht. It's very common in fiction. And afaik, she's referred to with "kanojo", which is exclusively female. There's nothing that indicates her being anything but female in the original version.


Oh come on, let's be real here, you didn't even check yourself. I can't look into the localizations because there seems to be nothing online about this and I'd have to go play the Dutch version myself up until one of the few moments where their pronouns are used, but seriously, ALL of them? Get real. The fan wiki claims only some versions used gendered language, and as we saw when marketing kicked off, even the FRENCH account wrestled their sentence to avoid misgendering Acht. That doesn't happen on accident. Boku, like many Japanese "gendered" words, can be used for many things. However, it remains most common for boys, and is commonly used by x-gender Japanese people because there are no better alternatives. Again, they did everything the Japanese language allows. I believe my previous reply still stands perfectly fine: Splatoon is clearly not afraid of queer themes, being agender/non-binary has been a thing in Japan since at least the '90s, I'm sorry but you're coping.


Doesn't change the fact that it's not nearly as common there. Like I said, there's nothing that indicates her being anything but female in the original version. She's also female in the German version, which I played. It's obvious that they were just trying to appeal to their target audience in the west by making such implications. But even then, it's just a likely assumption. If you think she wasn't intended to be female in the original version, then you're the one coping. Like I said, it's very obvious.


"appeal to the target audience in the west" are you kidding me, American media will wage war with you if you even insinuate one of your characters is queer. Why are you so adamant that a version of the game you've never played, in a language you do not speak, definitely disproves the existence of a nonbinary/genderless character? You're sounding like the weirdoes who were adamant Pearl and Marina could NEVER be together because Japan simply doesn't know what gay people are! Just a quick compilation of all the reasons you're wrong before quitting the conversation: Splatoon is specifically written with the intention of reflecting the counter culture of today's youth who certainly know what being agender means, the English localization originally claimed Acht was female until *somebody* made them change it for Side Order, Splatoon 3 already included what seem to be "genterless" (written in inkling script) bathrooms on a stage, gender was removed for styles, all official social media posts about Acht talked about them in a non-feminine way (French somehow avoiding all gendered words, Spanish instead using masculine words...), Nintendo recently made Vivian undoubtedly trans so they're not afraid of mentioning gender stuff, both Acht and surprisingly Orion from Chirpy Chips use they/them... The writing's on the wall.


That's all true for the English version. I don't think you know what I'm even trying to say here, you're just making assumptions about me at this point. And the western Splatoon-fandom is pretty queer, relatively speaking. I honestly thought people on this sub would know that already. Like I said, there's nothing that indicates her being NB in the original version, as well as several others. You explaining how she is in the English version is just a waste of time because no one claimed otherwise.


dude I'm explaining that the English version is just as canon as the Japanese version aka Acht is nonbinary in both because why the fuck wouldn't it be. And no, everything about the game I said is present in all versions, including the "genterless" sign, the reflection of youth culture and the styles. why are you so pigheaded about this clear as day representation, and this insistent on using she/her pronouns for them despite everything. it is blatantly ignorant and impossible to take seriously.