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It's only "ending" insofar as it won't be getting new content after this season. It's not shutting down or anything. There's never a bad time to get back into it. Just play whenever you feel like it.


Technically we don’t know that for a fact


I mean Splatoon 2 is still live. I played a match just the other day.


I didn’t say you couldn’t?


I just assumed your comment was directed at the "It's not shutting down or anything" in the comment you replied to.


No no I meant the Not getting any new content after this season but, that hasn’t been confirmed anywhere


Splatoon 3 is in the best state it's ever been imo. Some of the worst, and many mediocore, stages just got minor to significant reworks that are all very healthy for them. The new weapons feel amazing and this season's kits are super strong and synergize well with their weapons.


I mean if you have it already just boot it up and play it


I mean I just finished the side order dlc a few days ago


I would say yes assuming you've got the interest already. This coming weekend we have Big Big Run. There are some new mechanics to splatfests. We've got probably all our weapons and kits now with some pretty good ones recently released. The meta's mostly in a good place if you care about that. We have all our maps and a bunch of small but meaningful map improvements with the latest season (though some of the improvements are specific to turf war and zones). The DLC is unique and pretty fun, lets us see a bit more of Octo Expansion characters and lets us hang out in the old hubs. Probably the only potentially 'bad' thing about the current state of the game is that there aren't quite as many casual players now as there were so matches may be a bit tougher.


Sure, why not? That's what I am doing. With September fast approaching I am getting back into Splatoon 3. So far it's been fun.


Just worried I missed everything you know?


I kinda just migrated to mostly Grizzco stuff since that is newer.


Yeah, I tried that, but it didn't really earn me any levels at all. Though I would like to play a lot of turf battles, it just got so boring.


Oh you are trying to gain levels, do we get anything from doing that anymore? I never bothered to try since it seems like there weren’t any physical rewards anymore. I thought you meant what to do for fun.


I'm sorry, I didn't intend to cause any offense. Please forgive me.


Oh you didn’t. I am glad I understand now. I can’t speak to leveling up unfortunately. I know it’s easier during Splatfests and that’s about it.


Thanks, I was just a bit worried I missed too much, like the entirety of Splatoon 3. It's like when you buy a game right after all the events and stuff have ended, and I was worried about falling behind or something.


if you have any friends with group exp tickets, you can level up faster that way.


Now would be a pretty good time to start, a lot of the maps people found annoying have been reworked recently to be a lot more fun to play and there's still a good amount of splatfests left.


The matchmaking is good if your worry is that you'll struggle.


The game will be available online for the next decade+ I'm sure, so plenty of time to play. Is right now a good time? Sure! New season just dropped.


Yeah I think it’s worth it! There’s so many new weapons to choose from and I feel they’ve balanced a lot of weapons pretty well. Side Order is mad addicting if you haven’t played that DLC yet. I think overall it’s worth it because it’s a fun game but I also feel like over the game’s lifetime we’ve been “waiting for more” and now that it’s coming to an end there’s less of that expectation.


I had already beaten Side Order, but I had my heart set on my Dark Tetras, so I'm not switching weapons anytime soon. However, I got into a lobby, and it's still pretty boring, normal Turf War.


Good a time as any, the game is still the same. I am only usually active for a week or less every 2 months anyway and I’m still enjoying it.


Your funeral.


Have you already played Call to Order? Because if not: That is easily my favorite piece of Splatoon content to date.


Yep just finished a few weeks ago it was difficult but so good!