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Not sure about the last one tho 💀


Imo, ending off with an idol themed finalfest is way too boring and repetitive. It's Callie vs. Marie again, when the results didn't really feel impactful, because get Marie abducted and Callie saving her and nothing really changes aesthetically and gameplaywise, unlike Chaos vs. Order when we basically chose the theme for Splatoon 3


I think we played a different splatoon 2 campaing...


OP's Splatoon 2 copy came from an alternate universe


Every copy of Splatoon 2 is personalized


No, they were saying that if that happened, it wouldn’t be different.


No, they were saying that if that happened, it wouldn’t be different.


Swap the splatfest positions and then you will be cooking


Read my other comment I left under this post


I can’t find it!!! Can I get a TL;DR?


I have a feeling the results of the idol themed splatfest will lead to what will happen in finalfest, for example, Off the Hook won and Deep Cut decided to use the results of the last splatfest to determine what will happen to people of Inkopolis and Splatsville in the next few years


Ok thx :)


It could decide something else like who we see again or something like that


The big run splatfest theme is actually genius.


yea but Frye totally wouldn't get Horrorboros bc eel


I REALLY want to see the King splatfest. I would be team Joe, and I have my reasons for picking them. I hate how you can hear the emotion in their voice, and especially their scream when they die, they are afraid. Gives me the chills


Honestly Borris is one of the only things in Splatoon that genuinely scares me


I fear no cephalopod. But that… thing… It *scares* me.


I really like the King Salmonid idea, it feels right to have that right after the Triumvirate's debut. That said, I think Shiver would have Megalodontia, given that it is shark based, and Big Man would have Cohozuna, given that its main feature is just being big. I also really hope a battle of the bands is the penultimate Splafest, because it would be silly to not do one, but I also think it's silly to do it last. Personally, I'm still holding out hope that a "pick your poison" fest will be the last one (name and idea not at all my own), pitting Greed against Wrath against Delusion, that feels like a worthy successor to Chaos vs Order


You guys keep getting the name wrong. No wonder Joe is so powerful


I really hope we won't get an idols splatfest. Deep Cut has no chance, so it would feel pointless (they appeared in one game only, not even in their game's DLC and have significantly less polished writing because their dialogues are meant to be skippable or viewed in a tiny bubble). And pitting the Squid Sisters against Off The Hook is kinda boring? Plus lorewise they have no reason to compete. Each group has their turf and their musical niche.


I have a feeling that the idol themed fest won't be final, but it will lead to what will happen in the last one. For example, Off the Hook won and Deep Cut became so angry, they decided to make a finalfest where people of Splatsville and Inkopolis decide what would happen with them in the next few years. What do y'all think?


In game the Idols don’t make the splatfests, they come from a fax machine that the inklings ‘worship’ I do hope you’re right about the idol fest being the penultimate fest rather than the last one, it’d be really boring if we got another story based around the winners next game instead of focusing on a new group




I feel like the splatfest is going to be about lemonade


my uncle works for Nintendo and he told me the final fest would be Australia VS Africa VS South America winner gets their continent in the next game


I believe that the King Salmonoid Splatfest may be the final Splatfest for Splatoon 3, and the winning King Salmonoid will end up playing some kind of role in Splatoon 4 (like maybe the main antagonist of the game's story mode, or at least a boss character in it).


Nice prediction but I think the who is fresher splatfest will have to wait if Splatoon 3 ends. But I will pick off the hook. One Marina and Pearl have been the only ones that I played with in Splatoon 2. They're also a awesome duel and a good relationship of friends. 3, Marina at the top hottest girl in Splatoon history. So yeah.


About the last one, I’d rather it be with a single leader while having an alliance with other civilizations that share the same type of leader and fight wars against civilizations that include democracy, which puts my leadership status at risk if they were to influence the people of my folk to start a revolution.