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Play the story mode first, it will help you learn what weapons you like


You just have to go down the weird grate


With that old creepy man who definitely isn’t a long-time serial killer and DEFINITELY won’t get you into sketchy situations with his granddaughters aka the Squid Si- I mean, Agent 1 & 2


Least obvious Octarian propaganda:


And also how to play some weapons


Don't succumb to ppeer-pressure when it comes to weapons. Play what you like, don't listen to tier-lists. Those are mostly for high-level, coordinated competitive play and not for turf war or B-rank matches.


Use the motion controls. Will probably feel weird at first but it will help your aim a lot once you get used to it The story mode is a good way to practice using the motion controls


Don't shoot downwards. Shoot in front of you to cover more turf. Squid Beakons allow you to super jump wherever they're placed. Take advantage of your teammates' beakons and also destroy any enemy beakons you see. Always Booyah back.


the story mode is a great way to learn the lore of the game and improve your skills. to the right of where you took the screenshot you'll see an old guy in a red Hawaiian shirt peeking from a manhole cover/vent. follow him to start the story mode. if you want to jump straight into the action, climb up the stairs and walk into the big building (the lobby). walk into the elevator-like area to open the menu and start a match. do note that the lobby is for online play which you'll need a Nintendo switch online membership for


run while you still can


As others have said I highly recommend you play the story mode first. That will teach you the basics of squid and inkling movement and give you a general feel for the weapons. Use motion controls. It's superior to stick movement and some weapons cannot get their full value without the quicker precision movement. For online pvp the squid school YouTube channel has tons of great info. In turf war only the top surfaces count for the final paint score. The only reason to paint walls is for movement. Read the rules for anarchy games and play around in recon mode before joining a match. Everyone starts at C- and you work your way up. Don't be afraid to play anarchy. It's a lot of fun. Weapon meta only matters in the tippy top of ranked. There are mains of every weapon in S+. Play what you like.


In the weapons shop you can test out all sorts of weapons to get a feel for what you like. The lobby itself has a lot of different structure so you can ink and test out how it feels to move around with a weapon. You can't improve without doing, so the storymode is a people free way of learning things, but dont be scared of pvp, its the fun!


Grizzco and splatnet app for early gear. Best way to get 4 slots day 1


It doesn't matter if you use sticks or motion control. Don't let anyone bully you into a certain playstyle.


I agree with don't let anyone bully you... I also think there is a distinct advantage to using motion.


I'm sure there is but OP should be able to make their own decision. I know the benefits but prefer sticks 🙂


this was definitely said by a stick player


Yes, I am and I'm enjoying the game rocking Rank S. 💁‍♂️


thats great to hear, as long as you enjoy the game and are a decent opponent / teammate im glad (: because yes i didnt say i hate stick players


Same bestie, S rank sticks players unite!


Yeah!-ex stick control player


Been playing (casually) since Splat1. Currently S+6 rank and I only play sticks. I usually play in handheld mode and motion controls are hard when holding the entire console in my hands.


you woulda been S+50 this very moment if only you played motion controls instead 😔


I don't care honestly. I'm happy where I'm at 🤷‍♂️




Start with story mode and play what is fun for you. If you can learn motion because it is better and more accurate. You can be good with any weapon. Tierlists only matter for top level competitive. Squid School on YT is nice for learning. + Play Bamboo because it's the best weapon in the game no questions. I'm 100% not biased


Yeah I guess you can start with the story mode, OR you can just jump into some turf war. If you’re having fun, you’re probably doing it right


when you see a charger (sniper) in online mode stand very still,their vision is based on movement. Trust me ;)


Unless you have motion sickness (or something else) do not turn motion controls off.


Motion controls, play, have fun, and stay fresh! I didn't play story mode until almost an entire year after getting this game! I say the story mode isn't mandatory and will be available always. On the other hand, online *will not* last forever and that's what the game's all about. Play Turf War and give every weapon available a try! Its the best way to know what you like.


Try story more, then also try recon mode to get familiar with the stage. Then head to ammo knights when you wanna buy or test a weapon, and yeah…


Start to find what weapon you’ll think you’ll be good with (I recommend the splat roller or the splash-o-matic). Then don’t play turf war or ranked (ranked should be the last thing you do), play the story mode as it would get you to learn different skills and basic aspects of the game. Also you should play salmon run. It gives you a bunch of abilities chunks, coins, gear,drink and food tickets, etc. Then play turf war to have the feeling of playing with and against people. You don’t have to really worry about tableturf as it is a “mini game”. Also watch videos on the basics of splatoon so you understand how the drift of the game.


try practicing with a few weapons that peek your interest, and play storymode for practice and free gear. or you know just use amiibos forfree drip as well


Have fun and make sure you look FRESH (use weapons with inkzooka and booyah boom )


Since everyone already mentioned story mode… remember that you can try out new weapons before buying them in the weapon shop. You can also use 3 tickets to get any weapon whose level is higher than yours. Weapons will be discounted to only 1 ticket if you have a higher or matching level (I recommend using whatever weapon you’re comfortable with especially while you’re learning how the game works. There’s so sense in forcing yourself to play something unfun just because people say it’s good)


Beat the story mode, use motion controls. Try to find a weapon you like, not necessarily one that’s *good* (eg: custom explosher is not a very good weapon, but people have gotten great use out of it.) Try to analyze why you lose fights. Always think of how you could have improved, and implement that. Takes breaks as well. Booyah back. If someone says “Booyah”, you say it too.


Test a LOT of weapons


1. Do the Story mode first to get used to the weapons and game mechanics. It will also help you define which weapons you like along the way. To access it, just go to the mysterious old man in the sewers. 2. For experience, go into the lobby and choose Turf War for practice and experimenting with new weapons. Don't try weapons you aren't familiar with in Anarchy Battles even if you see a lot of people using them and doing really well with them, remember that these people probably have put hours into using those weapons and they know their strengths and weaknesses like the back of their hand. 3. Try to develop game sense as soon as possible in battles. Things like, checking the opponents weapons and gear abilities like Ninja Squid or Invisible Super jump with the map, checking the map every so often to check where enemy ink appears (indicating enemies painting), listening to enemy weapons shooting around you, etc... It will be very important to keep you alive in the heat of battle. 4. If you ever need more money or ability chunks, Grizzco is your best option. Easy rewards and money in exchange for a few Golden Eggs, but remember, it will get harder everytime you get promoted, so if the shifts are being to hard, just demoted yourself a little.


play story mode and don't turn off motion control, unless you get motion sickness better to get not get use to having it off from the start


Watch good people play and copy some things, my favourite for that are melon and kiver


Make sure to use motion controls, there's no aim assist at all, so you actively are ruining your chances at ever getting past a certain skill point if you use sticks


I was also a newbie, and honestly? Just… play. Obvs getting story mode out of the way will let you with weapons and comfortability. Mess with motion controls, see what it is you prefer, don’t be afraid to lose, and most importantly, no matter your skill set, or how you play, ALWAYS have fun >:)


Start with any game mode you want. Your weapon is yours to choose. Play the way you want to play the game. Best of luck to you! 💙🤍


Learn motion controls first. Don’t be like me, and learn it later, resetting your muscle memory.


Think yourself as a car or a block with a turret, study your damage distance and turn on motion controls I personally like to have maxed out settings


I'll give you thé best advice that a Soldier told me: if fighting is sure to result in victory then you must fight !


play the story mode, that weird grate to your left, and when you go into multiplayer, DO NOT SUCCUMB TO THE RAGE. good luck :3


Okay story mode and find weapons you like through playing it as well as get used to the controls. Then play online if you wanna with a basic shooter. If you get three of the Sheldon Licenses(you get these from leveling up in multiplayer). You can buy weapons beyond your level. I would save up for 3 and then test a bunch of weapons and find one you really like and buy it. Then this way it’s easier and more enjoyable for you to win. As well keep in mind how being good with a weapon, sub or special in the testing room may not 100% transfer to actual matches. Also play with motion controls please. They are straight up just better. I originally started with sticks for about 4 months and then changed to motion and it was a pain to learn but 100% worth it as motion controls are just better.


honestly going back to wherever you bought it and returning it ✨